author Dmitriy Morozov <>
Tue, 03 Feb 2009 11:31:10 -0800
changeset 114 374f94f92e50
parent 100 884f70adc576
child 179 d15c6d144645
permissions -rw-r--r--
Updated Rips zigzags * Updated to use Bron-Kerbosch * Compute in the order of increasing epsilon, and decreasing point sizes * Split into plain zigzag (rips-zigzag) and image zigzag (rips-image-zigzag) * Added minor enhancements (show_progress and timers)

 * Author: Dmitriy Morozov
 * Department of Computer Science, Duke University, 2005 -- 2008


#include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/nvp.hpp>

 * Struct: MaxVertexComparison
 * Functor that determines which simplex has a higher vertex with respect to VertexComparison_
template<class Simplex_, class VertexComparison_>
struct MaxVertexComparison
    typedef                     VertexComparison_                                   VertexComparison;
    typedef                     Simplex_                                            Simplex;

                                MaxVertexComparison(const VertexComparison& vcmp):
                                    vcmp_(vcmp)                                     {}

    bool                        operator()(const Simplex& s1, const Simplex& s2) const
        return std::max_element(s1.vertices().begin(), s1.vertices().end(), vcmp) <
               std::max_element(s2.vertices().begin(), s2.vertices().end(), vcmp);

    VertexComparison            vcmp_;

 * Map from i-th vertex to its index in the filtration.
template<class Index_>
class VertexSimplexMap
        typedef                 Index_                                              Index;
        typedef                 std::vector<FiltrationIndex>                        VertexVector;
                                VertexSimplexMap(Index begin, Index end, const Map& m)
            for (FiltrationIndex cur = begin; cur != end; ++cur)
                if (m[cur].dimension() == 0)

        VertexVector            vertices_;

// TODO: transpose_vertices(Index, Filtration, Persistence, Visitor);