Merged in cohomology branch dev
authorDmitriy Morozov <>
Mon, 23 Mar 2009 11:40:29 -0700
changeset 117 06a4361bddaa
parent 115 a3410b6ba79c (current diff)
parent 116 5095771715ab (diff)
child 118 c4e25fb4082c
Merged in cohomology branch
--- a/examples/CMakeLists.txt	Sun Mar 22 11:18:07 2009 -0700
+++ b/examples/CMakeLists.txt	Mon Mar 23 11:40:29 2009 -0700
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 add_subdirectory			(alphashapes)
 #add_subdirectory			(ar-vineyard)
 add_subdirectory			(cech-complex)
+add_subdirectory			(cohomology)
 add_subdirectory			(fitness)
 #add_subdirectory			(grid)
 add_subdirectory			(triangle)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/cohomology/CMakeLists.txt	Mon Mar 23 11:40:29 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+set                         (targets                        
+                             rips-cohomology
+                             rips-pairwise-cohomology
+                             triangle-cohomology
+                            )
+foreach                     (t ${targets})
+    add_executable          (${t} ${t}.cpp)
+    target_link_libraries   (${t} ${libraries} ${Boost_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIBRARY})
+endforeach                  (t ${targets})
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/cohomology/rips-cohomology.cpp	Mon Mar 23 11:40:29 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#include <topology/cohomology-persistence.h>
+#include <topology/rips.h>
+#include <utilities/containers.h>           // for BackInsertFunctor
+#include <map>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
+// Trivial example of size() points on a line with integer coordinates
+struct Distances
+    typedef         int             IndexType;
+    typedef         double          DistanceType;
+    DistanceType    operator()(IndexType a, IndexType b) const      { return std::abs(a - b); }
+    size_t          size() const                                    { return 2000; }
+    IndexType       begin() const                                   { return 0; }
+    IndexType       end() const                                     { return size(); }
+typedef     CohomologyPersistence<Distances::DistanceType>          Persistence;
+typedef     Persistence::SimplexIndex                               Index;
+typedef     Persistence::Death                                      Death;
+typedef     Rips<Distances>                                         Generator;
+typedef     Generator::Simplex                                      Smplx;
+typedef     std::map<Smplx, Index, 
+                     Smplx::VertexComparison>                       Complex;
+typedef     std::vector<Smplx>                                      SimplexVector;
+int main()
+    Distances               distances;
+    Generator               rips(distances);
+    Generator::Evaluator    size(distances);
+    SimplexVector           v;
+    Complex                 c;
+    rips.generate(2, 50, make_push_back_functor(v));
+    std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), Generator::Comparison(distances));
+    std::cout << "Simplex vector generated, size: " << v.size() << std::endl;
+    Persistence p;
+    for (SimplexVector::const_iterator cur = v.begin(); cur != v.end(); ++cur)
+    {
+        std::vector<Index>      boundary;
+        for (Smplx::BoundaryIterator bcur  = cur->boundary_begin(); 
+                                     bcur != cur->boundary_end();       ++bcur)
+            boundary.push_back(c[*bcur]);
+        Index idx; Death d;
+        boost::tie(idx, d)      = p.add(boundary.begin(), boundary.end(), size(*cur));
+        c[*cur] = idx;
+        if (d && (size(*cur) - *d) > 0)
+            std::cout << (cur->dimension() - 1) << " " << *d << " " << size(*cur) << std::endl;
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/cohomology/rips-pairwise-cohomology.cpp	Mon Mar 23 11:40:29 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#include <topology/cohomology-persistence.h>
+#include <topology/rips.h>
+#include <utilities/containers.h>           // for BackInsertFunctor
+#include <utilities/timer.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
+#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
+#include "../rips/l2distance.h"
+typedef     PairwiseDistances<PointContainer, L2Distance>           PairDistances;
+typedef     PairDistances::DistanceType                             DistanceType;
+typedef     PairDistances::IndexType                                Vertex;
+typedef     CohomologyPersistence<DistanceType>                     Persistence;
+typedef     Persistence::SimplexIndex                               Index;
+typedef     Persistence::Death                                      Death;
+typedef     Rips<PairDistances>                                     Generator;
+typedef     Generator::Simplex                                      Smplx;
+typedef     std::map<Smplx, Index, 
+                     Smplx::VertexComparison>                       Complex;
+typedef     std::vector<Smplx>                                      SimplexVector;
+void        program_options(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& infilename, Dimension& ambient, Dimension& skeleton, DistanceType& max_distance);
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+    Dimension               ambient, skeleton;
+    DistanceType            max_distance;
+    std::string             infilename;
+    program_options(argc, argv, infilename, ambient, skeleton, max_distance);
+    PointContainer          points;
+    read_points(infilename, points, ambient);
+    PairDistances           distances(points);
+    Generator               rips(distances);
+    Generator::Evaluator    size(distances);
+    SimplexVector           v;
+    Complex                 c;
+    rips.generate(skeleton, max_distance, make_push_back_functor(v));
+    std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), Generator::Comparison(distances));
+    std::cout << "Simplex vector generated, size: " << v.size() << std::endl;
+    Timer persistence_timer; persistence_timer.start();
+    Persistence p;
+    for (SimplexVector::const_iterator cur = v.begin(); cur != v.end(); ++cur)
+    {
+        std::vector<Index>      boundary;
+        for (Smplx::BoundaryIterator bcur  = cur->boundary_begin(); 
+                                     bcur != cur->boundary_end();       ++bcur)
+            boundary.push_back(c[*bcur]);
+        Index idx; Death d;
+        boost::tie(idx, d)      = p.add(boundary.begin(), boundary.end(), size(*cur));
+        c[*cur] = idx;
+        if (d && (size(*cur) - *d) > 0)
+            std::cout << (cur->dimension() - 1) << " " << *d << " " << size(*cur) << std::endl;
+    }
+    persistence_timer.stop();
+    persistence_timer.check("Persistence timer");
+void        program_options(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& infilename, Dimension& ambient, Dimension& skeleton, DistanceType& max_distance)
+    namespace po = boost::program_options;
+    po::options_description     hidden("Hidden options");
+    hidden.add_options()
+        ("input-file",          po::value<std::string>(&infilename),        "Point set whose Rips zigzag we want to compute");
+    po::options_description visible("Allowed options", 100);
+    visible.add_options()
+        ("help,h",                                                                                  "produce help message")
+        ("ambient-dimsnion,a",  po::value<Dimension>(&ambient)->default_value(3),                   "The ambient dimension of the point set")
+        ("skeleton-dimsnion,s", po::value<Dimension>(&skeleton)->default_value(2),                  "Dimension of the Rips complex we want to compute")
+        ("max-distance,m",      po::value<DistanceType>(&max_distance)->default_value(Infinity),    "Maximum value for the Rips complex construction");
+    po::positional_options_description pos;
+    pos.add("input-file", 1);
+    pos.add("output-file", 2);
+    po::options_description all; all.add(visible).add(hidden);
+    po::variables_map vm;
+    po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
+                  options(all).positional(pos).run(), vm);
+    po::notify(vm);
+    if (vm.count("help") || !vm.count("input-file"))
+    { 
+        std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options] input-file" << std::endl;
+        std::cout << visible << std::endl; 
+        std::abort();
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/cohomology/triangle-cohomology.cpp	Mon Mar 23 11:40:29 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+#include <topology/simplex.h>
+#include <topology/cohomology-persistence.h>
+#include <utilities/log.h>
+#include <utilities/indirect.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
+#if 1
+#include <fstream>
+#include <boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp>
+#include <boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp>
+#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
+typedef         CohomologyPersistence<unsigned>     Persistence;
+typedef         Persistence::SimplexIndex           Index;
+typedef         Persistence::Death                  Death;
+typedef         unsigned                            Vertex;
+typedef         Simplex<Vertex, double>             Smplx;
+typedef         std::map<Smplx, Index, 
+                         Smplx::VertexComparison>   Complex;
+typedef         std::vector<Smplx>                  SimplexVector;
+void fillTriangleSimplices(SimplexVector& c)
+    typedef std::vector<Vertex> VertexVector;
+    VertexVector vertices(4);
+    vertices[0] = 0; vertices[1] = 1; vertices[2] = 2; 
+    vertices[3] = 0;
+    VertexVector::const_iterator bg = vertices.begin();
+    VertexVector::const_iterator end = vertices.end();
+    c.push_back(Smplx(bg,     bg + 1, 0));                 // 0 = A
+    c.push_back(Smplx(bg + 1, bg + 2, 1));                 // 1 = B
+    c.push_back(Smplx(bg + 2, bg + 3, 2));                 // 2 = C
+    c.push_back(Smplx(bg,     bg + 2, 2.5));               // AB
+    c.push_back(Smplx(bg + 1, bg + 3, 2.9));               // BC
+    c.push_back(Smplx(bg + 2, end,    3.5));               // CA
+    c.push_back(Smplx(bg,     bg + 3, 5));                 // ABC
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+#ifdef LOGGING
+    rlog::RLogInit(argc, argv);
+    stderrLog.subscribeTo(RLOG_CHANNEL("info"));
+    stderrLog.subscribeTo(RLOG_CHANNEL("error"));
+    //stderrLog.subscribeTo(RLOG_CHANNEL("topology"));
+    SimplexVector v;
+    fillTriangleSimplices(v);
+    std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), Smplx::DataComparison());
+    std::cout << "Simplices filled" << std::endl;
+    for (SimplexVector::const_iterator cur = v.begin(); cur != v.end(); ++cur)
+        std::cout << "  " << *cur << std::endl;
+    // Compute persistence
+    Complex         c;
+    Persistence     p;
+    unsigned i = 0;
+    for (SimplexVector::const_iterator cur = v.begin(); cur != v.end(); ++cur)
+    {
+        std::vector<Index>      boundary;
+        for (Smplx::BoundaryIterator bcur  = cur->boundary_begin(); 
+                                     bcur != cur->boundary_end();       ++bcur)
+            boundary.push_back(c[*bcur]);
+        Index idx; Death d;
+        boost::tie(idx, d)      = p.add(boundary.begin(), boundary.end(), i++);
+        c[*cur] = idx;
+        if (d)
+            std::cout << (cur->dimension() - 1) << " " << *d << " " << (i-1) << std::endl;
+            // the dimension above is adjusted for what it would look like in homology
+            // (i.e. when a 1 class kills 0, it's really that in cohomology forward 0 kills 1,
+            //  in cohomology backward 1 kills 0, and in homology 1 kills 0)
+        //p.show_cycles();
+    }
--- a/examples/rips/CMakeLists.txt	Sun Mar 22 11:18:07 2009 -0700
+++ b/examples/rips/CMakeLists.txt	Mon Mar 23 11:40:29 2009 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 set                         (targets                        
+                             rips-pairwise
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/rips/l2distance.h	Mon Mar 23 11:40:29 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#ifndef __L2_DISTANCE_H__
+#define __L2_DISTANCE_H__
+#include <utilities/types.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <functional>
+#include <cmath>
+typedef     std::vector<double>                                     Point;
+typedef     std::vector<Point>                                      PointContainer;
+struct L2Distance:
+    public std::binary_function<const Point&, const Point&, double>
+    result_type     operator()(const Point& p1, const Point& p2) const
+    {
+        AssertMsg(p1.size() == p2.size(), "Points must be in the same dimension (in L2Distance)");
+        result_type sum = 0;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < p1.size(); ++i)
+            sum += (p1[i] - p2[i])*(p1[i] - p2[i]);
+        return sqrt(sum);
+    }
+void    read_points(const std::string& infilename, PointContainer& points, Dimension ambient)
+    std::ifstream in(infilename.c_str());
+    while(in)
+    {
+        points.push_back(Point());
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < ambient; ++i)
+        {
+            double      x;
+            in >> x;
+            points.back().push_back(x);
+        }
+    }
+#endif // __L2_DISTANCE_H__
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/rips/rips-pairwise.cpp	Mon Mar 23 11:40:29 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#include <topology/rips.h>
+#include <topology/filtration.h>
+#include <topology/static-persistence.h>
+#include <topology/dynamic-persistence.h>
+#include <topology/persistence-diagram.h>
+#include <utilities/containers.h>           // for BackInsertFunctor
+#include <utilities/timer.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
+#include "l2distance.h"
+typedef         PairwiseDistances<PointContainer, L2Distance>           PairDistances;
+typedef         PairDistances::DistanceType                             DistanceType;
+typedef         PairDistances::IndexType                                Vertex;
+typedef         Rips<PairDistances>                                     Generator;
+typedef         Generator::Simplex                                      Smplx;
+typedef         std::vector<Smplx>                                      SimplexVector;
+typedef         Filtration<SimplexVector, unsigned>                     Fltr;
+//typedef         StaticPersistence<>                                     Persistence;
+typedef         DynamicPersistenceChains<>                              Persistence;
+typedef         PersistenceDiagram<>                                    PDgm;
+void            program_options(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& infilename, Dimension& ambient, Dimension& skeleton, DistanceType& max_distance);
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+    Dimension               ambient, skeleton;
+    DistanceType            max_distance;
+    std::string             infilename;
+    program_options(argc, argv, infilename, ambient, skeleton, max_distance);
+    PointContainer          points;
+    read_points(infilename, points, ambient);
+    PairDistances           distances(points);
+    Generator               rips(distances);
+    Generator::Evaluator    size(distances);
+    SimplexVector           complex;
+    // Generate 2-skeleton of the Rips complex for epsilon = 50
+    rips.generate(skeleton, max_distance, make_push_back_functor(complex));
+    std::sort(complex.begin(), complex.end(), Smplx::VertexComparison());       // unnecessary
+    std::cout << "Generated complex of size: " << complex.size() << std::endl;
+    // Generate filtration with respect to distance and compute its persistence
+    Fltr f(complex.begin(), complex.end(), Generator::Comparison(distances));
+    Timer persistence_timer; persistence_timer.start();
+    Persistence p(f);
+    p.pair_simplices();
+    persistence_timer.stop();
+    // Output cycles
+    for (Persistence::OrderIndex cur = p.begin(); cur != p.end(); ++cur)
+    {
+        Persistence::OrderDescriptor::Cycle& cycle = cur->cycle;
+        if (!cur->sign())        // only negative simplices have non-empty cycles
+        {
+            Persistence::OrderIndex birth = cur->pair;      // the cycle that cur killed was born when we added birth (another simplex)
+            const Smplx& b = f.simplex(f.begin() + (birth - p.begin()));        // eventually this will be encapsulated behind an interface
+            const Smplx& d = f.simplex(f.begin() + (cur   - p.begin()));
+            if (b.dimension() != 1) continue;
+            std::cout << "Pair: (" << size(b) << ", " << size(d) << ")" << std::endl;
+        } else if (cur->pair == cur)    // positive could be unpaired
+        {
+            const Smplx& b = f.simplex(f.begin() + (cur - p.begin()));
+            if (b.dimension() != 1) continue;
+            std::cout << "Unpaired birth: " << size(b) << std::endl;
+            cycle = cur->chain;
+        }
+        // Iterate over the cycle
+        for (Persistence::OrderDescriptor::Cycle::const_iterator si =  cycle.begin();
+                                                                 si != cycle.end();     ++si)
+        {
+            const Smplx& s = f.simplex(f.begin() + (*si - p.begin()));
+            //std::cout << s.dimension() << std::endl;
+            const Smplx::VertexContainer& vertices = s.vertices();          // std::vector<Vertex> where Vertex = Distances::IndexType
+            AssertMsg(vertices.size() == s.dimension() + 1, "dimension of a simplex is one less than the number of its vertices");
+            std::cout << vertices[0] << " " << vertices[1] << std::endl;
+        }
+    }
+    persistence_timer.check("Persistence timer");
+void        program_options(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& infilename, Dimension& ambient, Dimension& skeleton, DistanceType& max_distance)
+    namespace po = boost::program_options;
+    po::options_description     hidden("Hidden options");
+    hidden.add_options()
+        ("input-file",          po::value<std::string>(&infilename),        "Point set whose Rips zigzag we want to compute");
+    po::options_description visible("Allowed options", 100);
+    visible.add_options()
+        ("help,h",                                                                                  "produce help message")
+        ("ambient-dimsnion,a",  po::value<Dimension>(&ambient)->default_value(3),                   "The ambient dimension of the point set")
+        ("skeleton-dimsnion,s", po::value<Dimension>(&skeleton)->default_value(2),                  "Dimension of the Rips complex we want to compute")
+        ("max-distance,m",      po::value<DistanceType>(&max_distance)->default_value(Infinity),    "Maximum value for the Rips complex construction");
+    po::positional_options_description pos;
+    pos.add("input-file", 1);
+    pos.add("output-file", 2);
+    po::options_description all; all.add(visible).add(hidden);
+    po::variables_map vm;
+    po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
+                  options(all).positional(pos).run(), vm);
+    po::notify(vm);
+    if (vm.count("help") || !vm.count("input-file"))
+    { 
+        std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options] input-file" << std::endl;
+        std::cout << visible << std::endl; 
+        std::abort();
+    }
--- a/examples/rips/rips-zigzag.cpp	Sun Mar 22 11:18:07 2009 -0700
+++ b/examples/rips/rips-zigzag.cpp	Mon Mar 23 11:40:29 2009 -0700
@@ -17,27 +17,13 @@
 #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
 #include <boost/progress.hpp>
+#include "l2distance.h"         // Point, PointContainer, L2DistanceType
 #ifdef COUNTERS
 static Counter*  cComplexSize =                     GetCounter("rips/size");
 static Counter*  cOperations =                      GetCounter("rips/operations");
 #endif // COUNTERS
-typedef     std::vector<double>                                     Point;
-typedef     std::vector<Point>                                      PointContainer;
-struct L2Distance:
-    public std::binary_function<const Point&, const Point&, double>
-    result_type     operator()(const Point& p1, const Point& p2) const
-    {
-        AssertMsg(p1.size() == p2.size(), "Points must be in the same dimension (in L2Distance)");
-        result_type sum = 0;
-        for (size_t i = 0; i < p1.size(); ++i)
-            sum += (p1[i] - p2[i])*(p1[i] - p2[i]);
-        return sqrt(sum);
-    }
 typedef     PairwiseDistances<PointContainer, L2Distance>           PairDistances;
 typedef     PairDistances::DistanceType                             DistanceType;
@@ -106,18 +92,8 @@
     process_command_line_options(argc, argv, ambient_dimension, skeleton_dimension, multiplier, infilename, outfilename);
     // Read in points
-    std::ifstream in(infilename.c_str());
     PointContainer      points;
-    while(in)
-    {
-        points.push_back(Point());
-        for (unsigned i = 0; i < ambient_dimension; ++i)
-        {
-            DistanceType    x;
-            in >> x;
-            points.back().push_back(x);
-        }
-    }
+    read_points(infilename, points, ambient_dimension);
     // Create output file
     std::ofstream out(outfilename.c_str());
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/include/topology/cohomology-persistence.h	Mon Mar 23 11:40:29 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+    #include <debug/list>
+    #include <debug/vector>
+    namespace s = std::__debug;
+    #warning "Using debug/list and debug/vector in CohomologyPersistence"
+    #include <list>
+    #include <vector>
+    namespace s = std;
+#include <vector>
+#include <list>
+#include <utility>
+#include "utilities/types.h"
+#include <boost/optional.hpp>
+#include <boost/intrusive/list.hpp>
+namespace bi = boost::intrusive;
+template<class BirthInfo_, class SimplexData_ = Empty<> >
+class CohomologyPersistence
+    public:
+        typedef             BirthInfo_                                                  BirthInfo;
+        typedef             SimplexData_                                                SimplexData;
+        struct SNode;
+        typedef             bi::list<SNode, bi::constant_time_size<false> >             ZRow;
+        // Simplex representation
+        struct SHead: public SimplexData
+        {
+                            SHead(const SHead& other):
+                                SimplexData(other), order(other.order)                  {}  // don't copy row since we can't
+                            SHead(const SimplexData& sd, unsigned o): 
+                                SimplexData(sd), order(o)                               {}
+            // intrusive list corresponding to row of s in Z^*, not ordered in any particular order
+            ZRow            row;
+            unsigned        order;
+        };
+        typedef             s::list<SHead>                                              Simplices;
+        typedef             typename Simplices::iterator                                SimplexIndex;
+        struct Cocycle;
+        typedef             s::list<Cocycle>                                            Cocycles;
+        typedef             typename Cocycles::iterator                                 CocycleIndex;
+        // An entry in a cocycle column; it's also an element in an intrusive list, hence the list_base_hook<>
+        typedef             bi::list_base_hook<bi::link_mode<bi::auto_unlink> >         auto_unlink_hook;
+        struct SNode: public auto_unlink_hook
+        {
+                            SNode()                                                     {}
+                            SNode(SimplexIndex sidx): si(sidx)                          {}
+            // eventually store a field element
+            SimplexIndex    si;
+            CocycleIndex    cocycle;                    // TODO: is there no way to get rid of this overhead?
+            void            unlink()                    { auto_unlink_hook::unlink(); }
+        };
+        class CompareSNode;
+        typedef             s::vector<SNode>                                            ZColumn;
+        struct Cocycle
+        {
+                            Cocycle(const BirthInfo& b, unsigned o):
+                                birth(b), order(o)                                      {}
+            ZColumn         cocycle;
+            BirthInfo       birth;
+            unsigned        order;
+            bool            operator<(const Cocycle& other) const                       { return order > other.order; }
+            bool            operator==(const Cocycle& other) const                      { return order == other.order; }
+        };
+        typedef             boost::optional<BirthInfo>  Death;
+        typedef             std::pair<SimplexIndex,
+                                      Death>            IndexDeathPair;
+        // return either a SimplexIndex or a Death
+        // BI = BoundaryIterator; it should dereference to a SimplexIndex
+        template<class BI>
+        IndexDeathPair      add(BI begin, BI end, BirthInfo b, const SimplexData& sd = SimplexData());
+        void                show_cycles() const;
+    private:
+        void                add_cocycle(Cocycle& z1, Cocycle& z2);
+    private:
+        Simplices           simplices_;
+        Cocycles            cocycles_;
+#include "cohomology-persistence.hpp"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/include/topology/cohomology-persistence.hpp	Mon Mar 23 11:40:29 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#include <boost/utility.hpp>
+#include <queue>
+#include <vector>
+#include <utilities/log.h>
+#include <utilities/indirect.h>
+#ifdef LOGGING
+static rlog::RLogChannel* rlCohomology =                DEF_CHANNEL("topology/cohomology",        rlog::Log_Debug);
+template<class BirthInfo, class SimplexData>
+class CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo, SimplexData>::CompareSNode
+    public:
+        bool        operator()(const SNode& s1, const SNode& s2) const                  { return>order <>order; }
+template<class BirthInfo, class SimplexData>
+template<class BI>
+typename CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo, SimplexData>::IndexDeathPair
+CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo, SimplexData>::
+add(BI begin, BI end, BirthInfo birth, const SimplexData& sd)
+    // Create simplex representation
+    simplices_.push_back(SHead(sd, simplices_.empty() ? 0 : (simplices_.back().order + 1)));
+    SimplexIndex    si = boost::prior(simplices_.end());
+    // Find out if there are cocycles that evaluate to non-zero on the new simplex
+    typedef         std::list<CocycleIndex>                                             Candidates;
+    Candidates      candidates, candidates_bulk;
+    rLog(rlCohomology, "Boundary");
+    for (BI cur = begin; cur != end; ++cur)
+    {
+        rLog(rlCohomology, "  %d", (*cur)->order);
+        for (typename ZRow::const_iterator zcur = (*cur)->row.begin(); zcur != (*cur)->row.end(); ++zcur)
+            candidates_bulk.push_back(zcur->cocycle);
+    }
+    candidates_bulk.sort(make_indirect_comparison(std::less<Cocycle>()));
+    rLog(rlCohomology,  "  Candidates bulk");
+    for (typename Candidates::iterator cur  = candidates_bulk.begin(); 
+                                       cur != candidates_bulk.end(); ++cur)
+        rLog(rlCohomology, "    %d", (*cur)->order);
+    // Remove duplicates --- this is really Z_2, we need a more sophisticated
+    {
+        typename Candidates::const_iterator cur = candidates_bulk.begin();
+        while (cur != candidates_bulk.end())
+        {
+            typename Candidates::const_iterator next = cur;
+            unsigned count = 0;
+            while (next != candidates_bulk.end() && *next == *cur) { ++next; ++count; }
+            if (count % 2)
+                candidates.push_back(*cur);
+            cur = next;
+        }
+    }
+    // Birth
+    if (candidates.empty())
+    {
+        rLog(rlCohomology,  "Birth");
+        unsigned order = cocycles_.empty() ? 0 : cocycles_.front().order + 1;
+        cocycles_.push_front(Cocycle(birth, order));
+        // set up the cocycle
+        ZColumn& cocycle = cocycles_.front().cocycle;
+        cocycle.push_back(si);
+        cocycle.front().cocycle = cocycles_.begin();
+        si->row.push_back(cocycles_.front().cocycle.front());
+        return std::make_pair(si, Death());
+    }
+    // Death
+    rLog(rlCohomology,  "Death");
+#if 0
+    // Debug only, output candidates
+    rLog(rlCohomology,  "  Candidates");
+    for (typename Candidates::iterator cur  = candidates.begin(); 
+                                       cur != candidates.end(); ++cur)
+        rLog(rlCohomology, "    %d", (*cur)->order);
+    Cocycle& z          = *candidates.front();
+    Death d             = z.birth;
+    // add z to everything else in candidates
+    for (typename Candidates::iterator cur  = boost::next(candidates.begin()); 
+                                       cur != candidates.end(); ++cur)
+        add_cocycle(**cur, z);
+    for (typename ZColumn::iterator cur = z.cocycle.begin(); cur != z.cocycle.end(); ++cur)
+        cur->unlink();
+    cocycles_.erase(candidates.front());
+    return std::make_pair(si, d);
+template<class BirthInfo, class SimplexData>
+CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo, SimplexData>::
+show_cycles() const
+    std::cout << "Cocycles" << std::endl;
+    for (typename Cocycles::const_iterator cur = cocycles_.begin(); cur != cocycles_.end(); ++cur)
+    {
+        std::cout << cur->order << ": ";
+        for (typename ZColumn::const_iterator zcur = cur->cocycle.begin(); zcur != cur->cocycle.end(); ++zcur)
+            std::cout << zcur->si->order << ", ";
+        std::cout << std::endl;
+    }
+template<class BirthInfo, class SimplexData>
+CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo, SimplexData>::
+add_cocycle(Cocycle& to, Cocycle& from)
+    rLog(rlCohomology,  "Adding cocycle %d to %d", from.order, to.order);
+    ZColumn     nw;
+    std::set_symmetric_difference(to.cocycle.begin(),   to.cocycle.end(),           // this is catered to Z_2
+                                  from.cocycle.begin(), from.cocycle.end(), 
+                                  std::back_insert_iterator<ZColumn>(nw), 
+                                  CompareSNode());
+    for (typename ZColumn::iterator cur = to.cocycle.begin(); cur != to.cocycle.end(); ++cur)
+        cur->unlink();
+    to.cocycle.swap(nw);
+    for (typename ZColumn::iterator cur = to.cocycle.begin(); cur != to.cocycle.end(); ++cur)
+    {
+        cur->si->row.push_back(*cur);
+        cur->cocycle = nw[0].cocycle;
+    }