#ifndef __SIMULATOR_H__
#define __SIMULATOR_H__
#include "utilities/eventqueue.h"
#include "polynomial.h"
template<class Comparison> class IndirectComparison;
template<class PolyKernel_, class Simulator_> class Event;
template<class PolyKernel_, template<class Event> class EventComparison_ = std::less>
class Simulator
typedef PolyKernel_ PolynomialKernel;
typedef typename PolynomialKernel::Polynomial Polynomial;
typedef typename PolynomialKernel::RationalFunction RationalFunction;
typedef typename PolynomialKernel::RootStack RootStack;
typedef typename PolynomialKernel::RootType RootType;
typedef RootType Time;
class Event;
typedef EventComparison_<Event> EventComparison;
typedef EventQueue<Event*, IndirectComparison<EventComparison> >
typedef typename EventQueue::iterator Key;
typedef typename EventQueue::const_iterator const_Key;
Simulator(Time start = PolynomialKernel::root(0)):
reached_infinity_(false) {}
template<class Event_>
Key add(const Event_& e);
template<class Event_>
Key add(const RationalFunction& f, const Event_& e);
void process();
void update(Key k, const RationalFunction& f);
void remove(Key k) { queue_.remove(k); }
Key null_key() { return queue_.end(); }
Time current_time() const { return current_; }
Time audit_time() const;
bool reached_infinity() const { return reached_infinity_; }
std::ostream& print(std::ostream& out) const;
void update(Key i);
Time current_;
EventQueue queue_;
bool reached_infinity_;
template<class PolyKernel_, template<class Event> class EventComparison_>
class Simulator<PolyKernel_, EventComparison_>::Event
typedef PolyKernel_ PolynomialKernel;
typedef typename PolynomialKernel::RootStack RootStack;
/// Returns true if the event needs to remain in the Simulator
/// (top of the root_stack() will be used for new time)
virtual bool process(Simulator* s) const =0;
RootStack& root_stack() { return root_stack_; }
const RootStack& root_stack() const { return root_stack_; }
bool operator<(const Event& e) const
if (root_stack().empty())
return false;
else if (e.root_stack().empty())
return true;
return root_stack().top() < e.root_stack().top();
int sign_before() const { return root_stack().top().sign_low(); }
int sign_after() const { return root_stack().top().sign_high(); }
virtual std::ostream& print(std::ostream& out) const { return out << "Event with " << root_stack_.size() << " roots"; }
RootStack root_stack_;
template<class Comparison_>
class IndirectComparison: public std::binary_function<const typename Comparison_::first_argument_type*,
const typename Comparison_::second_argument_type*,
typedef Comparison_ Comparison;
typedef const typename Comparison::first_argument_type* first_argument_type;
typedef const typename Comparison::second_argument_type* second_argument_type;
bool operator()(first_argument_type e1, second_argument_type e2) const
{ return Comparison()(*e1, *e2); }
#include "simulator.hpp"
#endif // __SIMULATOR_H__