Removed Qt4 requirement + added link to download and tutorial to the front page of the documentation
#include "cycles.h"
#include "utilities/types.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <debug/list>
using std::__debug::list;
#warning "Using debug/list in ZigzagPersistence"
#include <list>
using std::list;
* Class: ZigzagPersistence
* TODO: this should probably be parametrized by Chain or Field
template<class BirthID_ = Empty<>, class SimplexData_ = Empty<> >
class ZigzagPersistence
typedef BirthID_ BirthID;
typedef SimplexData_ SimplexData;
struct ZNode;
struct BNode;
struct SimplexNode;
typedef list<ZNode> ZList;
typedef typename ZList::iterator ZIndex;
typedef list<BNode> BList;
typedef typename BList::iterator BIndex;
typedef list<SimplexNode> SimplexList;
typedef typename SimplexList::iterator SimplexIndex;
// TODO: should all chains be DequeChains? probably not
typedef typename DequeChains<ZIndex>::Chain ZRow;
typedef typename DequeChains<ZIndex>::Chain BColumn;
typedef typename VectorChains<BIndex>::Chain BRow;
typedef typename VectorChains<BIndex>::Chain CRow;
typedef typename VectorChains<SimplexIndex>::Chain ZColumn;
typedef typename VectorChains<SimplexIndex>::Chain CColumn;
typedef boost::optional<BirthID> Death;
typedef std::pair<SimplexIndex, Death> IndexDeathPair;
struct ZNode
ZNode(int o, BIndex l):
order(o), low(l) {}
int order;
ZColumn z_column;
BRow b_row;
BIndex low; // which BColumn has this ZIndex as low
BirthID birth; // TODO: do we need to do empty-member optimization?
// i.e., does it ever make sense for birth to be empty?
struct BNode
BNode(unsigned o): order(o) {}
unsigned order;
BColumn b_column;
CColumn c_column;
struct SimplexNode: public SimplexData
SimplexNode(unsigned o, ZIndex l):
order(o), low(l) {}
unsigned order;
ZRow z_row;
CRow c_row;
ZIndex low; // which ZColumn has this SimplexNode as low
ZColumn boundary; // NB: debug only
// Constructor: ZigzagPersistence()
ZigzagPersistence() {}
// Function: add(bdry, birth)
IndexDeathPair add(ZColumn bdry, const BirthID& birth = BirthID()) { ZigzagVisitor zzv; return add<ZigzagVisitor>(bdry, birth, zzv); }
// Function: remove(s, birth)
Death remove(SimplexIndex s, const BirthID& birth = BirthID()) { ZigzagVisitor zzv; return remove<ZigzagVisitor>(s, birth, zzv); }
ZIndex begin() { return z_list.begin(); }
ZIndex end() { return z_list.end(); }
bool is_alive(ZIndex i) const { return i->low == b_list.end(); }
// Function: add(s)
template<class Visitor>
IndexDeathPair add(ZColumn bdry, const BirthID& birth, Visitor& visitor);
// Function: remove(s)
template<class Visitor>
Death remove(SimplexIndex s, const BirthID& birth, Visitor& visitor);
// Struct: ZigzagVisitor
// Various methods of an instance of this class are called at different stages of addition and removal algorithm.
// NB: currently the places where it's called are catered for image zigzags, in the future this could be expanded
// to provide simple support for other algorithms
// TODO: not obvious that the methods should be const (and therefore the reference passed to add() and remove())
// revisit when working on ImageZigzag
struct ZigzagVisitor
SimplexIndex new_simplex(ZigzagPersistence& zz);
// Function: new_z_in_add(zz, z, u)
// Called when a new cycle is born after adding a simplex. The method is expected to add an element to z_list, and return its ZIndex.
ZIndex new_z_in_add(ZigzagPersistence& zz, const ZColumn& z, const BRow& u);
BIndex select_j_in_remove(ZigzagPersistence& zz, const CRow& c_row);
ZIndex new_z_in_remove(ZigzagPersistence& zz);
void erasing_z(ZigzagPersistence&, ZIndex) {}
Death death(ZigzagPersistence& zz, ZIndex dying_z);
// Debug; non-const because Indices are iterators, and not const_iterators
void show_all();
bool check_consistency(SimplexIndex s_skip, ZIndex z_skip, BIndex b_skip);
bool check_consistency() { return check_consistency(s_list.end(), z_list.end(), b_list.end()); }
ZList z_list;
BList b_list;
SimplexList s_list;
/* Helper functors */
template<class Member, class Element> struct Appender;
template<class Member, class Element> struct Remover;
template<class Member, class Chain> struct Adder;
template<class Member, class Element>
Appender<Member, Element> make_appender(Member m, Element e) const { return Appender<Member, Element>(m,e); }
template<class Member, class Element>
Remover<Member, Element> make_remover(Member m, Element e) const { return Remover<Member, Element>(m,e); }
template<class Member, class Chain>
Adder<Member, Chain> make_adder(Member m, Chain& c) const { return Adder<Member, Chain>(m, c); }
template<class Index, class IndexFrom, class PrimaryMember, class SecondaryMember>
void add_chains(Index bg, Index end, IndexFrom j, PrimaryMember pm, SecondaryMember sm);
template<class IndexTo, class IndexFrom, class PrimaryMemberTo, class SecondaryMemberTo, class PrimaryMemberFrom>
void add_chains(IndexTo bg, IndexTo end, IndexFrom j,
PrimaryMemberTo pmt, SecondaryMemberTo smt,
PrimaryMemberFrom pmf);
template<class Index, class PrimaryMember, class SecondaryMember>
void add_chain(Index to, Index from,
PrimaryMember pmt, SecondaryMember smt);
template<class IndexTo, class IndexFrom, class PrimaryMemberTo, class SecondaryMemberTo, class PrimaryMemberFrom>
void add_chain(IndexTo to, IndexFrom from,
PrimaryMemberTo pmt, SecondaryMemberTo smt,
PrimaryMemberFrom pmf);
template<class IndexTo, class IndexFrom, class PrimaryMember, class SecondaryMember, class DualPrimaryMember, class DualSecondaryMember>
void change_basis(IndexTo bg, IndexTo end, IndexFrom j,
PrimaryMember pm, SecondaryMember sm,
DualPrimaryMember dpm, DualSecondaryMember dsm);
struct OrderComparison
template<class T>
bool operator()(T a, T b) const { return a->order < b->order; }
} cmp;
struct OrderOutput
template<class T>
std::string operator()(T a) const { std::stringstream s; s << a->order; return s.str(); }
} out;
#include "zigzag-persistence.hpp"