author Christos Mantoulidis <>
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 13:23:16 -0700
changeset 156 f75fb57d2831
parent 130 580eaa850c4f
child 181 1ee6edc17cb6
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed implementation of WeightedRips to store simplex values (max distance between simplices' vertices) as an invisible layer on top of each simplex object, so that the data() field of WeightedRips has been freed for use by the users again.

#ifndef __PYTHON_SIMPLEX_H__
#define __PYTHON_SIMPLEX_H__

#include <topology/simplex.h>

#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/python/stl_iterator.hpp>
namespace bp = boost::python;

namespace dionysus {
namespace python   {

 * SimplexVD is a base class for Python simplices (it's exposed to python as Simplex)
 * SimplexObject is the representation of Python simplices in C++; i.e. it wraps bp::object and exposes a simplex-like interface.
typedef                             int                                         Vertex;
// typedef                             double                                      Data;
typedef                             Empty<>                                     Data;
typedef                             Simplex<Vertex, Data>                       SimplexVD;

// Wrapper around bp::object that acts like a simplex
class SimplexObject: public bp::object
        typedef                 SimplexObject                                   Self;
        typedef                 bp::object                                      Parent;
        typedef                 SimplexVD::BoundaryIterator                     BoundaryIterator;

                                SimplexObject(Parent o = Parent()): Parent(o)   {}

        BoundaryIterator        boundary_begin() const                          { return bp::extract<const SimplexVD&>(*this)().boundary_begin(); }
        BoundaryIterator        boundary_end() const                            { return bp::extract<const SimplexVD&>(*this)().boundary_end(); }

                                operator SimplexVD() const                      { return bp::extract<const SimplexVD&>(*this); }
                                operator bp::object() const                     { return *this; }

        bp::object              getattribute(const char* name) const            { return this->attr(name); }

        class                   VertexComparison: public SimplexVD::VertexComparison
                typedef         Self                                            first_argument_type;
                typedef         Self                                            second_argument_type;
                typedef         bool                                            result_type;

                bool            operator()(const SimplexObject& s1, const SimplexObject& s2) const  
                { return SimplexVD::VertexComparison::operator()(bp::extract<const SimplexVD&>(s1), bp::extract<const SimplexVD&>(s2)); }

struct SimplexObjectToSimplexVD
    static PyObject* convert (const SimplexObject& so)
        return (PyObject*) &so;

} } // namespace dionysus::python
