Changed implementation of WeightedRips to store simplex values (max distance between simplices' vertices) as an invisible layer on top of each simplex object, so that the data() field of WeightedRips has been freed for use by the users again.
// Wrap includes into namespaces to avoid nameclashes
#include "../../examples/alphashapes/alphashapes2d.h"
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/stl_iterator.hpp>
namespace bp = boost::python;
#include "simplex.h" // defines SimplexVD, Vertex, and Data
namespace dp = dionysus::python;
void fill_alpha2D_complex(bp::object points, bp::list complex)
typedef std::map<AlphaSimplex2D::Vertex, unsigned> ASPointMap;
Delaunay2D Dt;
ASPointMap point_map;
unsigned i = 0;
for (bp::stl_input_iterator<bp::list> pt = points; pt != bp::stl_input_iterator<bp::list>(); ++pt)
double x = bp::extract<double>((*pt)[0]);
double y = bp::extract<double>((*pt)[1]);
point_map[Dt.insert(Point(x,y))] = i++;
AlphaSimplex2D::SimplexSet simplices;
fill_simplex_set(Dt, simplices);
for (AlphaSimplex2D::SimplexSet::const_iterator cur = simplices.begin(); cur != simplices.end(); ++cur)
dp::SimplexVD s;
for (AlphaSimplex2D::VertexContainer::const_iterator vcur = cur->vertices().begin();
vcur != cur->vertices().end(); ++vcur)
complex[-1].attr("data") = cur->value();
complex[-1].attr("attached") = cur->attached();
void export_alphashapes2d()
bp::def("fill_alpha2D_complex", &fill_alpha2D_complex);