author Christos Mantoulidis <cmad@stanford.edu>
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 13:23:16 -0700
changeset 156 f75fb57d2831
parent 136 beff535b53ff
child 148 a99fdaafa31a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed implementation of WeightedRips to store simplex values (max distance between simplices' vertices) as an invisible layer on top of each simplex object, so that the data() field of WeightedRips has been freed for use by the users again.

#include <topology/rips.h>
#include <topology/zigzag-persistence.h>

#include <geometry/l2distance.h>    // Point, PointContainer, L2DistanceType, read_points
#include <geometry/distances.h>

#include <utilities/types.h>
#include <utilities/containers.h>
#include <utilities/log.h>
#include <utilities/memory.h>       // for report_memory()
#include <utilities/timer.h>

#include <map>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stack>
#include <cstdlib>

#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include <boost/progress.hpp>

static Counter*  cComplexSize =                     GetCounter("rips/size");
static Counter*  cOperations =                      GetCounter("rips/operations");
#endif // COUNTERS

typedef     PairwiseDistances<PointContainer, L2Distance>           PairDistances;
typedef     PairDistances::DistanceType                             DistanceType;

typedef     PairDistances::IndexType                                Vertex;
typedef     std::vector<Vertex>                                     SubsampleVector;

typedef     Simplex<Vertex>                                         Smplx;
typedef     std::vector<Smplx>                                      SimplexVector;
typedef     std::set<Smplx, Smplx::VertexDimensionComparison>       SimplexSet;

typedef     std::vector<Vertex>                                     VertexVector;
typedef     std::vector<DistanceType>                               EpsilonVector;
typedef     std::vector<std::pair<Vertex, Vertex> >                 EdgeVector;

typedef     Rips<PairDistances, Smplx>                              RipsGenerator;
typedef     RipsGenerator::Evaluator                                SimplexEvaluator;

struct      BirthInfo;
typedef     ZigzagPersistence<BirthInfo>                            Zigzag;
typedef     Zigzag::SimplexIndex                                    Index;
typedef     Zigzag::Death                                           Death;
typedef     std::map<Smplx, Index, 
                            Smplx::VertexDimensionComparison>       Complex;
typedef     Zigzag::ZColumn                                         Boundary;

// Information we need to know when a class dies
struct      BirthInfo
                    BirthInfo(Dimension d = 0, unsigned i = 0, bool u = false):
                        dimension(d), index(i), un(u)               {}
    bool            operator<(const BirthInfo& other) const         { if (index == other.index) return (!un && other.un); else return index < other.index; }
    bool            operator>(const BirthInfo& other) const         { return other.operator<(*this); }

    Dimension       dimension;
    unsigned        index;
    bool            un;
std::ostream&       operator<<(std::ostream& out, const BirthInfo& bi)
{ out << "(d=" << bi.dimension << ") " << bi.index; if (bi.un) out << " U " << (bi.index + 1); return out; }

// Forward declarations of auxilliary functions
void        report_death(std::ostream& out, const BirthInfo& birth, const BirthInfo& death);
void        make_boundary(const Smplx& s, Complex& c, const Zigzag& zz, Boundary& b);
void        process_command_line_options(int           argc,
                                         char*         argv[],
                                         unsigned&     skeleton_dimension,
                                         float&        epsilon,
                                         std::string&  points_filename,
                                         std::string&  subsample_filename,
                                         std::string&  outfilename);
void        add_simplex(const Smplx& s, const BirthInfo& birth, const BirthInfo& death, 
                        Complex& complex, Zigzag& zz, std::ostream& out, Timer& add);
void        remove_simplex(const Smplx& s, const BirthInfo& birth, const BirthInfo& death, 
                           Complex& complex, Zigzag& zz, std::ostream& out, Timer& remove);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
#ifdef LOGGING
    rlog::RLogInit(argc, argv);

    stderrLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL("error") );

    Timer total, remove, add, coface, generate;
#if 0
    SetFrequency(cOperations, 25000);
    SetTrigger(cOperations, cComplexSize);

    unsigned        skeleton_dimension;
    float           epsilon;
    std::string     points_filename, subsample_filename, outfilename;
    process_command_line_options(argc, argv, skeleton_dimension, epsilon, 
                                             points_filename, subsample_filename, outfilename);

    // Read in points
    PointContainer      points;
    read_points(points_filename, points);
    // Read in subsamples
    std::ifstream subsample_in(subsample_filename.c_str());
    std::vector<SubsampleVector> subsamples;
    subsamples.push_back(SubsampleVector());    //  Empty subsample to start from
        std::string line; std::getline(subsample_in, line);
        std::istringstream line_in(line);
        unsigned sample;
        while (line_in >> sample)
    std::cout << "Subsample size:" << std::endl;
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < subsamples.size(); ++i)
        std::cout << "  " << subsamples[i].size() << std::endl;

    // Create output file
    std::ofstream out(outfilename.c_str());

    // Create pairwise distances
    PairDistances distances(points);

    // Construct zigzag
    Complex             complex;
    Zigzag              zz;
    RipsGenerator       rips(distances);
    SimplexEvaluator    size(distances);
    SimplexVector       subcomplex, across;
    rInfo("Commencing computation");
    boost::progress_display show_progress(subsamples.size());
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < subsamples.size() - 1; ++i)
        // Take union of subsamples i and i+1
        SubsampleVector forward_difference, backward_difference;
        std::set_difference(subsamples[i+1].begin(), subsamples[i+1].end(),
                            subsamples[i].begin(),   subsamples[i].end(),
        std::set_difference(subsamples[i].begin(),   subsamples[i].end(),
                            subsamples[i+1].begin(), subsamples[i+1].end(),
        rInfo("Forward difference size:  %d", forward_difference.size());
        rInfo("Backward difference size: %d", backward_difference.size());

        rDebug("Forward difference:");
        for (SubsampleVector::const_iterator cur = forward_difference.begin(); cur != forward_difference.end(); ++cur)
            rDebug("  %d", *cur);
        rDebug("Backward difference:");
        for (SubsampleVector::const_iterator cur = backward_difference.begin(); cur != backward_difference.end(); ++cur)
            rDebug("  %d", *cur);

        // Add simplices:       take star of the vertices in subsamples[i+1] - subsamples[i]
        //                      by first computing the Rips complex on those vertices, and then 
        //                      taking the star of each individual simplex (perhaps not the most 
        //                      efficient procedure, but it will do for the first pass)
        subcomplex.clear(); across.clear();
        rips.generate(skeleton_dimension, epsilon, make_push_back_functor(subcomplex), forward_difference.begin(), forward_difference.end());
        std::sort(subcomplex.begin(), subcomplex.end(), Smplx::VertexDimensionComparison());
        rInfo("  Subcomplex size: %d", subcomplex.size());
        for (SimplexVector::const_iterator cur = subcomplex.begin(); cur != subcomplex.end(); ++cur)
            add_simplex(*cur, BirthInfo(cur->dimension(), i, true), BirthInfo(cur->dimension() - 1, i), 
                        complex, zz, out, add);

            // Record cofaces with all other vertices outside of the subcomplex
            rips.cofaces(*cur, skeleton_dimension, epsilon, make_push_back_functor(across), subsamples[i].begin(), subsamples[i].end());
        std::sort(across.begin(), across.end(), Smplx::VertexDimensionComparison());
        rInfo("  Subcomplex simplices added");
        rInfo("  Cross simplices size: %d", across.size());

        // Add simplices that cut across VR(K_i) and VR(K_{i+1})
        for (SimplexVector::const_iterator cur = across.begin(); cur != across.end(); ++cur)
            add_simplex(*cur, BirthInfo(cur->dimension(), i, true), BirthInfo(cur->dimension() - 1, i), 
                        complex, zz, out, add);
        rInfo("  Cross simplices added");

        // Remove simplices:    take star of the vertices in subsamples[i] - subsamples[i+1]
        subcomplex.clear(); across.clear();
        rips.generate(skeleton_dimension, epsilon, make_push_back_functor(subcomplex), backward_difference.begin(), backward_difference.end());
        std::sort(subcomplex.begin(), subcomplex.end(), Smplx::VertexDimensionComparison());
        rInfo("  Subcomplex size: %d", subcomplex.size());

        for (SimplexVector::const_iterator cur = subcomplex.begin(); cur != subcomplex.end(); ++cur)
            rips.cofaces(*cur, skeleton_dimension, epsilon, make_push_back_functor(across), subsamples[i+1].begin(), subsamples[i+1].end());
        std::sort(across.begin(), across.end(), Smplx::VertexDimensionComparison());
        rInfo("  Cross simplices size: %d", across.size());

        for (SimplexVector::const_reverse_iterator cur = across.rbegin(); cur != across.rend(); ++cur)
            remove_simplex(*cur, BirthInfo(cur->dimension() - 1, i+1), BirthInfo(cur->dimension(), i, true),
                           complex, zz, out, remove);
        rInfo("  Cross simplices removed");

        for (SimplexVector::const_reverse_iterator cur = subcomplex.rbegin(); cur != subcomplex.rend(); ++cur)
            remove_simplex(*cur, BirthInfo(cur->dimension() - 1, i+1), BirthInfo(cur->dimension(), i, true),
                           complex, zz, out, remove);
        rInfo("  Subcomplex simplices removed");
        Dimension betti_1 = 0;
        for (Zigzag::ZIndex cur = zz.begin(); cur != zz.end(); ++cur)
            if (cur->birth.dimension == 1 && zz.is_alive(cur)) ++betti_1;
        rInfo("Complex size: %d, Betti_1 = %d", complex.size(), betti_1);

    std::cout << std::endl;
    remove.check("Remove timer          ");
    add.check   ("Add timer             ");
    coface.check("Coface timer          ");
    total.check ("Total timer           ");

void        make_boundary(const Smplx& s, Complex& c, const Zigzag& zz, Boundary& b)
    // rDebug("  Boundary of <%s>", tostring(s).c_str());
    for (Smplx::BoundaryIterator cur = s.boundary_begin(); cur != s.boundary_end(); ++cur)
        b.append(c[*cur], zz.cmp);
        // rDebug("   %d", c[*cur]->order);

void        report_death(std::ostream& out, const BirthInfo& birth, const BirthInfo& death)
    if (death > birth)
        out << birth << " --- " << death << std::endl;

void        add_simplex(const Smplx& s, const BirthInfo& birth, const BirthInfo& death, 
                        Complex& complex, Zigzag& zz, std::ostream& out, Timer& add)
    rDebug("Adding simplex: %s", tostring(s).c_str());

    Index idx; Death d; Boundary b;
    make_boundary(s, complex, zz, b);
    boost::tie(idx, d)  = zz.add(b, birth);
    if (d) report_death(out, *d, death);
    complex.insert(std::make_pair(s, idx));

void        remove_simplex(const Smplx& s, const BirthInfo& birth, const BirthInfo& death, 
                           Complex& complex, Zigzag& zz, std::ostream& out, Timer& remove)
    rDebug("Removing simplex: %s", tostring(s).c_str());

    Complex::iterator si = complex.find(s);
    Death d = zz.remove(si->second, birth);
    if (d) report_death(out, *d, death);

void        process_command_line_options(int           argc,
                                         char*         argv[],
                                         unsigned&     skeleton_dimension,
                                         float&        epsilon,
                                         std::string&  points_filename,
                                         std::string&  subsample_filename,
                                         std::string&  outfilename)
    namespace po = boost::program_options;

    po::options_description hidden("Hidden options");
        ("points-file",         po::value<std::string>(&points_filename),   "Point set whose Rips consistency zigzag we want to compute")
        ("subsample-file",      po::value<std::string>(&subsample_filename),"Subsample list")
        ("output-file",         po::value<std::string>(&outfilename),       "Location to save persistence pairs");
    po::options_description visible("Allowed options", 100);
        ("help,h",                                                                              "produce help message")
        ("skeleton-dimsnion,s", po::value<unsigned>(&skeleton_dimension)->default_value(2),     "Dimension of the Rips complex we want to compute")
        ("epsilon,e",           po::value<float>(&epsilon)->default_value(0),                   "epsilon to use when computing the Rips complex");
    std::vector<std::string>    log_channels;
        ("log,l",               po::value< std::vector<std::string> >(&log_channels),           "log channels to turn on (info, debug, etc)");

    po::positional_options_description pos;
    pos.add("points-file", 1);
    pos.add("subsample-file", 1);
    pos.add("output-file", 1);
    po::options_description all; all.add(visible).add(hidden);

    po::variables_map vm;
    po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
                  options(all).positional(pos).run(), vm);

    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator cur = log_channels.begin(); cur != log_channels.end(); ++cur)
        stderrLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL(cur->c_str()) );
     * Interesting channels
     * "info", "debug", "topology/persistence"

    if (vm.count("help") || !vm.count("points-file") || !vm.count("subsample-file") || !vm.count("output-file"))
        std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options] points-file subsample-file output-file" << std::endl;
        std::cout << visible << std::endl; 