author Dmitriy Morozov <>
Tue, 14 Sep 2010 15:00:34 -0700
changeset 233 ce6d679368c6
parent 200 73e8dce642be
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added documentation for DynamicPersistenceChains

#include <utilities/log.h>

#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
namespace bl = boost::lambda;

#include <boost/iterator/zip_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>

#ifdef LOGGING
static rlog::RLogChannel* rlLSVineyard =            DEF_CHANNEL("lsvineyard/info", rlog::Log_Debug);
static rlog::RLogChannel* rlLSVineyardDebug =       DEF_CHANNEL("lsvineyard/debug", rlog::Log_Debug);
#endif // LOGGING

static Counter*  cVertexTransposition =                     GetCounter("lsfiltration/transposition");       // counts number of vertex transpositions
static Counter*  cAttachment =                              GetCounter("lsfiltration/attachment");          // counts the number of attachment changes

template<class V, class VE, class S, class F>
template<class VertexIterator>
LSVineyard(VertexIterator begin, VertexIterator end, 
           LSFiltration& fltr,
           const VertexEvaluator& veval):
    vertices_(begin, end),
    veval_(veval), vcmp_(veval_), scmp_(vcmp_),
    vertices_.sort(KineticVertexComparison(vcmp_));     // sort vertices w.r.t. vcmp_
#if LOGGING    
    rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Vertex order:");
    for (typename VertexContainer::iterator cur = vertices_.begin(); cur != vertices_.end(); ++cur)
        rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "  %d", cur->vertex());

    // Record Vertex -> LSFIndex map
    VertexLSFIndexMap vimap;
    for (LSFIndex i = filtration().begin(); i != filtration().end(); ++i)
        const Simplex& s = *i;
        rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Simplex: %s", tostring(*i).c_str());
        if (s.dimension() == 0)
            vimap[s.vertices().front()] = i;

    // Assign vertex attachments and simplex_index
    OffsetMap<LSFIndex, iterator>   fpmap(filtration().begin(), persistence().begin());
    for (typename VertexContainer::iterator vi = vertices_.begin(); vi != vertices_.end(); ++vi)
        LSFIndex i = vimap[vi->vertex()];
        const Simplex& s = *i;
        AssertMsg(s.vertices().front() == vi->vertex(), "In constructor, simplices and vertices must match.");
        vertices_.modify(vi,    b::bind(&KineticVertexType::set_simplex_index, bl::_1, i));    // vi->set_simplex_index(i)
        set_attachment(fpmap[i], vi);
        rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "%s attached to %d", tostring(*i).c_str(), vi->vertex());

    // Assign attachments for all the simplices
    VertexAttachmentComparison  vacmp(vimap, *this);
    for (LSFIndex i = filtration().begin(); i != filtration().end(); ++i)
        set_attachment(fpmap[i], fpmap[vimap[*std::max_element(i->vertices().begin(), i->vertices().end(), vacmp)]]->attachment);

    // Order filtration_ and persistence_ based on attachment
    rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Ordering the simplices");
    std::vector<SimplexPersistenceElementTuple> fporder
                (b::make_zip_iterator(b::make_tuple(filtration().begin(),    persistence().begin())),
                 b::make_zip_iterator(b::make_tuple(filtration().end(),      persistence().end())));
    std::sort(fporder.begin(), fporder.end(), AttachmentCmp());

    // Rearrage filtration
    std::vector< b::reference_wrapper<const Simplex> >                sv; 
    BOOST_FOREACH(const SimplexPersistenceElementTuple& t, fporder)   sv.push_back(b::get<0>(t));
    filtration_.rearrange (sv.begin());

    // Rearrange persistence
    std::vector< b::reference_wrapper<const typename Persistence::Element> >    pev; 
    BOOST_FOREACH(const SimplexPersistenceElementTuple& t, fporder)   pev.push_back(b::get<1>(t));

    rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Simplices:");
    for(iterator i = persistence().begin(); i != persistence().end(); ++i)
        rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "  %s attached to %d", tostring(pfmap(i)).c_str(), i->attachment->vertex());

    // Pair simplices
    rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Initializing LSVineyard");
    rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Simplices paired");

    evaluator_ = new StaticEvaluator(*this, time_count_);
    vineyard_.start_vines(persistence_.begin(), persistence_.end());

template<class V, class VE, class S, class F>
    delete evaluator_;

template<class V, class VE, class S, class F_>
compute_vineyard(const VertexEvaluator& veval)
    typedef     KineticSort<VertexIndex, TrajectoryExtractor, KineticSimulator>       KineticSortDS;
    // Setup the (linear) trajectories
    rLog(rlLSVineyard, "Setting up trajectories");
    KineticSimulator    simulator;
    TrajectoryExtractor traj(veval_, veval);
    KineticSortDS       sort(vertices_.begin(), vertices_.end(), 
                             boost::bind(&LSVineyard::swap, this, bl::_1, bl::_2),
                             &simulator, traj);
    // Process all the events (compute the vineyard in the process)
    change_evaluator(new KineticEvaluator(*this, simulator, time_count_, traj));
    while (!simulator.reached_infinity() && simulator.next_event_time() < 1)
        rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Next event time: %f", simulator.next_event_time());
        rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Processed event");
    rLog(rlLSVineyard, "Processed %d events", simulator.event_count());
    // AssertMsg(sort.audit(&simulator), "Sort audit should succeed");
    veval_ = veval;
    change_evaluator(new StaticEvaluator(*this, ++time_count_));
    vineyard_.record_diagram(persistence().begin(), persistence().end());
template<class V, class VE, class S, class F>
swap(VertexIndex a, KineticSimulator* simulator)
    VertexIndex b = boost::next(a);
    rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Entered swap");
    rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Vertices: %d %d compare %d", a->vertex(), b->vertex(), vcmp_(a->vertex(), b->vertex()));
    AssertMsg(!vcmp_(b->vertex(), a->vertex()), "In swap(a,b), a must precede b");      // true since we are using linear iterpolation
    AssertMsg(a < b, "In swap(a,b), a must precede b");
    AssertMsg(b < a, "In swap(a,b), b must precede a after the transposition");

template<class V, class VE, class S, class F>
change_evaluator(Evaluator* eval)
    AssertMsg(evaluator_ != 0, "change_evaluator() assumes that existing evaluator is not null");
    delete evaluator_;
    evaluator_ = eval;

template<class V, class VE, class S, class F>
transpose_vertices(VertexIndex vi)
    rLog(rlLSVineyard, "Transposing vertices (%d:%d, %d:%d)", vi->vertex(),             (vi -  vertices_.begin()),
                                                              b::next(vi)->vertex(),    (b::next(vi) - vertices_.begin()));

    DimensionFromIterator                       dim(pfmap_);
    TranspositionVisitor                        visitor(*this);

    OffsetMap<LSFIndex, iterator>   fpmap(filtration().begin(), persistence().begin());
    iterator i = fpmap[vi->simplex_index()];
    iterator i_prev = b::prior(i);
    iterator i_next = fpmap[b::next(vi)->simplex_index()];
    iterator i_next_prev = b::prior(i_next);           // transpositions are done in terms of the first index in the pair
    iterator j = b::next(i_next);
    VertexIndex     vi_next = b::next(vi);
    const Vertex&   v = vi->vertex();
    bool result = false;        // has a switch in pairing occurred
    // First move the vertex --- this can be sped up if we devise special "vertex transpose" operation
    rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Starting to move the vertex");
    while (i_next_prev != i_prev)                       
        rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "  Transposing %s %s", tostring(pfmap(i_next_prev)).c_str(),
        result |= persistence_.transpose(i_next_prev, dim, visitor);
        AssertMsg((i_next_prev  <= persistence().iterator_to(i_next_prev->pair)) == i_next_prev->sign(), "Pairing must respect order");
        AssertMsg((i_next       <= persistence().iterator_to(i_next->pair))      == i_next->sign(),      "Pairing must respect order");
        i_next_prev = b::prior(i_next);
    rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Done moving the vertex");

    // Second, move the simplices attached to it
    rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Moving attached simplices");
    // rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "  Considering %s", tostring(pfmap(j)).c_str());
    // rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "    attachment %d", j->attachment->vertex());
    while (j != persistence_.end() && j->attachment == vi_next)
        rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "  Considering %s", tostring(pfmap(j)).c_str());
        if (pfmap(j).contains(v))       // j becomes attached to v and does not move
            rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "  Attachment changed for %s to %d", tostring(pfmap(j)).c_str(), vi->vertex());
            set_attachment(j, vi);
            AssertMsg(fpmap[vi->simplex_index()] < j, "The simplex must be attached to a preceding vertex");

        iterator j_prev = j; ++j;
        while ((--j_prev)->attachment != vi_next)                // i.e., until we have reached vi_next (and the simplices that follow it) again
            rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "    Moving: %s, %s", 
            AssertMsg(j_prev->attachment == vi, "Simplex preceding the one being moved must be attached to v");
            result |= persistence_.transpose(j_prev, dim, visitor);
            AssertMsg((j_prev  <= persistence().iterator_to(j_prev->pair)) == j_prev->sign(), "Pairing must respect order");
    rLog(rlLSVineyard, "Done moving attached simplices");
    vertices_.relocate(vi, vi_next);                    // swap vi and vi_next
    AssertMsg(verify_pairing(), "Pairing must be correct after vertex transposition");

    return result;

template<class V, class VE, class S, class F>
verify_pairing() const
    rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Verifying pairing");
    StaticPersistence<> p(filtration());
    iterator                        i     = persistence().begin();
    StaticPersistence<>::iterator   ip    = p.begin();
    StaticPersistence<>::SimplexMap<LSFiltration>       m = p.make_simplex_map(filtration());

    while (ip != p.end())
        if (&pfmap(i) != &m[ip])
            rError("DP: %s %s", tostring(pfmap(i)).c_str(), tostring(pfmap(i->pair)).c_str());
            rError("SP: %s %s", tostring(m[ip]).c_str(), tostring(m[ip->pair]).c_str());
            rError("The order must match");
            return false;
        if (&pfmap(i->pair) != &m[ip->pair])
            rError("DP: %s %s", tostring(pfmap(i)).c_str(), tostring(pfmap(i->pair)).c_str());
            rError("SP: %s %s", tostring(m[ip]).c_str(), tostring(m[ip->pair]).c_str());
            rError("The pairing must match");
            return false;
        ++i; ++ip;

    return true;

/* Evaluators */
template<class V, class VE, class S, class C>
class LSVineyard<V,VE,S,C>::StaticEvaluator: public Evaluator
                                StaticEvaluator(const LSVineyard& v, RealType time): 
                                    time_(time), vineyard_(v)                               {}

        virtual RealType        time() const                                                { return time_; }
        virtual RealType        operator()(Index i) const                                   { return vineyard_.simplex_value(vineyard_.pfmap(i)); }
        virtual Dimension       dimension(Index i) const                                    { return vineyard_.pfmap(i).dimension(); }
        RealType                time_;
        const LSVineyard&       vineyard_;

template<class V, class VE, class S, class C>
class LSVineyard<V,VE,S,C>::KineticEvaluator: public Evaluator
        typedef                 typename KineticSimulator::Time                             Time;

                                KineticEvaluator(const LSVineyard& v, const KineticSimulator& sp, RealType time_offset, const TrajectoryExtractor& traj): 
                                    vineyard_(v), sp_(sp), 
                                    time_offset_(time_offset), traj_(traj)                  {}

        virtual RealType        time() const                                                { return time_offset_ + get_time(); }
        virtual RealType        operator()(Index i) const                                   
            rLog(rlLSVineyard, "%s (attached to %d): %s(%f) = %f", tostring(vineyard_.pfmap(i)).c_str(),
            return traj_(i->attachment)(get_time()); 
        virtual Dimension       dimension(Index i) const                                    { return vineyard_.pfmap(i).dimension(); }

        Time                    get_time() const                                            { return sp_.current_time(); }
        const LSVineyard&           vineyard_;
        const KineticSimulator&     sp_;
        const TrajectoryExtractor&  traj_;
        RealType                    time_offset_;

template<class V, class VE, class S, class C>
class LSVineyard<V,VE,S,C>::VertexAttachmentComparison: 
    public std::binary_function<Vertex, Vertex, bool>
                                VertexAttachmentComparison(const VertexLSFIndexMap& vimap, 
                                                           const LSVineyard& vnrd):
                                    vimap_(vimap), vnrd_(vnrd)                              {}
        bool                    operator()(Vertex v1, Vertex v2) const                      
        { return vnrd_.filtration_attachment(vimap_.find(v1)->second) < vnrd_.filtration_attachment(vimap_.find(v2)->second); }

        const VertexLSFIndexMap&    vimap_;
        const LSVineyard&           vnrd_;

template<class V, class VE, class S, class C>
struct LSVineyard<V,VE,S,C>::AttachmentCmp: 
    public std::binary_function<const SimplexPersistenceElementTuple&, const SimplexPersistenceElementTuple&, bool>
    bool        operator()(const SimplexPersistenceElementTuple& t1, const SimplexPersistenceElementTuple& t2) const
        if (b::get<1>(t1).get().attachment == b::get<1>(t2).get().attachment)
            return b::get<0>(t1).get().dimension() < b::get<0>(t2).get().dimension();
            return b::get<1>(t1).get().attachment  < b::get<1>(t2).get().attachment;