author Alexander Solovyov <piranha@piranha.org.ua>
Sun, 06 Sep 2009 16:32:32 +0300
changeset 87 ec9736668bca
parent 86 10399ada69e6
child 88 dbea34bde1f7
permissions -rw-r--r--
when calling command from python set not supplied options to proper defaults Earlier you would get full option spec (short, default, help) for every option, not supplied as argument (or keyword argument) in function call.

# (c) Alexander Solovyov, 2009, under terms of the new BSD License
'''Command line arguments parser

import sys, traceback, getopt, types, textwrap, inspect
from itertools import imap

__all__ = ['command', 'dispatch']
__version__ = '0.9.8'
__author__ = 'Alexander Solovyov'
__email__ = 'piranha@piranha.org.ua'

write = sys.stdout.write
err = sys.stderr.write


# --------
# Public interface
# --------

def command(options=None, usage=None, name=None, shortlist=False, hide=False):
    '''Decorator to mark function to be used for command line processing.

    All arguments are optional:

     - ``options``: options in format described in docs. If not supplied,
       will be determined from function.
     - ``usage``: usage string for function, replaces ``%name`` with name
       of program or subcommand. In case if it's subcommand and ``%name``
       is not present, usage is prepended by ``name``
     - ``name``: used for multiple subcommands. Defaults to wrapped
       function name
     - ``shortlist``: if command should be included in shortlist. Used
       only with multiple subcommands
     - ``hide``: if command should be hidden from help listing. Used only
       with multiple subcommands, overrides ``shortlist``
    def wrapper(func):
        # copy option list
            options_ = list(options or guess_options(func))
        except TypeError:
            # no options supplied and no options present in func
            options_ = []

        name_ = name or func.__name__.replace('_', '-')
        if usage is None:
            usage_ = guess_usage(func, options_)
            usage_ = usage
        prefix = hide and '~' or (shortlist and '^' or '')
        CMDTABLE[prefix + name_] = (func, options_, usage_)

        def help_func(name=None):
            return help_cmd(func, replace_name(usage_, sysname()), options_)

        def inner(*args, **opts):
            # look if we need to add 'help' option
                (True for option in reversed(options_)
                 if option[1] == 'help').next()
            except StopIteration:
                options_.append(('h', 'help', False, 'show help'))

            argv = opts.pop('args', None)
            if opts.pop('help', False):
                return help_func()

            if args or opts:
                # no catcher here because this is call from Python
                return call_cmd_regular(func)(*args, **opts)

            if argv is None:
                argv = sys.argv[1:]

                opts, args = catcher(lambda: parse(argv, options_), help_func)
            except Abort:
                return -1

                if opts.pop('help', False):
                    return help_func()
                return catcher(lambda: call_cmd(name_, func)(*args, **opts),
            except Abort:
                return -1

        return inner
    return wrapper

def dispatch(args=None, cmdtable=None, globaloptions=None,
             middleware=lambda x: x):
    '''Dispatch command arguments based on subcommands.

    - ``args``: list of arguments, default: ``sys.argv[1:]``
    - ``cmdtable``: dict of commands in format described below.
      If not supplied, will use functions decorated with ``@command``.
    - ``globaloptions``: list of options which are applied to all
      commands, will contain ``--help`` option at least.
    - ``middleware``: global decorator for all commands.

    cmdtable format description::

      {'name': (function, options, usage)}

    - ``name`` is the name used on command-line. Can contain aliases
      (separate them with ``|``), pointer to a fact that this command
      should be displayed in short help (start name with ``^``), or to
      a fact that this command should be hidden (start name with ``~``)
    - ``function`` is the actual callable
    - ``options`` is options list in format described in docs
    - ``usage`` is the short string of usage
    args = args or sys.argv[1:]
    cmdtable = cmdtable or CMDTABLE

    globaloptions = globaloptions or []
    globaloptions.append(('h', 'help', False, 'display help'))

    cmdtable['help'] = (help_(cmdtable, globaloptions), [], '[TOPIC]')
    help_func = cmdtable['help'][0]

        name, func, args, kwargs = catcher(
            lambda: _dispatch(args, cmdtable, globaloptions),
        return catcher(
            lambda: call_cmd(name, middleware(func))(*args, **kwargs),
    except Abort:
        return -1

# --------
# Help
# --------

def help_(cmdtable, globalopts):
    def help_inner(name=None):
        '''Show help for a given help topic or a help overview

        With no arguments, print a list of commands with short help messages.

        Given a command name, print help for that command.
        def helplist():
            hlp = {}
            # determine if any command is marked for shortlist
            shortlist = (name == 'shortlist' and
                         any(imap(lambda x: x.startswith('^'), cmdtable)))

            for cmd, info in cmdtable.items():
                if cmd.startswith('~'):
                    continue # do not display hidden commands
                if shortlist and not cmd.startswith('^'):
                    continue # short help contains only marked commands
                cmd = cmd.lstrip('^~')
                doc = info[0].__doc__ or '(no help text available)'
                hlp[cmd] = doc.splitlines()[0].rstrip()

            hlplist = sorted(hlp)
            maxlen = max(map(len, hlplist))

            write('usage: %s <command> [options]\n' % sysname())
            for cmd in hlplist:
                doc = hlp[cmd]
                if False: # verbose?
                    write(' %s:\n     %s\n' % (cmd.replace('|', ', '), doc))
                    write(' %-*s  %s\n' % (maxlen, cmd.split('|', 1)[0],

        if not cmdtable:
            return err('No commands specified!\n')

        if not name or name == 'shortlist':
            return helplist()

        aliases, (cmd, options, usage) = findcmd(name, cmdtable)
        return help_cmd(cmd,
                        replace_name(usage, sysname() + ' ' + aliases[0]),
                        options + globalopts)
    return help_inner

def help_cmd(func, usage, options):
    '''show help for given command

    - ``func``: function to generate help for (``func.__doc__`` is taken)
    - ``usage``: usage string
    - ``options``: options in usual format

    >>> def test(*args, **opts):
    ...     """that's a test command
    ...        you can do nothing with this command"""
    ...     pass
    >>> opts = [('l', 'listen', 'localhost',
    ...          'ip to listen on'),
    ...         ('p', 'port', 8000,
    ...          'port to listen on'),
    ...         ('d', 'daemonize', False,
    ...          'daemonize process'),
    ...         ('', 'pid-file', '',
    ...          'name of file to write process ID to')]
    >>> help_cmd(test, 'test [-l HOST] [NAME]', opts)
    test [-l HOST] [NAME]
    that's a test command
           you can do nothing with this command
     -l --listen     ip to listen on (default: localhost)
     -p --port       port to listen on (default: 8000)
     -d --daemonize  daemonize process
        --pid-file   name of file to write process ID to
    print '%s\n' % usage
    doc = func.__doc__
    if not doc:
        doc = '(no help text available)'
    print '%s\n' % doc.strip()
    if options:
        print ''.join(help_options(options))

def help_options(options):
    yield 'options:\n\n'
    output = []
    for short, name, default, desc in options:
        default = default and ' (default: %s)' % default or ''
        output.append(('%2s%s' % (short and '-%s' % short,
                                  name and ' --%s' % name),
                       '%s%s' % (desc, default)))

    opts_len = max([len(first) for first, second in output if second] or [0])
    for first, second in output:
        if second:
            # wrap description at 78 chars
            second = textwrap.wrap(second, width=(78 - opts_len - 3))
            pad = '\n' + ' ' * (opts_len + 3)
            yield ' %-*s  %s\n' % (opts_len, first, pad.join(second))
            yield '%s\n' % first

# --------
# Options parsing
# --------

def parse(args, options):
    >>> opts = [('l', 'listen', 'localhost',
    ...          'ip to listen on'),
    ...         ('p', 'port', 8000,
    ...          'port to listen on'),
    ...         ('d', 'daemonize', False,
    ...          'daemonize process'),
    ...         ('', 'pid-file', '',
    ...          'name of file to write process ID to')]
    >>> print parse(['-l', '', '--pi', 'test', 'all'], opts)
    ({'pid_file': 'test', 'daemonize': False, 'port': 8000, 'listen': ''}, ['all'])

    argmap, defmap, state = {}, {}, {}
    shortlist, namelist = '', []

    for short, name, default, comment in options:
        if short and len(short) != 1:
            raise FOError('Short option should be only a single'
                          ' character: %s' % short)
        if not name:
            raise FOError(
                'Long name should be defined for every option')
        # change name to match Python styling
        pyname = name.replace('-', '_')
        argmap['-' + short] = argmap['--' + name] = pyname
        defmap[pyname] = default

        # copy defaults to state
        if isinstance(default, list):
            state[pyname] = default[:]
        elif callable(default):
            state[pyname] = None
            state[pyname] = default

        # getopt wants indication that it takes a parameter
        if not (default is None or default is True or default is False):
            if short: short += ':'
            if name: name += '='
        if short:
            shortlist += short
        if name:

    opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(args, shortlist, namelist)

    # transfer result to state
    for opt, val in opts:
        name = argmap[opt]
        t = type(defmap[name])
        if t is types.FunctionType:
            state[name] = defmap[name](val)
        elif t is types.IntType:
            state[name] = int(val)
        elif t is types.StringType:
            state[name] = val
        elif t is types.ListType:
        elif t in (types.NoneType, types.BooleanType):
            state[name] = not defmap[name]

    return state, args

# --------
# Subcommand system
# --------

def _dispatch(args, cmdtable, globalopts):
    cmd, func, args, options = cmdparse(args, cmdtable, globalopts)

    if options.pop('help', False):
        return 'help', cmdtable['help'][0], [cmd], {}
    elif not cmd:
        return 'help', cmdtable['help'][0], ['shortlist'], {}

    return cmd, func, args, options

def cmdparse(args, cmdtable, globalopts):
    # command is the first non-option
    cmd = None
    for arg in args:
        if not arg.startswith('-'):
            cmd = arg

    if cmd:

        aliases, info = findcmd(cmd, cmdtable)
        cmd = aliases[0]
        possibleopts = list(info[1])
        possibleopts = []


        options, args = parse(args, possibleopts)
    except getopt.GetoptError, e:
        raise ParseError(cmd, e)

    return (cmd, cmd and info[0] or None, args, options)

def findpossible(cmd, table):
    Return cmd -> (aliases, command table entry)
    for each matching command.
    choice = {}
    for e in table.keys():
        aliases = e.lstrip("^~").split("|")
        found = None
        if cmd in aliases:
            found = cmd
            for a in aliases:
                if a.startswith(cmd):
                    found = a
        if found is not None:
            choice[found] = (aliases, table[e])

    return choice

def findcmd(cmd, table):
    """Return (aliases, command table entry) for command string."""
    choice = findpossible(cmd, table)

    if cmd in choice:
        return choice[cmd]

    if len(choice) > 1:
        clist = choice.keys()
        raise AmbiguousCommand(cmd, clist)

    if choice:
        return choice.values()[0]

    raise UnknownCommand(cmd)

# --------
# Helpers
# --------

def guess_options(func):
    args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func)
    for lname, (sname, default, hlp) in zip(args[-len(defaults):], defaults):
        yield (sname, lname.replace('_', '-'), default, hlp)

def guess_usage(func, options):
    usage = '%name '
    if options:
        usage += '[OPTIONS] '
    args, varargs = inspect.getargspec(func)[:2]
    argnum = len(args) - len(options)
    if argnum > 0:
        usage += args[0].upper()
        if argnum > 1:
            usage += 'S'
    elif varargs:
        usage += '[%s]' % varargs.upper()
    return usage

def catcher(target, help_func):
    '''Catches all exceptions and prints human-readable information on them
        return target()
    except UnknownCommand, e:
        err("unknown command: '%s'\n" % e)
    except AmbiguousCommand, e:
        err("command '%s' is ambiguous:\n    %s\n" %
            (e.args[0], ' '.join(e.args[1])))
    except ParseError, e:
        err('%s: %s\n' % (e.args[0], e.args[1]))
    except getopt.GetoptError, e:
        err('error: %s\n' % e)
    except FOError, e:
        err('%s\n' % e)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    except SystemExit:
        err('unknown exception encountered')

    raise Abort

def call_cmd(name, func):
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
        except TypeError:
            if len(traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])) == 1:
                raise ParseError(name, "invalid arguments")
    return inner

def call_cmd_regular(func):
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        funcargs, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func)

        funckwargs = funcargs[len(args):]
        funckwargs = dict(zip(funckwargs, (default for _, default, _
                                           in defaults[-len(funckwargs):])))

        return func(*args, **funckwargs)
    return inner

def replace_name(usage, name):
    if '%name' in usage:
        return usage.replace('%name', name, 1)
    return name + ' ' + usage

def sysname():
    name = sys.argv[0]
    if name.startswith('./'):
        return name[2:]
    return name

    from functools import wraps
except ImportError:
    def wraps(wrapped, assigned=('__module__', '__name__', '__doc__'),
        def inner(wrapper):
            for attr in assigned:
                setattr(wrapper, attr, getattr(wrapped, attr))
            for attr in updated:
                getattr(wrapper, attr).update(getattr(wrapped, attr, {}))
            return wrapper
        return inner

# --------
# Exceptions
# --------

# Command exceptions
class CommandException(Exception):
    'Base class for command exceptions'

class AmbiguousCommand(CommandException):
    'Raised if command is ambiguous'

class UnknownCommand(CommandException):
    'Raised if command is unknown'

class ParseError(CommandException):
    'Raised on error in command line parsing'

class Abort(CommandException):
    'Abort execution'

class FOError(CommandException):
    'Raised on trouble with opster configuration'