Exposed init_diagrams() to Python dev
authorDmitriy Morozov <>
Thu, 10 May 2012 14:24:40 -0700
changeset 246 88f7806633e0
parent 244 66235db8d8b7
child 247 ad3aefb5a0e0
Exposed init_diagrams() to Python
--- a/bindings/python/dionysus/	Mon Jul 25 23:21:29 2011 -0700
+++ b/bindings/python/dionysus/	Thu May 10 14:24:40 2012 -0700
@@ -34,15 +34,11 @@
 def vertex_dim_cmp(s1, s2):
     return cmp(s1.dimension(), s2.dimension()) or vertex_cmp(s1, s2)
-# TBD: Port this into C++
-def point_iterator( point ):
-    yield point.x
-    yield point.y
-    if not is None:
-        yield
-Point.__iter__ = point_iterator
+def fill_alpha_complex(points, simplices):
+    if   len(points[0]) == 2:           # 2D
+        fill_alpha2D_complex(points, simplices)
+    elif len(points[0]) == 3:           # 3D
+        fill_alpha3D_complex(points, simplices)
 def closure(simplices, k):
     """Compute the k-skeleton of the closure of the list of simplices."""
--- a/bindings/python/filtration.h	Mon Jul 25 23:21:29 2011 -0700
+++ b/bindings/python/filtration.h	Thu May 10 14:24:40 2012 -0700
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 namespace bp = boost::python;
-namespace dionysus { 
+namespace dionysus {
 namespace python   {
 typedef         Filtration<SimplexVD>                       PythonFiltration;
--- a/bindings/python/persistence-diagram.cpp	Mon Jul 25 23:21:29 2011 -0700
+++ b/bindings/python/persistence-diagram.cpp	Thu May 10 14:24:40 2012 -0700
@@ -1,41 +1,88 @@
+#include "filtration.h"
+#include "simplex.h"
+#include "static-persistence.h"
+#include "dynamic-persistence.h"
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
 namespace bp = boost::python;
 namespace dionysus{
 namespace python{
-typedef bp::object Data;
-typedef PDPoint<Data> PointD;
-typedef PersistenceDiagram<Data> PersistenceDiagramD;
+typedef     bp::object                  Data;
+typedef     PersistenceDiagram<Data>    PersistenceDiagramD;
+typedef     PersistenceDiagramD::Point  PointD;
+typedef     boost::shared_ptr<PersistenceDiagramD>  PDgmPtr;
 } } //namespace dionysus::python
 namespace dp = dionysus::python;
-// Easy way out of overloads
-RealType        get_x (const dp::PointD& p)         { return p.x(); }
-RealType        get_y (const dp::PointD& p)         { return p.y(); }
-bp::object      get_data(const dp::PointD& p)       { return; }
+struct PointFromTupleConverter
+    PointFromTupleConverter()
+    {
+        boost::python::converter::registry::push_back(&convertible,
+                                                      &construct,
+                                                      boost::python::type_id<dp::PointD>());
+    }
+    static void* convertible(PyObject* obj_ptr)
+    {
+        if (!PyTuple_Check(obj_ptr)) return 0;
+        if (PyTuple_Size(obj_ptr) < 2) return 0;
+        return obj_ptr;
+    }
+    static void construct(PyObject* obj_ptr,
+                          boost::python::converter::rvalue_from_python_stage1_data* data)
+    {
+        //const char* value = PyString_AsString(obj_ptr);
+        //if (value == 0) boost::python::throw_error_already_set();
+        // Grab pointer to memory into which to construct the new T
+        void* storage = ( (boost::python::converter::rvalue_from_python_storage<dp::PointD>*) data)->storage.bytes;
+        RealType x = bp::extract<RealType>(PyTuple_GetItem(obj_ptr, 0));
+        RealType y = bp::extract<RealType>(PyTuple_GetItem(obj_ptr, 1));
+        // in-place construct the new T using the character data extraced from the python object
+        dp::PointD* p = new (storage) dp::PointD(x,y);
+        if (PyTuple_Size(obj_ptr) > 2)
+            p->data() = bp::extract<bp::object>(PyTuple_GetItem(obj_ptr, 2));
+        // Stash the memory chunk pointer for later use by boost.python
+        data->convertible = storage;
+    }
+struct PointToTupleConverter
+    static PyObject* convert(const dp::PointD& p)
+    {
+        if ( == bp::object().ptr())
+            return bp::incref(bp::make_tuple(p.x(), p.y()).ptr());
+        else
+            return bp::incref(bp::make_tuple(p.x(), p.y(),;
+    }
 void export_point( )
-    bp::class_<dp::PointD>("Point")
-        .def(                   bp::init<RealType, RealType, bp::optional<dp::Data> >())
-        .add_property("x",      &get_x)
-        .add_property("y",      &get_y)
-        .add_property("data",   &get_data)
-        .def(                   repr(bp::self))
-    ;
+    PointFromTupleConverter();
+    bp::to_python_converter<dp::PointD, PointToTupleConverter>();
@@ -55,11 +102,106 @@
 RealType    bottleneck_distance_adapter(const dp::PersistenceDiagramD& dgm1, const dp::PersistenceDiagramD& dgm2)
     return bottleneck_distance(dgm1, dgm2);
+template<class Persistence>
+struct InitDiagrams
+    typedef             std::map<int, dp::PDgmPtr>                                          DiagramMap;
+    typedef             typename Persistence::template SimplexMap<dp::PythonFiltration>     SMap;
+    struct DataEvaluator
+    {
+                            DataEvaluator(const SMap& smap_):
+                                smap(smap_)                         {}
+        template<class Key>
+        RealType            operator()(Key k) const                 { return bp::extract<RealType>(smap[k].data()); }
+        const SMap& smap;
+    };
+    struct PythonEvaluator
+    {
+                            PythonEvaluator(const SMap& smap_, bp::object eval_):
+                                smap(smap_), eval(eval_)            {}
+        template<class Key>
+        RealType            operator()(Key k) const                 { return bp::extract<RealType>(eval(smap[k])); }
+        const SMap& smap;
+        bp::object  eval;
+    };
+    // A hack
+    struct DiagramMapOwner: public DiagramMap
+    {
+        typedef             dp::PersistenceDiagramD                 mapped_type;
+        mapped_type&        operator[](Dimension d)
+        {
+            if (this->find(d) == this->end())
+                this->insert(std::make_pair(d, dp::PDgmPtr(new dp::PersistenceDiagramD(d))));
+            return *DiagramMap::operator[](d);
+        }
+    };
+    static
+    bp::list    extract_list(const DiagramMapOwner& dgms)
+    {
+        bp::list result;
+        size_t dim = 0;
+        typedef         typename DiagramMapOwner::value_type         ValType;
+        BOOST_FOREACH(const ValType& dim_dgm, dgms)
+        {
+            while (dim_dgm.first > dim)
+            {
+                result.append(dp::PDgmPtr(new dp::PersistenceDiagramD));
+                ++dim;
+            }
+            // dim_dgm.first == dim
+            result.append(dim_dgm.second);
+            dim++;
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    struct PointDataVisitor
+    {
+                PointDataVisitor(bp::object data_): data(data_)                                 {}
+        void    point(const typename Persistence::iterator& i, dp::PointD& p) const             { = data(*i); }
+        bp::object data;
+    };
+    static
+    bp::list    init(const Persistence& p, const dp::PythonFiltration& f, bp::object eval, bp::object data)
+    {
+        DiagramMapOwner dgms;
+        SMap            smap = p.make_simplex_map(f);
+        if (eval == bp::object())
+            init_diagrams(dgms, p.begin(), p.end(),
+                          DataEvaluator(smap),
+                          evaluate_through_map(smap, dp::SimplexVD::DimensionExtractor()));
+        else if (data == bp::object())
+            init_diagrams(dgms, p.begin(), p.end(),
+                          PythonEvaluator(smap, eval),
+                          evaluate_through_map(smap, dp::SimplexVD::DimensionExtractor()));
+        else
+            init_diagrams(dgms, p.begin(), p.end(),
+                          PythonEvaluator(smap, eval),
+                          evaluate_through_map(smap, dp::SimplexVD::DimensionExtractor()),
+                          PointDataVisitor(data));
+        return extract_list(dgms);
+    }
 void export_persistence_diagram()
-    bp::class_<dp::PersistenceDiagramD>("PersistenceDiagram")
+    bp::class_<dp::PersistenceDiagramD, dp::PDgmPtr>("PersistenceDiagram")
         .def("__init__",            bp::make_constructor(&init_from_points_sequence))
         .def(                       bp::init<Dimension>())
         .def("append",              &dp::PersistenceDiagramD::push_back)
@@ -69,5 +211,16 @@
         .def("__len__",             &dp::PersistenceDiagramD::size)
+    bp::def("init_diagrams",        &InitDiagrams<dp::SPersistence>::init,
+                                     (bp::arg("persistence"),
+                                      bp::arg("filtration"),
+                                      bp::arg("eval")=bp::object(),
+                                      bp::arg("data")=bp::object()));
+    bp::def("init_diagrams",        &InitDiagrams<dp::DPersistenceChains>::init,
+                                     (bp::arg("persistence"),
+                                      bp::arg("filtration"),
+                                      bp::arg("eval")=bp::object(),
+                                      bp::arg("data")=bp::object()));
     bp::def("bottleneck_distance",  &bottleneck_distance_adapter);
--- a/bindings/python/static-persistence.cpp	Mon Jul 25 23:21:29 2011 -0700
+++ b/bindings/python/static-persistence.cpp	Thu May 10 14:24:40 2012 -0700
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
     bp::class_<dp::SPersistence>("StaticPersistence", bp::no_init)
         .def("__init__",        bp::make_constructor(&dp::init_from_filtration<dp::SPersistence>))
         .def("pair_simplices",  &pair_simplices)
         .def("__call__",        &dp::distance<dp::SPersistence, dp::SPersistenceIndex>)
--- a/doc/python/alphashapes.rst	Mon Jul 25 23:21:29 2011 -0700
+++ b/doc/python/alphashapes.rst	Thu May 10 14:24:40 2012 -0700
@@ -15,13 +15,18 @@
 .. _`Delaunay triangulation`:
+.. function:: fill_alpha_complex(points, complex)
+    Based on the dimension of the first point, decides which of the two functions
+    below to call.
 .. function:: fill_alpha2D_complex(points, complex)
     Appends to the `complex` the simplices of the 2D Delaunay triangulation
     on the `points`.
 .. function:: fill_alpha3D_complex(points, complex)
     Appends to the `complex` the simplices of the 3D Delaunay triangulation
     on the `points`.
--- a/doc/python/persistence-diagram.rst	Mon Jul 25 23:21:29 2011 -0700
+++ b/doc/python/persistence-diagram.rst	Thu May 10 14:24:40 2012 -0700
@@ -4,20 +4,24 @@
 .. class:: PersistenceDiagram
     .. method:: __init__( dimension )
         Initializes : an empty( no points ) :class:`PersistenceDiagram` object and sets
         the :attr:`~PersistenceDiagram.dimension` attribute( must be integer ) e.g.::
             dia = PersistenceDiagram( 1 )
     .. method:: __init__( dimension, point_seq )
-        Initializes :class:`PersistenceDiagram` of specified dimension from the given sequence `seq` of :class:`Point` objects, e.g.::
-            dia = PersistenceDiagram( 1, [Point(1,2)] )
+        Initializes :class:`PersistenceDiagram` of specified dimension from the given sequence `seq` of tuples, e.g.::
+            dia = PersistenceDiagram( 1, (1,2) )
+        The tuples must have at least 2 elements ``(birth, death)``.
+        If there is a third element, it is stored as extra data associated to
+        a point.
     .. method:: append( p )
         Adds point `p` to the persistence diagram.
     .. attribute:: dimension
@@ -28,7 +32,7 @@
         Iterator over the points in the persistence diagram,
             for p in dia: print p
     .. method:: __len__( )
@@ -40,42 +44,19 @@
 Utility functions for persistence diagrams
+.. function:: init_diagrams(persistence, filtration[, eval = lambda s:[, data = lambda i: None]])
+    Initializes a collection of :class:`PersistenceDiagram`s from `persistence`
+    and `filtration`. Optional `eval` can determine how to extract birth and
+    death values from a simplex. For example, if `filtration` was filled using
+    :fun:`fill_alpha_complex()`, the :attr:`` contains a pair ``(value, critical)``.
+    We can extract the value from the tuple::
+        init_diagrams(persistence, filtration, lambda s:[0])
+    Optional `data` argument can return arbitrary data to associate with each point,
+    given an node of `persistence`.
 .. function:: bottleneck_distance(dia1, dia2)
-    Calculates the bottleneck distance between the two persistence diagrams. 
-.. class:: Point
-    .. method:: __init__( x, y [, data])
-        Initializes :class:`Point` with the given real-valued coordinates and
-        optionally real value `data`, e.g.::
-            s = Point( 1, 1.1, 1.11 )
-    .. attribute:: x
-        x coordinate of the point
-    .. attribute:: y
-        y coordinate of the point
-    .. attribute:: data
-        Real value stored in the simplex.
-    .. method:: __iter__( )
-        Point objects are iterable, returning two or three elements depending on presence of data, e.g.::
-            p = Point( 1, 1.1, 1.11 )
-            for i in p:  print p
-            1
-            1.1
-            1.11
+    Calculates the bottleneck distance between the two persistence diagrams.
--- a/include/topology/persistence-diagram.h	Mon Jul 25 23:21:29 2011 -0700
+++ b/include/topology/persistence-diagram.h	Thu May 10 14:24:40 2012 -0700
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
         Data&                   data()                                      { return point_.second(); }
         std::ostream&           operator<<(std::ostream& out) const         { return (out << x() << " " << y()); } // << " " << data()); }
         struct Visitor
             template<class Iterator>
@@ -45,17 +45,17 @@
         boost::compressed_pair<std::pair<RealType, RealType>, Data>       point_;
-		/* Serialization */
-		friend class boost::serialization::access;
-		template<class Archive>
-		void 					serialize(Archive& ar, version_type );
+        /* Serialization */
+        friend class boost::serialization::access;
+        template<class Archive>
+        void                    serialize(Archive& ar, version_type );
 template<class Data>
-std::ostream&                   operator<<(std::ostream& out, const PDPoint<Data>& point)     
+std::ostream&                   operator<<(std::ostream& out, const PDPoint<Data>& point)
 { return (point.operator<<(out)); }
 template<class Point, class Iterator, class Evaluator, class Visitor>
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
  * Class: PersistenceDiagram
- * Stores birth-death pairs, i.e. points in the extended plane. Each point can also store 
+ * Stores birth-death pairs, i.e. points in the extended plane. Each point can also store
  * additional information described by `Data_` template parameter.
 template<class Data_ = Empty<> >
@@ -85,24 +85,24 @@
                                 PersistenceDiagram()                        {}
-                                PersistenceDiagram( Dimension dimension ):  
+                                PersistenceDiagram( Dimension dimension ):
                                     dimension_( dimension )                  {}
         template<class OtherData>
                                 PersistenceDiagram(const PersistenceDiagram<OtherData>& other);
         template<class Iterator, class Evaluator>
-                                PersistenceDiagram(Iterator bg, Iterator end, 
+                                PersistenceDiagram(Iterator bg, Iterator end,
                                                    const Evaluator& eval = Evaluator());
         template<class Iterator, class Evaluator, class Visitor>
-                                PersistenceDiagram(Iterator bg, Iterator end, 
-                                                   const Evaluator& eval = Evaluator(), 
+                                PersistenceDiagram(Iterator bg, Iterator end,
+                                                   const Evaluator& eval = Evaluator(),
                                                    const Visitor& visitor = Visitor());
         template<class Iterator, class Evaluator, class Visitor>
-        void                    init(Iterator bg, Iterator end, 
-                                     const Evaluator& eval = Evaluator(), 
+        void                    init(Iterator bg, Iterator end,
+                                     const Evaluator& eval = Evaluator(),
                                      const Visitor& visitor = Visitor());
         const_iterator          begin() const                               { return points_.begin(); }
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
         size_t                  size() const                                { return points_.size(); }
         void                    push_back(const Point& point)               { points_.push_back(point); }
         std::ostream&           operator<<(std::ostream& out) const;
         Dimension               dimension() const                           { return dimension_; }
@@ -118,53 +118,53 @@
         PointVector             points_;
         Dimension               dimension_;
-		/* Serialization */
-		friend class boost::serialization::access;
-		template<class Archive>
-		void 					serialize(Archive& ar, version_type );
+        /* Serialization */
+        friend class boost::serialization::access;
+        template<class Archive>
+        void                    serialize(Archive& ar, version_type );
 template<class Data>
-std::ostream&                   operator<<(std::ostream& out, const PersistenceDiagram<Data>& pd)     
+std::ostream&                   operator<<(std::ostream& out, const PersistenceDiagram<Data>& pd)
 { return (pd.operator<<(out)); }
 // Function: init_diagram_vector()
 template<class Diagrams, class Iterator, class Evaluator, class DimensionExtractor>
 void                    init_diagrams(Diagrams& diagrams,
-                                      Iterator bg, Iterator end, 
-                                      const Evaluator& evaluator = Evaluator(), 
+                                      Iterator bg, Iterator end,
+                                      const Evaluator& evaluator = Evaluator(),
                                       const DimensionExtractor& dimension = DimensionExtractor());
 template<class Diagrams, class Iterator, class Evaluator, class DimensionExtractor, class Visitor>
 void                    init_diagrams(Diagrams& diagrams,
-                                      Iterator bg, Iterator end, 
-                                      const Evaluator& evaluator = Evaluator(), 
+                                      Iterator bg, Iterator end,
+                                      const Evaluator& evaluator = Evaluator(),
                                       const DimensionExtractor& dimension = DimensionExtractor(),
                                       const Visitor& visitor = Visitor());
-// Class: Linfty 
+// Class: Linfty
 // Functor that computes L infinity norm between two points
 template<class Point1, class Point2>
 struct Linfty
-    RealType            operator()(const Point1& p1, const Point2& p2) const        { return std::max(std::abs(p1.x() - p2.x()), 
+    RealType            operator()(const Point1& p1, const Point2& p2) const        { return std::max(std::abs(p1.x() - p2.x()),
                                                                                                       std::abs(p1.y() - p2.y())); }
     template<class Point>
     RealType            diagonal(const Point& p) const                              { return std::abs(p.y() - p.x())/2; }
 // Function: bottleneck_distance(dgm1, dgm2)
 // Computes bottleneck distance between the two diagrams.
-template<class Diagram1, 
-         class Diagram2, 
+template<class Diagram1,
+         class Diagram2,
          class Norm>
 RealType                bottleneck_distance(const Diagram1& dgm1, const Diagram2& dgm2, const Norm& norm = Norm());
-template<class Diagram1, 
+template<class Diagram1,
          class Diagram2>
 RealType                bottleneck_distance(const Diagram1& dgm1, const Diagram2& dgm2)
 { return bottleneck_distance(dgm1, dgm2, Linfty<typename Diagram1::Point, typename Diagram2::Point>()); }
--- a/include/topology/persistence-diagram.hpp	Mon Jul 25 23:21:29 2011 -0700
+++ b/include/topology/persistence-diagram.hpp	Thu May 10 14:24:40 2012 -0700
@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@
     RealType y = Infinity;
     if (&*(i->pair) != &*i)
         y = evaluator(&*(i->pair));
     Point p(x,y);
     visitor.point(i, p);
     if (x == y) return boost::optional<Point>();
     return p;
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@
 template<class Archive>
-serialize(Archive& ar, version_type )									
+serialize(Archive& ar, version_type )
     ar & make_nvp("x", x()); 
     ar & make_nvp("y", y()); 
     ar & make_nvp("data", data());
@@ -127,9 +127,9 @@
 template<class Archive>
-serialize(Archive& ar, version_type )									
-    ar & make_nvp("points", points_); 
+serialize(Archive& ar, version_type )
+    ar & make_nvp("points", points_);
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
                     Edge(unsigned v1, unsigned v2, RealType d):
                         Parent(v1, v2), distance(d)                     {}
-    bool            operator<(const Edge& other) const                  { return distance < other.distance; }                    
+    bool            operator<(const Edge& other) const                  { return distance < other.distance; }
     RealType        distance;
@@ -242,6 +242,6 @@
                                                             CardinaliyComparison(max_size, edges.begin()));
     return (*bdistance)->distance;