Henry Adams' fixes to python/dionysus/zigzag.py + added CohomologyPersistence.show_cocycles method
#ifndef __PYTHON_SIMPLEX_H__
#define __PYTHON_SIMPLEX_H__
#include <topology/simplex.h>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/stl_iterator.hpp>
namespace bp = boost::python;
namespace dionysus {
namespace python {
* SimplexVD is a base class for Python simplices (it's exposed to python as Simplex)
* SimplexObject is the representation of Python simplices in C++; i.e. it wraps bp::object and exposes a simplex-like interface.
typedef int Vertex;
typedef bp::object Data;
typedef Simplex<Vertex, Data> SimplexVD;
// Wrapper around bp::object that acts like a simplex
class SimplexObject: public bp::object
typedef SimplexObject Self;
typedef bp::object Parent;
typedef bp::stl_input_iterator<Self> BoundaryIterator;
SimplexObject(Parent o = Parent()): Parent(o) {}
BoundaryIterator boundary_begin() const { return bp::stl_input_iterator<Self>(this->attr("boundary")); }
BoundaryIterator boundary_end() const { return bp::stl_input_iterator<Self>(); }
operator SimplexVD() const { return bp::extract<const SimplexVD&>(*this); }
operator bp::object() const { return *this; }
bp::object getattribute(const char* name) const { return this->attr(name); }
class VertexComparison: public SimplexVD::VertexComparison
typedef Self first_argument_type;
typedef Self second_argument_type;
typedef bool result_type;
bool operator()(const SimplexObject& s1, const SimplexObject& s2) const
{ return SimplexVD::VertexComparison::operator()(bp::extract<const SimplexVD&>(s1), bp::extract<const SimplexVD&>(s2)); }
struct SimplexObjectToSimplexVD
static PyObject* convert (const SimplexObject& so)
return (PyObject*) &so;
} } // namespace dionysus::python