author Aravindakshan Babu <akshan@stanford.edu>
Thu, 08 Jul 2010 23:50:39 -0700
changeset 217 64a272a34cb2
parent 182 451748b3c888
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added extra functionality to Point class( an iterator ) and PersistenceDiagram( dimension property and __len__ func ). persistence-diagram.h: Added a new read-only dimension member and member function to access it. With a new constructor that that takes in an int type to initialize dimension. persistence-diagram.cpp: Added new bp::init constructor. Takes in an integer type to initialize the dimension. Exposed the dimension property. Exposed the size property via a __len__ method. __init__.py: Added an iterator for Point objects. This iterates over the coords and then the data( if present ).

from dionysus import Simplex, ZigzagPersistence, \
                     vertex_cmp, data_cmp \
#                    ,enable_log

complex = {Simplex((0,),        0):     None,                   # A
           Simplex((1,),        1):     None,                   # B
           Simplex((2,),        2):     None,                   # C
           Simplex((0,1),       2.5):   None,                   # AB
           Simplex((1,2),       2.9):   None,                   # BC
           Simplex((0,2),       3.5):   None,                   # CA
           Simplex((0,1,2),     5):     None}                   # ABC

print "Complex:"
for s in sorted(complex.keys()): print s

zz = ZigzagPersistence()

# Add all the simplices
b = 1
for s in sorted(complex.keys(), data_cmp):
    print "%d: Adding %s" % (b, s)
    i,d = zz.add([complex[ss] for ss in s.boundary], b)
    complex[s] = i
    if d:   print "Interval (%d, %d)" % (d, b-1)
    b += 1

# Remove all the simplices
for s in sorted(complex.keys(), data_cmp, reverse = True):
    print "%d: Removing %s" % (b, s)
    d = zz.remove(complex[s], b)
    del complex[s]
    if d:   print "Interval (%d, %d)" % (d, b-1)
    b += 1