author Christos Mantoulidis <cmad@stanford.edu>
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 13:23:16 -0700
changeset 156 f75fb57d2831
parent 87 2c2e2f3b5d15
child 294 5810d70ec967
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed implementation of WeightedRips to store simplex values (max distance between simplices' vertices) as an invisible layer on top of each simplex object, so that the data() field of WeightedRips has been freed for use by the users again.

 * Author: Dmitriy Morozov
 * Department of Computer Science, Duke University, 2007

#ifndef __AR_VINEYARD_H__
#define __AR_VINEYARD_H__

#include <boost/signals.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <list>
#include <vector>

#include "topology/conesimplex.h"
#include "topology/filtration.h"
#include "geometry/kinetic-sort.h"
#include "geometry/simulator.h"

#include "ar-simplex3d.h"
#include "ar-function-kernel.h"

template <class Simulator_>
class ARConeSimplex3D: public ConeSimplex<ARSimplex3D>
		typedef						ConeSimplex<ARSimplex3D>									Parent;
		typedef						ARSimplex3D													ARSimplex3D;
		/// \name Simulator types
		/// @{
        typedef                     Simulator_                                                  Simulator;
        typedef                     typename Simulator::FunctionKernel                          FunctionKernel;
        typedef                     typename FunctionKernel::Function                           Function;
        /// @}
		/// \name ThresholdSort types
		/// @{
		typedef 					std::list<Function>										    ThresholdList;
        typedef                     typename ThresholdList::iterator                            ThresholdListIterator;

		struct 						ThresholdTrajectoryExtractor
		{	Function                operator()(ThresholdListIterator i) const		            { return *i; } };

		typedef						KineticSort<ThresholdListIterator, 
                                                ThresholdTrajectoryExtractor, Simulator>		ThresholdSort;
		/// @}

        typedef                     boost::signal<void (Simulator*)>                            NewMaxSignal;
									ARConeSimplex3D(const ARSimplex3D& s, bool coned = false);
									ARConeSimplex3D(const Parent& p): Parent(p)                 {}      // crucial for boundary() to work correctly
									ARConeSimplex3D(const ARConeSimplex3D& other):              // need explicit copy-constructor because of the signal
                                        Parent(other, other.coned()), 
                                        thresholds_(other.thresholds_)                          {}

		const ThresholdList&        thresholds() const											{ return thresholds_; }

        NewMaxSignal&               new_max_signal()                                            { return new_max_signal_; }
        const Function&             max_threshold() const                                       { return thresholds_.back(); }
		void						schedule_thresholds(Simulator* simulator);

        // need explicit operator= because of the signal
        ARConeSimplex3D&            operator=(const ARConeSimplex3D& other)                     { Parent::operator=(other); thresholds_ = other.thresholds_; return *this; }

		ThresholdList				thresholds_;
		ThresholdSort				thresholds_sort_;
        NewMaxSignal                new_max_signal_;

		void						swap_thresholds(ThresholdListIterator i, Simulator* simulator);

 * Encapsulated filtration, and provides compute_vineyard() functionality.
class ARVineyard
		typedef						ARVineyard													Self;
        /// \name FunctionKernel and Simulator types
        /// @{
        typedef                     ARFunctionKernel                                            FunctionKernel;
        typedef                     FunctionKernel::Function                                    Function;
        typedef                     Simulator<FunctionKernel>                                   SimulatorAR;
        /// @}

        /// \name Filtration types
        /// @{    
        typedef                     ARConeSimplex3D<SimulatorAR>                                ConeSimplex3D;
		typedef						Filtration<ConeSimplex3D>									FiltrationAR;
		typedef						FiltrationAR::Simplex										Simplex;
		typedef						FiltrationAR::Index											Index;
		typedef						FiltrationAR::Vineyard										Vineyard;
		typedef						Vineyard::Evaluator											Evaluator;
        /// @}
        /// \name SimplexSort types
        /// @{
        struct 						SimplexTrajectoryExtractor
		{	Function				operator()(Index i) const									{ return i->max_threshold(); } };

		typedef						KineticSort<Index, SimplexTrajectoryExtractor, SimulatorAR> SimplexSort;
		typedef						SimplexSort::iterator										SimplexSortIterator;
        class                       ThresholdChangeSlot;              // used to notify of change in max threshold
		/// @}

		typedef						std::list<Point>											PointList;

		class						StaticEvaluator;
		class						KineticEvaluator;

									ARVineyard(const PointList& points, const Point& z);

		void						compute_pairing();
		void						compute_vineyard(double max_radius);
		const FiltrationAR*			filtration() const											{ return filtration_; }
		const Vineyard*				vineyard() const											{ return vineyard_; }

		void 						swap(Index i, SimulatorAR* simulator);						///< For kinetic sort
		void 						add_simplices();
		void						change_evaluator(Evaluator* eval);

		FiltrationAR*				filtration_;
		Vineyard*					vineyard_;
		Evaluator*					evaluator_;

		Point						z_;
		Delaunay					dt_;
#if 0
		// Serialization
		friend class boost::serialization::access;
		ARVineyard() 																	{}

		template<class Archive> 
		void serialize(Archive& ar, version_type )
			// FIXME


static Counter*  cARVineyardTrajectoryKnee =		 GetCounter("ar/vineyard/trajectoryknee");

class ARVineyard::ThresholdChangeSlot
                                ThresholdChangeSlot(SimplexSortIterator iter, SimplexSort* sort, 
                                                    Vineyard* vineyard, SimulatorAR* sort_simulator):
                                    iter_(iter), sort_(sort), vineyard_(vineyard), sort_simulator_(sort_simulator)      { iter_->element->new_max_signal().connect(*this); }
        void                    operator()(SimulatorAR* simulator)                                
            sort_->update_trajectory(iter_, sort_simulator_); 
            if (iter_->element->sign()) 
        SimplexSortIterator     iter_;
        SimplexSort*            sort_;              // could make both of these static
        Vineyard*               vineyard_;          // currently inefficient since there is
                                                    // only one SimplexSort and one Vineyard, 
                                                    // but each is stored in every slot
        SimulatorAR*              sort_simulator_;

class ARVineyard::StaticEvaluator: public Evaluator
									StaticEvaluator()                   						{}

		virtual RealType			time() const												{ return 0; }
		virtual RealType			value(const Simplex& s) const								{ return s.value(); }

class ARVineyard::KineticEvaluator: public Evaluator
									KineticEvaluator(SimulatorAR* simplex_sort_simulator,
                                                     SimulatorAR* trajectory_sort_simulator): 
                                        trajectory_sort_simulator_(trajectory_sort_simulator)   {}

		virtual RealType			time() const												{ return std::max(simplex_sort_simulator_->current_time(), trajectory_sort_simulator_->current_time()); }
		virtual RealType			value(const Simplex& s)	const								{ return FunctionKernel::value_at(s.max_threshold(), time()); }

		SimulatorAR*                simplex_sort_simulator_;
        SimulatorAR*                trajectory_sort_simulator_;

#include "ar-vineyard.hpp"

#endif // __AR_VINEYARD_H__