author Aravindakshan Babu <>
Wed, 18 Aug 2010 12:05:18 -0700
changeset 220 d07d77561661
parent 134 c270826fd4a8
permissions -rw-r--r--
Removed the points iterator in PersistenceDaigram; replaced it with a __iter__ method. Got rid of some python code in, since it was not needed with the above change. Changed the docs to reflect this.

from docutils import nodes, utils
import posixpath

def sfile_role(typ, rawtext, etext, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):
    env = inliner.document.settings.env
    baseuri = env.config.sfile_base_uri
    text = utils.unescape(etext)
    refnode = nodes.reference('', '', refuri=posixpath.join(baseuri, text))
    refnode += nodes.literal(text, text)
    return [refnode], []

def setup(app):
    app.add_role('sfile', sfile_role)
    app.add_config_value('sfile_base_uri', '', True)