author Dmitriy Morozov <>
Sat, 27 Dec 2008 14:51:38 -0800
changeset 105 051af83fba4c
parent 100 884f70adc576
child 106 dfa74f2f2a76
permissions -rw-r--r--
Merged in Python branch

#ifndef __CONTAINERS_H__
#define __CONTAINERS_H__

#include <vector>
#include "circular_list.h"

// TODO: write documentation

template<class Container_, class Comparison_ = std::less<typename Container_::value_type> >
struct ContainerTraits
    typedef     Container_                                                                  Container;
    typedef     typename Container::value_type                                              Item;
    typedef     Comparison_                                                                 Comparison;

    static void reserve(Container& c, size_t sz)                                            {}
    static void sort(Container& c, const Comparison& cmp = Comparison())                    { c.sort(cmp); }

 * Class: SizeStorage
 * This class expresses how size should be stored for various containers to be able 
 * to deduce it in constant time. By default it is stored explicitly, so that if the 
 * Container is std::list everything works. However, specialization is available for 
 * std::vector which uses its builtin size() function.
template<class Container_>
class SizeStorage
        typedef         Container_                                                          Container;
        typedef         SizeStorage<Container>                                              Self;

                        SizeStorage(size_t size = 0): size_(size)                           {}

        Self&           operator+=(size_t inc)                                              { size_ += inc; return *this; }
        Self&           operator-=(size_t dec)                                              { size_ -= dec; return *this; }
        Self&           operator++()                                                        { ++size_; return *this; }
        Self            operator++(int)                                                     { Self tmp = *this; size_++; return tmp; }
        Self&           operator--()                                                        { --size_; return *this; }
        Self            operator--(int)                                                     { Self tmp = *this; size_--; return tmp; }
        size_t          size(const Container& c) const                                      { return size_; }
        void            swap(SizeStorage& other)                                            { std::swap(size_, other.size_); }

        size_t          size_;

 * Class: CountingBackInserter<C>
 * Derives from std::back_insert_iterator<C> and SizeStorage<C>, 
 * and keeps track of the number of inserted elements.
template<class C>
struct CountingBackInserter: public std::back_insert_iterator<C>, 
                             public SizeStorage<C>
    typedef                     CountingBackInserter                            Self;
    typedef                     std::back_insert_iterator<C>  ParentIterator;
    typedef                     SizeStorage<C>                ParentSize;

                                CountingBackInserter(C& c):
                                    ParentIterator(c)                           {}

    Self&                       operator++()                                    { ParentSize::operator++(); ParentIterator::operator++(); return *this; }
    Self                        operator++(int i)                               { Self tmp = *this; ParentSize::operator++(i); ParentIterator::operator++(i); return tmp; }

/* Specializations */

template<class T, class Comparison_>
struct ContainerTraits<std::vector<T>, Comparison_>
    typedef     T                                                                           Item;
    typedef     std::vector<T>                                                              Container;
    typedef     Comparison_                                                                 Comparison;

    static void reserve(Container& c, size_t sz)                                            { c.reserve(sz); }
    static void sort(Container& c, const Comparison& cmp = Comparison())                    { std::sort(c.begin(), c.end(), cmp); }

template<class T, class Comparison_>
struct ContainerTraits<List<T>, Comparison_>
    typedef     T                                                                           Item;
    typedef     List<T>                                                                     Container;
    typedef     Comparison_                                                                 Comparison;

    static void reserve(Container& c, size_t sz)                                            { }
    static void sort(Container& c, const Comparison& cmp = Comparison())                    
        std::vector<Item> tmp(c.begin(), c.end());
        std::sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), cmp);
        std::copy(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), c.begin());

// TODO: specialize for List (singly-linked list)

template<class T>
class SizeStorage<std::vector<T> >
        typedef         std::vector<T>                                                      Container;
        typedef         SizeStorage<Container>                                              Self;
                        SizeStorage(size_t size = 0)                                        {}

        Self&           operator+=(size_t inc)                                              { return *this; }
        Self&           operator-=(size_t dec)                                              { return *this; }
        Self&           operator++()                                                        { return *this; }
        Self            operator++(int)                                                     { return *this; }
        Self&           operator--()                                                        { return *this; }
        Self            operator--(int)                                                     { return *this; }
        size_t          size(const Container& c) const                                      { return c.size(); }
        void            swap(SizeStorage& other)                                            {}

#endif // __CONTAINERS_H__