author Dmitriy Morozov <>
Thu, 18 Dec 2008 16:43:42 -0800
changeset 97 0a9bd3f34419
child 103 2ac129839e02
permissions -rw-r--r--
Intermediate commit while converting to the new architecture * Converted Filtration into StaticPersistence and DynamicPersistenceTrails (both right now work with the underlying std::vector rather than std::list order) * Filtration is now just an auxilliary glue (a map between Complex and Persistence) * Whether chains are vectors or lists can be interchanged * Added PersistenceDiagram with a simple bottleneck_distance() function * Converted triangle, alphashapes3d, and cech-complex examples * Lots of organizational changes (factoring utilities out into containers.h, indirect.h, property-maps.h) * Trying to document along the way with NaturalDocs-type comments

#ifndef __INDIRECT_H__
#define __INDIRECT_H__

#include <boost/iterator/iterator_adaptor.hpp>

// TODO: write documentation

template<class Iterator_, class Comparison_>
struct IndirectComparison
    typedef         Iterator_                               Iterator;
    typedef         Comparison_                             Comparison;
                    IndirectComparison(const Comparison& cmp):

    bool            operator()(Iterator a, Iterator b) const
    { return cmp_(*a, *b); }

    const Comparison&               cmp_;

template<class Comparison>
struct ThreeOutcomeCompare: public Comparison
    typedef             typename Comparison::first_argument_type                            first_argument_type;
    typedef             typename Comparison::second_argument_type                           second_argument_type;

    ThreeOutcomeCompare(const Comparison& cmp = Comparison()): Comparison(cmp)              {}

    int                     compare(const first_argument_type& a, const second_argument_type& b) const          
    {   if (operator()(a,b))        return -1;
        else if (operator()(b,a))   return 1;
        else                        return 0;

template<class Iterator_>
class RecursiveIterator: public boost::iterator_adaptor<RecursiveIterator<Iterator_>,       // Derived
                                                        Iterator_,                          // Base
                                                        Iterator_>                          // Value
        struct      enabler                                                 {};

        typedef     Iterator_                                               Iterator;
        typedef     boost::iterator_adaptor<RecursiveIterator<Iterator>, 
                                                              Iterator>     Parent;

                    RecursiveIterator()                                     {}
        explicit    RecursiveIterator(Iterator iter):
                        Parent(iter)                                        {}
        friend class    boost::iterator_core_access;
        typename Parent::reference       
                        dereference() const                                 { return const_cast<typename Parent::reference>(this->base()); }
        // FIXME: I dislike to const_cast, but it's not obvious how to get rid of it

#endif // __INDIRECT_H__