#include "order.h"
#include "cycles.h"
#include "filtration.h"
#include <boost/ref.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
namespace bl = boost::lambda;
#include <utilities/types.h>
#include <boost/progress.hpp>
// Element_ should derive from PairCycleData
template<class Data_, class ChainTraits_, class Element_ = use_default>
struct PairCycleData: public Data_
typedef Data_ Data;
typedef typename if_default<Element_, PairCycleData>::type Element;
typedef const Element* Index;
typedef typename ChainTraits_::template rebind<Index>::other ChainTraits;
typedef typename ChainTraits::Chain Chain;
typedef Chain Cycle;
PairCycleData(Index p = Index(), const Cycle& z = Cycle(), const Data& d = Data()):
Data(d), pair(p), cycle(z)
bool sign() const { return cycle.empty(); }
bool unpaired() const { return pair == this; }
void swap_cycle(Cycle& z) { cycle.swap(z); }
void set_pair(Index i) { pair = i; }
Index pair;
Cycle cycle;
* Class: StaticPersistence
* The class that encapsulates order and pairing information as well as
* implements methods to compute and maintain the pairing. Its most
* significant method is <pair_simplices()>.
* Template parameters:
* Data_ - auxilliary contents to store with each OrderElement
* OrderDescriptor_ - class describing how the order is stored; it defaults to <VectorOrderDescriptor>
* which serves as a prototypical class
template<class Data_ = Empty<>,
class ChainTraits_ = VectorChains<>,
class ContainerTraits_ = OrderContainer<>,
class Element_ = PairCycleData<Data_, ChainTraits_>,
class Comparison_ = ElementComparison<typename ContainerTraits_::template rebind<Element_>::other::Container,
std::greater<typename ContainerTraits_::template rebind<Element_>::other::Container::iterator> > >
class StaticPersistence
// Typedef: Data
// The data type stored in each order element
typedef Data_ Data;
typedef Element_ Element;
typedef typename ContainerTraits_::
template rebind<Element>::other ContainerTraits;
typedef typename ContainerTraits::Container Container;
typedef Container Order;
typedef typename Element::Index OrderIndex;
typedef Element OrderElement;
typedef typename Order::iterator iterator;
typedef typename ChainTraits_::
template rebind<OrderIndex>::other ChainTraits;
typedef typename ChainTraits::Chain Chain;
typedef Chain Cycle;
typedef Comparison_ OrderComparison;
/* Constructor: StaticPersistence() */
StaticPersistence(): ocmp_(order_) {}
/* Constructor: StaticPersistence()
* TODO: write a description
* Template parameters:
* Filtration - filtration of the complex whose persistence we are computing
template<class Filtration> StaticPersistence(const Filtration& f): ocmp_(order_) { initialize(f); }
// Function: initialize(const Filtration& f)
// Initialize the boundary map from the Filtration
template<class Filtration>
void initialize(const Filtration& f);
// Function: pair_simplices()
// Compute persistence of the filtration
void pair_simplices(bool progress = true);
// Functions: Accessors
// begin() - returns OrderIndex of the first element
// end() - returns OrderIndex of one past the last element
// size() - number of elements in the StaticPersistence
iterator begin() const { return order_.begin(); }
iterator end() const { return order_.end(); }
iterator iterator_to(OrderIndex i) const { return order_.iterator_to(*i); }
OrderIndex index(iterator i) const { return &*i; }
size_t size() const { return order_.size(); }
const OrderComparison& order_comparison() const { return ocmp_; }
// A map to extract simplices
template<class Filtration> class SimplexMap;
template<class Filtration>
SimplexMap<Filtration> make_simplex_map(const Filtration& filtration) const { return SimplexMap<Filtration>(*this, filtration); }
class OrderModifier
OrderModifier(Order& order): order_(order) {}
template<class Functor>
void operator()(iterator i, const Functor& f) { order_.modify(i, f); }
Order& order_;
OrderModifier modifier() { return OrderModifier(order()); }
// Function: pair_simplices(bg, end)
// Compute persistence of the simplices in filtration between bg and end
template<class Visitor>
void pair_simplices(iterator bg, iterator end, bool store_negative = false, const Visitor& visitor = Visitor());
// Struct: PairVisitor
// Acts as an archetype and if necessary a base class for visitors passed to <pair_simplices(bg, end, visitor)>.
struct PairVisitor
PairVisitor(unsigned size): show_progress(size) {}
// Function: init(i)
// Called after OrderElement pointed to by `i` has been initialized
// (its cycle is set to be its boundary, and pair is set to self, i.e. `i`)
void init(iterator i) const {}
// Function: update(j, i)
// Called after the cycle of `i` has been added to the cycle of `j`,
// this allows the derived class to perform the necessary updates
// (e.g., add `i`'s chain to `j`'s chain)
void update(iterator j, iterator i) const {}
// Function: finished(j)
// Called after the processing of `j` is finished.
void finished(iterator j) const { ++show_progress; }
mutable boost::progress_display
struct PairVisitorNoProgress
PairVisitorNoProgress() {}
void init(iterator i) const {}
void update(iterator j, iterator i) const {}
void finished(iterator j) const {}
const Order& order() const { return order_; }
Order& order() { return order_; }
void set_pair(iterator i, iterator j) { set_pair(i, &*j); }
void set_pair(iterator i, OrderIndex j) { order_.modify(i, boost::bind(&OrderElement::set_pair, bl::_1, j)); } // i->set_pair(j)
void set_pair(OrderIndex i, iterator j) { set_pair(iterator_to(i), &*j); }
void set_pair(OrderIndex i, OrderIndex j) { set_pair(iterator_to(i), j); }
void swap_cycle(iterator i, Cycle& z) { order_.modify(i, boost::bind(&OrderElement::swap_cycle, bl::_1, boost::ref(z))); } // i->swap_cycle(z)
Order order_;
OrderComparison ocmp_;
#include "static-persistence.hpp"