author Christos Mantoulidis <cmad@stanford.edu>
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 13:23:16 -0700
changeset 156 f75fb57d2831
parent 116 5095771715ab
child 187 25e468323d77
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed implementation of WeightedRips to store simplex values (max distance between simplices' vertices) as an invisible layer on top of each simplex object, so that the data() field of WeightedRips has been freed for use by the users again.

#include <topology/cohomology-persistence.h>
#include <topology/rips.h>

#include <utilities/containers.h>           // for BackInsertFunctor

#include <map>
#include <iostream>

#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
// Trivial example of size() points on a line with integer coordinates
struct Distances
    typedef         int             IndexType;
    typedef         double          DistanceType;

    DistanceType    operator()(IndexType a, IndexType b) const      { return std::abs(a - b); }

    size_t          size() const                                    { return 2000; }
    IndexType       begin() const                                   { return 0; }
    IndexType       end() const                                     { return size(); }

typedef     CohomologyPersistence<Distances::DistanceType>          Persistence;
typedef     Persistence::SimplexIndex                               Index;
typedef     Persistence::Death                                      Death;

typedef     Rips<Distances>                                         Generator;
typedef     Generator::Simplex                                      Smplx;

typedef     std::map<Smplx, Index, 
                     Smplx::VertexComparison>                       Complex;
typedef     std::vector<Smplx>                                      SimplexVector;

int main()
    Distances               distances;
    Generator               rips(distances);
    Generator::Evaluator    size(distances);
    SimplexVector           v;
    Complex                 c;
    rips.generate(2, 50, make_push_back_functor(v));
    std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), Generator::Comparison(distances));
    std::cout << "Simplex vector generated, size: " << v.size() << std::endl;

    Persistence p;
    for (SimplexVector::const_iterator cur = v.begin(); cur != v.end(); ++cur)
        std::vector<Index>      boundary;
        for (Smplx::BoundaryIterator bcur  = cur->boundary_begin(); 
                                     bcur != cur->boundary_end();       ++bcur)
        Index idx; Death d;
        boost::tie(idx, d)      = p.add(boundary.begin(), boundary.end(), size(*cur));
        c[*cur] = idx;
        if (d && (size(*cur) - *d) > 0)
            std::cout << (cur->dimension() - 1) << " " << *d << " " << size(*cur) << std::endl;