author Christos Mantoulidis <>
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 13:23:16 -0700
changeset 156 f75fb57d2831
parent 125 0a2c2283e4a8
child 174 3f1034dca432
child 179 d15c6d144645
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed implementation of WeightedRips to store simplex values (max distance between simplices' vertices) as an invisible layer on top of each simplex object, so that the data() field of WeightedRips has been freed for use by the users again.


#include "order.h"
#include "cycles.h"
#include "filtration.h"

#include <utilities/types.h>

template<class Data_, class ChainTraits_, class ContainerTraits_, class Element_ = use_default> 
struct PairCycleData: public Data_
    typedef     Data_                                                                   Data;
    typedef     typename if_default<Element_, PairCycleData>::type                      Element;
    typedef     PairCycleData<Data, ChainTraits_, ContainerTraits_, Element>            Self;

    typedef     typename ContainerTraits_::template rebind<Element>::other              ContainerTraits;
    typedef     typename ContainerTraits::Index                                         Index;
    typedef     typename ChainTraits_::template rebind<Index>::other                    ChainTraits;
    typedef     typename ChainTraits::Chain                                             Chain;
    typedef     Chain                                                                   Cycle;

                PairCycleData(Index p = Index(), const Cycle& z = Cycle(), const Data& d = Data()):
                    Data(d), pair(p), cycle(z)
    bool        sign() const                                                            { return cycle.empty(); }

    Index       pair;
    Cycle       cycle;

 * Class: StaticPersistence
 * The class that encapsulates order and pairing information as well as 
 * implements methods to compute and maintain the pairing. Its most 
 * significant method is <pair_simplices()>.
 * Template parameters:
 *   Data_ -                auxilliary contents to store with each OrderElement
 *   OrderDescriptor_ -     class describing how the order is stored; it defaults to <VectorOrderDescriptor> 
 *                          which serves as a prototypical class
template<class Data_ =              Empty<>,
         class ChainTraits_ =       VectorChains<>,
         class Comparison_ =        GreaterComparison<>,
         class ContainerTraits_ =   VectorContainer<>,
         class Element_ =           PairCycleData<Data_, ChainTraits_, ContainerTraits_> >
class StaticPersistence
        // Typedef: Data
        // The data type stored in each order element
        typedef                         Data_                                                   Data;

        typedef                         Element_                                                Element;
        typedef                         typename ContainerTraits_::
                                                    template rebind<Element>::other             ContainerTraits;
        typedef                         typename ContainerTraits::Container                     Container;
        typedef                         Container                                               Order;
        typedef                         typename ContainerTraits::Index                         OrderIndex;
        typedef                         typename ContainerTraits::Element                       OrderElement;
        typedef                         typename ChainTraits_::
                                                    template rebind<OrderIndex>::other          ChainTraits;
        typedef                         typename ChainTraits::Chain                             Chain;
        typedef                         Chain                                                   Cycle;
        typedef                         typename Comparison_::
                                                    template rebind<OrderIndex>::other          OrderComparison;

        /* Constructor: StaticPersistence()
         * TODO: write a description
         * Template parameters:
         *   Filtration -           filtration of the complex whose persistence we are computing
        template<class Filtration>      StaticPersistence(const Filtration& f, 
                                                          const OrderComparison& ocmp = OrderComparison());
        // Function: pair_simplices()                                        
        // Compute persistence of the filtration
        void                            pair_simplices()                                        { pair_simplices<PairVisitor>(begin(), end()); }

        // Functions: Accessors
        //   begin() -              returns OrderIndex of the first element
        //   end() -                returns OrderIndex of one past the last element
        //   size() -               number of elements in the StaticPersistence
        OrderIndex                      begin()                                                 { return order_.begin(); }
        OrderIndex                      end()                                                   { return order_.end(); }
        size_t                          size() const                                            { return order_.size(); }
        const OrderComparison&          order_comparison() const                                { return ocmp_; }

        // Function: pair_simplices(bg, end)
        // Compute persistence of the simplices in filtration between bg and end
        template<class Visitor>
        void                            pair_simplices(OrderIndex bg, OrderIndex end, const Visitor& visitor = Visitor());

        // Struct: PairVisitor
        // Acts as an archetype and if necessary a base class for visitors passed to <pair_simplices(bg, end, visitor)>.
        struct                          PairVisitor
            // Function: init(i)
            // Called after OrderElement pointed to by `i` has been initialized 
            // (its cycle is set to be its boundary, and pair is set to self, i.e. `i`)
            void                        init(OrderIndex i) const                                {}
            // Function: update(j, i)
            // Called after the cycle of `i` has been added to the cycle of `j`, 
            // this allows the derived class to perform the necessary updates 
            // (e.g., add `i`'s chain to `j`'s chain)
            void                        update(OrderIndex j, OrderIndex i) const                {}

            // Function: finished(j)
            // Called after the processing of `j` is finished.
            void                        finished(OrderIndex j) const                            {}

        const Order&                    order() const                                           { return order_; }

        Order                           order_;
        OrderComparison                 ocmp_;

#include "static-persistence.hpp"