Dave Millman's fixes to compile with LLVM-based compilers dev
authorDmitriy Morozov <dmitriy@mrzv.org>
Thu, 28 Feb 2013 11:12:02 +0800
changeset 272 29306411272b
parent 271 0cdf9e9eed48
child 273 815d6a978c6c
Dave Millman's fixes to compile with LLVM-based compilers
--- a/CMakeLists.txt	Fri Oct 26 11:45:58 2012 -0700
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt	Thu Feb 28 11:12:02 2013 +0800
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 # Doxygen (FIXME)
 if                          (DOXYGEN_FOUND)
-#   add_custom_target       (docs ALL 
+#   add_custom_target       (docs ALL
 #                           ${DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE} Doxyfile
 #                           DEPENDS Doxyfile)
 endif                       (DOXYGEN_FOUND)
--- a/examples/alphashapes/alphashapes2d.hpp	Fri Oct 26 11:45:58 2012 -0700
+++ b/examples/alphashapes/alphashapes2d.hpp	Thu Feb 28 11:12:02 2013 +0800
@@ -1,121 +1,121 @@
 #include <utilities/log.h>
 #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
 AlphaSimplex2D(const Delaunay2D::Vertex& v): alpha_(0), attached_(false)
-	for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
-		if (v.face()->vertex(i) != Vertex_handle() && v.face()->vertex(i)->point() == v.point())
-			Parent::add(v.face()->vertex(i));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+        if (v.face()->vertex(i) != Vertex_handle() && v.face()->vertex(i)->point() == v.point())
+            Parent::add(v.face()->vertex(i));
 AlphaSimplex2D(const Delaunay2D::Edge& e): attached_(false)
     Face_handle f = e.first;
-	for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
-		if (i != e.second)
-			Parent::add(f->vertex(i));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+        if (i != e.second)
+            Parent::add(f->vertex(i));
 AlphaSimplex2D(const Delaunay2D::Edge& e, const SimplexSet& simplices, const Delaunay2D& Dt): attached_(false)
     Face_handle f = e.first;
-	for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
-		if (i != e.second)
-			Parent::add(f->vertex(i));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+        if (i != e.second)
+            Parent::add(f->vertex(i));
-	VertexSet::const_iterator v = static_cast<const Parent*>(this)->vertices().begin();
-	const Point& p1 = (*v++)->point();
-	const Point& p2 = (*v)->point();
-	Face_handle o = f->neighbor(e.second);
+    VertexSet::const_iterator v = static_cast<const Parent*>(this)->vertices().begin();
+    const Point& p1 = (*v++)->point();
+    const Point& p2 = (*v)->point();
+    Face_handle o = f->neighbor(e.second);
     if (o == Face_handle())
-        alpha_ = squared_radius(p1, p2);
+        alpha_ = CGAL::squared_radius(p1, p2);
-	int oi = o->index(f);
+    int oi = o->index(f);
-	attached_ = false;
-	if (!Dt.is_infinite(f->vertex(e.second)) &&
-        CGAL::side_of_bounded_circle(p1, p2, 
-									 f->vertex(e.second)->point()) == CGAL::ON_BOUNDED_SIDE)
-		attached_ = true;
-	else if (!Dt.is_infinite(o->vertex(oi)) &&
+    attached_ = false;
+    if (!Dt.is_infinite(f->vertex(e.second)) &&
+        CGAL::side_of_bounded_circle(p1, p2,
+                                     f->vertex(e.second)->point()) == CGAL::ON_BOUNDED_SIDE)
+        attached_ = true;
+    else if (!Dt.is_infinite(o->vertex(oi)) &&
              CGAL::side_of_bounded_circle(p1, p2,
-										  o->vertex(oi)->point()) == CGAL::ON_BOUNDED_SIDE)
-		attached_ = true;
-	else
-		alpha_ = squared_radius(p1, p2);
+                                          o->vertex(oi)->point()) == CGAL::ON_BOUNDED_SIDE)
+        attached_ = true;
+    else
+        alpha_ = CGAL::squared_radius(p1, p2);
-	if (attached_)
-	{
-		if (Dt.is_infinite(f))
-			alpha_ = simplices.find(AlphaSimplex2D(*o))->alpha();
-		else if (Dt.is_infinite(o))
-			alpha_ = simplices.find(AlphaSimplex2D(*f))->alpha();
-		else
-			alpha_ = std::min(simplices.find(AlphaSimplex2D(*f))->alpha(), 
+    if (attached_)
+    {
+        if (Dt.is_infinite(f))
+            alpha_ = simplices.find(AlphaSimplex2D(*o))->alpha();
+        else if (Dt.is_infinite(o))
+            alpha_ = simplices.find(AlphaSimplex2D(*f))->alpha();
+        else
+            alpha_ = std::min(simplices.find(AlphaSimplex2D(*f))->alpha(),
-	}
+    }
 AlphaSimplex2D(const Delaunay2D::Face& f): attached_(false)
-	for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
-		Parent::add(f.vertex(i));
-	VertexSet::const_iterator v = static_cast<const Parent*>(this)->vertices().begin();
-	Point p1 = (*v++)->point();
-	Point p2 = (*v++)->point();
-	Point p3 = (*v)->point();
-	alpha_ = CGAL::squared_radius(p1, p2, p3);
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+        Parent::add(f.vertex(i));
+    VertexSet::const_iterator v = static_cast<const Parent*>(this)->vertices().begin();
+    Point p1 = (*v++)->point();
+    Point p2 = (*v++)->point();
+    Point p3 = (*v)->point();
+    alpha_ = CGAL::squared_radius(p1, p2, p3);
 operator()(const AlphaSimplex2D& first, const AlphaSimplex2D& second) const
-	if (first.alpha() == second.alpha())
-		return (first.dimension() < second.dimension());
-	else
-		return (first.alpha() < second.alpha()); 
+    if (first.alpha() == second.alpha())
+        return (first.dimension() < second.dimension());
+    else
+        return (first.alpha() < second.alpha());
 operator<<(std::ostream& out) const
-	for (VertexSet::const_iterator cur = Parent::vertices().begin(); 
-								   cur != Parent::vertices().end(); ++cur)
-		out << **cur << ", ";
-	out << "value = " << value();
+    for (VertexSet::const_iterator cur = Parent::vertices().begin();
+                                   cur != Parent::vertices().end(); ++cur)
+        out << **cur << ", ";
+    out << "value = " << value();
-	return out;
+    return out;
 void fill_simplex_set(const Delaunay2D& Dt, AlphaSimplex2D::SimplexSet& simplices)
-	for(Face_iterator cur = Dt.finite_faces_begin(); cur != Dt.finite_faces_end(); ++cur)
-		simplices.insert(AlphaSimplex2D(*cur));
-	rInfo("Faces inserted");
-	for(Edge_iterator cur = Dt.finite_edges_begin(); cur != Dt.finite_edges_end(); ++cur)
-		simplices.insert(AlphaSimplex2D(*cur, simplices, Dt));
-	rInfo("Edges inserted");
-	for(Vertex_iterator cur = Dt.finite_vertices_begin(); cur != Dt.finite_vertices_end(); ++cur)
-		simplices.insert(AlphaSimplex2D(*cur));
-	rInfo("Vertices inserted");
+    for(Face_iterator cur = Dt.finite_faces_begin(); cur != Dt.finite_faces_end(); ++cur)
+        simplices.insert(AlphaSimplex2D(*cur));
+    rInfo("Faces inserted");
+    for(Edge_iterator cur = Dt.finite_edges_begin(); cur != Dt.finite_edges_end(); ++cur)
+        simplices.insert(AlphaSimplex2D(*cur, simplices, Dt));
+    rInfo("Edges inserted");
+    for(Vertex_iterator cur = Dt.finite_vertices_begin(); cur != Dt.finite_vertices_end(); ++cur)
+        simplices.insert(AlphaSimplex2D(*cur));
+    rInfo("Vertices inserted");
 template<class Filtration>
 void fill_complex(const Delaunay2D& Dt, Filtration& filtration)
-	// Compute all simplices with their alpha values and attachment information
+    // Compute all simplices with their alpha values and attachment information
     // TODO: this can be optimized; the new Filtration can act as a SimplexSet
-	AlphaSimplex2D::SimplexSet simplices;
+    AlphaSimplex2D::SimplexSet simplices;
     fill_simplex_set(Dt, simplices);
     BOOST_FOREACH(const AlphaSimplex2D& s, simplices)
--- a/examples/alphashapes/alphashapes3d.hpp	Fri Oct 26 11:45:58 2012 -0700
+++ b/examples/alphashapes/alphashapes3d.hpp	Thu Feb 28 11:12:02 2013 +0800
@@ -1,169 +1,169 @@
 #include <utilities/log.h>
 #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
 AlphaSimplex3D(const Delaunay3D::Vertex& v): alpha_(0), attached_(false)
-	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
-		if (v.cell()->vertex(i)->point() == v.point())
-			Parent::add(v.cell()->vertex(i));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+        if (v.cell()->vertex(i)->point() == v.point())
+            Parent::add(v.cell()->vertex(i));
 AlphaSimplex3D(const Delaunay3D::Edge& e)
     Cell_handle c = e.first;
-	Parent::add(c->vertex(e.second));
-	Parent::add(c->vertex(e.third));
+    Parent::add(c->vertex(e.second));
+    Parent::add(c->vertex(e.third));
 AlphaSimplex3D(const Delaunay3D::Edge& e, const SimplexSet& simplices, const Delaunay3D& Dt, Facet_circulator facet_bg)
     Cell_handle c = e.first;
-	Parent::add(c->vertex(e.second));
-	Parent::add(c->vertex(e.third));
+    Parent::add(c->vertex(e.second));
+    Parent::add(c->vertex(e.third));
-	Facet_circulator cur = facet_bg;
-	while (Dt.is_infinite(*cur))    ++cur; 
-	SimplexSet::const_iterator cur_iter = simplices.find(AlphaSimplex3D(*cur));
-	RealValue min = cur_iter->alpha();
+    Facet_circulator cur = facet_bg;
+    while (Dt.is_infinite(*cur))    ++cur;
+    SimplexSet::const_iterator cur_iter = simplices.find(AlphaSimplex3D(*cur));
+    RealValue min = cur_iter->alpha();
     const VertexSet& vertices = static_cast<const Parent*>(this)->vertices();
-	VertexSet::const_iterator v = vertices.begin();
-	const Point& p1 = (*v++)->point();
-	const Point& p2 = (*v)->point();
-	attached_ = false;
+    VertexSet::const_iterator v = vertices.begin();
+    const Point& p1 = (*v++)->point();
+    const Point& p2 = (*v)->point();
+    attached_ = false;
-	if (facet_bg != 0) do
-	{
-		VertexSet::const_iterator v = vertices.begin();
-		int i0 = (*cur).first->index(*v++);
-		int i1 = (*cur).first->index(*v);
-		int i = 6 - i0 - i1 - (*cur).second;
+    if (facet_bg != 0) do
+    {
+        VertexSet::const_iterator v = vertices.begin();
+        int i0 = (*cur).first->index(*v++);
+        int i1 = (*cur).first->index(*v);
+        int i = 6 - i0 - i1 - (*cur).second;
         if (Dt.is_infinite(cur->first->vertex(i))) { ++cur; continue; }
-		Point p3 = (*cur).first->vertex(i)->point();
+        Point p3 = (*cur).first->vertex(i)->point();
-		cur_iter = simplices.find(AlphaSimplex3D(*cur));
-		if (CGAL::side_of_bounded_sphere(p1, p2, p3) == CGAL::ON_BOUNDED_SIDE)
-			attached_ = true;
-		RealValue val = cur_iter->alpha();
-		if (val < min)
-			min = val;
-		++cur;
-	} while (cur != facet_bg);
+        cur_iter = simplices.find(AlphaSimplex3D(*cur));
+        if (CGAL::side_of_bounded_sphere(p1, p2, p3) == CGAL::ON_BOUNDED_SIDE)
+            attached_ = true;
+        RealValue val = cur_iter->alpha();
+        if (val < min)
+            min = val;
+        ++cur;
+    } while (cur != facet_bg);
-	if (attached_)
-		alpha_ = min;
-	else
-		alpha_ = CGAL::squared_radius(p1, p2);
+    if (attached_)
+        alpha_ = min;
+    else
+        alpha_ = CGAL::squared_radius(p1, p2);
 AlphaSimplex3D(const Delaunay3D::Facet& f)
     Cell_handle c = f.first;
-	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
-		if (i != f.second)
-			Parent::add(c->vertex(i));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+        if (i != f.second)
+            Parent::add(c->vertex(i));
 AlphaSimplex3D(const Delaunay3D::Facet& f, const SimplexSet& simplices, const Delaunay3D& Dt)
     Cell_handle c = f.first;
-	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
-		if (i != f.second)
-			Parent::add(c->vertex(i));
+    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+        if (i != f.second)
+            Parent::add(c->vertex(i));
-	Cell_handle o = c->neighbor(f.second);
-	int oi = o->index(c);
+    Cell_handle o = c->neighbor(f.second);
+    int oi = o->index(c);
-	VertexSet::const_iterator v = static_cast<const Parent*>(this)->vertices().begin();
-	const Point& p1 = (*v++)->point();
-	const Point& p2 = (*v++)->point();
-	const Point& p3 = (*v)->point();
-	attached_ = false;
-	if (!Dt.is_infinite(c->vertex(f.second)) && 
+    VertexSet::const_iterator v = static_cast<const Parent*>(this)->vertices().begin();
+    const Point& p1 = (*v++)->point();
+    const Point& p2 = (*v++)->point();
+    const Point& p3 = (*v)->point();
+    attached_ = false;
+    if (!Dt.is_infinite(c->vertex(f.second)) &&
         CGAL::side_of_bounded_sphere(p1, p2, p3,
-									 c->vertex(f.second)->point()) == CGAL::ON_BOUNDED_SIDE)
-		attached_ = true;
-	else if (!Dt.is_infinite(o->vertex(oi)) &&
+                                     c->vertex(f.second)->point()) == CGAL::ON_BOUNDED_SIDE)
+        attached_ = true;
+    else if (!Dt.is_infinite(o->vertex(oi)) &&
              CGAL::side_of_bounded_sphere(p1, p2, p3,
-										  o->vertex(oi)->point()) == CGAL::ON_BOUNDED_SIDE)
-		attached_ = true;
-	else
-		alpha_ = squared_radius(p1, p2, p3);
-	if (attached_)
-	{
-		if (Dt.is_infinite(c))
-			alpha_ = simplices.find(AlphaSimplex3D(*o))->alpha();
-		else if (Dt.is_infinite(o))
-			alpha_ = simplices.find(AlphaSimplex3D(*c))->alpha();
-		else
-			alpha_ = std::min(simplices.find(AlphaSimplex3D(*c))->alpha(), 
+                                          o->vertex(oi)->point()) == CGAL::ON_BOUNDED_SIDE)
+        attached_ = true;
+    else
+        alpha_ = CGAL::squared_radius(p1, p2, p3);
+    if (attached_)
+    {
+        if (Dt.is_infinite(c))
+            alpha_ = simplices.find(AlphaSimplex3D(*o))->alpha();
+        else if (Dt.is_infinite(o))
+            alpha_ = simplices.find(AlphaSimplex3D(*c))->alpha();
+        else
+            alpha_ = std::min(simplices.find(AlphaSimplex3D(*c))->alpha(),
-	}
+    }
 AlphaSimplex3D(const Delaunay3D::Cell& c): attached_(false)
-	for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
-		Parent::add(c.vertex(i));
-	VertexSet::const_iterator v = static_cast<const Parent*>(this)->vertices().begin();
-	Point p1 = (*v++)->point();
-	Point p2 = (*v++)->point();
-	Point p3 = (*v++)->point();
-	Point p4 = (*v)->point();
-	alpha_ = CGAL::squared_radius(p1, p2, p3, p4);
+    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+        Parent::add(c.vertex(i));
+    VertexSet::const_iterator v = static_cast<const Parent*>(this)->vertices().begin();
+    Point p1 = (*v++)->point();
+    Point p2 = (*v++)->point();
+    Point p3 = (*v++)->point();
+    Point p4 = (*v)->point();
+    alpha_ = CGAL::squared_radius(p1, p2, p3, p4);
 operator()(const AlphaSimplex3D& first, const AlphaSimplex3D& second) const
-	if (first.alpha() == second.alpha())
-		return (first.dimension() < second.dimension());
-	else
-		return (first.alpha() < second.alpha()); 
+    if (first.alpha() == second.alpha())
+        return (first.dimension() < second.dimension());
+    else
+        return (first.alpha() < second.alpha());
 operator<<(std::ostream& out) const
-	for (VertexSet::const_iterator cur = Parent::vertices().begin(); cur != Parent::vertices().end(); ++cur)
-		out << **cur << ", ";
-	out << "value = " << value();
+    for (VertexSet::const_iterator cur = Parent::vertices().begin(); cur != Parent::vertices().end(); ++cur)
+        out << **cur << ", ";
+    out << "value = " << value();
-	return out;
+    return out;
 void fill_simplex_set(const Delaunay3D& Dt, AlphaSimplex3D::SimplexSet& simplices)
-	// Compute all simplices with their alpha values and attachment information
-	for(Cell_iterator cur = Dt.finite_cells_begin(); cur != Dt.finite_cells_end(); ++cur)
-		simplices.insert(AlphaSimplex3D(*cur));
-	rInfo("Cells inserted");
-	for(Facet_iterator cur = Dt.finite_facets_begin(); cur != Dt.finite_facets_end(); ++cur)
-		simplices.insert(AlphaSimplex3D(*cur, simplices, Dt));
-	rInfo("Facets inserted");
-	for(Edge_iterator cur = Dt.finite_edges_begin(); cur != Dt.finite_edges_end(); ++cur)
-		simplices.insert(AlphaSimplex3D(*cur, simplices, Dt, Dt.incident_facets(*cur)));
-	rInfo("Edges inserted");
-	for(Vertex_iterator cur = Dt.finite_vertices_begin(); cur != Dt.finite_vertices_end(); ++cur)
-		simplices.insert(AlphaSimplex3D(*cur));
-	rInfo("Vertices inserted");
+    // Compute all simplices with their alpha values and attachment information
+    for(Cell_iterator cur = Dt.finite_cells_begin(); cur != Dt.finite_cells_end(); ++cur)
+        simplices.insert(AlphaSimplex3D(*cur));
+    rInfo("Cells inserted");
+    for(Facet_iterator cur = Dt.finite_facets_begin(); cur != Dt.finite_facets_end(); ++cur)
+        simplices.insert(AlphaSimplex3D(*cur, simplices, Dt));
+    rInfo("Facets inserted");
+    for(Edge_iterator cur = Dt.finite_edges_begin(); cur != Dt.finite_edges_end(); ++cur)
+        simplices.insert(AlphaSimplex3D(*cur, simplices, Dt, Dt.incident_facets(*cur)));
+    rInfo("Edges inserted");
+    for(Vertex_iterator cur = Dt.finite_vertices_begin(); cur != Dt.finite_vertices_end(); ++cur)
+        simplices.insert(AlphaSimplex3D(*cur));
+    rInfo("Vertices inserted");
 template<class Filtration>
 void fill_complex(const Delaunay3D& Dt, Filtration& filtration)
-	AlphaSimplex3D::SimplexSet simplices;
+    AlphaSimplex3D::SimplexSet simplices;
     fill_simplex_set(Dt, simplices);
     BOOST_FOREACH(const AlphaSimplex3D& s, simplices)
--- a/include/geometry/kinetic-sort.h	Fri Oct 26 11:45:58 2012 -0700
+++ b/include/geometry/kinetic-sort.h	Thu Feb 28 11:12:02 2013 +0800
@@ -7,19 +7,19 @@
 #include <iostream>
- * Maintains elements of the given data structure in the sorted order assuming the elements follow 
+ * Maintains elements of the given data structure in the sorted order assuming the elements follow
  * trajectories given by TrajectoryExtractor_.
  *  \arg ElementIterator_     iterator over the underlying data structure that's kept in sorted order
- *  \arg TrajectoryExtractor_ applied to the iterator into SortDS_ should return a function 
+ *  \arg TrajectoryExtractor_ applied to the iterator into SortDS_ should return a function
  *                            (of type Simulator_::FunctionKernel::Function) describing the trajectory of the element
- *  \arg Simulator_           the Simulator type, e.g. Simulator. Note that KineticSort does not store 
+ *  \arg Simulator_           the Simulator type, e.g. Simulator. Note that KineticSort does not store
  *                            a pointer to the Simulator (so a pointer is passed in each relevant operation)
  *  \arg Swap_                is called with an ElementIterator_ when a swap needs to be performed
  *  \ingroup kinetic
-template<class ElementIterator_, class TrajectoryExtractor_, 
+template<class ElementIterator_, class TrajectoryExtractor_,
 		 class Simulator_, class Swap_ = boost::function<void(ElementIterator_ pos, Simulator_* simulator)> >
 class KineticSort
@@ -29,18 +29,18 @@
 		typedef						ElementIterator_							ElementIterator;
 		typedef						Swap_										Swap;
 		typedef						TrajectoryExtractor_						TrajectoryExtractor;
 		typedef						typename Simulator::Key						SimulatorKey;
 		/* Implementation */
 		struct Node
 			ElementIterator			element;
-			SimulatorKey			swap_event_key;		
+			SimulatorKey			swap_event_key;
-									Node(ElementIterator e, SimulatorKey k): 
+									Node(ElementIterator e, SimulatorKey k):
 										element(e), swap_event_key(k)			{}
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 		/// \name Core Functionality
 		/// @{
-									KineticSort(ElementIterator b, ElementIterator e, Swap swap, Simulator* simulator, const TrajectoryExtractor& te);
+									KineticSort(ElementIterator b, ElementIterator e, Swap swap, Simulator* simulator, const TrajectoryExtractor& te = TrajectoryExtractor());
 		void						initialize(ElementIterator b, ElementIterator e, Swap swap, Simulator* simulator);
 		void						insert(iterator pos, ElementIterator f, ElementIterator l, Simulator* simulator);
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 		NodeList					list_;
-		Swap						swap_;	
+		Swap						swap_;
         TrajectoryExtractor         te_;
--- a/include/geometry/kinetic-sort.hpp	Fri Oct 26 11:45:58 2012 -0700
+++ b/include/geometry/kinetic-sort.hpp	Thu Feb 28 11:12:02 2013 +0800
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 template<class ElementIterator_, class TrajectoryExtractor_, class Simulator_, class Swap_>
 KineticSort<ElementIterator_, TrajectoryExtractor_, Simulator_, Swap_>::
-KineticSort(ElementIterator b, ElementIterator e, Swap swap, Simulator* simulator, const TrajectoryExtractor& te = TrajectoryExtractor()):
+KineticSort(ElementIterator b, ElementIterator e, Swap swap, Simulator* simulator, const TrajectoryExtractor& te):
 	initialize(b, e, swap, simulator);
--- a/include/geometry/simulator.h	Fri Oct 26 11:45:58 2012 -0700
+++ b/include/geometry/simulator.h	Thu Feb 28 11:12:02 2013 +0800
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 #include <limits>
- * Simulator class. Keeps a queue of events. Infinity is reached if the Event 
- * at the front of the queue has an empty root stack. Keeps track of current time, 
- * Event addition, and processes events one by one. Degeneracies are handled by 
- * assuming that the FunctionKernel::Function responsible for the event must be 
+ * Simulator class. Keeps a queue of events. Infinity is reached if the Event
+ * at the front of the queue has an empty root stack. Keeps track of current time,
+ * Event addition, and processes events one by one. Degeneracies are handled by
+ * assuming that the FunctionKernel::Function responsible for the event must be
  * positive before the Event occurs.
  * \ingroup kinetic
@@ -39,21 +39,21 @@
                                     ~Simulator()                                { for (Key cur = queue_.top(); cur != queue_.end(); ++cur) delete *cur; }
-        template<class Event_> 
+        template<class Event_>
         Key                         add(const Event_& e);
-        template<class Event_> 
+        template<class Event_>
         Key                         add(const Function& f, const Event_& e);
         void                        process();
-        void                        update(Key k, const Function& f);
+        //void                        update(Key k, const Function& f);
         void                        remove(Key k)                               { Event* e = *k; queue_.remove(k); delete e; }
         Key                         null_key()                                  { return queue_.end(); }
         Time                        current_time() const                        { return current_; }
         Time                        audit_time() const;
         bool                        reached_infinity() const                    { return queue_.empty() || (*queue_.top())->root_stack().empty(); }
-        Time                        next_event_time() const                     { return queue_.empty() ? std::numeric_limits<Time>::infinity():(*queue_.top())->root_stack().top(); } 
+        Time                        next_event_time() const                     { return queue_.empty() ? std::numeric_limits<Time>::infinity():(*queue_.top())->root_stack().top(); }
         Event*                      top() const                                 { return *(queue_.top()); }
         unsigned                    size() const                                { return queue_.size(); }
         unsigned                    event_count() const                         { return count_; }
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
- * Base class for events. Stores a root stack, subclasses need to define process(). 
- * Event with an empty root stack compares greater than any other Event, 
+ * Base class for events. Stores a root stack, subclasses need to define process().
+ * Event with an empty root stack compares greater than any other Event,
  * pushing those events to the end of the queue.
 template<class FuncKernel_, template<class Event> class EventComparison_>
@@ -79,17 +79,18 @@
         typedef                     FuncKernel_                                 FunctionKernel;
         typedef                     typename FunctionKernel::RootStack          RootStack;
-        /// process() is called when the event is at the top of the queue 
+        virtual                     ~Event()                                    {}
+        /// process() is called when the event is at the top of the queue
         /// in the simulator.
-        /// Returns true if the event needs to remain in the Simulator 
+        /// Returns true if the event needs to remain in the Simulator
         /// (top of the root_stack() will be used for new time).
         virtual bool                process(Simulator* s) const                 =0;
         RootStack&                  root_stack()                                { return root_stack_; }
         const RootStack&            root_stack() const                          { return root_stack_; }
-        bool                        operator<(const Event& e) const             
-        { 
+        bool                        operator<(const Event& e) const
+        {
             if (root_stack().empty())
                 return false;
             else if (e.root_stack().empty())
@@ -98,9 +99,9 @@
                 return root_stack().top() < e.root_stack().top();
-        virtual std::ostream&       operator<<(std::ostream& out) const         
-        { 
-            out << "Event with " << root_stack_.size() << " roots"; 
+        virtual std::ostream&       operator<<(std::ostream& out) const
+        {
+            out << "Event with " << root_stack_.size() << " roots";
             if (!root_stack_.empty()) out << "; top root: " << root_stack_.top();
             out << ", ";
             return out;
@@ -111,13 +112,13 @@
- * Compares elements pointed at by its arguments using the provided Comparison_ 
+ * Compares elements pointed at by its arguments using the provided Comparison_
  * (which must not take any arguments during construction).
 template<class FuncKernel_, template<class Event> class EventComparison_>
-class Simulator<FuncKernel_, EventComparison_>::IndirectEventComparison: 
-    public std::binary_function<const typename EventComparison::first_argument_type*, 
-                                const typename EventComparison::second_argument_type*, 
+class Simulator<FuncKernel_, EventComparison_>::IndirectEventComparison:
+    public std::binary_function<const typename EventComparison::first_argument_type*,
+                                const typename EventComparison::second_argument_type*,
--- a/include/geometry/simulator.hpp	Fri Oct 26 11:45:58 2012 -0700
+++ b/include/geometry/simulator.hpp	Thu Feb 28 11:12:02 2013 +0800
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
 Simulator<FuncKernel_, EventComparison_>::
 add(const Event_& e)
-	Event* ee = new Event_(e);
-	return queue_.push(ee);
+    Event* ee = new Event_(e);
+    return queue_.push(ee);
 template<class FuncKernel_, template<class Event> class EventComparison_>
@@ -27,58 +27,58 @@
 Simulator<FuncKernel_, EventComparison_>::
 add(const Function& f, const Event_& e)
-	Event* ee = new Event_(e);
-	rLog(rlSimulator, "Solving: %s", tostring(f).c_str());
-	int sign = FunctionKernel::sign_at_negative_infinity(f);        // going to be sign after current time
+    Event* ee = new Event_(e);
+    rLog(rlSimulator, "Solving: %s", tostring(f).c_str());
+    int sign = FunctionKernel::sign_at_negative_infinity(f);        // going to be sign after current time
     rLog(rlSimulator, "Sign at -infinity: %i", sign);
     if (sign != 0)
-    	FunctionKernel::solve(f, ee->root_stack());
+        FunctionKernel::solve(f, ee->root_stack());
         rLog(rlSimulator, "Got solution with root stack size: %i", ee->root_stack().size());
-	while (!ee->root_stack().empty() && ee->root_stack().top() < current_time())
-	{
+    while (!ee->root_stack().empty() && ee->root_stack().top() < current_time())
+    {
         // rLog(rlSimulator, "Popping expired root: %f", ee->root_stack().top());
-		ee->root_stack().pop();
-		sign *= -1;
-	}
+        ee->root_stack().pop();
+        sign *= -1;
+    }
     if (sign == -1)
         rLog(rlSimulator, "Popping the root because of negative sign (degeneracy)");
         // rLog(rlSimulator, "Popping the root because of negative sign (degeneracy): %f", ee->root_stack().top());
         // rLog(rlSimulator, "  Current time: %f", current_time());
-        // AssertMsg(ee->root_stack().top() == current_time(), 
+        // AssertMsg(ee->root_stack().top() == current_time(),
                  // "If sign is negative, we must be in the degenerate case");
-	if (ee->root_stack().empty())
+    if (ee->root_stack().empty())
         rLog(rlSimulator, "Pushing event with empty root stack");
         rLog(rlSimulator, "Root stack size: %i", ee->root_stack().size());
         rLog(rlSimulator, "Pushing: %s", tostring(ee->root_stack().top()).c_str());
-	Key k = queue_.push(ee);
+    Key k = queue_.push(ee);
     return k;
-template<class FuncKernel_, template<class Event> class EventComparison_>
-Simulator<FuncKernel_, EventComparison_>::
-update(Key k, const Function& f)
-	Event* ee = *k;
-    Event* e = new Event;
-	e->root_stack() = RootStack();								// no clear() in std::stack
-	FunctionKernel::solve(f, e->root_stack());
-	while (!e->root_stack().empty() && e->root_stack().top() < current_time())
-		e->root_stack().pop();
-	queue_.replace(k, e);
-    delete ee;
+//template<class FuncKernel_, template<class Event> class EventComparison_>
+//Simulator<FuncKernel_, EventComparison_>::
+//update(Key k, const Function& f)
+//    Event* ee = *k;
+//    Event* e = new Event;
+//    e->root_stack() = RootStack();                              // no clear() in std::stack
+//    FunctionKernel::solve(f, e->root_stack());
+//    while (!e->root_stack().empty() && e->root_stack().top() < current_time())
+//        e->root_stack().pop();
+//    queue_.replace(k, e);
+//    delete ee;
 template<class FuncKernel_, template<class Event> class EventComparison_>
@@ -87,30 +87,30 @@
     if (reached_infinity()) return;
-	rLog(rlSimulator, "Queue size: %i", queue_.size());
-	Key top = queue_.top();
-	Event* e = *top;
+    rLog(rlSimulator, "Queue size: %i", queue_.size());
+    Key top = queue_.top();
+    Event* e = *top;
     rLog(rlSimulator, "Processing event: %s", intostring(*e).c_str());
-	current_ = e->root_stack().top(); e->root_stack().pop();
+    current_ = e->root_stack().top(); e->root_stack().pop();
     // Get the top element out of the queue, put it back depending on what process() says
-	if (!(e->process(this)))            { queue_.remove(top);  delete e; }
+    if (!(e->process(this)))            { queue_.remove(top);  delete e; }
 template<class FuncKernel_, template<class Event> class EventComparison_>
 typename Simulator<FuncKernel_, EventComparison_>::Time
 Simulator<FuncKernel_, EventComparison_>::
 audit_time() const
-	const_Key top = queue_.top();
-	Event* e = *top;
+    const_Key top = queue_.top();
+    Event* e = *top;
-	if (e->root_stack().empty()) return current_ + 1;
-	else return FunctionKernel::between(e->root_stack().top(), current_);
+    if (e->root_stack().empty()) return current_ + 1;
+    else return FunctionKernel::between(e->root_stack().top(), current_);
 template<class FuncKernel_, template<class Event> class EventComparison_>
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@
 Simulator<FuncKernel_, EventComparison_>::
 operator<<(std::ostream& out) const
-	out << "Simulator: " << std::endl;
-	return queue_.print(out, "  ");
+    out << "Simulator: " << std::endl;
+    return queue_.print(out, "  ");
 template<class FuncKernel_, template<class Event> class EventComparison_>
--- a/include/topology/dynamic-persistence.h	Fri Oct 26 11:45:58 2012 -0700
+++ b/include/topology/dynamic-persistence.h	Thu Feb 28 11:12:02 2013 +0800
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
     typedef     typename Parent::Cycle                                                  Cycle;
     typedef     typename Parent::Chain                                                  Chain;
     typedef     Chain                                                                   Trail;
     // Modifiers
     template<class Cmp>
     void        trail_append(Index i, const Cmp& cmp)                                   { trail.append(i, cmp); }
@@ -41,20 +41,20 @@
  * Class: DynamicPersistenceTrails
- * Derives from StaticPersistence and allows one to update persistence 
- * after a transposition of two contiguous simplices in a filtration. 
+ * Derives from StaticPersistence and allows one to update persistence
+ * after a transposition of two contiguous simplices in a filtration.
  * In addition to reduced cycles, it stores each OrderElement's trails,
  * i.e. in addition to matrix R, it stores matrix U in vineyard notation.
  * Template parameters:
  *   Data_ -                auxilliary contents to store with each OrderElement
- *   OrderDescriptor_ -     class describing how the order is stored; it defaults to <VectorOrderDescriptor> 
+ *   OrderDescriptor_ -     class describing how the order is stored; it defaults to <VectorOrderDescriptor>
  *                          which serves as a prototypical class
-// TODO: perhaps Consistency should be wrapped into a ConsistencyDescriptor that somehow knows how to initialize it. 
-// That way one could provide a simple consistency descriptor that just stored some integers describing the original 
+// TODO: perhaps Consistency should be wrapped into a ConsistencyDescriptor that somehow knows how to initialize it.
+// That way one could provide a simple consistency descriptor that just stored some integers describing the original
 // position, or one could provide consistency that is references into the complex
-template<class Data_ =                  Empty<>, 
+template<class Data_ =                  Empty<>,
          class ChainTraits_ =           VectorChains<>,
          class ContainerTraits_ =       OrderConsistencyContainer<>,
          class Element_ =               TrailData<Data_, ChainTraits_>,
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
          class ConsistencyComparison_ = ElementComparison<typename ContainerTraits_::template rebind<Element_>::other::ConsistentContainer,
                                                           std::greater<typename ContainerTraits_::template rebind<Element_>::other::ConsistentContainer::iterator> >
-class DynamicPersistenceTrails: 
+class DynamicPersistenceTrails:
     public StaticPersistence<Data_, ChainTraits_, ContainerTraits_, Element_, Comparison_>
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
         typedef         Element_                                                        Element;
         typedef         StaticPersistence<Data_, ChainTraits_,
                                           ContainerTraits_, Element_, Comparison_>      Parent;
         typedef         typename Parent::ContainerTraits                                Traits;
         typedef         typename Parent::Order                                          Order;
         typedef         typename Traits::ConsistentContainer                            Consistency;
@@ -94,18 +94,18 @@
          *   Filtration -           filtration of the complex whose persistence we are computing
         template<class Filtration>      DynamicPersistenceTrails(const Filtration& f);
         template<class Filtration>
         void                            initialize(const Filtration& f)                 { Parent::initialize(f); }
         void                            pair_simplices();
         // Function: transpose(i)
-        // Tranpose i and the next element. 
+        // Tranpose i and the next element.
         // Returns: true iff the pairing switched.
         template<class DimensionFunctor, class Visitor>
         bool                            transpose(iterator i, const DimensionFunctor& dimension, Visitor visitor = Visitor());
         template<class DimensionFunctor>
         bool                            transpose(iterator i, const DimensionFunctor& dimension)    { return transpose(i,dimension,TranspositionVisitor()); }
@@ -125,14 +125,14 @@
         struct TranspositionVisitor
             // Function: transpose(i)
-            // This function is called before transposition is processed 
-            // (at the very beginning of <transpose(i, visitor)>). It is meant to update any structures 
+            // This function is called before transposition is processed
+            // (at the very beginning of <transpose(i, visitor)>). It is meant to update any structures
             // that may need to be updated, but perhaps it has other uses as well.
             void                        transpose(iterator i) const                     {}
             // Function: switched(i, type)
             // This function is called after the transposition if the switch in pairing has occured.
-            // `i` is the index of the preceding simplex after the transposition. 
+            // `i` is the index of the preceding simplex after the transposition.
             // `type` indicates the <SwitchType>.
             void                        switched(iterator i, SwitchType type) const     {}
@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@
         using                           Parent::set_pair;
         using                           Parent::swap_cycle;
-        Consistency&                    consistent_order()                              { return order().get<consistency>(); }
-        const Consistency&              consistent_order() const                        { return order().get<consistency>(); }
+        Consistency&                    consistent_order()                              { return order().template get<consistency>(); }
+        const Consistency&              consistent_order() const                        { return order().template get<consistency>(); }
         bool                            trail_remove_if_contains
                                             (iterator i, OrderIndex j)                  { TrailRemover rm(j); order().modify(i, rm); return rm.result; }
@@ -154,16 +154,16 @@
         void                            swap(iterator i, iterator j);
         void                            pairing_switch(iterator i, iterator j);
-        struct PairingTrailsVisitor: public Parent::PairVisitor 
+        struct PairingTrailsVisitor: public Parent::PairVisitor
-                                        PairingTrailsVisitor(Order& order, ConsistencyComparison ccmp, unsigned size): 
+                                        PairingTrailsVisitor(Order& order, ConsistencyComparison ccmp, unsigned size):
                                             Parent::PairVisitor(size), order_(order), ccmp_(ccmp)   {}
             void                        init(iterator i) const                          { order_.modify(i,                                  boost::bind(&Element::template trail_append<ConsistencyComparison>, bl::_1, &*i, ccmp_)); Count(cTrailLength); }        // i->trail_append(&*i, ccmp)
             void                        update(iterator j, iterator i) const            { order_.modify(order_.iterator_to(*(i->pair)),     boost::bind(&Element::template trail_append<ConsistencyComparison>, bl::_1, &*j, ccmp_)); Count(cTrailLength); }        // i->pair->trail_append(&*j, ccmp)
             void                        finished(iterator i) const                      { Parent::PairVisitor::finished(i); }
-            Order&                      order_;            
+            Order&                      order_;
             ConsistencyComparison       ccmp_;
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
     typedef     typename Parent::Cycle                                                  Cycle;
     typedef     typename Parent::Chain                                                  Chain;
     typedef     Chain                                                                   Trail;
     // Modifiers
     template<class Cmp>
     void        chain_append(Index i, const Cmp& cmp)                                   { chain.append(i, cmp); }
@@ -203,17 +203,17 @@
  * Class: DynamicPersistenceChains
  * TODO: below comment is incorrect; nothing dynamic about this yet.
- * Derives from StaticPersistence and allows one to update persistence 
- * after a transposition of two contiguous simplices in a filtration. 
+ * Derives from StaticPersistence and allows one to update persistence
+ * after a transposition of two contiguous simplices in a filtration.
  * In addition to reduced cycles, it stores each OrderElement's chains,
  * i.e. in addition to matrix R, it stores matrix V in vineyard notation.
  * Template parameters:
  *   Data_ -                auxilliary contents to store with each OrderElement
- *   OrderDescriptor_ -     class describing how the order is stored; it defaults to <VectorOrderDescriptor> 
+ *   OrderDescriptor_ -     class describing how the order is stored; it defaults to <VectorOrderDescriptor>
  *                          which serves as a prototypical class
-template<class Data_ =                  Empty<>, 
+template<class Data_ =                  Empty<>,
          class ChainTraits_ =           VectorChains<>,
          class ContainerTraits_ =       OrderConsistencyContainer<>,
          class Element_ =               ChainData<Data_, ChainTraits_>,
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
          class ConsistencyComparison_ = ElementComparison<typename ContainerTraits_::template rebind<Element_>::other::ConsistentContainer,
                                                           std::greater<typename ContainerTraits_::template rebind<Element_>::other::ConsistentContainer::iterator> >
-class DynamicPersistenceChains: 
+class DynamicPersistenceChains:
     public StaticPersistence<Data_, ChainTraits_, ContainerTraits_, Element_, Comparison_>
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
         typedef         Element_                                                        Element;
         typedef         StaticPersistence<Data_, ChainTraits_,
                                           ContainerTraits_, Element_, Comparison_>      Parent;
         typedef         typename Parent::ContainerTraits                                Traits;
         typedef         typename Parent::Order                                          Order;
@@ -253,21 +253,21 @@
          *   Filtration -           filtration of the complex whose persistence we are computing
         template<class Filtration>      DynamicPersistenceChains(const Filtration& f);
         template<class Filtration>
         void                            initialize(const Filtration& f)                 { Parent::initialize(f); }
         void                            pair_simplices();
         // Function: transpose(i)
-        // Tranpose i and the next element. 
+        // Tranpose i and the next element.
         // Returns: true iff the pairing switched.
         // TODO
         //bool                            transpose(OrderIndex i)                         { return transpose(i, TranspositionVisitor()); }
         // TODO: the main missing piece to be dynamic
         //template<class Visitor>
         //bool                            transpose(OrderIndex i, Visitor& visitor = Visitor());
         using                           Parent::begin;
         using                           Parent::end;
         using                           Parent::iterator_to;
@@ -280,14 +280,14 @@
         struct TranspositionVisitor
             // Function: transpose(i)
-            // This function is called before transposition is processed 
-            // (at the very beginning of <transpose(i, visitor)>). It is meant to update any structures 
+            // This function is called before transposition is processed
+            // (at the very beginning of <transpose(i, visitor)>). It is meant to update any structures
             // that may need to be updated, but perhaps it has other uses as well.
             void                        transpose(iterator i) const                     {}
             // Function: switched(i, type)
             // This function is called after the transposition if the switch in pairing has occured.
-            // `i` is the index of the preceding simplex after the transposition. 
+            // `i` is the index of the preceding simplex after the transposition.
             // `type` indicates the <SwitchType>.
             void                        switched(iterator i, SwitchType type) const     {}
@@ -304,16 +304,16 @@
         void                            swap(OrderIndex i, OrderIndex j);
         void                            pairing_switch(OrderIndex i, OrderIndex j);
-        struct PairingChainsVisitor: public Parent::PairVisitor 
+        struct PairingChainsVisitor: public Parent::PairVisitor
-                                        PairingChainsVisitor(Order& order, ConsistencyComparison ccmp, unsigned size): 
+                                        PairingChainsVisitor(Order& order, ConsistencyComparison ccmp, unsigned size):
                                             Parent::PairVisitor(size), order_(order), ccmp_(ccmp)       {}
             void                        init(iterator i) const                          { order_.modify(i,                  boost::bind(&Element::template chain_append<ConsistencyComparison>, bl::_1, &*i, ccmp_)); }                 // i->chain_append(&*i, ccmp)
             void                        update(iterator j, iterator i) const            { order_.modify(j,                  boost::bind(&Element::template chain_add<ConsistencyComparison>, bl::_1, i->pair->chain, ccmp_)); }         // j->chain.add(i->pair->chain, ccmp_)
             void                        finished(iterator i) const                      { Parent::PairVisitor::finished(i); CountBy(cChainLength, i->chain.size()); }
-            Order&                      order_;            
+            Order&                      order_;
             ConsistencyComparison       ccmp_;
--- a/include/topology/dynamic-persistence.hpp	Fri Oct 26 11:45:58 2012 -0700
+++ b/include/topology/dynamic-persistence.hpp	Thu Feb 28 11:12:02 2013 +0800
@@ -298,14 +298,14 @@
 template<class D, class CT, class OT, class E, class Cmp, class CCmp>
-    ccmp_(order().get<consistency>())
+    ccmp_(order().template get<consistency>())
 template<class D, class CT, class OT, class E, class Cmp, class CCmp>
 template<class Filtration>
 DynamicPersistenceChains(const Filtration& f):
-    Parent(f), ccmp_(order().get<consistency>())
+    Parent(f), ccmp_(order().template get<consistency>())
 template<class D, class CT, class OT, class E, class Cmp, class CCmp>
--- a/include/topology/filtration.h	Fri Oct 26 11:45:58 2012 -0700
+++ b/include/topology/filtration.h	Thu Feb 28 11:12:02 2013 +0800
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
 // Class: Filtration
-// Filtration keeps track of the ordering of the simplices in a complex. 
+// Filtration keeps track of the ordering of the simplices in a complex.
 // The most significant function it provides is <boundary()> which converts
 // the boundary of a simplex at a given index into a list of indices.
 template<class Simplex_,
-         class SimplexOrderIndex_ = bmi::ordered_unique<bmi::identity<Simplex_>, 
+         class SimplexOrderIndex_ = bmi::ordered_unique<bmi::identity<Simplex_>,
                                                         typename Simplex_::VertexComparison> >
 class Filtration
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
         typedef                 Simplex_                                        Simplex;
         typedef                 SimplexOrderIndex_                              SimplexOrderIndex;
-        typedef                 b::multi_index_container<Simplex, 
+        typedef                 b::multi_index_container<Simplex,
-                                                                         bmi::random_access<bmi::tag<order> > 
+                                                                         bmi::random_access<bmi::tag<order> >
                                                         >                       Container;
         typedef                 typename Container::value_type                  value_type;
@@ -69,18 +69,18 @@
         // Lookup
         const Simplex&          simplex(Index i) const                          { return *i; }
         Index                   find(const Simplex& s) const                    { return bmi::project<order>(container_, container_.find(s)); }
         // Modifiers
         template<class Comparison>
-        void                    sort(const Comparison& cmp = Comparison())      { container_.get<order>().sort(cmp); }
-        void                    push_back(const Simplex& s)                     { container_.get<order>().push_back(s); }
-        void                    transpose(Index i)                              { container_.get<order>().relocate(i, i+1); }
-        void                    clear()                                         { container_.get<order>().clear(); }
+        void                    sort(const Comparison& cmp = Comparison())      { container_.template get<order>().sort(cmp); }
+        void                    push_back(const Simplex& s)                     { container_.template get<order>().push_back(s); }
+        void                    transpose(Index i)                              { container_.template get<order>().relocate(i, i+1); }
+        void                    clear()                                         { container_.template get<order>().clear(); }
         template<class Iter>
-        void                    rearrange(Iter i)                               { container_.get<order>().rearrange(i); }
+        void                    rearrange(Iter i)                               { container_.template get<order>().rearrange(i); }
-        Index                   begin() const                                   { return container_.get<order>().begin(); }
-        Index                   end() const                                     { return container_.get<order>().end(); }
+        Index                   begin() const                                   { return container_.template get<order>().begin(); }
+        Index                   end() const                                     { return container_.template get<order>().end(); }
         size_t                  size() const                                    { return container_.size(); }
         std::ostream&           operator<<(std::ostream& out) const             { std::copy(begin(), end(), std::ostream_iterator<Simplex>(out, "\n")); return out; }
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
         // Serialization
         friend class                            boost::serialization::access;
-        template<class Archive> 
+        template<class Archive>
         void                                    serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int)
         { ar & boost::serialization::make_nvp("order", container_); }
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
         template<class key_type>
         Dimension               operator()(key_type i) const                    { return filtration_.simplex(map_[i]).dimension(); }
-    private:        
+    private:
         const Map&              map_;
         const Filtration&       filtration_;
--- a/include/topology/lsvineyard.h	Fri Oct 26 11:45:58 2012 -0700
+++ b/include/topology/lsvineyard.h	Thu Feb 28 11:12:02 2013 +0800
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
         typedef                     Vertex_                                             Vertex;
         typedef                     VertexEvaluator_                                    VertexEvaluator;
         typedef                     typename VertexEvaluator::result_type               VertexValue;
         typedef                     Simplex_                                            Simplex;
         typedef                     Filtration_                                         LSFiltration;
         typedef                     typename LSFiltration::Index                        LSFIndex;
@@ -42,20 +42,20 @@
         class                       KineticVertexType;
         class                       KineticVertexComparison;
         class                       TrajectoryExtractor;
-        typedef                     typename OrderContainer<KineticVertexType>::Container        
+        typedef                     typename OrderContainer<KineticVertexType>::Container
         typedef                     typename VertexContainer::iterator                  VertexIndex;
-        struct                      AttachmentData: public VineData                     
-        {   
+        struct                      AttachmentData: public VineData
+        {
             void                    set_attachment(VertexIndex v)                       { attachment = v; }
-            VertexIndex             attachment; 
+            VertexIndex             attachment;
         typedef                     DynamicPersistenceTrails<AttachmentData>            Persistence;
         typedef                     typename Persistence::OrderIndex                    Index;
         typedef                     typename Persistence::iterator                      iterator;
-        typedef                     typename Persistence::template SimplexMap<LSFiltration>      
+        typedef                     typename Persistence::template SimplexMap<LSFiltration>
         class                       Evaluator;
@@ -70,19 +70,19 @@
         class                       TranspositionVisitor;
         friend class                TranspositionVisitor;
         typedef                     Vineyard<Index, iterator, Evaluator>                Vnrd;
         template<class VertexIterator>
-                                    LSVineyard(VertexIterator begin, VertexIterator end, 
+                                    LSVineyard(VertexIterator begin, VertexIterator end,
                                                LSFiltration& filtration,
                                                const VertexEvaluator& veval = VertexEvaluator());
         void                        compute_vineyard(const VertexEvaluator& veval);
         bool                        transpose_vertices(VertexIndex vi);
         const LSFiltration&         filtration() const                                  { return filtration_; }
         const Vnrd&                 vineyard() const                                    { return vineyard_; }
         const Persistence&          persistence() const                                 { return persistence_; }
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
         const SimplexComparison&    simplex_comparison() const                          { return scmp_; }
         VertexValue                 vertex_value(const Vertex& v) const                 { return veval_(v); }
-        VertexValue                 simplex_value(const Simplex& s) const               { return vertex_value(*std::max_element(s.vertices().begin(), s.vertices().end(), vcmp_)); } 
+        VertexValue                 simplex_value(const Simplex& s) const               { return vertex_value(*std::max_element(s.vertices().begin(), s.vertices().end(), vcmp_)); }
         const Simplex&              pfmap(iterator i) const                             { return pfmap_[i]; }
         const Simplex&              pfmap(Index i) const                                { return pfmap_[i]; }
         VertexIndex                 filtration_attachment(LSFIndex i) const             { return (persistence().begin() + (i - filtration().begin()))->attachment; }
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
         // For Kinetic Sort
         void                        swap(VertexIndex a, KineticSimulator* simulator);
         void                        change_evaluator(Evaluator* eval);
         void                        set_attachment(iterator i, VertexIndex vi)          { persistence_.modifier()(i, boost::bind(&AttachmentData::set_attachment, bl::_1, vi)); }
@@ -109,14 +109,14 @@
         bool                        verify_pairing() const;
-        typedef                     b::tuple< b::reference_wrapper<const Simplex>, 
+        typedef                     b::tuple< b::reference_wrapper<const Simplex>,
                                               b::reference_wrapper<const typename Persistence::Element> >
         struct                      AttachmentCmp;
         VertexContainer             vertices_;
         VertexEvaluator             veval_;
         VertexComparison            vcmp_;
         SimplexComparison           scmp_;
@@ -124,24 +124,24 @@
         LSFiltration&               filtration_;
         Persistence                 persistence_;
         PFMap                       pfmap_;
         Vnrd                        vineyard_;
         Evaluator*                  evaluator_;
         unsigned                    time_count_;
 #if 0
         // Serialization
         friend class boost::serialization::access;
         LSVineyard()                                                                    {}
-        template<class Archive> 
+        template<class Archive>
         void serialize(Archive& ar, version_type )
-        { 
-            ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(grid_stack_); 
-            ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(vertices_); 
-            ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(filtration_); 
+        {
+            ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(grid_stack_);
+            ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(vertices_);
+            ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(filtration_);
@@ -149,13 +149,13 @@
 template<class V, class VE, class S, class C>
-operator<<(std::ostream& out, const typename LSVineyard<V,VE,S,C>::VertexIndex& vi)    
+operator<<(std::ostream& out, const typename LSVineyard<V,VE,S,C>::VertexIndex& vi)
 { return out << vi->vertex(); }
 template<class V, class VE, class S, class C>
-operator<<(std::ostream& out, const typename LSVineyard<V,VE,S,C>::KineticVertexType& v)    
+operator<<(std::ostream& out, const typename LSVineyard<V,VE,S,C>::KineticVertexType& v)
 { return out << v.vertex(); }
 template<class V, class VE, class S, class C>
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
         LSFIndex                simplex_index() const                                       { return simplex_index_; }
         void                    set_simplex_index(LSFIndex i)                               { simplex_index_ = i; }
         Vertex                  vertex_;
         LSFIndex                simplex_index_;
@@ -182,13 +182,13 @@
         typedef                 typename KineticSimulator::Function                         Function;
-                                TrajectoryExtractor(const VertexEvaluator& veval0, 
+                                TrajectoryExtractor(const VertexEvaluator& veval0,
                                                     const VertexEvaluator& veval1):
                                     veval0_(veval0), veval1_(veval1)                        {}
         Function                operator()(VertexIndex i) const                             { VertexValue v0 = veval0_(i->vertex()), v1 = veval1_(i->vertex()); return Function(v0, v1 - v0); }
         const VertexEvaluator&  veval0_, veval1_;
@@ -230,6 +230,7 @@
 class LSVineyard<V,VE,S,C>::Evaluator: public std::unary_function<Index, RealType>
+        virtual ~Evaluator() {}
         virtual RealType        time() const                                                =0;
         virtual RealType        operator()(Index i) const                                   =0;
         virtual Dimension       dimension(Index i) const                                    =0;
@@ -243,7 +244,7 @@
                                 DimensionFromIterator(const PFMap& pfmap): pfmap_(pfmap)    {}
-        Dimension               operator()(iterator i) const                                { return pfmap_[i].dimension(); }                                
+        Dimension               operator()(iterator i) const                                { return pfmap_[i].dimension(); }
         const PFMap&            pfmap_;
--- a/include/utilities/consistencylist.h	Fri Oct 26 11:45:58 2012 -0700
+++ b/include/utilities/consistencylist.h	Thu Feb 28 11:12:02 2013 +0800
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Author: Dmitriy Morozov 
+ * Author: Dmitriy Morozov
  * Department of Computer Science, Duke University, 2006
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 class ConsistencyList: public OrderList<ConsistencyListNode<T> >
-		class 			OrderComparison;				
+		class 			OrderComparison;
 		class 			LessThanComparison;
 		class 			GreaterThanComparison;
 		class 			ConsistencyComparison;
@@ -43,20 +43,20 @@
 		typedef			GreaterThanComparison						GreaterThanComparison;
 		typedef			ConsistencyComparison						ConsistencyComparison;
 		/// @}
 		typedef			ConsistencyListNode<T>						NodeType;
 		typedef			ConsistencyList<T>							Self;
 		typedef			OrderList<NodeType >						Parent;
 		typedef			T											value_type;
 		typedef			T&											reference;
 		typedef			const T&									const_reference;
 		typedef			ConsistencyListIterator<T>					iterator;
 		typedef			const_ConsistencyListIterator<T>			const_iterator;
 						ConsistencyList(): sz(0)					{}
 						~ConsistencyList() 							{ clear(); }
 		/// \name Order operations
 		void			swap(iterator i, iterator j);				///< Exchanges the order of simplices pointed to by i and j
 		template<class BinaryPredicate>
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 		iterator		insert(iterator predecessor, const_reference x);	///< Inserts x immediately after predecessor (has to be a valid iterator)
 		void			erase(iterator x)							{ Parent::erase(x.get_base()); --sz; }
-		void			clear()										{ return Parent::clear(); }	
+		void			clear()										{ return Parent::clear(); }
 		bool			empty() const								{ return Parent::empty(); }
 		SizeType		size()	const								{ return sz; }
 		iterator		begin()										{ return iterator(Parent::begin()); }
@@ -79,11 +79,11 @@
 		reference		back()										{ return Parent::back(); }
 		const_reference	back() const								{ return Parent::back(); }
 		void			pop_back()									{ return Parent::pop_back(); }
 		iterator		last()										{ return iterator(boost::prior(end())); }
 		const_iterator	last() const								{ return const_iterator(boost::prior(end())); }
 		/// @}
 		unsigned int	sz;
@@ -93,31 +93,31 @@
 class ConsistencyList<T>::OrderComparison
-		typedef			typename ConsistencyList<T>::const_iterator		ComparableType;				
+		typedef			typename ConsistencyList<T>::const_iterator		ComparableType;
-		int 			compare(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;				/// (-1,0,1) = a (precedes, ==, succeeds) b 
+		int 			compare(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;				/// (-1,0,1) = a (precedes, ==, succeeds) b
 /// Determines if the first element is less than the second one
 template<class T>
-class ConsistencyList<T>::LessThanComparison: public OrderComparison 
+class ConsistencyList<T>::LessThanComparison: public OrderComparison
 		typedef			OrderComparison								Parent;
-		typedef			typename Parent::ComparableType				ComparableType;				
-		int 			compare(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;	
+		typedef			typename Parent::ComparableType				ComparableType;
+		int 			compare(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;
 		bool 			operator()(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;
 /// Determines if the first element is greater than the second one
 template<class T>
-class ConsistencyList<T>::GreaterThanComparison: public OrderComparison 
+class ConsistencyList<T>::GreaterThanComparison: public OrderComparison
 		typedef			OrderComparison								Parent;
-		typedef			typename Parent::ComparableType				ComparableType;				
+		typedef			typename Parent::ComparableType				ComparableType;
 		int 			compare(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;
 		bool 			operator()(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;
@@ -127,10 +127,10 @@
 class ConsistencyList<T>::ConsistencyComparison
-		typedef			typename ConsistencyList<T>::const_iterator		ComparableType;				
-		int 			compare(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;				///< (-1,0,1) = a (precedes, ==, succeeds) b 
-		bool 			operator()(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;		
+		typedef			typename ConsistencyList<T>::const_iterator		ComparableType;
+		int 			compare(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;				///< (-1,0,1) = a (precedes, ==, succeeds) b
+		bool 			operator()(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;
 /// Structure storing auxilliary information requred for each node of ConsistencyList
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
 	ConsistencyListNode(const T& d, unsigned int c):
 		data(d), consistency(c)
 	T 				data;
 	OrderType		consistency;
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
 		struct			enabler										{};
 		typedef			typename ConsistencyList<T>::Parent			ConsistencyListParent;
 		typedef 		boost::iterator_adaptor<ConsistencyListIterator<T>,
@@ -168,10 +168,10 @@
 						ConsistencyListIterator()					{}
 						ConsistencyListIterator(const typename ConsistencyListParent::iterator& iter):
-    						ConsistencyListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(iter)	
+    						ConsistencyListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(iter)
 						ConsistencyListIterator(const ConsistencyListIterator<T>& other):
-							ConsistencyListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(other.base())			
+							ConsistencyListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(other.base())
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
 		struct			enabler										{};
 		typedef			typename ConsistencyList<T>::Parent				ConsistencyListParent;
 		typedef 		boost::iterator_adaptor<const_ConsistencyListIterator<T>,
@@ -200,13 +200,13 @@
 						const_ConsistencyListIterator()					{}
 						const_ConsistencyListIterator(const typename ConsistencyListParent::const_iterator& iter):
-    						const_ConsistencyListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(iter)	
+    						const_ConsistencyListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(iter)
 						const_ConsistencyListIterator(const const_ConsistencyListIterator<T>& other):
-							const_ConsistencyListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(other.base())			
+							const_ConsistencyListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(other.base())
 						const_ConsistencyListIterator(const ConsistencyListIterator<T>& other):
-							const_ConsistencyListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(other.base())			
+							const_ConsistencyListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(other.base())
@@ -216,7 +216,6 @@
 						get_base()									{ return Parent::base_reference(); }
 		friend class 	ConsistencyList<T>::OrderComparison;
-		friend class 	ConsistencyList<T>::ConsistencyComparison;
--- a/include/utilities/eventqueue.h	Fri Oct 26 11:45:58 2012 -0700
+++ b/include/utilities/eventqueue.h	Thu Feb 28 11:12:02 2013 +0800
@@ -24,10 +24,9 @@
 template<class Event_, class EventComparison_>
 class EventQueue
-	public:
-		typedef					Event_											Event;
-		typedef					EventComparison_								EventComparison;
+    public:
+        typedef                 Event_                                          Event;
+        typedef                 EventComparison_                                EventComparison;
         struct                  HeapNode;
         struct                  CompareNodes;
@@ -39,29 +38,29 @@
         typedef                 std::list<HeapNode>                             QueueRepresentation;
         typedef                 std::vector<iterator>                           EventListHeap;
-		                        EventQueue()			    {}
-		const_iterator 			top() const					{ AssertMsg(!empty(), "Queue must not be empty"); return heap_.front(); }
-		iterator 				top()						{ AssertMsg(!empty(), "Queue must not be empty"); return heap_.front(); }
-		iterator 				push(Event e);
-		void 					pop()						{ AssertMsg(!empty(), "Queue must not be empty"); std::pop_heap(heap_.begin(), heap_.end(), CompareNodes(), UpdateNode()); queue_.erase(heap_.back().base()); heap_.pop_back(); }
-        void					remove(iterator i);
+                                EventQueue()                {}
+        const_iterator          top() const                 { AssertMsg(!empty(), "Queue must not be empty"); return heap_.front(); }
+        iterator                top()                       { AssertMsg(!empty(), "Queue must not be empty"); return heap_.front(); }
+        iterator                push(Event e);
+        void                    pop();
+        void                    remove(iterator i);
         void                    replace(iterator i, Event e);
-        void                    promoted(iterator i)        { std::update_heap_pos(heap_.begin(), heap_.end(), heap_.begin() + i.base()->heap_position_, CompareNodes(), UpdateNode()); }
+        void                    promoted(iterator i);
         void                    demoted(iterator i);
         iterator                begin()                     { return queue_.begin(); }
         const_iterator          begin() const               { return queue_.begin(); }
-		iterator 				end()						{ return queue_.end(); }
-		const_iterator 			end() const					{ return queue_.end(); }
-		bool					empty() const				{ return queue_.empty(); }
-		size_t					size() const				{ return heap_.size(); }
+        iterator                end()                       { return queue_.end(); }
+        const_iterator          end() const                 { return queue_.end(); }
+        bool                    empty() const               { return queue_.empty(); }
+        size_t                  size() const                { return heap_.size(); }
-		std::ostream&			print(std::ostream& out, const std::string& prefix) const;
+        std::ostream&           print(std::ostream& out, const std::string& prefix) const;
-	private:
-		QueueRepresentation		queue_;
-		EventListHeap           heap_;
+    private:
+        QueueRepresentation     queue_;
+        EventListHeap           heap_;
 template<class Event_, class EventComparison_>
@@ -74,13 +73,13 @@
 template<class Event_, class EventComparison_>
-class EventQueue<Event_, EventComparison_>::iterator: 
-    public boost::iterator_adaptor<iterator, 
+class EventQueue<Event_, EventComparison_>::iterator:
+    public boost::iterator_adaptor<iterator,
                                    typename QueueRepresentation::iterator,
-        iterator():     
+        iterator():
             iterator::iterator_adaptor_(0)                              {}
         iterator(typename QueueRepresentation::iterator i):
@@ -93,8 +92,8 @@
 template<class Event_, class EventComparison_>
-class EventQueue<Event_, EventComparison_>::const_iterator: 
-    public boost::iterator_adaptor<const_iterator, 
+class EventQueue<Event_, EventComparison_>::const_iterator:
+    public boost::iterator_adaptor<const_iterator,
                                    typename QueueRepresentation::const_iterator,
@@ -121,7 +120,7 @@
     void operator()(iterator i, size_t pos) const                       { i.base()->heap_position_ = pos; }
 template<class Event_, class EventComparison_>
 struct EventQueue<Event_, EventComparison_>::CompareNodes
@@ -132,55 +131,65 @@
 struct EventQueue<Event_, EventComparison_>::MarkedCompareNodes
          MarkedCompareNodes(iterator i): i_(i)                          {}
-    bool operator()(iterator i, iterator j) const                       
-    { 
+    bool operator()(iterator i, iterator j) const
+    {
         // i_ is less than everything else
         if (i == i_)
             return false;
         if (j == i_)
             return true;
-        return EventComparison()(*j, *i); 
+        return EventComparison()(*j, *i);
     iterator i_;
 template<class Event_, class EventComparison_>
 typename EventQueue<Event_, EventComparison_>::iterator
 EventQueue<Event_, EventComparison_>::
 push(Event e)
-    queue_.push_back(e); 
-    iterator i = b::prior(queue_.end()); 
-    heap_.push_back(i); 
-    std::push_heap(heap_.begin(), heap_.end(), CompareNodes(), UpdateNode()); 
+    queue_.push_back(e);
+    iterator i = b::prior(queue_.end());
+    heap_.push_back(i);
+    std::push_heap(heap_.begin(), heap_.end(), CompareNodes(), UpdateNode());
     return i;
+template<class Event_, class EventComparison_>
+EventQueue<Event_, EventComparison_>::
+    AssertMsg(!empty(), "Queue must not be empty");
+    std::pop_heap(heap_.begin(), heap_.end(), CompareNodes(), UpdateNode());
+    queue_.erase(heap_.back().base()); heap_.pop_back();
 template<class Event_, class EventComparison_>
 EventQueue<Event_, EventComparison_>::
 remove(iterator i)
     MarkedCompareNodes mcmp(i);
     std::update_heap_pos(heap_.begin(), heap_.end(), heap_.begin() + i.base()->heap_position_, mcmp, UpdateNode());
-    std::pop_heap(heap_.begin(), heap_.end(), mcmp, UpdateNode()); 
+    std::pop_heap(heap_.begin(), heap_.end(), mcmp, UpdateNode());
     AssertMsg(heap_.back() == i, "i should be in the back");
-    queue_.erase(heap_.back().base()); 
+    queue_.erase(heap_.back().base());
 template<class Event_, class EventComparison_>
 EventQueue<Event_, EventComparison_>::
 replace(iterator i, Event e)
     if (EventComparison()(*i, e))
-        *i = e; 
-        promoted(i); 
+        *i = e;
+        promoted(i);
     } else
         *i = e;
@@ -191,17 +200,25 @@
 template<class Event_, class EventComparison_>
 EventQueue<Event_, EventComparison_>::
+promoted(iterator i)
+    std::update_heap_pos(heap_.begin(), heap_.end(), heap_.begin() + i.base()->heap_position_, CompareNodes(), UpdateNode());
+template<class Event_, class EventComparison_>
+EventQueue<Event_, EventComparison_>::
 demoted(iterator i)
     // Bring to front
     MarkedCompareNodes mcmp(i);
     std::update_heap_pos(heap_.begin(), heap_.end(), heap_.begin() + i.base()->heap_position_, mcmp, UpdateNode());
     // Bring to back
-    std::pop_heap(heap_.begin(), heap_.end(), mcmp, UpdateNode()); 
+    std::pop_heap(heap_.begin(), heap_.end(), mcmp, UpdateNode());
     // Find new place
-    std::update_heap_pos(heap_.begin(), heap_.end(), heap_.begin() + i.base()->heap_position_, CompareNodes(), UpdateNode()); 
+    std::update_heap_pos(heap_.begin(), heap_.end(), heap_.begin() + i.base()->heap_position_, CompareNodes(), UpdateNode());
 template<class Event_, class EventComparison_>
@@ -209,9 +226,9 @@
 EventQueue<Event_, EventComparison_>::
 print(std::ostream& out, const std::string& prefix) const
-	for (typename EventListHeap::const_iterator cur = heap_.begin(); cur != heap_.end(); ++cur)
-		out << prefix << **cur << std::endl;
-	return out;
+    for (typename EventListHeap::const_iterator cur = heap_.begin(); cur != heap_.end(); ++cur)
+        out << prefix << **cur << std::endl;
+    return out;
 #endif // __EVENTQUEUE_H__
--- a/include/utilities/orderlist.h	Fri Oct 26 11:45:58 2012 -0700
+++ b/include/utilities/orderlist.h	Thu Feb 28 11:12:02 2013 +0800
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Author: Dmitriy Morozov 
+ * Author: Dmitriy Morozov
  * Department of Computer Science, Duke University, 2006
  * Implements the simplified order list data strcutre given in ``Two Simplified
@@ -42,21 +42,21 @@
 class OrderList: public std::list<OrderListNode<T> >
-		class 			OrderComparison;				
+		class 			OrderComparison;
 		/// OrderComparison type
 		typedef			OrderComparison								OrderComparison;
 		typedef			OrderListNode<T>							NodeType;
 		typedef			OrderList<T>								Self;
 		typedef			std::list<NodeType >						Parent;
 		typedef			T											value_type;
 		typedef			T&											reference;
 		typedef			const T&									const_reference;
 		typedef			OrderListIterator<T>						iterator;
 		typedef			const_OrderListIterator<T>					const_iterator;
 						OrderList()									{}
 						~OrderList() 								{ clear(); }
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@
 		iterator		push_back(const_reference x);
 		iterator		insert(iterator predecessor, const_reference x);	///< Inserts x immediately after predecessor (has to be a valid iterator)
 		void			erase(iterator x)							{ Parent::erase(x.get_base()); }
-		void			clear()										{ return Parent::clear(); }	
+		void			clear()										{ return Parent::clear(); }
 		bool			empty() const								{ return Parent::empty(); }
 		SizeType		size()	const								{ return Parent::size(); }
 		iterator		begin()										{ return iterator(Parent::begin()); }
@@ -82,11 +82,11 @@
 		reference		back()										{ return Parent::back(); }
 		const_reference	back() const								{ return Parent::back(); }
 		void			pop_back()									{ return Parent::pop_back(); }
 		iterator		last()										{ return iterator(boost::prior(end())); }
 		const_iterator	last() const								{ return const_iterator(boost::prior(end())); }
 		/// @}
 		/// \name Debugging operations
 		/// @{
 		void			show_elements() const;
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@
 class OrderList<T>::OrderComparison
-		typedef			typename OrderList<T>::const_iterator		ComparableType;				
-		int 			compare(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;				/// (-1,0,1) = a (precedes, ==, succeeds) b 
+		typedef			typename OrderList<T>::const_iterator		ComparableType;
+		int 			compare(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;				/// (-1,0,1) = a (precedes, ==, succeeds) b
 		bool			operator()(ComparableType a, ComparableType b) const;
@@ -113,10 +113,10 @@
 	OrderListNode(const T& d, unsigned int t):
 		data(d), tag(t)
 	T 				data;
 	OrderType		tag;
 	std::ostream& 	operator<<(std::ostream& out) const				{ return out << data << ": " << tag; }
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 		struct			enabler										{};
 		typedef			typename OrderList<T>::Parent				OrderListParent;
 		typedef 		boost::iterator_adaptor<OrderListIterator<T>,
@@ -153,12 +153,12 @@
 						OrderListIterator()							{}
 						OrderListIterator(const typename OrderListParent::iterator& iter):
-    						OrderListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(iter)	
+    						OrderListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(iter)
 						OrderListIterator(const OrderListIterator<T>& other):
-							OrderListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(other.base())			
+							OrderListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(other.base())
 		friend class	boost::iterator_core_access;
 		reference		dereference() const							{ return Parent::base_reference()->data; }
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
 		struct			enabler										{};
 		typedef			typename OrderList<T>::Parent				OrderListParent;
 		typedef 		boost::iterator_adaptor<const_OrderListIterator<T>,
@@ -185,13 +185,13 @@
 						const_OrderListIterator()					{}
 						const_OrderListIterator(const typename OrderListParent::const_iterator& iter):
-    						const_OrderListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(iter)	
+    						const_OrderListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(iter)
 						const_OrderListIterator(const const_OrderListIterator<T>& other):
-							const_OrderListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(other.base())			
+							const_OrderListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(other.base())
 						const_OrderListIterator(const OrderListIterator<T>& other):
-							const_OrderListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(other.base())			
+							const_OrderListIterator::iterator_adaptor_(other.base())
@@ -201,7 +201,6 @@
 						get_base()									{ return Parent::base_reference(); }
 		friend class 	OrderList<T>;
-		friend class 	OrderList<T>::OrderComparison;