author Christos Mantoulidis <>
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 13:23:16 -0700
changeset 156 f75fb57d2831
parent 136 beff535b53ff
child 163 6cd50e622550
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed implementation of WeightedRips to store simplex values (max distance between simplices' vertices) as an invisible layer on top of each simplex object, so that the data() field of WeightedRips has been freed for use by the users again.

#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <boost/utility.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <utilities/log.h>
#include <utilities/counter.h>
#include <utilities/indirect.h>
#include <boost/iterator/counting_iterator.hpp>
#include <functional>

#ifdef LOGGING
static rlog::RLogChannel* rlRips =                  DEF_CHANNEL("rips/info", rlog::Log_Debug);
static rlog::RLogChannel* rlRipsDebug =             DEF_CHANNEL("rips/debug", rlog::Log_Debug);
#endif // LOGGING

static Counter*  cClique =                          GetCounter("rips/clique");
#endif // COUNTERS

template<class D, class S>
template<class Functor, class Iterator>
generate(Dimension k, DistanceType max, const Functor& f, Iterator bg, Iterator end) const
    rLog(rlRipsDebug,       "Entered generate with %d indices", distances().size());

    WithinDistance neighbor(distances(), max);

    // current      = empty
    // candidates   = everything
    VertexContainer current;
    VertexContainer candidates(bg, end);
    bron_kerbosch(current, candidates, boost::prior(candidates.begin()), k, neighbor, f);

template<class D, class S>
template<class Functor, class Iterator>
vertex_cofaces(IndexType v, Dimension k, DistanceType max, const Functor& f, Iterator bg, Iterator end) const
    WithinDistance neighbor(distances(), max);

    // current      = [v]
    // candidates   = everything - [v]
    VertexContainer current; current.push_back(v);
    VertexContainer candidates;
    for (Iterator cur = bg; cur != end; ++cur)
        if (*cur != v && neighbor(v, *cur))
    bron_kerbosch(current, candidates, boost::prior(candidates.begin()), k, neighbor, f);

template<class D, class S>
template<class Functor, class Iterator>
edge_cofaces(IndexType u, IndexType v, Dimension k, DistanceType max, const Functor& f, Iterator bg, Iterator end) const
    rLog(rlRipsDebug,   "In edge_cofaces(%d, %d)", u, v);

    WithinDistance neighbor(distances(), max);
    AssertMsg(neighbor(u,v), "The new edge must be in the complex");

    // current      = [u,v]
    // candidates   = everything - [u,v]
    VertexContainer current; current.push_back(u); current.push_back(v);

    VertexContainer candidates;
    for (Iterator cur = bg; cur != end; ++cur)
        if (*cur != u && *cur != v && neighbor(v,*cur) && neighbor(u,*cur))
            rLog(rlRipsDebug,   "  added candidate: %d", *cur);

    bron_kerbosch(current, candidates, boost::prior(candidates.begin()), k, neighbor, f);

template<class D, class S>
template<class Functor, class Iterator>
cofaces(const Simplex& s, Dimension k, DistanceType max, const Functor& f, Iterator bg, Iterator end) const
    rLog(rlRipsDebug,   "In cofaces(%s)", tostring(s).c_str());

    WithinDistance neighbor(distances(), max);

    // current      = s.vertices()
    VertexContainer current(s.vertices().begin(), s.vertices().end());
    // candidates   = everything - s.vertices()     that is a neighbor() of every vertex in the simplex
    VertexContainer candidates;
    typedef difference_iterator<Iterator, 
                                typename VertexContainer::const_iterator, 
                                std::less<Vertex> >                     DifferenceIterator;
    for (DifferenceIterator cur =  DifferenceIterator(bg, end, s.vertices().begin(), s.vertices().end()); 
                            cur != DifferenceIterator(end, end, s.vertices().end(), s.vertices().end()); 
        bool nghbr = true;
        for (typename VertexContainer::const_iterator v = s.vertices().begin(); v != s.vertices().end(); ++v)
            if (!neighbor(*v, *cur))        { nghbr = false; break; }

        if (nghbr)  
            rLog(rlRipsDebug,   "  added candidate: %d", *cur);

    bron_kerbosch(current, candidates, boost::prior(candidates.begin()), k, neighbor, f, false);

template<class D, class S>
template<class Functor, class NeighborTest>
bron_kerbosch(VertexContainer&                          current,    
              const VertexContainer&                    candidates,     
              typename VertexContainer::const_iterator  excluded,
              Dimension                                 max_dim,    
              const NeighborTest&                       neighbor,       
              const Functor&                            functor,
              bool                                      check_initial) const
    rLog(rlRipsDebug,       "Entered bron_kerbosch");
    if (check_initial && !current.empty())
        Simplex s(current);
        rLog(rlRipsDebug,   "Reporting simplex: %s", tostring(s).c_str());

    if (current.size() == max_dim + 1)

    rLog(rlRipsDebug,       "Traversing %d vertices", candidates.end() - boost::next(excluded));
    for (typename VertexContainer::const_iterator cur = boost::next(excluded); cur != candidates.end(); ++cur)
        rLog(rlRipsDebug,   "  current.size() = %d, current.back() = %d", current.size(), current.back());

        VertexContainer new_candidates;
        for (typename VertexContainer::const_iterator ccur = candidates.begin(); ccur != cur; ++ccur)
            if (neighbor(*ccur, *cur))
        size_t ex = new_candidates.size();
        for (typename VertexContainer::const_iterator ccur = boost::next(cur); ccur != candidates.end(); ++ccur)
            if (neighbor(*ccur, *cur))
        excluded  = new_candidates.begin() + (ex - 1);

        bron_kerbosch(current, new_candidates, excluded, max_dim, neighbor, functor);

template<class Distances_, class Simplex_>
typename Rips<Distances_, Simplex_>::DistanceType
Rips<Distances_, Simplex_>::
distance(const Simplex& s1, const Simplex& s2) const
    DistanceType mx = 0;
    for (typename Simplex::VertexContainer::const_iterator      a = s1.vertices().begin();   a != s1.vertices().end();    ++a)
        for (typename Simplex::VertexContainer::const_iterator  b = s2.vertices().begin();   b != s2.vertices().end();    ++b)
            mx = std::max(mx, distances_(*a,*b));
    return mx;

template<class Distances_, class Simplex_>
typename Rips<Distances_, Simplex_>::DistanceType
Rips<Distances_, Simplex_>::
max_distance() const
    DistanceType mx = 0;
    for (IndexType a = distances_.begin(); a != distances_.end(); ++a)
        for (IndexType b = boost::next(a); b != distances_.end(); ++b)
            mx = std::max(mx, distances_(a,b));
    return mx;

template<class Distances_, class Simplex_>
typename Rips<Distances_, Simplex_>::DistanceType
Rips<Distances_, Simplex_>::Evaluator::
operator()(const Simplex& s) const
    DistanceType mx = 0;
    for (typename Simplex::VertexContainer::const_iterator      a = s.vertices().begin();   a != s.vertices().end();    ++a)
        for (typename Simplex::VertexContainer::const_iterator  b = boost::next(a);         b != s.vertices().end();    ++b)
            mx = std::max(mx, distances_(*a,*b));
    return mx;