Changed implementation of WeightedRips to store simplex values (max distance between simplices' vertices) as an invisible layer on top of each simplex object, so that the data() field of WeightedRips has been freed for use by the users again.
from docutils import nodes, utils
import posixpath
def sfile_role(typ, rawtext, etext, lineno, inliner, options={}, content=[]):
env = inliner.document.settings.env
baseuri = env.config.sfile_base_uri
text = utils.unescape(etext)
refnode = nodes.reference('', '', refuri=posixpath.join(baseuri, text))
refnode += nodes.literal(text, text)
return [refnode], []
def setup(app):
app.add_role('sfile', sfile_role)
app.add_config_value('sfile_base_uri', '', True)