new_bug_path is expressed as an absolute path; solves a bug with adding issue from subdirectories
--- a/artemis/ Thu Apr 28 08:50:31 2011 -0700
+++ b/artemis/ Wed Feb 08 11:01:33 2012 -0800
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
outer.add_header('Message-Id', "<%s-%s-artemis@%s>" % (issue_id, _random_id(), socket.gethostname()))
outer.add_header('References', mbox[(comment < len(mbox) and keys[comment]) or root]['Message-Id'])
outer.add_header('In-Reply-To', mbox[(comment < len(mbox) and keys[comment]) or root]['Message-Id'])
- new_bug_path = issue_fn[(len(repo.root)+1):] + '/new/' + mbox.add(outer) # + 1 for the trailing /
+ new_bug_path = issue_fn + '/new/' + mbox.add(outer)
commands.add(ui, repo, new_bug_path)
# Fix properties in the root message