author Christos Mantoulidis <>
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 13:23:16 -0700
changeset 156 f75fb57d2831
parent 119 505b3795d239
child 162 eec482c29319
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed implementation of WeightedRips to store simplex values (max distance between simplices' vertices) as an invisible layer on top of each simplex object, so that the data() field of WeightedRips has been freed for use by the users again.


#include "cycles.h"
#include "utilities/types.h"
#include <sstream>

    #include <debug/list>
    using std::__debug::list;
    #warning "Using debug/list in ZigzagPersistence"
    #include <list>
    using std::list;

 * Class: ZigzagPersistence
 * TODO: this should probably be parametrized by Chain or Field
template<class BirthID_ = Empty<>, class SimplexData_ = Empty<> >
class ZigzagPersistence
        typedef                         BirthID_                                BirthID;
        typedef                         SimplexData_                            SimplexData;

        struct ZNode;
        struct BNode;
        struct SimplexNode;

        typedef                         list<ZNode>                                     ZList;
        typedef                         typename ZList::iterator                        ZIndex;
        typedef                         list<BNode>                                     BList;
        typedef                         typename BList::iterator                        BIndex;
        typedef                         list<SimplexNode>                               SimplexList;
        typedef                         typename SimplexList::iterator                  SimplexIndex;

        // TODO: should all chains be DequeChains? probably not
        typedef                         typename DequeChains<ZIndex>::Chain             ZRow;
        typedef                         typename DequeChains<ZIndex>::Chain             BColumn;
        typedef                         typename VectorChains<BIndex>::Chain            BRow;
        typedef                         typename VectorChains<BIndex>::Chain            CRow;
        typedef                         typename VectorChains<SimplexIndex>::Chain      ZColumn;
        typedef                         typename VectorChains<SimplexIndex>::Chain      CColumn;

        typedef                         boost::optional<BirthID>                        Death;
        typedef                         std::pair<SimplexIndex, Death>                  IndexDeathPair;

        struct ZNode
                                        ZNode(int o, BIndex l): 
                                            order(o), low(l)                            {}

            int                         order;
            ZColumn                     z_column;
            BRow                        b_row;
            BIndex                      low;            // which BColumn has this ZIndex as low

            BirthID                     birth;          // TODO: do we need to do empty-member optimization? 
                                                        //       i.e., does it ever make sense for birth to be empty?

        struct BNode
                                        BNode(unsigned o): order(o)                     {}

            unsigned                    order;
            BColumn                     b_column;
            CColumn                     c_column;

        struct SimplexNode: public SimplexData
                                        SimplexNode(unsigned o, ZIndex l): 
                                            order(o), low(l)                            {}

            unsigned                    order;
            ZRow                        z_row;
            CRow                        c_row;
            ZIndex                      low;            // which ZColumn has this SimplexNode as low
            ZColumn                     boundary;       // NB: debug only

        // Constructor: ZigzagPersistence()
                                        ZigzagPersistence()                             {}
        // Function: add(bdry, birth)
        IndexDeathPair                  add(ZColumn bdry, const BirthID& birth = BirthID())         { ZigzagVisitor zzv; return add<ZigzagVisitor>(bdry, birth, zzv); }
        // Function: remove(s, birth)
        Death                           remove(SimplexIndex s, const BirthID& birth = BirthID())    { ZigzagVisitor zzv; return remove<ZigzagVisitor>(s, birth, zzv); }

        ZIndex                          begin()                                                     { return z_list.begin(); }
        ZIndex                          end()                                                       { return z_list.end(); }

        bool                            is_alive(ZIndex i) const                                    { return i->low == b_list.end(); }
        // Function: add(s)
        template<class Visitor>
        IndexDeathPair                  add(ZColumn bdry, const BirthID& birth, Visitor& visitor);

        // Function: remove(s)
        template<class Visitor>
        Death                           remove(SimplexIndex s, const BirthID& birth, Visitor& visitor);

        // Struct: ZigzagVisitor
        // Various methods of an instance of this class are called at different stages of addition and removal algorithm.
        // NB: currently the places where it's called are catered for image zigzags, in the future this could be expanded 
        //     to provide simple support for other algorithms
        // TODO: not obvious that the methods should be const (and therefore the reference passed to add() and remove())
        //       revisit when working on ImageZigzag
        struct ZigzagVisitor
            SimplexIndex                new_simplex(ZigzagPersistence& zz);

            // Function: new_z_in_add(zz, z, u)
            // Called when a new cycle is born after adding a simplex. The method is expected to add an element to z_list, and return its ZIndex.
            ZIndex                      new_z_in_add(ZigzagPersistence& zz, const ZColumn& z, const BRow& u);
            BIndex                      select_j_in_remove(ZigzagPersistence& zz, const CRow& c_row);

            ZIndex                      new_z_in_remove(ZigzagPersistence& zz);

            void                        erasing_z(ZigzagPersistence& zz, ZIndex j)      {}

            Death                       death(ZigzagPersistence& zz, ZIndex dying_z);

        // Debug; non-const because Indices are iterators, and not const_iterators 
        void                            show_all();
        bool                            check_consistency(SimplexIndex s_skip, ZIndex z_skip, BIndex b_skip);
        bool                            check_consistency()                             { return check_consistency(s_list.end(), z_list.end(), b_list.end()); }

        ZList                           z_list;
        BList                           b_list;
        SimplexList                     s_list;

        /* Helper functors */
        template<class Member, class Element>                                           struct Appender;
        template<class Member, class Element>                                           struct Remover;
        template<class Member, class Chain>                                             struct Adder;

        template<class Member, class Element>
        Appender<Member, Element>       make_appender(Member m, Element e) const        { return Appender<Member, Element>(m,e); }
        template<class Member, class Element>
        Remover<Member, Element>        make_remover(Member m, Element e) const         { return Remover<Member, Element>(m,e); }
        template<class Member, class Chain>
        Adder<Member, Chain>            make_adder(Member m, Chain& c) const            { return Adder<Member, Chain>(m, c); }

        template<class Index, class IndexFrom, class PrimaryMember, class SecondaryMember>
        void                            add_chains(Index bg, Index end, IndexFrom j, PrimaryMember pm, SecondaryMember sm);
        template<class IndexTo, class IndexFrom, class PrimaryMemberTo, class SecondaryMemberTo, class PrimaryMemberFrom>
        void                            add_chains(IndexTo bg, IndexTo end, IndexFrom j, 
                                                   PrimaryMemberTo   pmt, SecondaryMemberTo smt,
                                                   PrimaryMemberFrom pmf);
        template<class Index, class PrimaryMember, class SecondaryMember>
        void                            add_chain(Index to, Index from, 
                                                  PrimaryMember   pmt, SecondaryMember smt);
        template<class IndexTo, class IndexFrom, class PrimaryMemberTo, class SecondaryMemberTo, class PrimaryMemberFrom>
        void                            add_chain(IndexTo to, IndexFrom from, 
                                                  PrimaryMemberTo   pmt, SecondaryMemberTo smt,
                                                  PrimaryMemberFrom pmf);
        template<class IndexTo, class IndexFrom, class PrimaryMember, class SecondaryMember, class DualPrimaryMember, class DualSecondaryMember>
        void                            change_basis(IndexTo bg, IndexTo end, IndexFrom j, 
                                                     PrimaryMember pm, SecondaryMember sm, 
                                                     DualPrimaryMember dpm, DualSecondaryMember dsm);

        struct OrderComparison
            template<class T> 
            bool                        operator()(T a, T b) const                      { return a->order < b->order; }
        }                               cmp;
        struct OrderOutput
            template<class T> 
            std::string                 operator()(T a) const                           { std::stringstream s; s << a->order; return s.str(); }
        }                               out;

#include "zigzag-persistence.hpp"