author Alexander Solovyov <piranha@piranha.org.ua>
Mon, 13 Jul 2009 00:48:07 +0300
changeset 30 1fc9a029d760
parent 21 b05cd4f91f53
child 31 80701f91156c
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
refactoring of api and internals to be more consistent

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys

from fancycmd import dispatch, command

@command(usage='[-t]', shortlist=True)
def simple(test=('t', False, 'just test execution')):
    '''Just simple command to do nothing.

    I assure you! Nothing to look here. ;-)
    print locals()

cplx_opts = [('p', 'pass', False, 'don\'t run the command'),
             ('', 'exit', 0, 'exit with supplied code (default: 0)')]

@command(cplx_opts, usage='[-p] [--exit value] ...', name='complex')
def complex_(*args, **opts):
    '''That's more complex command indented to do something

    Let's try to do that (damn, but what?!)
    if opts.get('pass'):
    # test ui
    if opts.get('exit'):

if __name__ == '__main__':