author Christos Mantoulidis <cmad@stanford.edu>
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 13:23:16 -0700
changeset 156 f75fb57d2831
parent 74 79ee020341aa
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed implementation of WeightedRips to store simplex values (max distance between simplices' vertices) as an invisible layer on top of each simplex object, so that the data() field of WeightedRips has been freed for use by the users again.


#include <stack>
#include <iostream>
#include "ar-simplex3d.h"

 * Represents function suitable for the FunctionKernel. Albeit very restrictive 
 * (it only supports subtraction), although that should suffice for KineticSort.
class ARFunction
        /// Represents the three forms of the involved functions. See Appendix B of LHI paper.
        enum                        FunctionForm                                        { none, rho, lambda, phi };

                                    ARFunction(FunctionForm f, ARSimplex3D* s): 
                                        form_(f), form2_(none),
                                        simplex_(s), simplex2_(0)                       {}
                                    ARFunction(const ARFunction& other):
                                        form_(other.form_), form2_(other.form2_),
                                        simplex2_(other.simplex2_)                      {}

        ARFunction&                 operator-=(const ARFunction& other)                 { form2_ = other.form_; simplex2_ = other.simplex_; return *this; }
        ARFunction                  operator-(const ARFunction& other)                  { return (ARFunction(*this) -= other); }

        FunctionForm                form() const                                        { return form_; }
        FunctionForm                form2() const                                       { return form2_; }
        ARSimplex3D*                simplex() const                                     { return simplex_; }
        ARSimplex3D*                simplex2() const                                    { return simplex2_; }

        std::ostream&               operator<<(std::ostream& out) const                 { return (out << "(" << form_ << ", " << simplex_ << "), (" 
                                                                                                             << form2_ << ", " << simplex2_ << ")"); }

        FunctionForm                form_, form2_;      // the function is form_ - form2_
        ARSimplex3D                 *simplex_, *simplex2_;

operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ARFunction& f)
{ return f.operator<<(out); }

 * Function kernel specialized at solving the kinds of functions involved in 
 * ARVineyard construction. We cannot use a polynomial kernel (which includes 
 * rational functions) that we already have because not all involved functions
 * are rational.
class ARFunctionKernel
        typedef                     double                                              FieldType;
        typedef                     FieldType                                           RootType;
        typedef                     std::stack<RootType>                                RootStack;
        typedef                     ARSimplex3D::RealValue                              SimplexFieldType;

        typedef                     ARFunction                                          Function;
        typedef                     Function::FunctionForm                              FunctionForm;
        static void                 solve(const Function& f, RootStack& stack);
        static RootType             root(RootType r)                                    { return r; }
        static RootType             root(SimplexFieldType r)                            { return CGAL::to_double(r); }
        static int                  sign_at(const Function& f, RootType r);
        static RootType             between(RootType r1, RootType r2)                   { return (r1 + r2)/2; }
        static int                  sign_at_negative_infinity(const Function& f);

        static FieldType            value_at(const Function& f, RootType v);

#include "ar-function-kernel.hpp"
