Added pan + zoom to diagram viewer; show_diagram() didn't return; added PyQt, PyOpenGL, NumPy as dependencies in the docs
#include <debug/list>
#include <debug/vector>
namespace s = std::__debug;
#warning "Using debug/list and debug/vector in CohomologyPersistence"
#include <list>
#include <vector>
namespace s = std;
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <utility>
#include <topology/field-arithmetic.h>
#include "utilities/types.h"
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
namespace bi = boost::intrusive;
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
template<class BirthInfo_, class SimplexData_ = Empty<>, class Field_ = ZpField>
class CohomologyPersistence
typedef BirthInfo_ BirthInfo;
typedef SimplexData_ SimplexData;
typedef Field_ Field;
typedef typename Field::Element FieldElement;
CohomologyPersistence(const Field& field = Field()):
field_(field), image_begin_(cocycles_.end()) {}
// An entry in a cocycle column
struct SNode; // members: si, coefficient, ci
typedef s::vector<SNode> ZColumn;
typedef bi::list<SNode, bi::constant_time_size<false> > ZRow;
class CompareSNode;
struct SHead; // members: row, order
typedef s::list<SHead> Simplices;
typedef typename Simplices::iterator SimplexIndex;
struct Cocycle; // members: zcolumn, birth, order
typedef s::list<Cocycle> Cocycles;
typedef typename Cocycles::iterator CocycleIndex;
typedef std::pair<CocycleIndex, FieldElement> CocycleCoefficientPair;
typedef boost::optional<BirthInfo> Death;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<ZColumn> CocyclePtr;
typedef boost::tuple<SimplexIndex, Death, CocyclePtr> IndexDeathCocycle;
// return either a SimplexIndex or a Death
// BI = BoundaryIterator; it should dereference to a SimplexIndex
template<class BI>
IndexDeathCocycle add(BI begin, BI end, BirthInfo b, bool store = true, const SimplexData& sd = SimplexData(), bool image = true);
// if sign needs to be specified explicitly, provide (parallel) coefficient_iter
template<class BI, class CI>
IndexDeathCocycle add(CI coefficient_iter, BI begin, BI end, BirthInfo b, bool store = true, const SimplexData& sd = SimplexData(), bool image = true);
void show_cocycles() const;
CocycleIndex begin() { return image_begin_; }
CocycleIndex end() { return cocycles_.end(); }
void add_cocycle(CocycleCoefficientPair& z1, CocycleCoefficientPair& z2);
Simplices simplices_;
Cocycles cocycles_;
CocycleIndex image_begin_;
Field field_;
// Simplex representation
template<class BirthInfo_, class SimplexData_, class Field_>
struct CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo_, SimplexData_, Field_>::SHead: public SimplexData
SHead(const SHead& other):
SimplexData(other), order(other.order) {} // don't copy row since we can't
SHead(const SimplexData& sd, unsigned o):
SimplexData(sd), order(o) {}
// intrusive list corresponding to row of s in Z^*, not ordered in any particular order
ZRow row;
unsigned order;
// An entry in a cocycle column; it's also an element in an intrusive list, hence the list_base_hook<>
typedef bi::list_base_hook<bi::link_mode<bi::auto_unlink> > auto_unlink_hook;
template<class BirthInfo_, class SimplexData_, class Field_>
struct CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo_, SimplexData_, Field_>::SNode: public auto_unlink_hook
SNode(const SNode& other):
si(, coefficient(other.coefficient),
ci( {}
SNode(SimplexIndex sidx, FieldElement coef, CocycleIndex cidx):
si(sidx), coefficient(coef), ci(cidx) {}
SimplexIndex si;
FieldElement coefficient;
CocycleIndex ci; // TODO: is there no way to get rid of this overhead?
void unlink() { auto_unlink_hook::unlink(); }
template<class BirthInfo_, class SimplexData_, class Field_>
struct CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo_, SimplexData_, Field_>::Cocycle
Cocycle(const BirthInfo& b, unsigned o):
birth(b), order(o) {}
ZColumn zcolumn;
BirthInfo birth;
signed order;
bool operator<(const Cocycle& other) const { return order > other.order; }
bool operator==(const Cocycle& other) const { return order == other.order; }
#include "cohomology-persistence.hpp"