author Christos Mantoulidis <>
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 13:23:16 -0700
changeset 156 f75fb57d2831
parent 90 dea0e9726c62
child 179 d15c6d144645
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed implementation of WeightedRips to store simplex values (max distance between simplices' vertices) as an invisible layer on top of each simplex object, so that the data() field of WeightedRips has been freed for use by the users again.

 * Author: Dmitriy Morozov
 * Department of Computer Science, Duke University, 2005 -- 2006

#ifndef __VINEYARD_H__
#define __VINEYARD_H__

#include "utilities/types.h"
#include <list>
#include <string>

#include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/nvp.hpp>
#include <boost/serialization/list.hpp>

template<class Smplx>	class Knee;
template<class Smplx>	class Vine;

 * Vineyard class. Keeps track of vines and knees. switched() is the key function called
 * by filtration when pairing switches after a Filtration::transpose().
 * \ingroup topology
template<class FltrSmplx>
class Vineyard
		typedef							FltrSmplx									FiltrationSimplex;
		typedef							typename FiltrationSimplex::Simplex			Simplex;
		typedef							Vine<Simplex>								VineS;
		typedef							Knee<Simplex>								KneeS;
		typedef							std::list<VineS>						    VineList;
		typedef							std::list<VineList>						    VineListList;
        typedef                         std::vector<typename VineListList::iterator> VineListVector;
		typedef							typename FiltrationSimplex::Cycle			Cycle;

		typedef							typename FiltrationSimplex::Index			Index;
		typedef							typename FiltrationSimplex::EvaluatorS		Evaluator;
										Vineyard(Evaluator* eval = 0): 
											evaluator(eval)							{}

		void							start_vines(Index bg, Index end);
		void							switched(Index i, Index j);
		void							record_knee(Index i);
		void							record_diagram(Index bg, Index end);

		void							set_evaluator(Evaluator* eval)				{ evaluator = eval; }

		void							save_edges(const std::string& filename) const;

		typename KneeS::SimplexList  	resolve_cycle(Index i) const;

		void							start_vine(Index i);

		VineListList                    vines;            // stores vine lists
		VineListVector                  vines_vector;     // stores pointers (iterators) to vine lists
		Evaluator*						evaluator;

 * Knee class stores the knee in R^3 as well as the cycle that is associated with the Simplex starting from the Knee.
 * \ingroup topology
template<class S>
class Knee
		typedef					S												Simplex;
		typedef					std::list<Simplex>								SimplexList;
		RealType				birth;
		RealType				death;
		RealType				time;
		SimplexList				cycle;
								// Default parameters for serialization
								Knee(RealType b = 0, RealType d = 0, RealType t = 0):
									birth(b), death(d), time(t)
								Knee(const Knee& other): 
									birth(other.birth), death(other.death), time(other.time)

		bool 					is_diagonal() const								{ return birth == death; }
		bool					is_infinite() const								{ return (death == Infinity) || (birth == Infinity); }
		void 					set_cycle(const SimplexList& lst)				{ cycle = lst; }

		std::ostream&			operator<<(std::ostream& out) const				{ return out << "(" << birth << ", " 
																									<< death << ", " 
																									<< time  << ")"; }
		friend class boost::serialization::access;

		template<class Archive>
		void 					serialize(Archive& ar, version_type );

template<class S>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Knee<S>& k) 					{ return k.operator<<(out); }

 * Vine is a list of Knees
template<class S>
class Vine: public std::list<Knee<S> >
		typedef					S												Simplex;
		typedef					Knee<Simplex>									KneeS;
		typedef					std::list<KneeS>								VineRepresentation;
		typedef					typename VineRepresentation::const_iterator		const_knee_iterator;
								Vine()											{}
								Vine(const Vine& other): 
                                    VineRepresentation(other)	                {}
								Vine(const VineRepresentation& other): 
                                    VineRepresentation(other)	                {}
								Vine(const KneeS& k)						    { add(k); }
		void 					add(RealType b, RealType d, RealType t)			{ push_back(KneeS(b,d,t)); }
		void 					add(const KneeS& k)								{ push_back(k); }

        std::ostream&           operator<<(std::ostream& out) const             { for (const_knee_iterator cur = begin(); cur != end(); ++cur) out << *cur; return out; }

		using VineRepresentation::begin;
		using VineRepresentation::end;
		using VineRepresentation::front;
		using VineRepresentation::back;
		using VineRepresentation::size;
		using VineRepresentation::empty;

		using VineRepresentation::push_back;

		friend class boost::serialization::access;

		template<class Archive>
		void 					serialize(Archive& ar, version_type );

template<class S>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Vine<S>& v) 					{ return v.operator<<(out); }

#include "vineyard.hpp"

#endif // __VINEYARD_H__