author Aravindakshan Babu <akshan@stanford.edu>
Fri, 02 Jul 2010 04:19:29 -0700
changeset 215 e94d521b72bb
parent 179 d15c6d144645
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added code to expose the persistence_diagram class, the bottleneck_distance function and the point class to python. Most of the commonly used methods for each class have been exported. The constructor for point now requires that a data argument be provided along with x and y coord. This needs to be made optional. The constructor for persistence_diagram could possibly be rewritten as well.

 * Author: Dmitriy Morozov
 * Department of Computer Science, Duke University, 2006

#ifndef __ALPHASHAPES3D_H__
#define __ALPHASHAPES3D_H__

#include <CGAL/Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel.h>
#include <CGAL/Delaunay_triangulation_3.h>

#include <topology/simplex.h>
#include <utilities/types.h>

#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <iostream>

struct K: CGAL::Exact_predicates_exact_constructions_kernel {};

typedef CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_3<K>           Delaunay3D;
typedef Delaunay3D::Point                           Point;
typedef Delaunay3D::Vertex_handle                   Vertex_handle;
typedef Delaunay3D::Cell_handle                     Cell_handle;
typedef K::FT                                       RealValue;

typedef Delaunay3D::Finite_vertices_iterator        Vertex_iterator;
typedef Delaunay3D::Finite_edges_iterator           Edge_iterator;
typedef Delaunay3D::Finite_facets_iterator          Facet_iterator;
typedef Delaunay3D::Finite_cells_iterator           Cell_iterator;
typedef Delaunay3D::Facet_circulator                Facet_circulator;

class AlphaSimplex3D: public Simplex<Vertex_handle>
		typedef		Simplex<Vertex_handle>					            Parent;
		typedef 	std::set<AlphaSimplex3D, Parent::VertexComparison>  SimplexSet;
		typedef		Parent::VertexContainer								VertexSet;

									AlphaSimplex3D()					{}
									AlphaSimplex3D(const Parent& p): 
											Parent(p) 					{}
									AlphaSimplex3D(const AlphaSimplex3D& s): 
											Parent(s) 					{ attached_ = s.attached_; alpha_ = s.alpha_; }
	    							AlphaSimplex3D(const Delaunay3D::Vertex& v);
								    AlphaSimplex3D(const Delaunay3D::Edge& e);
								    AlphaSimplex3D(const Delaunay3D::Edge& e, const SimplexSet& simplices, const Delaunay3D& Dt, Facet_circulator facet_bg);
								    AlphaSimplex3D(const Delaunay3D::Facet& f);
								    AlphaSimplex3D(const Delaunay3D::Facet& f, const SimplexSet& simplices, const Delaunay3D& Dt);
									AlphaSimplex3D(const Delaunay3D::Cell& c);
		RealType					value() const						{ return CGAL::to_double(alpha_); }
		RealValue					alpha() const						{ return alpha_; }
		bool						attached() const					{ return attached_; }

		// Ordering
		struct AlphaOrder
		{ bool operator()(const AlphaSimplex3D& first, const AlphaSimplex3D& second) const; };
        struct AlphaValueEvaluator
            typedef                 AlphaSimplex3D                                  first_argument_type;
            typedef                 RealType                                        result_type;

            RealType                operator()(const AlphaSimplex3D& s) const       { return s.value(); }

		std::ostream& 				operator<<(std::ostream& out) const;
		RealValue 					alpha_;
		bool 						attached_;

void 				fill_simplex_set(const Delaunay3D& Dt, AlphaSimplex3D::SimplexSet& simplices);
template<class Filtration>
void 				fill_complex(const Delaunay3D& Dt,     Filtration& filtration);

std::ostream& 		operator<<(std::ostream& out, const AlphaSimplex3D& s)	{ return s.operator<<(out); }

#include "alphashapes3d.hpp"

#endif // __ALPHASHAPES3D_H__