author Aravindakshan Babu <>
Thu, 08 Jul 2010 23:50:39 -0700
changeset 217 64a272a34cb2
parent 130 580eaa850c4f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added extra functionality to Point class( an iterator ) and PersistenceDiagram( dimension property and __len__ func ). persistence-diagram.h: Added a new read-only dimension member and member function to access it. With a new constructor that that takes in an int type to initialize dimension. persistence-diagram.cpp: Added new bp::init constructor. Takes in an integer type to initialize the dimension. Exposed the dimension property. Exposed the size property via a __len__ method. Added an iterator for Point objects. This iterates over the coords and then the data( if present ).

#include <topology/rips.h>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
namespace bp = boost::python;

#include "rips.h"                   // defines RipsWithDistances
namespace dp = dionysus::python;

#include <iostream>

/* Various wrappers for exposing Rips to Python */
// Constructor from distances
boost::shared_ptr<dp::RipsWithDistances>        init_from_distances(bp::object distances)
    boost::shared_ptr<dp::RipsWithDistances>    p(new dp::RipsWithDistances(distances));
    return p;

void export_rips()
    bp::class_<dp::RipsWithDistances>("Rips", bp::no_init)
        .def("__init__",            bp::make_constructor(&init_from_distances))
        .def("generate",            &dp::RipsWithDistances::generate)
        .def("generate",            &dp::RipsWithDistances::generate_candidates)
        .def("vertex_cofaces",      &dp::RipsWithDistances::vertex_cofaces)
        .def("vertex_cofaces",      &dp::RipsWithDistances::vertex_cofaces_candidate)
        .def("edge_cofaces",        &dp::RipsWithDistances::edge_cofaces)
        .def("edge_cofaces",        &dp::RipsWithDistances::edge_cofaces_candidates)

        .def("cmp",                 &dp::RipsWithDistances::cmp)
        .def("cmp",                 &dp::RipsWithDistances::cmp_native)
        .def("eval",                &dp::RipsWithDistances::eval)
        .def("eval",                &dp::RipsWithDistances::eval_native)