author Christos Mantoulidis <>
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 13:23:16 -0700
changeset 156 f75fb57d2831
parent 134 c270826fd4a8
child 147 d39a20acb253
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed implementation of WeightedRips to store simplex values (max distance between simplices' vertices) as an invisible layer on top of each simplex object, so that the data() field of WeightedRips has been freed for use by the users again.

:class:`Rips` class

.. class:: Rips

    .. method:: __init__(distances)
        Initializes :class:`Rips` with the given `distances` whose main purpose
        is to return the distance of two points given their indices. See
        Distances_ below.

    .. method:: generate(k, max, functor[, seq])
        Calls `functor` with every simplex in the `k`-skeleton of the Rips
        complex :math:`VR` (`max`). If `seq` is provided, then the complex is
        restricted to the vertex indices in the sequence.

    .. method:: vertex_coface(v, k, max, functor[, seq])
        Calls `functor` with every coface of the vertex `v` in the `k`-skeleton
        of the Rips complex :math:`VR` (`max`). If `seq` is provided, then the
        complex is restricted to the vertex indices in the sequence.

    .. method:: edge_cofaces(u, v, k, max, functor[, seq])
        Calls `functor` with every coface of the edge (`u`, `v`) in the
        `k`-skeleton of the Rips complex :math:`VR` (`max`). If `seq` is
        provided, then the complex is restricted to the vertex indices in the

    .. method:: cmp(s1, s2)

        Compares simplices `s1` and `s2` with respect to their ordering in the
        Rips complex.  Note that like Python's built in `cmp` this is a three
        possible outsome comparison (-1,0,1) for (:math:`\leq, =, \geq`,

    .. method:: eval(s)

        Returns the size of simplex `s`, i.e. the length of its longest edge.

.. _distances:


An instance of `distances` passed to the constructor of :class:`Rips` should
know its length and the distances between the points. The length should be
retrievable via ``len(distance)`` and it determines how many points the complex
is built on. The distances between the points are inferred by the class
:class:`Rips` by calling `distances` with a pair of vertices as arguments.

For example, the following class represents 10 points on an integer lattice::

    class Distances:
        def __len__(self): 
            return 10

        def __call__(self, x, y):
            return math.fabs(y-x)

The bindings provide a pure Python class :class:`PairwiseDistances` to deal with
explicit points in a Euclidean space. It is defined in

    class PairwiseDistances:
        def __init__(self, points, norm = l2):
            self.points = points
            self.norm = norm

        def __len__(self):
            return len(self.points)

        def __call__(self, x, y):
            return self.norm([x - y for (x,y) in zip(self.points[p1], self.points[p2])])

Another distances class is available that speeds up the computation of the Rips
complex at the expense of the memory usage: :class:`ExplicitDistances`. It is
initialized with an instance of any class that behaves like a distances class,
and it stores all of its distances explicitly to not have to recompute them in
the future::

    distances = PairwiseDistances(points)
    distances = ExplicitDistances(distances)


The following example reads in points from a file, and fills the list
`simplices` with the simplices of the 2-skeleton of the Rips complex built on
those vertices with distance cutoff parameter 50. Subsequently it computes the
persistence of the resulting filtration (defined by ``rips.cmp``)::

    points = [for p in points_file('...')]
    distances = PairwiseDistances(points)
    rips = Rips(distances)
    simplices = []
    rips.generate(2, 50, simplices.append)
    f = Filtration(simplices, rips.cmp)
    p = StaticPersistence(f)

Essentially the same example is implemented in
:sfile:`examples/rips/`, although it reads the `k` and `max`
parameters for the Rips complex on the command line, and uses a trick to speed
up the computation.