author Andrey Vlasovskikh <>
Sat, 11 Sep 2010 15:16:24 +0400
changeset 119 f9c027029540
parent 100 78a1e77609e6
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed catching unnececcary exceptions Exception Abort can't be thrown, so it is useless. Catching SystemExit and KeyboardInterrupt makes little sense as the thread can be terminated by KeyboardInterrupt before or after entering the wrapped command processing function. So one have to handle these exceptions in his main function anyway. Catching any exception in order to print a message and re-raise it changes the standard behaviour and might seem confusing.

# Makefile for Sphinx documentation

# You can set these variables from the command line.
SPHINXBUILD   = sphinx-build
PAPER         =

# Internal variables.
PAPEROPT_a4     = -D latex_paper_size=a4
PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter
ALLSPHINXOPTS   = -d _build/doctrees $(PAPEROPT_$(PAPER)) $(SPHINXOPTS) .

.PHONY: all help clean html dirhtml pickle json htmlhelp qthelp latex changes linkcheck doctest

all: html

	@echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
	@echo "  html      to make standalone HTML files"
	@echo "  dirhtml   to make HTML files named index.html in directories"
	@echo "  pickle    to make pickle files"
	@echo "  json      to make JSON files"
	@echo "  htmlhelp  to make HTML files and a HTML help project"
	@echo "  qthelp    to make HTML files and a qthelp project"
	@echo "  latex     to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter"
	@echo "  changes   to make an overview of all changed/added/deprecated items"
	@echo "  linkcheck to check all external links for integrity"
	@echo "  doctest   to run all doctests embedded in the documentation (if enabled)"

	-rm -rf _build/*

	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b html $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) _build/html
	@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in _build/html."

	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b dirhtml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) _build/dirhtml
	@echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in _build/dirhtml."

	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b pickle $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) _build/pickle
	@echo "Build finished; now you can process the pickle files."

	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b json $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) _build/json
	@echo "Build finished; now you can process the JSON files."

	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b htmlhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) _build/htmlhelp
	@echo "Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the" \
	      ".hhp project file in _build/htmlhelp."

	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b qthelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) _build/qthelp
	@echo "Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the" \
	      ".qhcp project file in _build/qthelp, like this:"
	@echo "# qcollectiongenerator _build/qthelp/Opster.qhcp"
	@echo "To view the help file:"
	@echo "# assistant -collectionFile _build/qthelp/Opster.qhc"

	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b latex $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) _build/latex
	@echo "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in _build/latex."
	@echo "Run \`make all-pdf' or \`make all-ps' in that directory to" \
	      "run these through (pdf)latex."

	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b changes $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) _build/changes
	@echo "The overview file is in _build/changes."

	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b linkcheck $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) _build/linkcheck
	@echo "Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output " \
	      "or in _build/linkcheck/output.txt."

	$(SPHINXBUILD) -b doctest $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) _build/doctest
	@echo "Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the " \
	      "results in _build/doctest/output.txt."

	open _build/html/index.html