Added pan + zoom to diagram viewer; show_diagram() didn't return; added PyQt, PyOpenGL, NumPy as dependencies in the docs
#ifndef __PROPERTY_MAPS_H__
#define __PROPERTY_MAPS_H__
#include <boost/version.hpp>
#if BOOST_VERSION >= 104000
#include <boost/property_map/property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/property_map.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_traits.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include "utilities/log.h"
/* Associative Map */ // FIXME: this needs to have more thought put into it
template<class UniquePairAssociativeContainer_>
class AssociativeMap: public boost::associative_property_map<UniquePairAssociativeContainer_>
typedef boost::associative_property_map<UniquePairAssociativeContainer_> Parent;
// FIXME: takes begin, end, and initializes with the reverse
container(), Parent(container) {}
UniquePairAssociativeContainer_ container;
/* Dereference Map */
template<class Iterator_>
class DereferenceMap
typedef Iterator_ Iterator;
typedef Iterator key_type;
typedef typename boost::iterator_value<Iterator>::type value_type;
typedef boost::readable_property_map_tag category;
value_type operator[](const key_type& k) const { return *k; }
/* Binary Search Map */
template<class Query_, class Index_, class Comparison_ = std::less<Query_> >
class BinarySearchMap
typedef Query_ Query;
typedef Index_ Index;
typedef Comparison_ Comparison;
typedef Query key_type;
typedef Index value_type;
typedef boost::readable_property_map_tag category;
BinarySearchMap(Index bg, Index end,
Comparison cmp = Comparison()):
bg_(bg), end_(end), cmp_(cmp) {}
value_type operator[](const key_type& k) const
value_type res = std::lower_bound(bg_, end_, k, cmp_);
AssertMsg(!cmp_(*res, k) && !cmp_(k, *res), "Query must always be found");
return res;
Index bg_;
Index end_;
Comparison cmp_;
/* Offset Map */
template<class From_, class To_>
struct OffsetMap
typedef From_ From;
typedef To_ To;
typedef From key_type;
typedef To value_type;
OffsetMap(From bg_from, To bg_to):
bg_from_(bg_from), bg_to_(bg_to) {}
To operator[](From i) const { return bg_to_ + (i - bg_from_); }
From from() const { return bg_from_; }
To to() const { return bg_to_; }
template<class NewFrom_> struct rebind_from
{ typedef OffsetMap<NewFrom_, To_> other; };
template<class NewTo_> struct rebind_to
{ typedef OffsetMap<From_, NewTo_> other; };
From bg_from_;
To bg_to_;
template<class From_, class To_>
OffsetMap<From_, To_>
make_offset_map(From_ bg_from, To_ bg_to)
{ return OffsetMap<From_, To_>(bg_from, bg_to); }
template<class From_, class To_, class FromIndex_, class ToIndex_>
struct OffsetBeginMap
typedef From_ From;
typedef To_ To;
typedef FromIndex_ key_type;
typedef ToIndex_ value_type;
OffsetBeginMap(const From& from, const To& to):
from_(from), to_(to) {}
value_type operator[](key_type i) const { return to_.begin() + (i - from_.begin()); }
const From& from() const { return from_; }
const To& to() const { return to_; }
const From& from_;
const To& to_;
/* ChainMap */
template<class Map1, class Map2>
class ChainMap
typedef typename Map1::key_type key_type;
typedef typename Map2::value_type value_type;
ChainMap(const Map1& m1, const Map2& m2):
m1_(m1), m2_(m2) {}
value_type operator[](const key_type& k) const { return m2_[m1_[k]]; }
const Map1& m1_;
const Map2& m2_;
/* ThroughMap */
template<class Functor_, class Map_>
class ThroughMap
typedef Map_ Map;
typedef Functor_ Functor;
typedef typename Functor::result_type result_type;
typedef typename Map_::key_type first_argument_type;
ThroughMap(const Map& map,
const Functor& functor):
functor_(functor) {}
result_type operator()(first_argument_type a) const { return functor_(map_[a]); }
const Map& map_;
const Functor& functor_;
template<class Map, class Functor>
ThroughMap<Functor, Map>
evaluate_through_map(const Map& map, const Functor& functor)
{ return ThroughMap<Functor, Map>(map, functor); }
#endif // __PROPERTY_MAPS_H__