author Dmitriy Morozov <>
Fri, 21 Aug 2009 14:26:56 -0700
changeset 166 1f3d54b2315b
parent 131 d9e050258358
child 181 1ee6edc17cb6
permissions -rw-r--r--
Exposed store argument to CohomologyPersistence.add() in Python

// Wrap includes into namespaces to avoid nameclashes
#include "../../examples/alphashapes/alphashapes2d.h" 

#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/stl_iterator.hpp>
namespace bp = boost::python;

#include "simplex.h"                // defines SimplexVD, Vertex, and Data
namespace dp = dionysus::python;

void fill_alpha2D_complex(bp::object points, bp::list complex)
    typedef     std::map<AlphaSimplex2D::Vertex, unsigned>      ASPointMap;

    Delaunay2D  Dt;
    ASPointMap  point_map;
    unsigned i = 0;
    for (bp::stl_input_iterator<bp::list> pt = points; pt != bp::stl_input_iterator<bp::list>(); ++pt)
        double x = bp::extract<double>((*pt)[0]);
        double y = bp::extract<double>((*pt)[1]);
        point_map[Dt.insert(Point(x,y))] = i++;

    AlphaSimplex2D::SimplexSet simplices;
    fill_simplex_set(Dt, simplices);

    for (AlphaSimplex2D::SimplexSet::const_iterator cur = simplices.begin(); cur != simplices.end(); ++cur)
        dp::SimplexVD s;
        for (AlphaSimplex2D::VertexContainer::const_iterator vcur  = cur->vertices().begin(); 
                                                             vcur != cur->vertices().end(); ++vcur)

        complex[-1].attr("data") = cur->value();
        complex[-1].attr("attached") = cur->attached();

void export_alphashapes2d()
    bp::def("fill_alpha2D_complex",       &fill_alpha2D_complex);