Added under tools/draw-diagram dev
authorDmitriy Morozov <>
Fri, 23 Oct 2009 11:51:23 -0700
changeset 171 a172b960aaaa
parent 170 e8b6706cedfc
child 172 a6605dc232f2
Added under tools/draw-diagram
--- a/doc/get-build-install.rst	Fri Oct 23 09:36:55 2009 -0700
+++ b/doc/get-build-install.rst	Fri Oct 23 11:51:23 2009 -0700
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
   :CGAL_:               for alpha shapes    (version :math:`\geq` 3.4)
   :CVXOPT_:             for :ref:`circle-valued parametrization <cohomology-parametrization>` using LSQR
+  :PyX_:                :sfile:`tools/draw-diagram/` uses `PyX`_ to
+                        produce a PDF of the diagram
   :rlog_:               used for logging only (not needed by default)
 ..  :dsrpdb_:             for reading PDB files
@@ -64,6 +66,7 @@
 .. _Boost:
 .. _CGAL: 
 .. _CVXOPT:  
+.. _PyX:     
 .. _rlog: 
 .. _dsrpdb:
 .. _SYNAPS:
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/draw-diagram/	Fri Oct 23 11:51:23 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import  pd
+from    sys         import argv, exit
+if len(argv) < 2:
+    print "Usage: %s FILENAME [MULTIPLIER=1] [NOISE=0] [RADIUS=.15] [DIMENSIONS=XMIN,YMIN,XMAX,YMAX]" % argv[0]
+    print "  MULTIPLIER -   multiply coordinates of each point by this quantity"
+    print "  NOISE -        filter out points below this persistence"
+    print "  RADIUS -       radius of a point in the persistence diagram"
+    print "  DIMENSIONS -   dimensions of the persistence diagram"
+    print 
+    print "  Example: %s torus.dgm 1 0 .05 -1,-1,10,10" % argv[0]
+    exit()
+multiplier =    float(argv[2])                  if len(argv) > 2    else 1
+noise =         float(argv[3])                  if len(argv) > 3    else 0
+R =             float(argv[4])                  if len(argv) > 4    else .15
+dimensions =    map(float, argv[5].split(','))  if len(argv) > 5    else None
+noise_filter =   pd.noise_filter(noise)
+amplify_filter = pd.amplify_filter(multiplier)
+dgm = pd.PersistenceDiagram(argv[1], lambda x,y: noise_filter(x,y) and amplify_filter(x,y))
+dgm.savePDF(argv[1] + '.', radius = R, dimensions = dimensions)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/draw-diagram/	Fri Oct 23 11:51:23 2009 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# Author: Dmitriy Morozov <>
+# (2004-2008) Department of Computer Science, Duke University
+import pyx, string, sys, math
+class PersistenceDiagram:
+    def drawAxes(self,c,radius,spacing = 1, dimensions = None):
+        if not dimensions:
+            xmax = math.ceil(max(self.xmax,1) + radius + 1)
+            xmin = math.floor(min(self.xmin,-1) - radius - 1)
+            ymax = math.ceil(max(self.ymax,1) + radius + 1)
+            ymin = math.floor(min(self.ymin,-1) - radius - 1)
+        else:
+            xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax = dimensions
+        minmax = min([xmax, ymax])
+        maxmin = max([xmin, ymin])
+        for i in xrange(int(math.floor(xmin)),int(math.ceil(xmax)), spacing):
+            c.stroke(pyx.path.line(i,ymin,i,ymax), [, pyx.color.gray(0.5)])
+        for j in xrange(int(math.floor(ymin)),int(math.ceil(ymax)), spacing):
+            c.stroke(pyx.path.line(xmin,j,xmax,j), [, pyx.color.gray(0.5)])
+        c.stroke(pyx.path.line(xmin,0,xmax,0), [pyx.deco.earrow.normal])
+        c.stroke(pyx.path.line(0,ymin,0,ymax), [pyx.deco.earrow.normal])
+        c.stroke(pyx.path.line(maxmin,maxmin,minmax,minmax))
+    def drawCanvas(self, c, points, color = 'red', filled = 1, radius = 0.15):
+        for p in points:
+            self.drawPoint(c,p,color,filled,radius)
+    def drawPoint(self,c,p, color = 'red', filled = 1, radius = 0.15):
+        if color == 'red':
+            options = []
+        elif color == 'blue':
+            options = []
+        elif color == 'green':
+            options = []
+        else:
+            options = []
+        if filled:
+            draw = c.fill
+        else:
+            draw = c.stroke
+        xmax = max(self.xmax,1)
+        xmin = min(self.xmin,-1)
+        ymax = max(self.ymax,1)
+        ymin = min(self.ymin,-1)
+        x,y = p
+        if abs(x) == float('inf') or abs(y) == float('inf'): radius = radius * 2
+        if x == float('inf'): x = xmax + 1
+        if x == float('-inf'): x = xmin - 1
+        if y == float('inf'): y = ymax + 1
+        if y == float('-inf'): y = ymin -1
+        draw(,y,radius), options)
+    def savePDF(self, filename, color = 'red', filled = 1, radius = 0.15, axes = 1, dimensions = None):
+        for d in self.points.keys():
+            c = pyx.canvas.canvas()
+            self.drawAxes(c, radius, axes, dimensions)
+            self.drawCanvas(c, self.points[d], color, filled, radius)
+            c.writePDFfile(filename + str(d))
+    def add(self, d, p, filter):
+        x,y = p
+        p = filter(x,y)
+        if not p: return
+        x,y = p
+        if d not in self.points.keys():
+            self.points[d] = []
+        self.points[d] += [(x,y)]
+        if abs(x) != float('inf'):
+            self.xmax = max(x,self.xmax)
+            self.xmin = min(x,self.xmin)
+        if abs(y) != float('inf'):
+            self.ymax = max(y,self.ymax)
+            self.ymin = min(y,self.ymin)
+    def load(self,filename, filter):
+        self.xmax = self.ymax = 0
+        self.xmin = self.ymin = 0
+        f = file(filename, 'r')
+        for line in f:
+            if line.strip().startswith('#'): continue
+            dim,xstr,ystr = string.split(line)
+            self.add(dim, (float(xstr),float(ystr)), filter)
+    def __init__(self, filename, filter = lambda x,y: (x,y)):
+        self.points = {}
+        self.load(filename, filter)
+def noise_filter(epsilon):
+    def noise(x,y):
+        if y - x <= epsilon: return None
+        return (x,y)
+    return noise
+def amplify_filter(x_mult, y_mult = None):
+    if not y_mult: y_mult = x_mult
+    def amplify(x,y):
+        return (x_mult*x, y_mult*y)
+    return amplify