author Christos Mantoulidis <>
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 13:23:16 -0700
changeset 156 f75fb57d2831
parent 124 af54138b98fd
child 182 451748b3c888
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed implementation of WeightedRips to store simplex values (max distance between simplices' vertices) as an invisible layer on top of each simplex object, so that the data() field of WeightedRips has been freed for use by the users again.

 * Author: Dmitriy Morozov
 * Department of Computer Science, Duke University, 2005 -- 2008

#ifndef __SIMPLEX_H__
#define __SIMPLEX_H__

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
#include <iostream>

#include "utilities/types.h"

#include <boost/compressed_pair.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_adaptor.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>

 * Class: Simplex
 * Basic simplex class. It stores vertices and data of the given types in 
 * a `boost::compressed_pair` (so if data is an Empty class which is the default, 
 * it incurs no space overhead). The class knows how to compute its own <boundary()>. 
 * Parameter:
 *   V -            vertex type
 *   T -            data type
 * \ingroup topology
template<class V, class T = Empty<> >
class Simplex
        /* Typedefs: Public Types
         *    Vertex -              vertex type (template parameter V)
         *    Data -                data type (template parameter T)
         *    Self -
         *    Boundary -            type in which the boundary is stored
        typedef     V                                                               Vertex;
        typedef     T                                                               Data;
        typedef     Simplex<Vertex, Data>                                           Self;
        class BoundaryIterator;

        /* Typedefs: Internal representation
         *    VertexContainer -     internal representation of the vertices
         *    VerticesDataPair -    `compressed_pair` of VertexContainer and Data
        typedef     std::vector<Vertex>                                             VertexContainer;
        typedef     boost::compressed_pair<VertexContainer, Data>                   VerticesDataPair;
        /// \name Constructors 
        /// @{
        /// Constructor: Simplex()
        /// Default constructor
        Simplex()                                                                   {}
        /// Constructor: Simplex(Self other)
        /// Copy constructor
        Simplex(const Self& other): 
            vdpair_(other.vertices(),                                 {}
        /// Constructor: Simplex(Data d)
        /// Initialize simplex with data
        Simplex(const Data& d)                                                      { data() = d; }
        /// Constructor: Simplex(Iterator bg, Iterator end)
        /// Initialize simplex by copying vertices in range [bg, end)
        template<class Iterator>
        Simplex(Iterator bg, Iterator end, const Data& d = Data())                  { join(bg, end); data() = d; }
        /// Constructor: Simplex(VertexContainer v)
        /// Initialize simplex by copying the given VertexContainer
        Simplex(const VertexContainer& v, const Data& d = Data()):  
            vdpair_(v, d)                                                           { std::sort(vertices().begin(), vertices().end()); }
        /// @}
        /// \name Core 
        /// @{
        /// Functions: boundary_begin(), boundary_end()
        /// Returns the iterators over the boundary of the simplex
        BoundaryIterator        boundary_begin() const;
        BoundaryIterator        boundary_end() const;
        /// Function: dimension()
        /// Returns the dimension of the simplex
        Dimension               dimension() const                                   { return vertices().size() - 1; }
        /// @}
        const Data&             data() const                                        { return vdpair_.second(); }
        Data&                   data()                                              { return vdpair_.second(); }
        const VertexContainer&  vertices() const                                    { return vdpair_.first(); }
        /// \name Vertex manipulation
        /// @{
        //bool                    contains(const Vertex& v) const;
        bool                    contains(const Self& s) const;
        void                    add(const Vertex& v);
        template<class Iterator>
        void                    join(Iterator bg, Iterator end);
        void                    join(const Self& other)                             { join(other.vertices().begin(), other.vertices().end()); }
        /// @}

        const Self&             operator=(const Self& s)                            { vdpair_ = s.vdpair_; return *this; }

        std::ostream&           operator<<(std::ostream& out) const;

        /* Classes: Comparisons
         * VertexComparison -           compare simplices based on the lexicographic ordering of their <vertices()>
         * VertexDimensionComparison -  compare simplices based on the lexicographic ordering of their <vertices()> within each dimension
         * DataComparison -             compare simplices based on their <data()>
         * DataDimensionComparison -    compare simplices based on their <data()> within each <dimension()>
        struct VertexComparison;
        struct VertexDimensionComparison;
        struct DataComparison;
        struct DataDimensionComparison;

        /* Classes: Functors
         * DataEvaluator -              return data given a simplex
         * DimensionExtractor -         return dimesnion given a simplex
        struct DataEvaluator;
        struct DimensionExtractor;
        VertexContainer&        vertices()                                          { return vdpair_.first(); }

        VerticesDataPair        vdpair_;

        /* Serialization */
        friend class boost::serialization::access;
        template<class Archive>
        void                    serialize(Archive& ar, version_type );

template<class V, class T>
struct Simplex<V,T>::VertexComparison
        typedef                 Self                    first_argument_type;
        typedef                 Self                    second_argument_type;
        typedef                 bool                    result_type;

        bool                    operator()(const Self& a, const Self& b) const       { return a.vertices() < b.vertices(); }

template<class V, class T>
struct Simplex<V,T>::VertexDimensionComparison
        typedef                 Self                    first_argument_type;
        typedef                 Self                    second_argument_type;
        typedef                 bool                    result_type;

        bool                    operator()(const Self& a, const Self& b) const       
            if (a.dimension() == b.dimension())
                return a.vertices() < b.vertices();
                return a.dimension() < b.dimension();

template<class V, class T>
struct Simplex<V,T>::DataComparison
        typedef                 Self                    first_argument_type;
        typedef                 Self                    second_argument_type;
        typedef                 bool                    result_type;

        bool                    operator()(const Self& a, const Self& b) const       { return <; }

template<class S>
struct DataDimensionComparison
        typedef                 S                       Simplex;
        typedef                 Simplex                 first_argument_type;
        typedef                 Simplex                 second_argument_type;
        typedef                 bool                    result_type;

        bool                    operator()(const Simplex& a, const Simplex& b) const       
            if (a.dimension() == b.dimension())
                return <;
                return a.dimension() < b.dimension();
template<class V, class T>
struct Simplex<V,T>::DataEvaluator
        typedef                 Self                    first_argument_type;
        typedef                 Data                    result_type;

        result_type             operator()(const first_argument_type& s) const      { return; }

template<class V, class T>
struct Simplex<V,T>::DimensionExtractor
        typedef                 Self                    first_argument_type;
        typedef                 Dimension               result_type;

        result_type             operator()(const first_argument_type& s) const      { return s.dimension(); }

// TODO: class DirectSimplex - class which stores indices of the simplices in its boundary
// TODO: class CompactSimplex<V, T, N> - uses arrays instead of vectors to store simplices 
//       (dimension N must be known at compile time)

#include "simplex.hpp"

#endif // __SIMPLEX_H__