Updated Rips zigzags
* Updated to use Bron-Kerbosch
* Compute in the order of increasing epsilon, and decreasing point sizes
* Split into plain zigzag (rips-zigzag) and image zigzag (rips-image-zigzag)
* Added minor enhancements (show_progress and timers)
from _dionysus import *
#def init_with_data(s,v, d = None):
# s._cpp_init_(v)
# if d is not None:
# s.data = d
#Simplex._cpp_init_ = Simplex.__init__
#Simplex.__init__ = init_with_data
#def data_cmp(s1, s2):
# return cmp(s1.data,s2.data)
#def data_dim_cmp(s1,s2):
# dim_cmp = cmp(s1.dimension(), s2.dimension())
# if dim_cmp: return dim_cmp
# else: return data_cmp(s1,s2)