Merged upstream dev
authorChristos Mantoulidis <>
Tue, 28 Jul 2009 11:42:03 -0700
changeset 154 8af75817ecbc
parent 153 7731c42892de (current diff)
parent 142 ae2b1702c936 (diff)
child 155 1dde8a05fcd7
Merged upstream
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/examples/cohomology.rst	Tue Jul 28 11:42:03 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+.. _cohomology-parametrization:
+Parametrizing a point set using circle valued functions
+The procedure described below is explained in detail in [dSVJ09]_.
+.. program:: rips-pairwise-cohomology
+One can use :sfile:`examples/cohomology/rips-pairwise-cohomology.cpp` to compute
+persistent pairing of the Rips filtration using the persistent cohomology
+algorithm. It takes as input a file containing a point set in Euclidean space
+(one per line) as well as the following command-line flags:
+.. cmdoption:: -p, --prime
+    The prime to use in the computation (defaults to 11).
+.. cmdoption:: -m, --max-distance
+    Maximum cutoff parameter up to which to compute the complex.
+.. cmdoption:: -s, --skeleton-dimension
+    Skeleton to compute; persistent pairs output will be this number minus 1
+    (defaults to 2).
+.. cmdoption:: -b, --boundary
+    Filename where to output the boundary matrix.
+.. cmdoption:: -c, --cocycle
+    Prefix of the filenames where to output the 1-dimensional cocycles.
+.. cmdoption:: -v, --vertices
+    Filename where to output the simplex vertex mapping.
+.. cmdoption:: -d, --diagram
+    Filename where to output the persistence diagram.
+For example::
+    rips-pairwise-cohomology points.txt -m 1 -b points.bdry -c points -v points.vrt -d points.dgm
+Assuming that at the threshold value of 1 (``-m 1`` above) Rips complex contains
+1-dimensional cocycles, they will be output into filenames of the form
+``points-0.ccl``, ``points-1.ccl``, etc.
+Subsequently one can use :sfile:`examples/cohomology/` to assign to
+each vertex of the input point set a circle-valued function. It takes the
+boundary matrix, cocycle, and simplex-vertex map as an input (all produced at
+the previous step)::
+ points.bdry points-0.ccl points.vrt
+The above command outputs a file ``points-0.val`` which contains values assigned
+to the input points (the lines match the lines of the input file
+``points.txt``, but also contains the indices).
+Two auxilliary tools allow one to visualize the values assigned to the points
+(using Matplotlib_): :sfile:`tools/plot-values/` and
+ points-0.val points.txt points-0.val points-1.val
+.. _Matplotlib:                       
+The Python `LSQR code`_ (ported from the `Stanford MATLAB implementation`_ to
+Python by `Jeffery Kline`_) included with Dionysus, and used in
+:sfile:`examples/cohomology/`, requires CVXOPT_.
+.. _`LSQR code`:                  
+.. _CVXOPT:                       
+.. _`Stanford MATLAB implementation`:
+.. _`Jeffery Kline`:              
--- a/doc/examples/index.rst	Tue Jul 28 10:58:53 2009 -0700
+++ b/doc/examples/index.rst	Tue Jul 28 11:42:03 2009 -0700
@@ -32,3 +32,16 @@
     :maxdepth: 1
+One may use persistent cohomology algorithm to extract persistent cocycles,
+turn them into harmonic cocycles, and use them to parametrize the input point
+set; for details see [dSVJ09]_. The explanation of how to use Dionysus to
+achieve this is available.
+.. toctree::
+    :maxdepth: 1
+    cohomology
+A simple example of computing persistence of a lower-star filtration is in
--- a/doc/index.rst	Tue Jul 28 10:58:53 2009 -0700
+++ b/doc/index.rst	Tue Jul 28 11:42:03 2009 -0700
@@ -4,6 +4,17 @@
 Dionysus is a C++ library for computing persistent homology. It provides
 implementations of the following algorithms:
+.. sidebar:: Contents
+   .. toctree::
+      :maxdepth: 1
+      get-build-install
+      tutorial
+      examples/index
+      python/overview
+      bibliography
 * Persistent homology computation [ELZ02]_ [ZC05]_
 * Vineyards [CEM06]_    |cpp-only|
 * Persistent cohomology computation (described in [dSVJ09]_)    |cpp-only|
@@ -13,6 +24,7 @@
   * :ref:`Alpha shape construction <alpha-shape-example>` in 2D and 3D
   * :ref:`Rips complex construction <rips-example>`
   * Cech complex construction       |cpp-only|
+  * :ref:`Circle-valued parametrization using persistent cohomology <cohomology-parametrization>`
 .. todo:: 
    Document more examples.
@@ -27,17 +39,6 @@
 simplicity, elegance, and interactivity of Python. Since they mimick the C++
 functionality, their documentation may be a helpful resource for the latter.
-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 1
-   get-build-install
-   tutorial
-   examples/index
-   python/overview
-   bibliography
 .. include::    substitutions.aux
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/cohomology/	Tue Jul 28 11:42:03 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from    cvxopt          import spmatrix, matrix
+from    cvxopt.blas     import copy
+from    lsqr            import lsqr
+from    sys             import argv, exit
+import  os.path
+def smooth(boundary_filename, cocycle_filename, vertexmap_filename):
+    boundary_list = []
+    with open(boundary_filename) as fp:
+        for line in fp.xreadlines():
+            if line.startswith('#'): continue
+            boundary_list.append(map(int, line.split()))
+    cocycle_list = []
+    with open(cocycle_filename) as fp:
+        for line in fp.xreadlines():
+            if line.startswith('#'): continue
+            cocycle_list.append(map(int, line.split()))
+    vertices = []
+    with open(vertexmap_filename) as fp:
+        for line in fp.xreadlines():
+            if line.startswith('#'): continue
+            vertices.append(map(int, line.split())[1])
+    dimension = max((max(d[1], d[2]) for d in boundary_list))
+    dimension += 1
+    # NB: D is a coboundary matrix; 1 and 2 below are transposed
+    D = spmatrix([d[0] for d in boundary_list],
+                 [d[2] for d in boundary_list],
+                 [d[1] for d in boundary_list], (dimension, dimension))
+    z = spmatrix([zz[0] for zz in cocycle_list],
+                 [zz[1] for zz in cocycle_list],
+                 [0     for zz in cocycle_list], (dimension, 1))
+    v1 = D * z
+    # print "D^2 is zero:", not bool(D*D)
+    # print "D*z is zero:", not bool(v1)
+    z = matrix(z)
+    def Dfun(x,y,trans = 'N'):
+        if trans == 'N':
+            copy(D * x, y)
+        elif trans == 'T':
+            copy(D.T * x, y)
+        else:
+            assert False, "Unexpected trans parameter"
+    tol = 1e-10
+    show = False
+    maxit = None
+    solution = lsqr(Dfun, matrix(z), show = show, atol = tol, btol = tol, itnlim = maxit)
+    v = z - D*solution[0]
+    # print sum(v**2)
+    # assert sum((D*v)**2) < tol and sum((D.T*v)**2) < tol, "Expected a harmonic cocycle"
+    if not (sum((D*v)**2) < tol and sum((D.T*v)**2) < tol):
+        print "Expected a harmonic cocycle:", sum((D*v)**2), sum((D.T*v)**2) 
+    values = [None]*len(vertices)
+    for i in xrange(len(vertices)):
+        values[vertices[i]] = solution[0][i]
+    return values
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    if len(argv) < 4:
+        print "Usage: %s BOUNDARY COCYCLE VERTEXMAP" % argv[0]
+        exit()
+    boundary_filename = argv[1]
+    cocycle_filename = argv[2]
+    vertexmap_filename = argv[3]
+    values = smooth(boundary_filename, cocycle_filename, vertexmap_filename)
+    outfn = os.path.splitext(cocycle_filename)[0] + '.val'
+    with open(outfn, 'w') as f:
+        for i,v in enumerate(values):
+            f.write('%d %f\n' % (i,v))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/cohomology/	Tue Jul 28 11:42:03 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+# LSQR solver from
+from cvxopt import matrix
+from cvxopt.lapack import *
+from cvxopt.blas import *
+from math import sqrt
+a,b are scalars
+On exit, returns scalars c,s,r
+def SymOrtho(a,b):
+    aa=abs(a)
+    ab=abs(b)
+    if b==0.:
+        s=0.
+        r=aa
+        if aa==0.:
+            c=1.
+        else:
+            c=a/aa
+    elif a==0.:
+        c=0.
+        s=b/ab
+        r=ab
+    elif ab>aa:
+        sb=1
+        if b<0: sb=-1
+        tau=a/b
+        s=sb*(1+tau**2)**-0.5
+        c=s*tau
+        r=b/s
+    elif aa>ab:
+        sa=1
+        if a<0: sa=-1
+        tau=b/a
+        c=sa*(1+tau**2)**-0.5
+        s=c*tau
+        r=a/c
+    return c,s,r
+It is usually recommended to use SYMMLQ for symmetric matrices
+Requires the syntax
+                   A(x,y)   == y:=[A]*x
+           A(x,y,trans='T') == y:=[A.T]*x
+comments with '###' are followed by the intent of the original matlab
+code. This may be useful for debugging.
+def lsqr(  A, b, damp=0.0, atol=1e-8, btol=1e-8, conlim=1e8, itnlim=None, show=False, wantvar=False):
+    """
+    [ x, istop, itn, r1norm, r2norm, anorm, acond, arnorm, xnorm, var ]...
+     = lsqr( m, n,  'aprod',  iw, rw, b, damp, atol, btol, conlim, itnlim, show );
+     LSQR solves  Ax = b  or  min ||b - Ax||_2  if damp = 0,
+     or   min || (b)  -  (  A   )x ||   otherwise.
+              || (0)     (damp I)  ||2
+     A  is an m by n matrix defined by  y = aprod( mode,m,n,x,iw,rw ),
+     where the parameter 'aprodname' refers to a function 'aprod' that
+     performs the matrix-vector operations.
+     If mode = 1,   aprod  must return  y = Ax   without altering x.
+     If mode = 2,   aprod  must return  y = A'x  without altering x.
+     WARNING:   The file containing the function 'aprod'
+                must not be called aprodname.m !!!!
+    -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+     LSQR uses an iterative (conjugate-gradient-like) method.
+     For further information, see 
+     1. C. C. Paige and M. A. Saunders (1982a).
+        LSQR: An algorithm for sparse linear equations and sparse least squares,
+        ACM TOMS 8(1), 43-71.
+     2. C. C. Paige and M. A. Saunders (1982b).
+        Algorithm 583.  LSQR: Sparse linear equations and least squares problems,
+        ACM TOMS 8(2), 195-209.
+     3. M. A. Saunders (1995).  Solution of sparse rectangular systems using
+        LSQR and CRAIG, BIT 35, 588-604.
+     Input parameters:
+     iw, rw      are not used by lsqr, but are passed to aprod.
+     atol, btol  are stopping tolerances.  If both are 1.0e-9 (say),
+                 the final residual norm should be accurate to about 9 digits.
+                 (The final x will usually have fewer correct digits,
+                 depending on cond(A) and the size of damp.)
+     conlim      is also a stopping tolerance.  lsqr terminates if an estimate
+                 of cond(A) exceeds conlim.  For compatible systems Ax = b,
+                 conlim could be as large as 1.0e+12 (say).  For least-squares
+                 problems, conlim should be less than 1.0e+8.
+                 Maximum precision can be obtained by setting
+                 atol = btol = conlim = zero, but the number of iterations
+                 may then be excessive.
+     itnlim      is an explicit limit on iterations (for safety).
+     show = 1    gives an iteration log,
+     show = 0    suppresses output.
+     Output parameters:
+     x           is the final solution.
+     istop       gives the reason for termination.
+     istop       = 1 means x is an approximate solution to Ax = b.
+                 = 2 means x approximately solves the least-squares problem.
+     r1norm      = norm(r), where r = b - Ax.
+     r2norm      = sqrt( norm(r)^2  +  damp^2 * norm(x)^2 )
+                 = r1norm if damp = 0.
+     anorm       = estimate of Frobenius norm of Abar = [  A   ].
+                                                        [damp*I]
+     acond       = estimate of cond(Abar).
+     arnorm      = estimate of norm(A'*r - damp^2*x).
+     xnorm       = norm(x).
+     var         (if present) estimates all diagonals of (A'A)^{-1} (if damp=0)
+                 or more generally (A'A + damp^2*I)^{-1}.
+                 This is well defined if A has full column rank or damp > 0.
+                 (Not sure what var means if rank(A) < n and damp = 0.)
+            1990: Derived from Fortran 77 version of LSQR.
+     22 May 1992: bbnorm was used incorrectly.  Replaced by anorm.
+     26 Oct 1992: More input and output parameters added.
+     01 Sep 1994: Matrix-vector routine is now a parameter 'aprodname'.
+                  Print log reformatted.
+     14 Jun 1997: show  added to allow printing or not.
+     30 Jun 1997: var   added as an optional output parameter.
+     07 Aug 2002: Output parameter rnorm replaced by r1norm and r2norm.
+                  Michael Saunders, Systems Optimization Laboratory,
+                  Dept of MS&E, Stanford University.
+    -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    """
+    """
+         Initialize.
+    """
+    n=len(b)
+    m=n
+    if itnlim is None: itnlim=2*n    
+    msg=('The exact solution is  x = 0                              ',
+         'Ax - b is small enough, given atol, btol                  ',
+         'The least-squares solution is good enough, given atol     ',
+         'The estimate of cond(Abar) has exceeded conlim            ',
+         'Ax - b is small enough for this machine                   ',
+         'The least-squares solution is good enough for this machine',
+         'Cond(Abar) seems to be too large for this machine         ',
+         'The iteration limit has been reached                      ');
+    var = matrix(0.,(n,1));
+    if show:
+        print ' '
+        print 'LSQR            Least-squares solution of  Ax = b'
+        str1 = 'The matrix A has %8g rows  and %8g cols' % (m, n)
+        str2 = 'damp = %20.14e    wantvar = %8g' %( damp,wantvar)
+        str3 = 'atol = %8.2e                 conlim = %8.2e'%( atol, conlim)
+        str4 = 'btol = %8.2e                 itnlim = %8g'  %( btol, itnlim)
+        print str1
+        print str2
+        print str3
+        print str4
+    itn    = 0;		istop  = 0;		nstop  = 0;
+    ctol   = 0;
+    if conlim > 0: ctol = 1/conlim
+    anorm  = 0;		acond  = 0;
+    dampsq = damp**2;	ddnorm = 0;		res2   = 0;
+    xnorm  = 0;		xxnorm = 0;		z      = 0;
+    cs2    = -1;		sn2    = 0;
+    """
+    Set up the first vectors u and v for the bidiagonalization.
+     These satisfy  beta*u = b,  alfa*v = A'u.
+    """
+    __x    = matrix(0., (n,1)) # a matrix for temporary holding
+    v      = matrix(0., (n,1))
+    u      = +b;	
+    x      = matrix(0., (n,1))
+    alfa   = 0;
+    beta = nrm2( u );
+    w      = matrix(0., (n,1))
+    if beta > 0:
+        ### u = (1/beta) * u;
+        ### v = feval( aprodname, 2, m, n, u, iw, rw );
+        scal(1/beta,u)
+	A(u,v,trans='T'); #v = feval( aprodname, 2, m, n, u, iw, rw );
+        alfa = nrm2( v );
+    if alfa > 0:
+        ### v = (1/alfa) * v;
+        scal(1/alfa,v)
+        copy(v,w)
+    rhobar = alfa;		phibar = beta;		bnorm  = beta;
+    rnorm  = beta;
+    r1norm = rnorm;
+    r2norm = rnorm;
+    # reverse the order here from the original matlab code because
+    # there was an error on return when arnorm==0
+    arnorm = alfa * beta;
+    if arnorm == 0:
+        print msg[0];
+        return x, istop, itn, r1norm, r2norm, anorm, acond, arnorm, xnorm, var 
+    head1  = '   Itn      x[0]       r1norm     r2norm ';
+    head2  = ' Compatible   LS      Norm A   Cond A';
+    if show:
+        print ' '
+        print head1, head2
+        test1  = 1;		test2  = alfa / beta;
+        str1   = '%6g %12.5e'    %(    itn,   x[0] );
+        str2   = ' %10.3e %10.3e'%( r1norm, r2norm );
+        str3   = '  %8.1e %8.1e' %(  test1,  test2 );
+        print str1, str2, str3
+    """
+    %------------------------------------------------------------------
+    %     Main iteration loop.
+    %------------------------------------------------------------------
+    """
+    while itn < itnlim:
+        itn = itn + 1;
+        """
+        %     Perform the next step of the bidiagonalization to obtain the
+        %     next  beta, u, alfa, v.  These satisfy the relations
+        %                beta*u  =  a*v   -  alfa*u,
+        %                alfa*v  =  A'*u  -  beta*v.
+        """
+        ### u    = feval( aprodname, 1, m, n, v, iw, rw )  -  alfa*u;
+        copy(u, __x)
+        A(v,u)
+        axpy(__x,u,-alfa)
+        beta = nrm2( u );
+        if beta > 0:
+            ### u     = (1/beta) * u;
+            scal(1/beta,u)
+            anorm = sqrt(anorm**2 + alfa**2 + beta**2 + damp**2);
+            ### v     = feval( aprodname, 2, m, n, u, iw, rw )  -  beta*v;
+            copy(v,__x)
+            A(u,v,trans='T')
+            axpy(__x,v,-beta)
+            alfa  = nrm2( v );
+            if alfa > 0:
+                ### v = (1/alfa) * v;
+                scal(1/alfa, v)
+        """
+        %     Use a plane rotation to eliminate the damping parameter.
+        %     This alters the diagonal (rhobar) of the lower-bidiagonal matrix.
+        """
+        rhobar1 = sqrt(rhobar**2 + damp**2);
+        cs1     = rhobar / rhobar1;
+        sn1     = damp   / rhobar1;
+        psi     = sn1 * phibar;
+        phibar  = cs1 * phibar;
+        """
+        %     Use a plane rotation to eliminate the subdiagonal element (beta)
+        %     of the lower-bidiagonal matrix, giving an upper-bidiagonal matrix.
+        """
+        ###cs      =   rhobar1/ rho;
+        ###sn      =   beta   / rho;
+        cs,sn,rho = SymOrtho(rhobar1,beta)
+        theta   =   sn * alfa;
+        rhobar  = - cs * alfa;
+        phi     =   cs * phibar;
+        phibar  =   sn * phibar;
+        tau     =   sn * phi;
+        """
+        %     Update x and w.
+        """
+        t1      =   phi  /rho;
+        t2      = - theta/rho;
+        dk      =   (1/rho)*w;
+        ### x       = x      +  t1*w;
+        axpy(w,x,t1)
+        ### w       = v      +  t2*w;
+        scal(t2,w)
+        axpy(v,w)
+        ddnorm  = ddnorm +  nrm2(dk)**2;
+        if wantvar:
+            ### var = var  +  dk.*dk; 
+            axpy(dk**2, var)
+        """
+        %     Use a plane rotation on the right to eliminate the
+        %     super-diagonal element (theta) of the upper-bidiagonal matrix.
+        %     Then use the result to estimate  norm(x).
+        """
+        delta   =   sn2 * rho;
+        gambar  = - cs2 * rho;
+        rhs     =   phi  -  delta * z;
+        zbar    =   rhs / gambar;
+        xnorm   =   sqrt(xxnorm + zbar**2);
+        gamma   =   sqrt(gambar**2 +theta**2);
+        cs2     =   gambar / gamma;
+        sn2     =   theta  / gamma;
+        z       =   rhs    / gamma;
+        xxnorm  =   xxnorm  +  z**2;
+        """
+        %     Test for convergence.
+        %     First, estimate the condition of the matrix  Abar,
+        %     and the norms of  rbar  and  Abar'rbar.
+        """
+        acond   =   anorm * sqrt(ddnorm);
+        res1    =   phibar**2;
+        res2    =   res2  +  psi**2;
+        rnorm   =   sqrt( res1 + res2 );
+        arnorm  =   alfa * abs( tau );
+        """
+        %     07 Aug 2002:
+        %     Distinguish between
+        %        r1norm = ||b - Ax|| and
+        %        r2norm = rnorm in current code
+        %               = sqrt(r1norm^2 + damp^2*||x||^2).
+        %        Estimate r1norm from
+        %        r1norm = sqrt(r2norm^2 - damp^2*||x||^2).
+        %     Although there is cancellation, it might be accurate enough.
+        """
+        r1sq    =   rnorm**2  -  dampsq * xxnorm;
+        r1norm  =   sqrt( abs(r1sq) );
+        if r1sq < 0: r1norm = - r1norm; 
+        r2norm  =   rnorm;
+        """
+        %     Now use these norms to estimate certain other quantities,
+        %     some of which will be small near a solution.
+        """
+        test1   =   rnorm / bnorm;
+        test2   =   arnorm/( anorm * rnorm );
+        test3   =       1 / acond;
+        t1      =   test1 / (1    +  anorm * xnorm / bnorm);
+        rtol    =   btol  +  atol *  anorm * xnorm / bnorm;
+        """
+        %     The following tests guard against extremely small values of
+        %     atol, btol  or  ctol.  (The user may have set any or all of
+        %     the parameters  atol, btol, conlim  to 0.)
+        %     The effect is equivalent to the normal tests using
+        %     atol = eps,  btol = eps,  conlim = 1/eps.
+        """
+        if itn >= itnlim  : istop = 7; 
+        if 1 + test3  <= 1: istop = 6; 
+        if 1 + test2  <= 1: istop = 5; 
+        if 1 + t1     <= 1: istop = 4; 
+        """
+        %     Allow for tolerances set by the user.
+        """
+        if  test3 <= ctol:  istop = 3;
+        if  test2 <= atol:  istop = 2;
+        if  test1 <= rtol:  istop = 1;
+        """
+        %     See if it is time to print something.
+        """
+        prnt = False;
+        if n     <= 40       : prnt = True;
+        if itn   <= 10       : prnt = True;
+        if itn   >= itnlim-10: prnt = True;
+        # if itn%10 == 0       : prnt = True;
+        if test3 <=  2*ctol  : prnt = True;
+        if test2 <= 10*atol  : prnt = True;
+        if test1 <= 10*rtol  : prnt = True;
+        if istop !=  0       : prnt = True;
+        if prnt:
+            if show:
+                str1 = '%6g %12.5e'%        (itn,   x[0] );
+                str2 = ' %10.3e %10.3e'% (r1norm, r2norm );
+                str3 = '  %8.1e %8.1e'%  ( test1,  test2 );
+                str4 = ' %8.1e %8.1e'%   ( anorm,  acond );
+                print str1, str2, str3, str4
+        if istop != 0: break
+    """
+    %     End of iteration loop.
+    %     Print the stopping condition.
+    """
+    if show:
+        print ' '
+        print 'LSQR finished'
+        print msg[istop]
+        print ' '
+        str1 = 'istop =%8g   r1norm =%8.1e'%  ( istop, r1norm );
+        str2 = 'anorm =%8.1e   arnorm =%8.1e'%( anorm, arnorm );
+        str3 = 'itn   =%8g   r2norm =%8.1e'%  (   itn, r2norm );
+        str4 = 'acond =%8.1e   xnorm  =%8.1e'%( acond, xnorm  );
+        print str1+ '   ' +str2
+        print str3+ '   ' +str4
+        print ' '
+    return x, istop, itn, r1norm, r2norm, anorm, acond, arnorm, xnorm, var 
+    """
+    %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    % End of lsqr.m
+    %-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    """
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/cohomology/output.h	Tue Jul 28 11:42:03 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
+#include <boost/tuple/tuple_comparison.hpp>
+#include <cassert>
+bool neq(const Smplx& s1, const Smplx& s2)               
+    Smplx::VertexComparison cmp;
+    return cmp(s1, s2) || cmp(s2, s1);
+unsigned index(const SimplexVector& v, const Smplx& s, const Generator::Comparison& cmp)
+    SimplexVector::const_iterator it = std::lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), s, cmp);
+    while (neq(*it, s)) ++it;
+    return it - v.begin();
+void output_boundary_matrix(std::ostream& out, const SimplexVector& v, const Generator::Comparison& cmp)
+    unsigned i = 0;
+    for (SimplexVector::const_iterator cur = v.begin(); cur != v.end(); ++cur)
+    {
+        // std::cout << "Simplex: " << *cur << std::endl;
+        bool                sign = true;
+        for (Smplx::BoundaryIterator bcur  = cur->boundary_begin(); bcur != cur->boundary_end(); ++bcur)
+        {
+            // std::cout << "  " << *bcur << std::endl;
+            out << (sign ? 1 : -1) << " ";
+            out << index(v, *bcur, cmp) << " " << i << "\n";
+            sign = !sign;
+        }
+        ++i;
+    }
+void output_vertex_indices(std::ostream& out, const SimplexVector& v)
+    unsigned i = 0;
+    for (SimplexVector::const_iterator cur = v.begin(); cur != v.end(); ++cur)
+    {
+        if (cur->dimension() == 0)
+            out << i << " " << cur->vertices()[0] << std::endl;
+        ++i;
+    }
+void output_cocycle(std::string cocycle_prefix, unsigned i, const SimplexVector& v, const Persistence::Cocycle& c, ZpField::Element prime, const Generator::Comparison& cmp)
+    std::ostringstream istr; istr << '-' << i;
+    std::string filename = cocycle_prefix + istr.str() + ".ccl";
+    std::ofstream out(filename.c_str());
+    out << "# Cocycle born at " << c.birth.get<1>() << std::endl;
+    for (Persistence::ZColumn::const_iterator zcur = c.zcolumn.begin(); zcur != c.zcolumn.end(); ++zcur)
+    {
+        const Smplx& s = **(zcur->si);
+        out << (zcur->coefficient <= prime/2 ? zcur->coefficient : zcur->coefficient - prime) << " ";
+        out << index(v, s, cmp) << "\n";
+    }
--- a/examples/cohomology/rips-pairwise-cohomology.cpp	Tue Jul 28 10:58:53 2009 -0700
+++ b/examples/cohomology/rips-pairwise-cohomology.cpp	Tue Jul 28 11:42:03 2009 -0700
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include <utilities/containers.h>           // for BackInsertFunctor
 #include <utilities/timer.h>
+#include <utilities/log.h>
 #include <string>
@@ -15,61 +16,110 @@
 typedef     PairwiseDistances<PointContainer, L2Distance>           PairDistances;
 typedef     PairDistances::DistanceType                             DistanceType;
 typedef     PairDistances::IndexType                                Vertex;
-typedef     CohomologyPersistence<DistanceType>                     Persistence;
-typedef     Persistence::SimplexIndex                               Index;
-typedef     Persistence::Death                                      Death;
 typedef     Rips<PairDistances>                                     Generator;
 typedef     Generator::Simplex                                      Smplx;
+typedef     std::vector<Smplx>                                      SimplexVector;
+typedef     SimplexVector::const_iterator                           SV_const_iterator;
-typedef     std::map<Smplx, Index, 
-                     Smplx::VertexComparison>                       Complex;
-typedef     std::vector<Smplx>                                      SimplexVector;
+typedef     boost::tuple<Dimension, DistanceType>                   BirthInfo;
+typedef     CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo, SV_const_iterator>     Persistence;
+typedef     Persistence::SimplexIndex                               Index;
+typedef     Persistence::Death                                      Death;
+typedef     std::map<Smplx, Index, Smplx::VertexComparison>         Complex;
-void        program_options(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& infilename, Dimension& skeleton, DistanceType& max_distance);
+#include "output.h"         // for output_*()
+void        program_options(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& infilename, Dimension& skeleton, DistanceType& max_distance, ZpField::Element& prime, std::string& boundary_name, std::string& cocycle_prefix, std::string& vertices_name, std::string& diagram_name);
 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+#ifdef LOGGING
+    rlog::RLogInit(argc, argv);
+    stderrLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL("error") );
     Dimension               skeleton;
     DistanceType            max_distance;
-    std::string             infilename;
+    ZpField::Element        prime;
+    std::string             infilename, boundary_name, cocycle_prefix, vertices_name, diagram_name;
-    program_options(argc, argv, infilename, skeleton, max_distance);
+    program_options(argc, argv, infilename, skeleton, max_distance, prime, boundary_name, cocycle_prefix, vertices_name, diagram_name);
+    std::ofstream           bdry_out(boundary_name.c_str());
+    std::ofstream           vertices_out(vertices_name.c_str());
+    std::ofstream           diagram_out(diagram_name.c_str());
+    std::cout << "Boundary matrix: " << boundary_name << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "Cocycles:        " << cocycle_prefix << "*.ccl" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "Vertices:        " << vertices_name << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "Diagram:         " << diagram_name << std::endl;
+    Timer total_timer; total_timer.start();
     PointContainer          points;
     read_points(infilename, points);
     PairDistances           distances(points);
     Generator               rips(distances);
     Generator::Evaluator    size(distances);
+    Generator::Comparison   cmp(distances);
     SimplexVector           v;
     Complex                 c;
+    Timer rips_timer; rips_timer.start();
     rips.generate(skeleton, max_distance, make_push_back_functor(v));
-    std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), Generator::Comparison(distances));
+    std::sort(v.begin(), v.end(), cmp);
+    rips_timer.stop();
     std::cout << "Simplex vector generated, size: " << v.size() << std::endl;
+    output_boundary_matrix(bdry_out, v, cmp);
+    output_vertex_indices(vertices_out, v);
     Timer persistence_timer; persistence_timer.start();
-    Persistence p;
+    ZpField                 zp(prime);
+    Persistence             p(zp);
     for (SimplexVector::const_iterator cur = v.begin(); cur != v.end(); ++cur)
         std::vector<Index>      boundary;
-        for (Smplx::BoundaryIterator bcur  = cur->boundary_begin(); 
-                                     bcur != cur->boundary_end();       ++bcur)
+        for (Smplx::BoundaryIterator bcur  = cur->boundary_begin(); bcur != cur->boundary_end(); ++bcur)
         Index idx; Death d;
-        boost::tie(idx, d)      = p.add(boundary.begin(), boundary.end(), size(*cur));
-        c[*cur] = idx;
-        if (d && (size(*cur) - *d) > 0)
-            std::cout << (cur->dimension() - 1) << " " << *d << " " << size(*cur) << std::endl;
+        bool store = cur->dimension() < skeleton;
+        boost::tie(idx, d)      = p.add(boundary.begin(), boundary.end(), boost::make_tuple(cur->dimension(), size(*cur)), store, cur);
+        // c[*cur] = idx;
+        if (store)
+            c.insert(std::make_pair(*cur, idx));
+        if (d && (size(*cur) - d->get<1>()) > 0)
+        {
+            AssertMsg(d->get<0>() == cur->dimension() - 1, "Dimensions must match");
+            diagram_out << (cur->dimension() - 1) << " " << d->get<1>() << " " << size(*cur) << std::endl;
+        }
+    // output infinte persistence pairs 
+    for (Persistence::CocycleIndex cur = p.begin(); cur != p.end(); ++cur)
+        diagram_out << cur->birth.get<0>() << " " << cur->birth.get<1>() << " inf" << std::endl;
+    // p.show_cocycles();
+    // Output alive cocycles of dimension 1
+    unsigned i = 0;
+    for (Persistence::Cocycles::const_iterator cur = p.begin(); cur != p.end(); ++cur)
+    {
+        if (cur->birth.get<0>() != 1) continue;
+        output_cocycle(cocycle_prefix, i, v, *cur, prime, cmp);
+        // std::cout << "Cocycle of dimension: " << cur->birth.get<0>() << " born at " << cur->birth.get<1>() << std::endl;
+        ++i;
+    }
+    total_timer.stop();
+    rips_timer.check("Rips timer");
     persistence_timer.check("Persistence timer");
+    total_timer.check("Total timer");
-void        program_options(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& infilename, Dimension& skeleton, DistanceType& max_distance)
+void        program_options(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& infilename, Dimension& skeleton, DistanceType& max_distance, ZpField::Element& prime, std::string& boundary_name, std::string& cocycle_prefix, std::string& vertices_name, std::string& diagram_name)
     namespace po = boost::program_options;
@@ -81,11 +131,20 @@
         ("help,h",                                                                                  "produce help message")
         ("skeleton-dimsnion,s", po::value<Dimension>(&skeleton)->default_value(2),                  "Dimension of the Rips complex we want to compute")
-        ("max-distance,m",      po::value<DistanceType>(&max_distance)->default_value(Infinity),    "Maximum value for the Rips complex construction");
+        ("prime,p",             po::value<ZpField::Element>(&prime)->default_value(11),             "Prime p for the field F_p")
+        ("max-distance,m",      po::value<DistanceType>(&max_distance)->default_value(Infinity),    "Maximum value for the Rips complex construction")
+        ("boundary,b",          po::value<std::string>(&boundary_name),                             "Filename where to output the boundary matrix")
+        ("cocycle,c",           po::value<std::string>(&cocycle_prefix),                            "Prefix of the filename where to output the 1-dimensional cocycles")
+        ("vertices,v",          po::value<std::string>(&vertices_name),                             "Filename where to output the simplex-vertex mapping")
+        ("diagram,d",           po::value<std::string>(&diagram_name),                              "Filename where to output the persistence diagram");
+    std::vector<std::string>    log_channels;
+    visible.add_options()
+        ("log,l",               po::value< std::vector<std::string> >(&log_channels),           "log channels to turn on (info, debug, etc)");
     po::positional_options_description pos;
     pos.add("input-file", 1);
-    pos.add("output-file", 2);
     po::options_description all; all.add(visible).add(hidden);
@@ -94,6 +153,11 @@
                   options(all).positional(pos).run(), vm);
+    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator cur = log_channels.begin(); cur != log_channels.end(); ++cur)
+        stderrLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL(cur->c_str()) );
     if (vm.count("help") || !vm.count("input-file"))
         std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options] input-file" << std::endl;
--- a/examples/cohomology/triangle-cohomology.cpp	Tue Jul 28 10:58:53 2009 -0700
+++ b/examples/cohomology/triangle-cohomology.cpp	Tue Jul 28 11:42:03 2009 -0700
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
-    //stderrLog.subscribeTo(RLOG_CHANNEL("topology"));
+    stderrLog.subscribeTo(RLOG_CHANNEL("topology"));
     SimplexVector v;
@@ -66,10 +66,13 @@
     // Compute persistence
     Complex         c;
-    Persistence     p;
+    ZpField         zp(11);
+    Persistence     p(zp);
     unsigned i = 0;
     for (SimplexVector::const_iterator cur = v.begin(); cur != v.end(); ++cur)
+        std::cout << "-------" << std::endl;
         std::vector<Index>      boundary;
         for (Smplx::BoundaryIterator bcur  = cur->boundary_begin(); 
                                      bcur != cur->boundary_end();       ++bcur)
@@ -84,7 +87,7 @@
             // (i.e. when a 1 class kills 0, it's really that in cohomology forward 0 kills 1,
             //  in cohomology backward 1 kills 0, and in homology 1 kills 0)
-        //p.show_cycles();
+        p.show_cocycles();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/consistency/	Tue Jul 28 11:42:03 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python 
+# Creates POINTS and SUBSAMPLES files from a list of points file in a format
+# suitable for rips-consistency-zigzag.
+from    sys     import argv, exit
+def create_subsamples(points_fn, subsamples_fn, points_list):
+    points = []
+    count = []
+    for pfn in points_list:
+        count.append(0)
+        with open(pfn) as f:
+            for line in f:
+                if line.startswith('#'): continue
+                points.append(line)
+                count[-1] += 1
+    with open(points_fn, 'w') as f:
+        for line in points:
+            f.write(line)
+    cur = 0
+    counts = []
+    for c in count:
+        counts.append(' '.join(map(str, xrange(cur, cur+c))) + '\n')
+        cur += c
+        counts.append(' '.join(map(str, xrange(cur-c, cur+c))) + '\n')
+    with open(subsamples_fn, 'w') as f:
+        f.writelines(counts[:-1])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    if len(argv) < 4:
+        print "Usage: %s POINTS SUBSAMPLES POINTS1 [POINTS2 [POINTS3 [...]]]" % argv[0]
+        print
+        print "Creates a file POINTS with the union of POINTS* and SUBSAMPLES which lists"
+        print "the indices of the points and their pairwise unions, one per line"
+        exit()
+    points_fn = argv[1]
+    subsamples_fn = argv[2]
+    points_list = argv[3:]
+    create_subsamples(points_fn, subsamples_fn, points_list)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/	Tue Jul 28 11:42:03 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from    dionysus        import Simplex, Filtration, StaticPersistence, vertex_cmp
+from    sys             import argv, exit
+def max_vertex(s, vertices):
+    return max((vertices[v] for v in s.vertices))
+def max_vertex_cmp(s1, s2, vertices):
+    m1 = max_vertex(s1, vertices)
+    m2 = max_vertex(s2, vertices)
+    return cmp(m1, m2) or cmp(s1.dimension(), s2.dimension())
+def lsf(values_filename, simplices_filename):
+    # Read vertices
+    vertices = []
+    with open(values_filename) as f:
+        for line in f:
+            if line.startswith('#'): continue
+            vertices.append(float(line.split()[1]))
+    # Read simplices
+    simplices = []            
+    with open(simplices_filename) as f:
+        for line in f:
+            if line.startswith('#'): continue
+            simplices.append(map(int, line.split()))
+    # Setup the complex
+    complex = [Simplex(s) for s in simplices]
+    complex.sort(vertex_cmp)
+    # Compute persistence
+    f = Filtration(complex, lambda x,y: max_vertex_cmp(x,y,vertices))
+    p = StaticPersistence(f)
+    p.pair_simplices()
+    # Output the persistence diagram
+    for i in p:
+        if not i.sign(): continue
+        b = complex[f[p(i)]]
+        d = complex[f[p(i.pair)]]
+        if i == i.pair:
+            print b.dimension(), max_vertex(b, vertices), "inf"
+            continue
+        print b.dimension(), max_vertex(b, vertices), max_vertex(d, vertices)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    if len(argv) < 3:
+        print "Usage: %s VERTICES SIMPLICES" % argv[0]
+        print 
+        print "Computes persistence of the lower star filtration of the simplicial "
+        print "complex explicitly listed out in SIMPLICES with vertex values given in VERTICES."
+        exit()
+    values = argv[1]
+    simplices = argv[2]
+    lsf(values, simplices)
--- a/examples/rips/rips-pairwise.cpp	Tue Jul 28 10:58:53 2009 -0700
+++ b/examples/rips/rips-pairwise.cpp	Tue Jul 28 11:42:03 2009 -0700
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
     // Generate 2-skeleton of the Rips complex for epsilon = 50
     rips.generate(skeleton, max_distance, make_push_back_functor(complex));
     std::sort(complex.begin(), complex.end(), Smplx::VertexComparison());       // unnecessary
-    std::cout << "Generated complex of size: " << complex.size() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "# Generated complex of size: " << complex.size() << std::endl;
     // Generate filtration with respect to distance and compute its persistence
     Fltr f(complex.begin(), complex.end(), Generator::Comparison(distances));
@@ -70,30 +70,34 @@
             const Smplx& b = f.simplex(f.begin() + (birth - p.begin()));        // eventually this will be encapsulated behind an interface
             const Smplx& d = f.simplex(f.begin() + (cur   - p.begin()));
-            if (b.dimension() != 1) continue;
-            std::cout << "Pair: (" << size(b) << ", " << size(d) << ")" << std::endl;
+            // if (b.dimension() != 1) continue;
+            // std::cout << "Pair: (" << size(b) << ", " << size(d) << ")" << std::endl;
+            if (b.dimension() >= skeleton) continue;
+            std::cout << b.dimension() << " " << size(b) << " " << size(d) << std::endl;
         } else if (cur->pair == cur)    // positive could be unpaired
             const Smplx& b = f.simplex(f.begin() + (cur - p.begin()));
-            if (b.dimension() != 1) continue;
+            // if (b.dimension() != 1) continue;
-            std::cout << "Unpaired birth: " << size(b) << std::endl;
-            cycle = cur->chain;
+            // std::cout << "Unpaired birth: " << size(b) << std::endl;
+            // cycle = cur->chain;
+            if (b.dimension() >= skeleton) continue;
+            std::cout << b.dimension() << " " << size(b) << " inf" << std::endl;
         // Iterate over the cycle
-        for (Persistence::Cycle::const_iterator si =  cycle.begin();
-                                                                 si != cycle.end();     ++si)
-        {
-            const Smplx& s = f.simplex(f.begin() + (*si - p.begin()));
-            //std::cout << s.dimension() << std::endl;
-            const Smplx::VertexContainer& vertices = s.vertices();          // std::vector<Vertex> where Vertex = Distances::IndexType
-            AssertMsg(vertices.size() == s.dimension() + 1, "dimension of a simplex is one less than the number of its vertices");
-            std::cout << vertices[0] << " " << vertices[1] << std::endl;
-        }
+        // for (Persistence::Cycle::const_iterator si =  cycle.begin();
+        //                                                          si != cycle.end();     ++si)
+        // {
+        //     const Smplx& s = f.simplex(f.begin() + (*si - p.begin()));
+        //     //std::cout << s.dimension() << std::endl;
+        //     const Smplx::VertexContainer& vertices = s.vertices();          // std::vector<Vertex> where Vertex = Distances::IndexType
+        //     AssertMsg(vertices.size() == s.dimension() + 1, "dimension of a simplex is one less than the number of its vertices");
+        //     std::cout << vertices[0] << " " << vertices[1] << std::endl;
+        // }
-    persistence_timer.check("Persistence timer");
+    persistence_timer.check("# Persistence timer");
 void        program_options(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& infilename, Dimension& skeleton, DistanceType& max_distance)
--- a/include/geometry/l2distance.h	Tue Jul 28 10:58:53 2009 -0700
+++ b/include/geometry/l2distance.h	Tue Jul 28 11:42:03 2009 -0700
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 #define __L2_DISTANCE_H__
 #include <utilities/types.h>
+#include <utilities/log.h>
 #include <vector>
 #include <fstream>
--- a/include/topology/cohomology-persistence.h	Tue Jul 28 10:58:53 2009 -0700
+++ b/include/topology/cohomology-persistence.h	Tue Jul 28 11:42:03 2009 -0700
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include <list>
 #include <utility>
+#include <topology/field-arithmetic.h>
 #include "utilities/types.h"
 #include <boost/optional.hpp>
@@ -23,86 +24,105 @@
 namespace bi = boost::intrusive;
-template<class BirthInfo_, class SimplexData_ = Empty<> >
+template<class BirthInfo_, class SimplexData_ = Empty<>, class Field_ = ZpField>
 class CohomologyPersistence
         typedef             BirthInfo_                                                  BirthInfo;
         typedef             SimplexData_                                                SimplexData;
+        typedef             Field_                                                      Field;
+        typedef             typename Field::Element                                     FieldElement;
-        struct SNode;
-        typedef             bi::list<SNode, bi::constant_time_size<false> >             ZRow;
+                            CohomologyPersistence(const Field& field = Field()):
+                                field_(field)                                           {}
-        // Simplex representation
-        struct SHead: public SimplexData
-        {
-                            SHead(const SHead& other):
-                                SimplexData(other), order(other.order)                  {}  // don't copy row since we can't
-                            SHead(const SimplexData& sd, unsigned o): 
-                                SimplexData(sd), order(o)                               {}
+        // An entry in a cocycle column
+        struct  SNode;      // members: si, coefficient, ci
+        typedef             s::vector<SNode>                                            ZColumn;
+        typedef             bi::list<SNode, bi::constant_time_size<false> >             ZRow;
+        class   CompareSNode;
-            // intrusive list corresponding to row of s in Z^*, not ordered in any particular order
-            ZRow            row;
-            unsigned        order;
-        };
+        struct  SHead;      // members: row, order
         typedef             s::list<SHead>                                              Simplices;
         typedef             typename Simplices::iterator                                SimplexIndex;
-        struct Cocycle;
+        struct  Cocycle;    // members: zcolumn, birth, order
         typedef             s::list<Cocycle>                                            Cocycles;
         typedef             typename Cocycles::iterator                                 CocycleIndex;
-        // An entry in a cocycle column; it's also an element in an intrusive list, hence the list_base_hook<>
-        typedef             bi::list_base_hook<bi::link_mode<bi::auto_unlink> >         auto_unlink_hook;
-        struct SNode: public auto_unlink_hook
-        {
-                            SNode()                                                     {}
-                            SNode(SimplexIndex sidx): si(sidx)                          {}
-            // eventually store a field element
-            SimplexIndex    si;
-            CocycleIndex    cocycle;                    // TODO: is there no way to get rid of this overhead?
-            void            unlink()                    { auto_unlink_hook::unlink(); }
-        };
-        class CompareSNode;
+        typedef             std::pair<CocycleIndex, FieldElement>                       CocycleCoefficientPair;
-        typedef             s::vector<SNode>                                            ZColumn;
-        struct Cocycle
-        {
-                            Cocycle(const BirthInfo& b, unsigned o):
-                                birth(b), order(o)                                      {}
-            ZColumn         cocycle;
-            BirthInfo       birth;
-            unsigned        order;
-            bool            operator<(const Cocycle& other) const                       { return order > other.order; }
-            bool            operator==(const Cocycle& other) const                      { return order == other.order; }
-        };
-        typedef             boost::optional<BirthInfo>  Death;
-        typedef             std::pair<SimplexIndex,
-                                      Death>            IndexDeathPair;
+        typedef             boost::optional<BirthInfo>                                  Death;
+        typedef             std::pair<SimplexIndex, Death>                              IndexDeathPair;
         // return either a SimplexIndex or a Death
         // BI = BoundaryIterator; it should dereference to a SimplexIndex
         template<class BI>
-        IndexDeathPair      add(BI begin, BI end, BirthInfo b, const SimplexData& sd = SimplexData());
+        IndexDeathPair      add(BI begin, BI end, BirthInfo b, bool store = true, const SimplexData& sd = SimplexData());
-        void                show_cycles() const;
+        void                show_cocycles() const;
+        CocycleIndex        begin()                                                     { return cocycles_.begin(); }
+        CocycleIndex        end()                                                       { return cocycles_.end(); }
-        void                add_cocycle(Cocycle& z1, Cocycle& z2);
+        void                add_cocycle(CocycleCoefficientPair& z1, CocycleCoefficientPair& z2);
         Simplices           simplices_;
         Cocycles            cocycles_;
+        Field               field_;
+// Simplex representation
+template<class BirthInfo_, class SimplexData_, class Field_>
+struct CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo_, SimplexData_, Field_>::SHead: public SimplexData
+                    SHead(const SHead& other):
+                        SimplexData(other), order(other.order)                  {}  // don't copy row since we can't
+                    SHead(const SimplexData& sd, unsigned o): 
+                        SimplexData(sd), order(o)                               {}
+    // intrusive list corresponding to row of s in Z^*, not ordered in any particular order
+    ZRow            row;
+    unsigned        order;
+// An entry in a cocycle column; it's also an element in an intrusive list, hence the list_base_hook<>
+typedef             bi::list_base_hook<bi::link_mode<bi::auto_unlink> >         auto_unlink_hook;
+template<class BirthInfo_, class SimplexData_, class Field_>
+struct CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo_, SimplexData_, Field_>::SNode: public auto_unlink_hook
+                    SNode(const SNode& other):
+                        si(, coefficient(other.coefficient), 
+                        ci(                                            {}
+                    SNode(SimplexIndex sidx, FieldElement coef, CocycleIndex cidx): 
+                        si(sidx), coefficient(coef), ci(cidx)                   {}
+    SimplexIndex    si;
+    FieldElement    coefficient;
+    CocycleIndex    ci;                         // TODO: is there no way to get rid of this overhead?
+    void            unlink()                    { auto_unlink_hook::unlink(); }
+template<class BirthInfo_, class SimplexData_, class Field_>
+struct CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo_, SimplexData_, Field_>::Cocycle
+                    Cocycle(const BirthInfo& b, unsigned o):
+                        birth(b), order(o)                                      {}
+    ZColumn         zcolumn;
+    BirthInfo       birth;
+    unsigned        order;
+    bool            operator<(const Cocycle& other) const                       { return order > other.order; }
+    bool            operator==(const Cocycle& other) const                      { return order == other.order; }
 #include "cohomology-persistence.hpp"
--- a/include/topology/cohomology-persistence.hpp	Tue Jul 28 10:58:53 2009 -0700
+++ b/include/topology/cohomology-persistence.hpp	Tue Jul 28 11:42:03 2009 -0700
@@ -9,52 +9,62 @@
 static rlog::RLogChannel* rlCohomology =                DEF_CHANNEL("topology/cohomology",        rlog::Log_Debug);
-template<class BirthInfo, class SimplexData>
-class CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo, SimplexData>::CompareSNode
+template<class BirthInfo, class SimplexData, class Field>
+class CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo, SimplexData, Field>::CompareSNode
         bool        operator()(const SNode& s1, const SNode& s2) const                  { return>order <>order; }
-template<class BirthInfo, class SimplexData>
+template<class BirthInfo, class SimplexData, class Field>
 template<class BI>
-typename CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo, SimplexData>::IndexDeathPair
-CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo, SimplexData>::
-add(BI begin, BI end, BirthInfo birth, const SimplexData& sd)
+typename CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo, SimplexData, Field>::IndexDeathPair
+CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo, SimplexData, Field>::
+add(BI begin, BI end, BirthInfo birth, bool store, const SimplexData& sd)
     // Create simplex representation
     simplices_.push_back(SHead(sd, simplices_.empty() ? 0 : (simplices_.back().order + 1)));
     SimplexIndex    si = boost::prior(simplices_.end());
     // Find out if there are cocycles that evaluate to non-zero on the new simplex
-    typedef         std::list<CocycleIndex>                                             Candidates;
+    typedef         std::list<CocycleCoefficientPair>           Candidates;
     Candidates      candidates, candidates_bulk;
     rLog(rlCohomology, "Boundary");
+    bool sign = true;       // TODO: this is very crude, fix later
     for (BI cur = begin; cur != end; ++cur)
-        rLog(rlCohomology, "  %d", (*cur)->order);
+        rLog(rlCohomology, "  %d %d", (*cur)->order, sign);
         for (typename ZRow::const_iterator zcur = (*cur)->row.begin(); zcur != (*cur)->row.end(); ++zcur)
-            candidates_bulk.push_back(zcur->cocycle);
+            candidates_bulk.push_back(std::make_pair(zcur->ci, 
+                                                     (sign ? zcur->coefficient : field_.neg(zcur->coefficient))));
+        sign = !sign;
-    candidates_bulk.sort(make_indirect_comparison(std::less<Cocycle>()));
+    candidates_bulk.sort(make_first_comparison(make_indirect_comparison(std::less<Cocycle>())));
+#if LOGGING    
     rLog(rlCohomology,  "  Candidates bulk");
     for (typename Candidates::iterator cur  = candidates_bulk.begin(); 
                                        cur != candidates_bulk.end(); ++cur)
-        rLog(rlCohomology, "    %d", (*cur)->order);
+        rLog(rlCohomology, "    %d %d", cur->first->order, cur->second);
-    // Remove duplicates --- this is really Z_2, we need a more sophisticated
+    // Remove duplicates
         typename Candidates::const_iterator cur = candidates_bulk.begin();
         while (cur != candidates_bulk.end())
             typename Candidates::const_iterator next = cur;
-            unsigned count = 0;
-            while (next != candidates_bulk.end() && *next == *cur) { ++next; ++count; }
+            FieldElement sum =;
+            while (next != candidates_bulk.end() && next->first == cur->first) 
+            { 
+                sum = field_.add(sum, next->second);
+                ++next; 
+            }
-            if (count % 2)
-                candidates.push_back(*cur);
+            rLog(rlCohomology, "  Bulk candidate %d sum %d", cur->first->order, sum);
+            if (!field_.is_zero(sum))
+                candidates.push_back(CocycleCoefficientPair(cur->first, sum));
             cur = next;
@@ -63,16 +73,22 @@
     // Birth
     if (candidates.empty())
-        rLog(rlCohomology,  "Birth");
+        if (!store)
+        {
+            simplices_.pop_back();
+            return std::make_pair(simplices_.begin(), Death());         // TODO: shouldn't return front
+        }
         unsigned order = cocycles_.empty() ? 0 : cocycles_.front().order + 1;
         cocycles_.push_front(Cocycle(birth, order));
+        rLog(rlCohomology,  "Birth: %d", cocycles_.front().order);
         // set up the cocycle
-        ZColumn& cocycle = cocycles_.front().cocycle;
-        cocycle.push_back(si);
-        cocycle.front().cocycle = cocycles_.begin();
-        si->row.push_back(cocycles_.front().cocycle.front());
+        ZColumn& cocycle = cocycles_.front().zcolumn;
+        cocycle.push_back(SNode(si,, cocycles_.begin()));
+        si->row.push_back(cocycles_.front().zcolumn.front());
+        rLog(rlCohomology,  "  Cocyle: %d", si->order);
         return std::make_pair(si, Death());
@@ -80,67 +96,97 @@
     // Death
     rLog(rlCohomology,  "Death");
-#if 0
     // Debug only, output candidates
     rLog(rlCohomology,  "  Candidates");
-    for (typename Candidates::iterator cur  = candidates.begin(); 
-                                       cur != candidates.end(); ++cur)
-        rLog(rlCohomology, "    %d", (*cur)->order);
+    for (typename Candidates::iterator cur  = candidates.begin(); cur != candidates.end(); ++cur)
+        rLog(rlCohomology, "    %d %d", cur->first->order, cur->second);
-    Cocycle& z          = *candidates.front();
-    Death d             = z.birth;
+    CocycleCoefficientPair& z   = candidates.front();
+    Death d                     = z.first->birth;
     // add z to everything else in candidates
     for (typename Candidates::iterator cur  = boost::next(candidates.begin()); 
                                        cur != candidates.end(); ++cur)
-        add_cocycle(**cur, z);
+        add_cocycle(*cur, z);
-    for (typename ZColumn::iterator cur = z.cocycle.begin(); cur != z.cocycle.end(); ++cur)
+    for (typename ZColumn::iterator cur = z.first->zcolumn.begin(); cur != z.first->zcolumn.end(); ++cur)
-    cocycles_.erase(candidates.front());
+    cocycles_.erase(candidates.front().first);
     return std::make_pair(si, d);
-template<class BirthInfo, class SimplexData>
+template<class BirthInfo, class SimplexData, class Field>
-CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo, SimplexData>::
-show_cycles() const
+CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo, SimplexData, Field>::
+show_cocycles() const
-    std::cout << "Cocycles" << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "Cocycles: " << cocycles_.size() << std::endl;
     for (typename Cocycles::const_iterator cur = cocycles_.begin(); cur != cocycles_.end(); ++cur)
-        std::cout << cur->order << ": ";
-        for (typename ZColumn::const_iterator zcur = cur->cocycle.begin(); zcur != cur->cocycle.end(); ++zcur)
-            std::cout << zcur->si->order << ", ";
+        // std::cout << cur->order << " (" << cur->birth << "): ";
+        for (typename ZColumn::const_iterator zcur = cur->zcolumn.begin(); zcur != cur->zcolumn.end(); ++zcur)
+            std::cout << zcur->coefficient << " * " << zcur->si->order << ", ";
         std::cout << std::endl;
-template<class BirthInfo, class SimplexData>
+template<class BirthInfo, class SimplexData, class Field>
-CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo, SimplexData>::
-add_cocycle(Cocycle& to, Cocycle& from)
+CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo, SimplexData, Field>::
+add_cocycle(CocycleCoefficientPair& to, CocycleCoefficientPair& from)
-    rLog(rlCohomology,  "Adding cocycle %d to %d", from.order, to.order);
+    rLog(rlCohomology,  "Adding cocycle %d to %d", from.first->order, to.first->order);
+    ZColumn         nw;
+    FieldElement    multiplier = field_.neg(field_.div(to.second, from.second));
+    CocycleIndex    ci = to.first;
-    ZColumn     nw;
+    typename ZColumn::iterator tcur = to.first->zcolumn.begin();
+    typename ZColumn::iterator fcur = from.first->zcolumn.begin();
+    CompareSNode cmp;
+    while (tcur != to.first->zcolumn.end() && fcur != from.first->zcolumn.end())
+    {
+        rLog(rlCohomology, "  %d %d", tcur->si->order, fcur->si->order);
+        if (cmp(*tcur, *fcur))
+        {
+            nw.push_back(*tcur);
+            ++tcur;
+        }
+        else if (cmp(*fcur, *tcur))
+        {
+            nw.push_back(SNode(fcur->si, field_.mul(multiplier, fcur->coefficient), ci));
+            ++fcur;
+        }
+        else        // equality
+        {
+            FieldElement res = field_.mul(multiplier, tcur->coefficient);
+            res = field_.add(fcur->coefficient, res);
+            if (!field_.is_zero(res))
+                nw.push_back(SNode(fcur->si, res, ci));
+            ++tcur; ++fcur;
+        }
+    }
+    for (; tcur != to.first->zcolumn.end(); ++tcur)
+    {
+        rLog(rlCohomology, "  %d", tcur->si->order);
+        nw.push_back(SNode(*tcur));
+    }
+    for (; fcur != from.first->zcolumn.end(); ++fcur)
+    {
+        rLog(rlCohomology, "  %d", fcur->si->order);
+        nw.push_back(SNode(fcur->si, field_.mul(multiplier, fcur->coefficient), ci));
+    }
-    std::set_symmetric_difference(to.cocycle.begin(),   to.cocycle.end(),           // this is catered to Z_2
-                                  from.cocycle.begin(), from.cocycle.end(), 
-                                  std::back_insert_iterator<ZColumn>(nw), 
-                                  CompareSNode());
-    for (typename ZColumn::iterator cur = to.cocycle.begin(); cur != to.cocycle.end(); ++cur)
+    for (typename ZColumn::iterator cur = to.first->zcolumn.begin(); cur != to.first->zcolumn.end(); ++cur)
-    to.cocycle.swap(nw);
+    to.first->zcolumn.swap(nw);
-    for (typename ZColumn::iterator cur = to.cocycle.begin(); cur != to.cocycle.end(); ++cur)
-    {
+    for (typename ZColumn::iterator cur = to.first->zcolumn.begin(); cur != to.first->zcolumn.end(); ++cur)
-        cur->cocycle = nw[0].cocycle;
-    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/include/topology/field-arithmetic.h	Tue Jul 28 11:42:03 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#include <vector>
+#include <gmpxx.h>
+class ZpField
+    public:
+        typedef     int                                             Element;
+                    ZpField(Element p = 2);
+        Element     id()  const                                     { return 1; }
+        Element     zero()  const                                   { return 0; }
+        Element     neg(Element a) const                            { return p_ - a; }
+        Element     add(Element a, Element b) const                 { return (a+b) % p_; }
+        Element     inv(Element a) const                            { return inverses_[a]; }
+        Element     mul(Element a, Element b) const                 { return (a*b) % p_; }
+        Element     div(Element a, Element b) const                 { return mul(a, inv(b)); }
+        bool        is_zero(Element a) const                        { return (a % p_) == 0; }
+    private:
+        Element                 p_;
+        std::vector<Element>    inverses_;
+ZpField(Element p):
+    p_(p), inverses_(p_)
+    for (Element i = 1; i < p_; ++i)
+        for (Element j = 1; j < p_; ++j)
+            if (mul(i,j) == 1)
+            {
+                inverses_[i] = j;
+                break;
+            }
+class QField
+    public:
+        typedef     mpq_class                                       Element;
+                    QField()                                        {}
+        Element     id()  const                                     { return 1; }
+        Element     zero()  const                                   { return 0; }
+        Element     neg(Element a) const                            { return -a; }
+        Element     add(Element a, Element b) const                 { return (a+b); }
+        Element     inv(Element a) const                            { return id()/a; }
+        Element     mul(Element a, Element b) const                 { return (a*b); }
+        Element     div(Element a, Element b) const                 { return a/b; }
+        bool        is_zero(Element a) const                        { return a == 0; }
+#endif // __FIELD_ARITHMETIC_H__
--- a/include/utilities/indirect.h	Tue Jul 28 10:58:53 2009 -0700
+++ b/include/utilities/indirect.h	Tue Jul 28 11:42:03 2009 -0700
@@ -28,6 +28,27 @@
 { return IndirectComparison<Comparison>(cmp); }
+template<class Comparison_>
+class FirstComparison
+    public:
+        typedef     Comparison_                             Comparison;
+                    FirstComparison(Comparison cmp): 
+                        cmp_(cmp)                           {}
+        template<class Pair>
+        bool        operator()(const Pair& a, const Pair& b) const
+        { return cmp_(a.first, b.first); }
+    private:
+        Comparison  cmp_;
+template<class Comparison>
+FirstComparison<Comparison> make_first_comparison(const Comparison& cmp)
+{ return FirstComparison<Comparison>(cmp); }
 template<class Comparison>
 struct ThreeOutcomeCompare: public Comparison
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/plot-values/	Tue Jul 28 11:42:03 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from    pylab           import scatter, show, cm, colorbar, savefig, axis, \
+                               figure, xlim, axes, hsv, subplots_adjust as adjust
+from    itertools       import izip
+from    sys             import argv, exit
+import  os.path         as     osp
+def plot(val_fn, pts_fn, output_fn):
+    points = []
+    with open(pts_fn) as fp:
+        for line in fp.xreadlines():
+            points.append(map(float, line.split()))
+    values = []
+    with open(val_fn) as fp:
+        for line in fp.xreadlines():
+            values.append(float(line.split()[1]))
+    xx = [pt[0] for pt in points]
+    yy = [pt[1] for pt in points]
+    print "X:", min(xx), max(xx)
+    print "Y:", min(yy), max(yy)
+    m = min(values)
+    values = [(v-m) % 1. for v in values]
+    print "V:", min(values), max(values)
+    # hsv()
+    fig = figure()
+    scatter(xx,yy,s=10,c=values)
+    colorbar()
+    # ax = fig.add_axes([-.05,-.1,1.1,1.1])
+    ax = axes()
+    ax.set_axis_off()
+    ax.set_aspect('equal', 'box')
+    # adjust(0,0,1,1,0,0)
+    fig.savefig(output_fn)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    if len(argv) < 3:
+        print "Usage: %s VALUES POINTS" % argv[0]
+        exit()
+    val_fn = argv[1]
+    pts_fn  = argv[2]
+    output_fn, ext = osp.splitext(val_fn)
+    output_fn += '.pdf'
+    plot(val_fn, pts_fn, output_fn)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/plot-values/	Tue Jul 28 11:42:03 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from    pylab           import scatter, show, cm, colorbar, axes, savefig
+from    itertools       import izip
+from    sys             import argv, exit
+import  os.path         as     osp
+def plot(val1_fn, val2_fn, outfn = None):
+    values1 = []
+    with open(val1_fn) as fp:
+        for line in fp.xreadlines():
+            values1.append(float(line.split()[1]))
+    values2 = []
+    with open(val2_fn) as fp:
+        for line in fp.xreadlines():
+            values2.append(float(line.split()[1]))
+    values1 = [v % 1. for v in values1]
+    values2 = [v % 1. for v in values2]
+    print min(values1), max(values2), min(values1), min(values2)
+    scatter(values1, values2, s=10)
+    axes().set_aspect('equal')
+    if not outfn:
+        show()
+    else:
+        savefig(outfn)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    if len(argv) < 3:
+        print "Usage: %s VALUES1 VALUES2 [OUTPUT]" % argv[0]
+        exit()
+    val1_fn = argv[1]
+    val2_fn  = argv[2]
+    outfn = None
+    if len(argv) > 3: 
+        outfn = argv[3]
+    plot(val1_fn, val2_fn, outfn)