author Christos Mantoulidis <>
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 13:23:16 -0700
changeset 156 f75fb57d2831
parent 87 2c2e2f3b5d15
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed implementation of WeightedRips to store simplex values (max distance between simplices' vertices) as an invisible layer on top of each simplex object, so that the data() field of WeightedRips has been freed for use by the users again.

 * Author: Dmitriy Morozov
 * Department of Computer Science, Duke University, 2005 -- 2007

#ifndef __EUCLEDIAN_H__
#define __EUCLEDIAN_H__

#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

#include "linalg.h"
#include "number-traits.h"

 * Geometric Kernel. Defines operations on geometric primitives.
 * \ingroup geometry
template<class NumberType_ = double>
class Kernel
		typedef 					unsigned int								DimensionType;
		typedef						NumberType_									NumberType;
		typedef						LinearAlgebra<NumberType>					LinearAlgebraK;
		typedef						typename LinearAlgebraK::MatrixType			MatrixType;
		typedef						typename LinearAlgebraK::VectorType			VectorType;

		class						Point;
		class						Sphere;
		typedef						std::vector<const Point*>					PointContainer;

									Kernel(DimensionType dimension);

		DimensionType				dimension() const							{ return dimension_; }
		Point						origin() const								{ return origin_; }

		/** Returns matrix describing the equation of a circumsphere of points */
		Sphere						circumsphere(const PointContainer& points) const;
		/** Returns squared radius of the circumsphere */
		NumberType					circumradius(const PointContainer& points) const;
		/** Returns center of the circumsphere */
		Point						circumcenter(const PointContainer& points) const;

		/** The result is positive if points[0] lies outside the circumsphere of points,
			0 if points[0] is on the circumsphere, and negative if it's inside */
		NumberType					side_of_circumsphere(const PointContainer& points, const Point& p) const;	

		NumberType&					normalize(NumberType& n) const;
		Point&						normalize(Point& p) const;

		DimensionType				dimension_;
		Point						origin_;

 * Point class.
 * \ingroup geometry 
template<class NumberType_>
class Kernel<NumberType_>::Point: public VectorType
		typedef						VectorType									Parent;
		typedef						NumberType_									NumberType;

									Point(DimensionType d):	Parent(d)			{}
		template<class Vec>			Point(const Vec& v): Parent(v)				{}
									Point(const Point& p, const NumberType& pp);

									//operator VectorType() const					{ return *this; }

		NumberType					squared_distance(const Point& p) const;

		using						Parent::size;

 * Sphere class.
 * \ingroup geometry
template<class NumberType_>
class Kernel<NumberType_>::Sphere
										Sphere(const Point& center, 
											   const NumberType& squared_radius):
											center_(center), squared_radius_(squared_radius)
		/** The result is positive if p lies outside the sphere, 
			0 if p is on the sphere, and negative if it's inside */
		NumberType						side_of(const Point& p) const;

		const Point&					center() const								{ return center_; }
		const NumberType&				squared_radius() const						{ return squared_radius_; }

		Point							center_;
		NumberType						squared_radius_;

#include "euclidean.hpp"

#endif // __EUCLEDIAN_H__