author Dmitriy Morozov <dmitriy@mrzv.org>
Sun, 09 Oct 2016 10:00:49 -0700
changeset 71 1274bbaa4ecd
parent 47 1f5ed31cc92a
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Remove copy-paste crud from the license

From: Andrey Vlasovskikh <andrey.vlasovskikh@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 02:30:08
State: new
Subject: Add more filter expressions: ~=, !=, !~=
Message-Id: <cec60e25154133d3-0-artemis@vlan-laptop>

At this moment only exact `=` is supported in filters.

I propose adding the following constructs:

* `~=` for "contains"
* `!~=` for "does not contain"
* `!=` for "is not equal to"

Some examples of filters that use these constructs are provided below.

All the tickes by John Smith that are not fixed:

    $ hg ilist -p from~=Smith -p state!=fixed

All the tickets of John Smith by specifying his email:

    $ hg ilist -p to=~smith@example.com

All the tickets of high priority (i. e. of `critical` priority or not
prioritized ones), notice that the logical "or" should be used for joining the
same properties:

    $ hg ilist -p priority=critical -p priority!=''