author Dmitriy Morozov <>
Fri, 15 Apr 2011 23:10:12 -0700
changeset 60 c933fa2cd204
parent 59
child 61 c384fa42f8a2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Moved everything into artemis/ subdirectory to be able to import

# Author: Dmitriy Morozov <>, 2007 -- 2009

"""A very simple and lightweight issue tracker for Mercurial."""

from mercurial import hg, util, commands
from mercurial.i18n import _
import os, time, random, mailbox, glob, socket, ConfigParser
import mimetypes
from email import encoders
from email.generator import Generator
from import MIMEAudio
from email.mime.base import MIMEBase
from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText

from    termcolor       import colored

state = { 'new':   ['new'],
          'fixed': ['fixed', 'resolved'] }
annotation = { 'resolved': 'resolution' }
default_state = 'new'
default_issues_dir = ".issues"
filter_prefix = ".filter"
date_format = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %1%2'
maildir_dirs = ['new','cur','tmp']

def ilist(ui, repo, **opts):
    """List issues associated with the project"""

    # Process options
    show_all = opts['all']
    properties = []
    match_date, date_match = False, lambda x: True
    if opts['date']:
        match_date, date_match = True, util.matchdate(opts['date'])
    order = 'new'
    if opts['order']:
        order = opts['order']

    # Colors
    colors = _read_colors(ui)

    # Find issues
    issues_dir = ui.config('artemis', 'issues', default = default_issues_dir)
    issues_path = os.path.join(repo.root, issues_dir)
    if not os.path.exists(issues_path): return

    issues = glob.glob(os.path.join(issues_path, '*'))

    _create_all_missing_dirs(issues_path, issues)

    # Process filter
    if opts['filter']:
        filters = glob.glob(os.path.join(issues_path, filter_prefix + '*'))
        config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
        if not config.has_section(opts['filter']):
            ui.write('No filter %s defined\n' % opts['filter'])
            properties += config.items(opts['filter'])

    cmd_properties = _get_properties(opts['property'])
    list_properties = [p[0] for p in cmd_properties if len(p) == 1]
    list_properties_dict = {}
    properties += filter(lambda p: len(p) > 1, cmd_properties)

    summaries = []
    for issue in issues:
        mbox = mailbox.Maildir(issue, factory=mailbox.MaildirMessage)
        root = _find_root_key(mbox)
        if not root: continue
        property_match = True
        for property,value in properties:
            if value:
                property_match = property_match and (mbox[root][property] == value)
                property_match = property_match and (property not in mbox[root])

        if not show_all and (not properties or not property_match) and (properties or mbox[root]['State'].upper() in [f.upper() for f in state['fixed']]): continue
        if match_date and not date_match(util.parsedate(mbox[root]['date'])[0]): continue

        if not list_properties:
            summaries.append((_summary_line(mbox, root, issue[len(issues_path)+1:], colors),     # +1 for trailing /
                              _find_mbox_date(mbox, root, order)))
            for lp in list_properties:
                if lp in mbox[root]:    list_properties_dict.setdefault(lp, set()).add(mbox[root][lp])

    if not list_properties:
        summaries.sort(lambda (s1,d1),(s2,d2): cmp(d2,d1))
        for s,d in summaries:
        for lp in list_properties_dict.keys():
            ui.write("%s:\n" % lp)
            for value in sorted(list_properties_dict[lp]):
                ui.write("  %s\n" % value)

def iadd(ui, repo, id = None, comment = 0, **opts):
    """Adds a new issue, or comment to an existing issue ID or its comment COMMENT"""

    comment = int(comment)

    # First, make sure issues have a directory
    issues_dir = ui.config('artemis', 'issues', default = default_issues_dir)
    issues_path = os.path.join(repo.root, issues_dir)
    if not os.path.exists(issues_path): os.mkdir(issues_path)

    if id:
        issue_fn, issue_id = _find_issue(ui, repo, id)
        if not issue_fn:
            ui.warn('No such issue\n')
        _create_missing_dirs(issues_path, issue_id)

    user = ui.username()

    default_issue_text  =         "From: %s\nDate: %s\n" % (user, util.datestr(format = date_format))
    if not id:
        default_issue_text +=     "State: %s\n" % default_state
    default_issue_text +=         "Subject: brief description\n\n"
    default_issue_text +=         "Detailed description."

    # Get properties, and figure out if we need an explicit comment
    properties = _get_properties(opts['property'])
    no_comment = id and properties and opts['no_property_comment']
    message = opts['message']

    # Create the text
    if message:
        if not id:
            state_str = 'State: %s\n' % default_state
            state_str = ''
        issue = "From: %s\nDate: %s\nSubject: %s\n%s" % \
                (user, util.datestr(format=date_format), message, state_str)
    elif not no_comment:
        issue = ui.edit(default_issue_text, user)

        if issue.strip() == '':
            ui.warn('Empty issue, ignoring\n')
        if issue.strip() == default_issue_text:
            ui.warn('Unchanged issue text, ignoring\n')
        # Write down a comment about updated properties
        properties_subject = ', '.join(['%s=%s' % (property, value) for (property, value) in properties])

        issue =     "From: %s\nDate: %s\nSubject: changed properties (%s)\n" % \
                     (user, util.datestr(format = date_format), properties_subject)

    # Create the message
    msg = mailbox.MaildirMessage(issue)
    if opts['attach']:
        outer = _attach_files(msg, opts['attach'])
        outer = msg

    # Pick random filename
    if not id:
        issue_fn = issues_path
        while os.path.exists(issue_fn):
            issue_id = _random_id()
            issue_fn = os.path.join(issues_path, issue_id)
    # else: issue_fn already set

    # Add message to the mailbox
    mbox = mailbox.Maildir(issue_fn, factory=mailbox.MaildirMessage)
    keys = _order_keys_date(mbox)
    if id and comment >= len(mbox):
        ui.warn('No such comment number in mailbox, commenting on the issue itself\n')

    if not id:
        outer.add_header('Message-Id', "<%s-0-artemis@%s>" % (issue_id, socket.gethostname()))
        root = keys[0]
        outer.add_header('Message-Id', "<%s-%s-artemis@%s>" % (issue_id, _random_id(), socket.gethostname()))
        outer.add_header('References', mbox[(comment < len(mbox) and keys[comment]) or root]['Message-Id'])
        outer.add_header('In-Reply-To', mbox[(comment < len(mbox) and keys[comment]) or root]['Message-Id'])
    new_bug_path = issue_fn[(len(repo.root)+1):] + '/new/' + mbox.add(outer) # + 1 for the trailing /
    commands.add(ui, repo, new_bug_path)

    # Fix properties in the root message
    if properties:
        root = _find_root_key(mbox)
        msg = mbox[root]
        for property, value in properties:
            if property in msg:
                msg.replace_header(property, value)
                msg.add_header(property, value)
        mbox[root] = msg


    if opts['commit']:
        commands.commit(ui, repo, issue_fn)

    # If adding issue, add the new mailbox to the repository
    if not id:
        ui.status('Added new issue %s\n' % issue_id)
        _show_mbox(ui, mbox, 0)

def ishow(ui, repo, id, comment = 0, **opts):
    """Shows issue ID, or possibly its comment COMMENT"""

    comment = int(comment)
    issue, id = _find_issue(ui, repo, id)
    if not issue:
        return ui.warn('No such issue\n')

    issues_dir = ui.config('artemis', 'issues', default = default_issues_dir)
    _create_missing_dirs(os.path.join(repo.root, issues_dir), issue)

    if opts.get('mutt'):
        return util.system('mutt -R -f %s' % issue)

    mbox = mailbox.Maildir(issue, factory=mailbox.MaildirMessage)

    if opts['all']:
        ui.write('='*70 + '\n')
        i = 0
        keys = _order_keys_date(mbox)
        for k in keys:
            _write_message(ui, mbox[k], i, skip = opts['skip'])
            ui.write('-'*70 + '\n')
            i += 1

    _show_mbox(ui, mbox, comment, skip = opts['skip'])

    if opts['extract']:
        attachment_numbers = map(int, opts['extract'])
        keys = _order_keys_date(mbox)
        msg = mbox[keys[comment]]
        counter = 1
        for part in msg.walk():
            ctype = part.get_content_type()
            maintype, subtype = ctype.split('/', 1)
            if maintype == 'multipart' or ctype == 'text/plain': continue
            if counter in attachment_numbers:
                filename = part.get_filename()
                if not filename:
                    ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(part.get_content_type()) or ''
                    filename = 'attachment-%03d%s' % (counter, ext)
                fp = open(filename, 'wb')
                fp.write(part.get_payload(decode = True))
            counter += 1

def _find_issue(ui, repo, id):
    issues_dir = ui.config('artemis', 'issues', default = default_issues_dir)
    issues_path = os.path.join(repo.root, issues_dir)
    if not os.path.exists(issues_path): return False

    issues = glob.glob(os.path.join(issues_path, id + '*'))

    if len(issues) == 0:
        return False, 0
    elif len(issues) > 1:
        ui.status("Multiple choices:\n")
        for i in issues: ui.status('  ', i[len(issues_path)+1:], '\n')
        return False, 0

    return issues[0], issues[0][len(issues_path)+1:]

def _get_properties(property_list):
    return [p.split('=') for p in property_list]

def _write_message(ui, message, index = 0, skip = None):
    if index: ui.write("Comment: %d\n" % index)
    if ui.verbose:
        _show_text(ui, message.as_string().strip(), skip)
        if 'From' in message: ui.write('From: %s\n' % message['From'])
        if 'Date' in message: ui.write('Date: %s\n' % message['Date'])
        if 'Subject' in message: ui.write('Subject: %s\n' % message['Subject'])
        if 'State' in message: ui.write('State: %s\n' % message['State'])
        counter = 1
        for part in message.walk():
            ctype = part.get_content_type()
            maintype, subtype = ctype.split('/', 1)
            if maintype == 'multipart': continue
            if ctype == 'text/plain':
                _show_text(ui, part.get_payload().strip(), skip)
                filename = part.get_filename()
                ui.write('\n' + '%d: Attachment [%s, %s]: %s' % (counter, ctype, _humanreadable(len(part.get_payload())), filename) + '\n')
                counter += 1

def _show_text(ui, text, skip = None):
    for line in text.splitlines():
        if not skip or not line.startswith(skip):
            ui.write(line + '\n')

def _show_mbox(ui, mbox, comment, **opts):
    # Output the issue (or comment)
    if comment >= len(mbox):
        comment = 0
        ui.warn('Comment out of range, showing the issue itself\n')
    keys = _order_keys_date(mbox)
    root = keys[0]
    msg = mbox[keys[comment]]
    ui.write('='*70 + '\n')
    if comment:
        ui.write('Subject: %s\n' % mbox[root]['Subject'])
        ui.write('State: %s\n' % mbox[root]['State'])
        ui.write('-'*70 + '\n')
    _write_message(ui, msg, comment, skip = ('skip' in opts) and opts['skip'])
    ui.write('-'*70 + '\n')

    # Read the mailbox into the messages and children dictionaries
    messages = {}
    children = {}
    i = 0
    for k in keys:
        m = mbox[k]
        messages[m['Message-Id']] = (i,m)
        children.setdefault(m['In-Reply-To'], []).append(m['Message-Id'])
        i += 1
    children[None] = []                # Safeguard against infinte loop on empty Message-Id

    # Iterate over children
    id = msg['Message-Id']
    id_stack = (id in children and map(lambda x: (x, 1), reversed(children[id]))) or []
    if not id_stack: return
    while id_stack:
        id,offset = id_stack.pop()
        id_stack += (id in children and map(lambda x: (x, offset+1), reversed(children[id]))) or []
        index, msg = messages[id]
        ui.write('  '*offset + '%d: [%s] %s\n' % (index, util.shortuser(msg['From']), msg['Subject']))
    ui.write('-'*70 + '\n')

def _find_root_key(maildir):
    for k,m in maildir.iteritems():
        if 'in-reply-to' not in m:
            return k

def _order_keys_date(mbox):
    keys = mbox.keys()
    root = _find_root_key(mbox)
    keys.sort(lambda k1,k2: -(k1 == root) or cmp(util.parsedate(mbox[k1]['date']), util.parsedate(mbox[k2]['date'])))
    return keys

def _find_mbox_date(mbox, root, order):
    if order == 'latest':
        keys = _order_keys_date(mbox)
        msg = mbox[keys[-1]]
    else:   # new
        msg = mbox[root]
    return util.parsedate(msg['date'])

def _random_id():
    return "%x" % random.randint(2**63, 2**64-1)

def _create_missing_dirs(issues_path, issue):
    for d in maildir_dirs:
        path = os.path.join(issues_path,issue,d)
        if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path)

def _create_all_missing_dirs(issues_path, issues):
    for i in issues:
        _create_missing_dirs(issues_path, i)

def _humanreadable(size):
    if size > 1024*1024:
        return '%5.1fM' % (float(size) / (1024*1024))
    elif size > 1024:
        return '%5.1fK' % (float(size) / 1024)
        return '%dB' % size

def _attach_files(msg, filenames):
    outer = MIMEMultipart()
    for k in msg.keys(): outer[k] = msg[k]

    for filename in filenames:
        ctype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
        if ctype is None or encoding is not None:
            # No guess could be made, or the file is encoded (compressed), so
            # use a generic bag-of-bits type.
            ctype = 'application/octet-stream'
        maintype, subtype = ctype.split('/', 1)
        if maintype == 'text':
            fp = open(filename)
            # Note: we should handle calculating the charset
            attachment = MIMEText(, _subtype=subtype)
        elif maintype == 'image':
            fp = open(filename, 'rb')
            attachment = MIMEImage(, _subtype=subtype)
        elif maintype == 'audio':
            fp = open(filename, 'rb')
            attachment = MIMEAudio(, _subtype=subtype)
            fp = open(filename, 'rb')
            attachment = MIMEBase(maintype, subtype)
            # Encode the payload using Base64
        # Set the filename parameter
        attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename)
    return outer

def _status_msg(msg):
    s = msg['State']
    if s in annotation:
        return '%s=%s' % (s, msg[annotation[s]])
        return s

def _read_colors(ui):
    colors = {}
    # defaults
    colors['new.color']             = 'red'
    colors['new.on_color']          = 'on_grey'
    colors['new.attrs']             = 'bold'
    colors['resolved.color']        = 'white'
    colors['resolved.on_color']     = ''
    colors['resolved.attrs']        = ''
    for v in colors:
        colors[v] = ui.config('artemis', v, colors[v])
        if v.endswith('attrs'): colors[v] = colors[v].split()
    return colors

def _color_summary(line, msg, colors):
    if msg['State'] == 'new':
        return colored(line, colors['new.color'],      attrs = colors['new.attrs'])
    elif msg['State'] in state['fixed']:
        return colored(line, colors['resolved.color'], attrs = colors['resolved.attrs'])
        return line

def _summary_line(mbox, root, issue, colors):
    line = "%s (%3d) [%s]: %s\n" % (issue,
                                    len(mbox)-1,                # number of replies (-1 for self)
    return _color_summary(line, mbox[root], colors)

cmdtable = {
    'ilist':    (ilist,
                 [('a', 'all', False,
                   'list all issues (by default only those with state new)'),
                  ('p', 'property', [],
                   'list issues with specific field values (e.g., -p state=fixed); lists all possible values of a property if no = sign'),
                  ('o', 'order', 'new', 'order of the issues; choices: "new" (date submitted), "latest" (date of the last message)'),
                  ('d', 'date', '', 'restrict to issues matching the date (e.g., -d ">12/28/2007)"'),
                  ('f', 'filter', '', 'restrict to pre-defined filter (in %s/%s*)' % (default_issues_dir, filter_prefix))],
                 _('hg ilist [OPTIONS]')),
    'iadd':       (iadd,
                 [('a', 'attach', [],
                   'attach file(s) (e.g., -a filename1 -a filename2)'),
                  ('p', 'property', [],
                   'update properties (e.g., -p state=fixed)'),
                  ('n', 'no-property-comment', None,
                   'do not add a comment about changed properties'),
                  ('m', 'message', '',
                   'use <text> as an issue subject'),
                  ('c', 'commit', False,
                   'perform a commit after the addition')],
                 _('hg iadd [OPTIONS] [ID] [COMMENT]')),
    'ishow':      (ishow,
                 [('a', 'all', None, 'list all comments'),
                  ('s', 'skip', '>', 'skip lines starting with a substring'),
                  ('x', 'extract', [], 'extract attachments (provide attachment number as argument)'),
                  ('', 'mutt', False, 'use mutt to show issue')],
                 _('hg ishow [OPTIONS] ID [COMMENT]')),

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