author Christos Mantoulidis <>
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 13:23:16 -0700
changeset 156 f75fb57d2831
parent 151 104ea146b9bc
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed implementation of WeightedRips to store simplex values (max distance between simplices' vertices) as an invisible layer on top of each simplex object, so that the data() field of WeightedRips has been freed for use by the users again.

#ifndef __RIPS_H__
#define __RIPS_H__

#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "simplex.h"
#include <boost/iterator/counting_iterator.hpp>

 * Rips class
 * Class providing basic operations to work with Rips complexes. It implements Bron-Kerbosch algorithm, 
 * and provides simple wrappers for various functions.
 * Distances_ is expected to define types IndexType and DistanceType as well as 
 *               provide operator()(...) which given two IndexTypes should return 
 *               the distance between them. There should be methods begin() and end() 
 *               for iterating over IndexTypes as well as a method size().
template<class Distances_, class Simplex_ = Simplex<typename Distances_::IndexType> >
class Rips
        typedef             Distances_                                      Distances; 
        typedef             typename Distances::IndexType                   IndexType;
        typedef             typename Distances::DistanceType                DistanceType;

        typedef             Simplex_                                        Simplex;
        typedef             typename Simplex::Vertex                        Vertex;             // should be the same as IndexType
        typedef             typename Simplex::VertexContainer               VertexContainer;

        class               Evaluator;
        class               Comparison;
        class               ComparePair;       

                            Rips(const Distances& distances):
                                distances_(distances)                       {}

        // Calls functor f on each simplex in the k-skeleton of the Rips complex
        template<class Functor, class Iterator>
        void                generate(Dimension k, DistanceType max, const Functor& f, 
                                     Iterator candidates_begin, Iterator candidates_end) const;
        // Calls functor f on all the simplices of the Rips complex that contain the given vertex v
        template<class Functor, class Iterator>
        void                vertex_cofaces(IndexType v, Dimension k, DistanceType max, const Functor& f, 
                                           Iterator candidates_begin, Iterator candidates_end) const;

        // Calls functor f on all the simplices of the Rips complex that contain the given edge [u,v]
        template<class Functor, class Iterator>
        void                edge_cofaces(IndexType u, IndexType v, Dimension k, DistanceType max, const Functor& f, 
                                         Iterator candidates_begin, Iterator candidates_end) const;
        // Calls functor f on all the simplices of the Rips complex that contain the given Simplex s
        // (unlike the previous methods it does not call the functor on the Simplex s itself)
        template<class Functor, class Iterator>
        void                cofaces(const Simplex& s, Dimension k, DistanceType max, const Functor& f,
                                    Iterator candidates_begin, Iterator candidates_end) const;

        /* No Iterator argument means Iterator = IndexType and the range is [distances().begin(), distances().end()) */
        template<class Functor>
        void                generate(Dimension k, DistanceType max, const Functor& f) const
        { generate(k, max, f, boost::make_counting_iterator(distances().begin()), boost::make_counting_iterator(distances().end())); }
        template<class Functor>
        void                vertex_cofaces(IndexType v, Dimension k, DistanceType max, const Functor& f) const
        { vertex_cofaces(v, k, max, f, boost::make_counting_iterator(distances().begin()), boost::make_counting_iterator(distances().end())); }

        template<class Functor>
        void                edge_cofaces(IndexType u, IndexType v, Dimension k, DistanceType max, const Functor& f) const
        { edge_cofaces(u, v, k, max, f, boost::make_counting_iterator(distances().begin()), boost::make_counting_iterator(distances().end())); }

        template<class Functor>
        void                cofaces(const Simplex& s, Dimension k, DistanceType max, const Functor& f) const
        { cofaces(s, k, max, f, boost::make_counting_iterator(distances().begin()), boost::make_counting_iterator(distances().end())); }

        const Distances&    distances() const                               { return distances_; }
        DistanceType        max_distance() const;
        DistanceType        distance(const Simplex& s1, const Simplex& s2) const;

        class               WithinDistance;

        template<class Functor, class NeighborTest>
        void                bron_kerbosch(VertexContainer&                          current, 
                                          const VertexContainer&                    candidates, 
                                          typename VertexContainer::const_iterator  excluded,
                                          Dimension                                 max_dim,
                                          const NeighborTest&                       neighbor,
                                          const Functor&                            functor,
                                          bool                                      check_initial = true) const;
        const Distances&    distances_;

template<class Distances_, class Simplex_>
class Rips<Distances_, Simplex_>::WithinDistance: public std::binary_function<Vertex, Vertex, bool>
                            WithinDistance(const Distances_&    distances, 
                                           DistanceType         max):
                                distances_(distances), max_(max)                        {}

        bool                operator()(Vertex u, Vertex v) const                        { return distances_(u, v) <= max_; }

        const Distances&    distances_;  
        DistanceType        max_;

template<class Distances_, class Simplex_>
class Rips<Distances_, Simplex_>::Evaluator: public std::unary_function<const Simplex&, DistanceType>
        typedef             Simplex_                                        Simplex;

                            Evaluator(const Distances& distances): 
                                distances_(distances)                       {}

        DistanceType        operator()(const Simplex& s) const;

        const Distances&    distances_;

template<class Distances_, class Simplex_>
class Rips<Distances_, Simplex_>::Comparison: public std::binary_function<const Simplex&, const Simplex&, bool>
        typedef             Simplex_                                        Simplex;

                            Comparison(const Distances& distances):
                                eval_(distances)                            {}

        bool                operator()(const Simplex& s1, const Simplex& s2) const    
            DistanceType e1 = eval_(s1), 
                         e2 = eval_(s2);
            if (e1 == e2)
                return s1.dimension() < s2.dimension();

            return e1 < e2;

        Evaluator           eval_;

template<class Distances_, class Simplex_>
struct Rips<Distances_, Simplex_>::ComparePair: 
    public std::binary_function<const std::pair<IndexType, IndexType>&,
                                const std::pair<IndexType, IndexType>&,
                            ComparePair(const Distances& distances): 
                                distances_(distances)                       {}

        bool                operator()(const std::pair<IndexType, IndexType>& a,
                                       const std::pair<IndexType, IndexType>& b)            {  return   distances_(a.first, a.second) <
                                                                                                        distances_(b.first, b.second);  }

        const Distances&    distances_;

#include "rips.hpp"

#endif // __RIPS_H__