author Christos Mantoulidis <>
Tue, 04 Aug 2009 13:23:16 -0700
changeset 156 f75fb57d2831
parent 83 cf653a5a2d4f
child 272 29306411272b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed implementation of WeightedRips to store simplex values (max distance between simplices' vertices) as an invisible layer on top of each simplex object, so that the data() field of WeightedRips has been freed for use by the users again.

 * Author: Dmitriy Morozov 
 * Department of Computer Science, Duke University, 2006


#include "orderlist.h"

#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include "types.h"

#include <boost/utility.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/iterator_adaptor.hpp>
//#include <boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp>
//#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>

template<class T> 		struct 	ConsistencyListNode;
template<class T>		class   ConsistencyListIterator;
template<class T>		class   const_ConsistencyListIterator;

 * ConsistencyList adds consistency order to OrderList which remains unchanged
 * through the lifetime of the list.
template<class T>
class ConsistencyList: public OrderList<ConsistencyListNode<T> >
		class 			OrderComparison;				
		class 			LessThanComparison;
		class 			GreaterThanComparison;
		class 			ConsistencyComparison;

		/// \name Comparison types
		/// @{
		// Explicit typedefs for Doxygen
		typedef			LessThanComparison							LessThanComparison;
		typedef			GreaterThanComparison						GreaterThanComparison;
		typedef			ConsistencyComparison						ConsistencyComparison;
		/// @}
		typedef			ConsistencyListNode<T>						NodeType;
		typedef			ConsistencyList<T>							Self;
		typedef			OrderList<NodeType >						Parent;
		typedef			T											value_type;
		typedef			T&											reference;
		typedef			const T&									const_reference;
		typedef			ConsistencyListIterator<T>					iterator;
		typedef			const_ConsistencyListIterator<T>			const_iterator;
						ConsistencyList(): sz(0)					{}
						~ConsistencyList() 							{ clear(); }
		/// \name Order operations
		void			swap(iterator i, iterator j);				///< Exchanges the order of simplices pointed to by i and j
		template<class BinaryPredicate>
		void			sort(BinaryPredicate cmp);					///< Sorts the elements in accordance with cmp

		/// \name Container operations
		/// @{
		// Explicit calls instead of using declarations for Doxygen
		iterator		push_back(const_reference x);
		iterator		insert(iterator predecessor, const_reference x);	///< Inserts x immediately after predecessor (has to be a valid iterator)
		void			erase(iterator x)							{ Parent::erase(x.get_base()); --sz; }

		void			clear()										{ return Parent::clear(); }	
		bool			empty() const								{ return Parent::empty(); }
		SizeType		size()	const								{ return sz; }
		iterator		begin()										{ return iterator(Parent::begin()); }
		const_iterator	begin() const								{ return const_iterator(Parent::begin()); }
		iterator		end()										{ return iterator(Parent::end()); }
		const_iterator	end() const									{ return const_iterator(Parent::end()); }
		reference		back()										{ return Parent::back(); }
		const_reference	back() const								{ return Parent::back(); }
		void			pop_back()									{ return Parent::pop_back(); }
		iterator		last()										{ return iterator(boost::prior(end())); }
		const_iterator	last() const								{ return const_iterator(boost::prior(end())); }
		/// @}
		unsigned int	sz;

/// Basic comparison that LessThan and GreaterThan derive from
template<class T>
class ConsistencyList<T>::OrderComparison
		typedef			typename ConsistencyList<T>::const_iterator		ComparableType;				

		int 			compare(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;				/// (-1,0,1) = a (precedes, ==, succeeds) b 

/// Determines if the first element is less than the second one
template<class T>
class ConsistencyList<T>::LessThanComparison: public OrderComparison 
		typedef			OrderComparison								Parent;
		typedef			typename Parent::ComparableType				ComparableType;				
		int 			compare(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;	
		bool 			operator()(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;

/// Determines if the first element is greater than the second one
template<class T>
class ConsistencyList<T>::GreaterThanComparison: public OrderComparison 
		typedef			OrderComparison								Parent;
		typedef			typename Parent::ComparableType				ComparableType;				
		int 			compare(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;
		bool 			operator()(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;

/// Determines the order of the two elements in the consistency order (that doesn't change during the execution)
template<class T>
class ConsistencyList<T>::ConsistencyComparison
		typedef			typename ConsistencyList<T>::const_iterator		ComparableType;				
		int 			compare(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;				///< (-1,0,1) = a (precedes, ==, succeeds) b 
		bool 			operator()(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;		

/// Structure storing auxilliary information requred for each node of ConsistencyList
template<class T>
struct ConsistencyListNode
	ConsistencyListNode(const T& d, unsigned int c):
		data(d), consistency(c)
	T 				data;
	OrderType		consistency;

	std::ostream& 		operator<<(std::ostream& out) const					{ return out << consistency << ": " << data; }

template<class T>
std::ostream&			operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ConsistencyListNode<T>& n)	{ return n.operator<<(out); }

template<class T>
class ConsistencyListIterator: public boost::iterator_adaptor<ConsistencyListIterator<T>,
						 								typename ConsistencyList<T>::Parent::iterator,
		struct			enabler										{};
		typedef			typename ConsistencyList<T>::Parent			ConsistencyListParent;
		typedef 		boost::iterator_adaptor<ConsistencyListIterator<T>,
												typename ConsistencyListParent::iterator,
												T>					Parent;
		typedef			typename Parent::reference					reference;
		typedef			typename Parent::base_type					base_type;

						ConsistencyListIterator()					{}
						ConsistencyListIterator(const typename ConsistencyListParent::iterator& iter):
						ConsistencyListIterator(const ConsistencyListIterator<T>& other):

		friend class	boost::iterator_core_access;
		reference		dereference() const							{ return Parent::base_reference()->data; }
		base_type&		get_base()									{ return Parent::base_reference(); }

		friend class 	ConsistencyList<T>;

template<class T>
class const_ConsistencyListIterator: public boost::iterator_adaptor<const_ConsistencyListIterator<T>,
						 									  typename ConsistencyList<T>::Parent::const_iterator,
						 									  const T>
		struct			enabler										{};
		typedef			typename ConsistencyList<T>::Parent				ConsistencyListParent;
		typedef 		boost::iterator_adaptor<const_ConsistencyListIterator<T>,
												typename ConsistencyListParent::const_iterator,
												const T>			Parent;
		typedef			typename Parent::reference					reference;
		typedef			typename Parent::base_type					base_type;

						const_ConsistencyListIterator()					{}
						const_ConsistencyListIterator(const typename ConsistencyListParent::const_iterator& iter):
						const_ConsistencyListIterator(const const_ConsistencyListIterator<T>& other):
						const_ConsistencyListIterator(const ConsistencyListIterator<T>& other):

		friend class	boost::iterator_core_access;
		reference		dereference() const							{ return Parent::base_reference()->data; }
		const base_type&
						get_base()									{ return Parent::base_reference(); }

		friend class 	ConsistencyList<T>::OrderComparison;
		friend class 	ConsistencyList<T>::ConsistencyComparison;

#include "consistencylist.hpp"