Cleaned up simplex comparison functions, outputs a diagram, auxilliary add_simplices() + remove_simplices() for zigzags
#ifndef __FILTRATION_H__
#define __FILTRATION_H__
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include "complex-traits.h"
#include "utilities/indirect.h"
#include "utilities/property-maps.h"
// Class: Filtration
// Filtration keeps track of the ordering of the simplices in a complex.
// The most significant function it provides is <boundary()> which converts
// the boundary of a simplex at a given index into a list of indices.
// TODO: this is really specialized for an std::vector<> Complex; eventually generalize
// TODO: should we derive from Order?
template<class Complex_,
class Index_ = size_t,
class ComplexTraits_ = ComplexTraits<Complex_> >
class Filtration
// Typedefs: Template parameters
typedef Index_ IntermediateIndex;
typedef Complex_ Complex;
typedef ComplexTraits_ ComplexTraits;
// Typedefs: Complex
typedef typename ComplexTraits::Index ComplexIndex;
typedef typename ComplexTraits::Simplex Simplex;
typedef typename ComplexTraits::SimplexIndexMap SimplexIndexMap;
typedef std::vector<IntermediateIndex> IndexBoundary;
// Typedefs: Order
typedef std::vector<ComplexIndex> Order;
typedef typename Order::const_iterator Index;
typedef std::vector<IntermediateIndex> ReverseOrder;
typedef typename ReverseOrder::const_iterator ReverseOrderIndex;
// Constructor: Filtration(bg, end, cmp)
template<class Comparison>
Filtration(ComplexIndex bg, ComplexIndex end, const Comparison& cmp = Comparison());
const Simplex& simplex(Index i) const { return **i; }
// Function: boundary(i, bdry, map)
// Computes boundary of a given index `i` in terms of other indices
template<class Cycle, class Map>
void boundary(const Index& i, Cycle& bdry, const Map& map) const;
Index begin() const { return order_.begin(); }
Index end() const { return order_.end(); }
size_t size() const { return order_.size(); }
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out) const;
Order order_;
ReverseOrder reverse_order_;
SimplexIndexMap simplex_index_map_;
template<class C, class I, class CT>
operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Filtration<C,I,CT>& f) { return f.operator<<(out); }
template<class Functor_, class Filtration_>
class ThroughFiltration
typedef Filtration_ Filtration;
typedef Functor_ Functor;
typedef typename Functor::result_type result_type;
typedef typename Filtration::Index first_argument_type;
ThroughFiltration(const Filtration& filtration,
const Functor& functor):
functor_(functor) {}
result_type operator()(first_argument_type a) const { return functor_(filtration_.simplex(a)); }
const Filtration& filtration_;
const Functor& functor_;
template<class Filtration, class Functor>
ThroughFiltration<Functor, Filtration>
evaluate_through_filtration(const Filtration& filtration, const Functor& functor)
{ return ThroughFiltration<Functor, Filtration>(filtration, functor); }
#include "filtration.hpp"
#endif // __FILTRATION_H__