Added code to expose the persistence_diagram class, the bottleneck_distance function and the point class to python.
Most of the commonly used methods for each class have been exported.
The constructor for point now requires that a data argument be provided along with x and y coord. This needs to be made optional.
The constructor for persistence_diagram could possibly be rewritten as well.
#include <boost/python/def.hpp>
namespace bp = boost::python;
namespace dionysus{
namespace python{
typedef bp::object Data;
typedef PDPoint<Data> PointD;
typedef PersistenceDiagram<Data> PersistenceDiagramD;
} } //namespace dionysus::python
namespace dp = dionysus::python;
// TBD: Make the Data argument optional. Use bp::None ?
template<class PDPoint>
boost::shared_ptr< PDPoint > init_from_coords( bp::object x_obj, bp::object y_obj, dp::Data d ){
RealType x = bp::extract<RealType>( x_obj ); RealType y = bp::extract<RealType>( y_obj );
boost::shared_ptr< PDPoint > p( new PDPoint( x, y, d ) );
return p;
template<class PDPoint>
RealType get_x_coord( const PDPoint& p ){
return p.x( );
template<class PDPoint>
RealType get_y_coord( const PDPoint& p ){
return p.y( );
template<class PDPoint>
bp::object get_data( const PDPoint& p ){
return );
void export_point( ){
.def( "__init__", bp::make_constructor( &init_from_coords<dp::PointD> ) )
.add_property( "x", &get_x_coord<dp::PointD> )
.add_property( "y", &get_y_coord<dp::PointD> )
.add_property( "data", &get_data<dp::PointD> )
.def( repr(bp::self) )
template<class PersistenceDiagramD, class PointD>
boost::shared_ptr<PersistenceDiagramD> init_from_points_sequence( bp::object point_sequence ){
typedef bp::stl_input_iterator<PointD> PointDIterator;
PointDIterator beg = PointDIterator( point_sequence ), end = PointDIterator( );
// The following line is commented out until we can figure out the Evaluator class in make_point
//boost::shared_ptr<PersistenceDiagramD> p( new PersistenceDiagramD( beg, end );
boost::shared_ptr<PersistenceDiagramD> p( new PersistenceDiagramD( ) );
for( PointDIterator cur=beg; cur!=end; cur++ )
(*p).push_back( *cur );
return p;
void export_persistence_diagram( ){
.def( "__init__", bp::make_constructor( &init_from_points_sequence< dp::PersistenceDiagramD, dp::PointD > ) )
.def( "append", &dp::PersistenceDiagramD::push_back )
.add_property( "points", bp::range( &dp::PersistenceDiagramD::begin, &dp::PersistenceDiagramD::end ) )
.def( repr(bp::self) )
.def( "__sub__", &bottleneck_distance<dp::PersistenceDiagramD,dp::PersistenceDiagramD> )
bp::def( "BottleneckDistance", bottleneck_distance<dp::PersistenceDiagramD,dp::PersistenceDiagramD> );