author Christos Mantoulidis <>
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 13:23:16 -0700
changeset 156 f75fb57d2831
parent 105 051af83fba4c
child 179 d15c6d144645
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed implementation of WeightedRips to store simplex values (max distance between simplices' vertices) as an invisible layer on top of each simplex object, so that the data() field of WeightedRips has been freed for use by the users again.

#ifndef __FILTRATION_H__
#define __FILTRATION_H__

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include "complex-traits.h"
#include "utilities/indirect.h"
#include "utilities/property-maps.h"

// Class: Filtration
// Filtration keeps track of the ordering of the simplices in a complex. 
// The most significant function it provides is <boundary()> which converts
// the boundary of a simplex at a given index into a list of indices.
// TODO: this is really specialized for an std::vector<> Complex; eventually generalize
// TODO: should we derive from Order?
template<class Complex_, 
         class Index_ =             size_t, 
         class ComplexTraits_ =     ComplexTraits<Complex_> >
class Filtration
        // Typedefs: Template parameters
        typedef                 Index_                                          IntermediateIndex;
        typedef                 Complex_                                        Complex;
        typedef                 ComplexTraits_                                  ComplexTraits;

        // Typedefs: Complex
        typedef                 typename ComplexTraits::Index                   ComplexIndex;
        typedef                 typename ComplexTraits::Simplex                 Simplex;
        typedef                 typename ComplexTraits::SimplexIndexMap         SimplexIndexMap;
        typedef                 std::vector<IntermediateIndex>                  IndexBoundary;

        // Typedefs: Order
        typedef                 std::vector<ComplexIndex>                       Order;
        typedef                 typename Order::const_iterator                  Index;
        typedef                 std::vector<IntermediateIndex>                  ReverseOrder;
        typedef                 typename ReverseOrder::const_iterator           ReverseOrderIndex;

        // Constructor: Filtration(bg, end, cmp)
                                template<class Comparison>
                                Filtration(ComplexIndex bg, ComplexIndex end, const Comparison& cmp = Comparison());

        const Simplex&          simplex(Index i) const                          { return **i; }

        // Function: boundary(i, bdry, map)
        // Computes boundary of a given index `i` in terms of other indices
        template<class Cycle, class Map>
        void                    boundary(const Index& i, Cycle& bdry, const Map& map) const;

        Index                   begin() const                                   { return order_.begin(); }
        Index                   end() const                                     { return order_.end(); }
        size_t                  size() const                                    { return order_.size(); }

        std::ostream&           operator<<(std::ostream& out) const;

        Order                   order_;
        ReverseOrder            reverse_order_;
        SimplexIndexMap         simplex_index_map_;

template<class C, class I, class CT>
operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Filtration<C,I,CT>& f)                      { return f.operator<<(out); }

template<class Functor_, class Filtration_>
class ThroughFiltration
        typedef                 Filtration_                                     Filtration;
        typedef                 Functor_                                        Functor;

        typedef                 typename Functor::result_type                   result_type;
        typedef                 typename Filtration::Index                      first_argument_type;

                                ThroughFiltration(const Filtration& filtration,
                                                  const Functor&    functor):
                                    functor_(functor)                           {}

        result_type             operator()(first_argument_type a) const         { return functor_(filtration_.simplex(a)); }

        const Filtration&       filtration_;
        const Functor&          functor_;

template<class Filtration, class Functor>
ThroughFiltration<Functor, Filtration>
evaluate_through_filtration(const Filtration& filtration, const Functor& functor)
{ return ThroughFiltration<Functor, Filtration>(filtration, functor); }

#include "filtration.hpp"

#endif // __FILTRATION_H__