author Christos Mantoulidis <>
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 13:23:16 -0700
changeset 156 f75fb57d2831
parent 133 7ccecc57688d
child 179 d15c6d144645
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed implementation of WeightedRips to store simplex values (max distance between simplices' vertices) as an invisible layer on top of each simplex object, so that the data() field of WeightedRips has been freed for use by the users again.

 * Author: Dmitriy Morozov
 * Department of Computer Science, Duke University, 2005-2008

#ifndef __CHAIN_H__
#define __CHAIN_H__

//#include "utilities/types.h"
#include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/serialization.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_traits.hpp>
#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <iterator>
#include <string>

#include <utilities/containers.h>

 * Class: ChainWrapper
 * Class storing a chain of simplices. Stores items in the order defined by ConsistencyCmp. 
 * The actual order of the elements is defined by OrderCmp. Instances of those 
 * classes are not stored in Chain for efficiency, and are passed as arguments to those methods 
 * that require them.
 * \ingroup topology
 * TODO: add field (defaulting to Z_2)
template <class Container_>
class ChainWrapper: public Container_, 
                    public SizeStorage<Container_>
        /// \name Template Parameters
        /// @{
        typedef         Container_                                                                  Container;
        typedef         SizeStorage<Container>                                                      Size;
        typedef         typename boost::iterator_value<typename Container::iterator>::type          Item;
        /// @}
        typedef         ChainWrapper                                                                Self;
        typedef         Container                                                                   ChainRepresentation; 

        /// \name Accessor typedefs
        /// @{
        typedef         typename ChainRepresentation::iterator                                      iterator; 
        typedef         typename ChainRepresentation::const_iterator                                const_iterator; 
        typedef         typename ChainRepresentation::const_reference                               const_reference; 
        typedef         typename ChainRepresentation::reference                                     reference; 
        typedef         typename ChainRepresentation::pointer                                       pointer; 
        typedef         typename ChainRepresentation::const_pointer                                 const_pointer; 
        typedef         Item                                                                        value_type;
        /// @}
                                                ChainWrapper(const ChainWrapper& c);
        template<class Iterator>                ChainWrapper(Iterator bg, Iterator end);
        /// \name Whole Chain operations
        /// @{
        /** Add c to *this assuming both Chains are sorted in increasing order according to cmp. */
        template<class ConsistencyComparison>                        
        Self&                                   add(const Self& c, const ConsistencyComparison& cmp);
        void                                    swap(ChainWrapper& c);                          ///< Swaps the contents of c and *this (like STL's swap destroys c)
        void                                    clear();
        template<class ConsistencyComparison>
        void                                    sort(const ConsistencyComparison& cmp);         ///< Sort elements to enforce consistency

        size_t                                  size() const                                        { return Size::size(*this); }

        using                                   ChainRepresentation::empty;
        /// @}
        /// \name Modifiers
        /// @{
        void                                    remove(iterator i)                              { ChainRepresentation::erase(i); Size::operator--(); }
        void                                    remove(const_reference x)                       { remove(std::find(begin(), end(), x)); }

        template<class ConsistencyComparison>
        void                                    append(const_reference x, const ConsistencyComparison& cmp);
        /// @}
        /// \name Accessors
        /// @{
        using                                   ChainRepresentation::begin;
        using                                   ChainRepresentation::end;
        using                                   ChainRepresentation::front;
        using                                   ChainRepresentation::back;
        template<class OrderComparison>
        const_reference                         top(const OrderComparison& cmp) const;          ///< First element in cmp order

        boost::optional<const_iterator>         contains(const_reference x) const;              ///< tests whether chain contains x
        boost::optional<iterator>               contains(reference x);                          ///< tests whether chain contains x
        /// @}
        /// \name Debugging
        /// @{
        template<class OrderComparison>
        const_reference                         get_first(const OrderComparison& cmp) const;    ///< First element in cmp order

        template<class OutputMap>
        std::string                             tostring(const OutputMap& outmap = OutputMap()) const;
        /// @}
        /// Technically, it's an internal operation, and should be followed by a sort()
        using                                   ChainRepresentation::push_back;

        using                                   ChainRepresentation::insert;
        using                                   ChainRepresentation::erase;
        // Serialization
        typedef                                 Container                                           Parent;
        friend class                            boost::serialization::access;
        template<class Archive> 
        void                                    serialize(Archive& ar, boost::serialization::version_type );

#include "chain.hpp"

#endif // __CHAIN_H__