Fixed a serious bug in DynamicPersistenceTrails + LSVineyard sorts filtration by attachment + miscellanea: dev
authorDmitriy Morozov <>
Fri, 25 Dec 2009 06:56:27 -0800
changeset 184 a5e726461d3f
parent 183 0ca59b0ebc47
child 185 7241b887eabb
Fixed a serious bug in DynamicPersistenceTrails + LSVineyard sorts filtration by attachment + miscellanea: * added program options to pdbdistance-vineyard * pdbdistance-vineyard takes frame list in a file * more logging * verification of pairing after vertex transpositions (commented out)
--- a/examples/pl-functions/CMakeLists.txt	Sun Dec 20 10:43:00 2009 -0800
+++ b/examples/pl-functions/CMakeLists.txt	Fri Dec 25 06:56:27 2009 -0800
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
     foreach 					(t ${targets})
         add_executable			(${t} ${t}.cpp)
-        target_link_libraries	(${t} ${libraries} ${CGAL_LIBRARY} ${dsrpdb_LIBRARY})
+        target_link_libraries	(${t} ${libraries} ${CGAL_LIBRARY} ${dsrpdb_LIBRARY} ${Boost_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIBRARY})
     endforeach 					(t ${targets})
     # Extra special for program_options
--- a/examples/pl-functions/pdbdistance-vineyard.cpp	Sun Dec 20 10:43:00 2009 -0800
+++ b/examples/pl-functions/pdbdistance-vineyard.cpp	Fri Dec 25 06:56:27 2009 -0800
@@ -8,50 +8,32 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <sstream>
-std::string frame_filename(const std::string& prefix, int frame, int subframe)
-	std::ostringstream os;
-	os << prefix << frame << "_" << subframe << ".pdb";
-	return os.str();
+#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
+void        program_options(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& input_fn_list,
+                                                    std::string& output_prefix, 
+                                                    bool& all_atoms,
+                                                    bool& save_vines);
 int main(int argc, char** argv)
 #ifdef LOGGING
 	rlog::RLogInit(argc, argv);
-	stdoutLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL("topology/filtration") );
-	stdoutLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL("topology/cycle") );
-	stdoutLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL("topology/vineyard") );
-	stdoutLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL("topology/lowerstar") );
-	if (argc < 5)
-	{
-		std::cout << "Usage: pdbdistance FILENAME LASTFRAME LASTSUBFRAME OUTFILENAME [CAs_ONLY]" << std::endl;
-		std::cout << "  FILENAME     - prefix of the filenames of the PDB frames" << std::endl;
-		std::cout << "  LASTFRAME    - the last frame number" << std::endl;
-		std::cout << "  LASTSUBFRAME - the last subframe number" << std::endl;
-		std::cout << "  OUTFILENAME  - filename prefix for the resulting vineyards" << std::endl;
-		std::cout << "  CAs_ONLY     - only use alpha carbons [1 = true, 0 = false, default: 1]" << std::endl;
-		std::cout << std::endl;
-		std::cout << "Computes a vineyard of the pairwise distance function for a sequence of PDB frames." << std::endl;
-		std::cout << "Frames are in files FILENAME#1_#2.pdb, where #1 goes from 0 to LASTFRAME, " << std::endl;
-		std::cout << "and #2 goes from 0 to LASTSUBFRAME." << std::endl;
-		exit(0);
-	}
-	std::string infilename = argv[1];
-	int lastframe; std::istringstream(argv[2]) >> lastframe;
-	int lastsubframe; std::istringstream(argv[3]) >> lastsubframe;
-	std::string outfilename = argv[4];
-	bool cas_only = true;
-	if (argc > 5)
-		std::istringstream(argv[5]) >> cas_only;
+    std::string                 input_fn_list, output_fn;
+    bool                        all_atoms = false, save_vines = false;
+    program_options(argc, argv, input_fn_list, output_fn, all_atoms, save_vines);
 	// Compute initial filtration
-	int f = 0; int sf = 0;
-	std::ifstream in(frame_filename(infilename, f, sf++).c_str());
-    PDBDistanceGrid ginit(in, cas_only);
+    std::vector<std::string> frame_fns;
+    std::ifstream in_fns(input_fn_list.c_str());
+    std::string fn;
+    while(std::getline(in_fns, fn))
+        frame_fns.push_back(fn);
+	std::ifstream in(frame_fns[0].c_str());
+    PDBDistanceGrid ginit(in, !all_atoms);
     typedef                     LSVineyard<Grid2D::CoordinateIndex, Grid2D>             Grid2DVineyard;
@@ -68,23 +50,75 @@
 	std::cout << "Pairing computed" << std::endl;
 	// Process frames computing the vineyard
-	while (f <= lastframe)
+	for (size_t i = 1; i < frame_fns.size(); ++i)
-		std::string fn = frame_filename(infilename, f, sf++);
-		std::cout << "Processing " << fn << std::endl;
-		v.compute_vineyard(PDBDistanceGrid(in, cas_only));
+		std::cout << "Processing " << frame_fns[i] << std::endl;
+		v.compute_vineyard(PDBDistanceGrid(in, !all_atoms));
-		if (sf == lastsubframe) { sf = 0; ++f; }
 	std::cout << "Vineyard computed" << std::endl;
-	v.vineyard().save_edges(outfilename);
+    if (save_vines)
+        v.vineyard().save_vines(output_fn);
+    else
+    	v.vineyard().save_edges(output_fn);
 #if 0
-	std::ofstream ofs(outfilename.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
+	std::ofstream ofs(output_fn.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
 	boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(ofs);
 	oa << make_nvp("Filtration", pgf);
+void        program_options(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& input_fn_list, 
+                                                    std::string& output_prefix, 
+                                                    bool& all_atoms,
+                                                    bool& save_vines)
+    namespace po = boost::program_options;
+    po::options_description     hidden("Hidden options");
+    hidden.add_options()
+        ("input-fn-list",       po::value<std::string>(&input_fn_list),         "prefix of the input frames")
+        ("output-prefix",       po::value<std::string>(&output_prefix),         "output prefix");
+    po::options_description visible("Allowed options", 100);
+    visible.add_options()
+        ("all-atoms,a",         po::bool_switch(&all_atoms),                    "process all atoms (not only alpha carbons)")
+        ("save-vines,v",        po::bool_switch(&save_vines),                   "save vines instead of edges")
+        ("help,h",                                                              "produce help message");
+    std::vector<std::string>    log_channels;
+    visible.add_options()
+        ("log,l",               po::value< std::vector<std::string> >(&log_channels),           "log channels to turn on (info, debug, etc)");
+    po::positional_options_description pos;
+    pos.add("input-fn-list", 1);
+    pos.add("output-prefix", 1);
+    po::options_description all; all.add(visible).add(hidden);
+    po::variables_map vm;
+    po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
+                  options(all).positional(pos).run(), vm);
+    po::notify(vm);
+    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator cur = log_channels.begin(); cur != log_channels.end(); ++cur)
+        stderrLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL(cur->c_str()) );
+    if (vm.count("help") || !vm.count("input-fn-list") || !vm.count("output-prefix"))
+    { 
+        std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options] input-fn-list output-prefix" << std::endl;
+        std::cout << visible << std::endl; 
+		std::cout << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "Computes a vineyard of the pairwise distance function for a sequence of PDB frames." << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "Frames are listed in input-fn-list file." << std::endl;
+        std::abort();
+    }
--- a/include/topology/dynamic-persistence.h	Sun Dec 20 10:43:00 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/topology/dynamic-persistence.h	Fri Dec 25 06:56:27 2009 -0800
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
         typedef         typename Parent::ContainerTraits                                Traits;
         typedef         typename Parent::Order                                          Order;
+        typedef         typename Traits::ConsistentContainer                            Consistency;
         typedef         typename Parent::OrderComparison                                OrderComparison;
         typedef         typename Parent::OrderIndex                                     OrderIndex;
         typedef         ConsistencyComparison_                                          ConsistencyComparison;
@@ -107,6 +108,10 @@
         using                           Parent::iterator_to;
         using                           Parent::index;
         using                           Parent::size;
+        using                           Parent::order_comparison;
+        template<class Iter>
+        void                            rearrange(Iter i);
         // Struct: TranspositionVisitor
@@ -131,6 +136,9 @@
         using                           Parent::set_pair;
         using                           Parent::swap_cycle;
+        Consistency&                    consistent_order()                              { return order().get<consistency>(); }
+        const Consistency&              consistent_order() const                        { return order().get<consistency>(); }
         bool                            trail_remove_if_contains
                                             (iterator i, OrderIndex j)                  { TrailRemover rm(j); order().modify(i, rm); return rm.result; }
         void                            cycle_add(iterator i, const Cycle& z)           { order().modify(i, boost::bind(&Element::template cycle_add<ConsistencyComparison>, bl::_1, boost::ref(z), ccmp_)); }      // i->cycle_add(z, ccmp_)
@@ -219,6 +227,7 @@
         typedef         typename Parent::ContainerTraits                                Traits;
         typedef         typename Parent::Order                                          Order;
         typedef         typename Parent::OrderComparison                                OrderComparison;
         typedef         typename Parent::OrderIndex                                     OrderIndex;
         typedef         ConsistencyComparison_                                          ConsistencyComparison;
@@ -276,7 +285,7 @@
         using                           Parent::order;
         using                           Parent::set_pair;
         using                           Parent::swap_cycle;
         void                            cycle_add(iterator i, const Cycle& z)           { order().modify(i, boost::bind(&Element::template cycle_add<ConsistencyComparison>, bl::_1, boost::ref(z), ccmp_)); }      // i->cycle_add(z, ccmp_)
         void                            chain_add(iterator i, const Chain& c)           { order().modify(i, boost::bind(&Element::template chain_add<ConsistencyComparison>, bl::_1, boost::ref(c), ccmp_)); }      // i->chain_add(c, ccmp_)
--- a/include/topology/dynamic-persistence.hpp	Sun Dec 20 10:43:00 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/topology/dynamic-persistence.hpp	Fri Dec 25 06:56:27 2009 -0800
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 template<class Filtration>
 DynamicPersistenceTrails(const Filtration& f):
-    Parent(f), ccmp_(order().get<consistency>())
+    Parent(f), ccmp_(consistent_order())
 template<class D, class CT, class OT, class E, class Cmp, class CCmp>
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@
         if (!(l->cycle.contains(index(i_prev))))
             // Case 1.2
+            rLog(rlTranspositions, "k is in l: %d", (bool) l->trail.contains(index(k)));       // if true, a special update would be needed to maintain lazy decomposition
             swap(i_prev, i);
             rLog(rlTranspositions, "Case 1.2");
@@ -120,7 +121,7 @@
         } else
             // Case 1.1
-            if (std::not2(ccmp_)(index(k),index(l)))
+            if (std::not2(order_comparison())(index(k),index(l)))
                 // Case 1.1.1
                 swap(i_prev, i);
@@ -160,7 +161,7 @@
             trail_add(i_prev, i->trail);                   // Add row i to i_prev
             cycle_add(i, i_prev->cycle);                   // Add column i_prev to i
             swap(i_prev, i);    
-            if (std::not2(ccmp_)(index(low_ii), index(low_i)))
+            if (std::not2(order_comparison())(index(low_ii), index(low_i)))
                 // Case 2.1.2
                 cycle_add(i_prev, i->cycle);               // Add column i to i_prev (after transposition)
@@ -215,6 +216,26 @@
     return false; // to avoid compiler complaints; we should never reach this point
+template<class D, class CT, class OT, class E, class Cmp, class CCmp>
+template<class Iter>
+rearrange(Iter i)
+    order().rearrange(i); 
+    consistent_order().rearrange(i);
+    // Resort the cycles
+    Cycle z;
+    for(iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i)
+    {
+        Parent::swap_cycle(i, z);
+        z.sort(ccmp_);
+        Parent::swap_cycle(i, z);
+    }
 template<class D, class CT, class OT, class E, class Cmp, class CCmp>
--- a/include/topology/filtration.h	Sun Dec 20 10:43:00 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/topology/filtration.h	Fri Dec 25 06:56:27 2009 -0800
@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@
         void                    push_back(const Simplex& s)                     { container_.get<order>().push_back(s); }
         void                    transpose(Index i)                              { container_.get<order>().relocate(i, i+1); }
         void                    clear()                                         { container_.get<order>().clear(); }
+        template<class Iter>
+        void                    rearrange(Iter i)                               { container_.get<order>().rearrange(i); }
         Index                   begin() const                                   { return container_.get<order>().begin(); }
         Index                   end() const                                     { return container_.get<order>().end(); }
--- a/include/topology/lsvineyard.h	Sun Dec 20 10:43:00 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/topology/lsvineyard.h	Fri Dec 25 06:56:27 2009 -0800
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
 #include <CGAL/Kinetic/Sort.h>
 #include <CGAL/Kinetic/Sort_visitor_base.h>
-#include <list>
+#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
+namespace b  = boost;
 template<class Vertex_, class VertexEvaluator_, class Simplex_ = Simplex<Vertex_>, class Filtration_ = Filtration<Simplex_> >
@@ -36,10 +37,37 @@
         typedef                     Filtration_                                         LSFiltration;
         typedef                     typename LSFiltration::Index                        LSFIndex;
-        class                       KineticVertexType;
+        class                       SortVisitor;
+        typedef                     CGAL::Kinetic::Inexact_simulation_traits            Traits;
+        typedef                     CGAL::Kinetic::Sort<Traits, SortVisitor>            Sort;
+        typedef                     Traits::Simulator                                   Simulator;
+        typedef                     Traits::Active_points_1_table                       ActivePointsTable;
+        typedef                     ActivePointsTable::Key                              Key;
+        class                       KineticVertexType
+        {
+            public:
+                                        KineticVertexType(const Vertex& v):
+                                            vertex_(v)                                              {}
+                Key                     kinetic_key() const                                         { return key_; }
+                void                    set_kinetic_key(Key k)                                      { key_ = k; }
+                Vertex                  vertex() const                                              { return vertex_; }
+                void                    set_vertex(Vertex v)                                        { vertex_ = v; }
+                LSFIndex                simplex_index() const                                       { return simplex_index_; }
+                void                    set_simplex_index(LSFIndex i)                               { simplex_index_ = i; }
+            private:
+                Key                     key_;
+                Vertex                  vertex_;
+                LSFIndex                simplex_index_;
+        };
         class                       KineticVertexComparison;
-        typedef                     std::list<KineticVertexType>                        VertexContainer;
+        typedef                     typename OrderContainer<KineticVertexType>::Container        
+                                                                                        VertexContainer;
         typedef                     typename VertexContainer::iterator                  VertexIndex;
+        typedef                     std::map<Key, VertexIndex>                          KeyVertexMap;
         struct                      AttachmentData: public VineData                     
@@ -58,7 +86,9 @@
         class                       KineticEvaluator;
         class                       DimensionFromIterator;
+        typedef                     std::map<Vertex, LSFIndex>                          VertexLSFIndexMap;
         typedef                     ThroughEvaluatorComparison<VertexEvaluator>         VertexComparison;
+        class                       VertexAttachmentComparison;
         typedef                     MaxVertexComparison<Simplex, VertexComparison>      SimplexComparison;
         class                       TranspositionVisitor;
@@ -66,14 +96,6 @@
         typedef                     Vineyard<Index, iterator, Evaluator>                Vnrd;
-        class                       SortVisitor;
-        typedef                     CGAL::Kinetic::Inexact_simulation_traits            Traits;
-        typedef                     CGAL::Kinetic::Sort<Traits, SortVisitor>            Sort;
-        typedef                     Traits::Simulator                                   Simulator;
-        typedef                     Traits::Active_points_1_table                       ActivePointsTable;
-        typedef                     ActivePointsTable::Key                              Key;
-        typedef                     std::map<Key, VertexIndex>                          KeyVertexMap;
         template<class VertexIterator>
                                     LSVineyard(VertexIterator begin, VertexIterator end, 
@@ -95,6 +117,7 @@
         VertexValue                 simplex_value(const Simplex& s) const               { return vertex_value(*std::max_element(s.vertices().begin(), s.vertices().end(), vcmp_)); } 
         const Simplex&              pfmap(iterator i) const                             { return pfmap_[i]; }
         const Simplex&              pfmap(Index i) const                                { return pfmap_[i]; }
+        VertexIndex                 filtration_attachment(LSFIndex i) const             { return (persistence().begin() + (i - filtration().begin()))->attachment; }
         Index                       index(iterator i) const                             { return persistence_.index(i); }
@@ -107,6 +130,13 @@
         void                        set_attachment(iterator i, VertexIndex vi)          { persistence_.modifier()(i, boost::bind(&AttachmentData::set_attachment, bl::_1, vi)); }
         void                        transpose_filtration(iterator i)                    { filtration_.transpose(filtration_.begin() + (i - persistence_.begin())); }
+        bool                        verify_pairing() const;
+        typedef                     b::tuple< b::reference_wrapper<const Simplex>, 
+                                              b::reference_wrapper<const typename Persistence::Element> >
+                                                                                        SimplexPersistenceElementTuple;
+        struct                      AttachmentCmp;
         VertexContainer             vertices_;
@@ -143,27 +173,27 @@
-template<class V, class VE, class S, class C>
-class LSVineyard<V,VE,S,C>::KineticVertexType
-    public:
-                                KineticVertexType(const Vertex& v):
-                                    vertex_(v)                                              {}
+// template<class V, class VE, class S, class C>
+// class LSVineyard<V,VE,S,C>::KineticVertexType
+// {
+//     public:
+//                                 KineticVertexType(const Vertex& v):
+//                                     vertex_(v)                                              {}
-        Key                     kinetic_key() const                                         { return key_; }
-        void                    set_kinetic_key(Key k)                                      { key_ = k; }
+//         Key                     kinetic_key() const                                         { return key_; }
+//         void                    set_kinetic_key(Key k)                                      { key_ = k; }
-        Vertex                  vertex() const                                              { return vertex_; }
-        void                    set_vertex(Vertex v)                                        { vertex_ = v; }
+//         Vertex                  vertex() const                                              { return vertex_; }
+//         void                    set_vertex(Vertex v)                                        { vertex_ = v; }
-        iterator                simplex_index() const                                       { return simplex_index_; }
-        void                    set_simplex_index(iterator i)                               { simplex_index_ = i; }
+//         LSFIndex                simplex_index() const                                       { return simplex_index_; }
+//         void                    set_simplex_index(iterator i)                               { simplex_index_ = i; }
-    private:
-        Key                     key_;
-        Vertex                  vertex_;
-        iterator                simplex_index_;
+//     private:
+//         Key                     key_;
+//         Vertex                  vertex_;
+//         LSFIndex                simplex_index_;
+// };
 template<class V, class VE, class S, class C>
--- a/include/topology/lsvineyard.hpp	Sun Dec 20 10:43:00 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/topology/lsvineyard.hpp	Fri Dec 25 06:56:27 2009 -0800
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
 #include <utilities/log.h>
+#include <boost/function.hpp>
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
+#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
+namespace bl = boost::lambda;
+#include <boost/iterator/zip_iterator.hpp>
+#include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp>
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
 #ifdef LOGGING
 static rlog::RLogChannel* rlLSVineyard =            DEF_CHANNEL("lsvineyard/info", rlog::Log_Debug);
 static rlog::RLogChannel* rlLSVineyardDebug =       DEF_CHANNEL("lsvineyard/debug", rlog::Log_Debug);
@@ -15,44 +24,78 @@
 template<class VertexIterator>
 LSVineyard(VertexIterator begin, VertexIterator end, 
-           LSFiltration& filtration,
+           LSFiltration& fltr,
            const VertexEvaluator& veval):
-    vertices_(begin, end), filtration_(filtration), 
+    filtration_(fltr),
+    vertices_(begin, end),
     veval_(veval), vcmp_(veval_), scmp_(vcmp_),
-    // TODO: LSVineyard really should sort the filtration_ itself
-    // filtration_.sort(scmp_);
-    // persistence_.init(filtration_);
-    rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Initializing LSVineyard");
-    persistence_.pair_simplices();
-    rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Simplices paired");
     vertices_.sort(KineticVertexComparison(vcmp_));     // sort vertices w.r.t. vcmp_
 #if LOGGING    
     rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Vertex order:");
-    for (VertexIndex cur = vertices_.begin(); cur != vertices_.end(); ++cur)
+    for (typename VertexContainer::iterator cur = vertices_.begin(); cur != vertices_.end(); ++cur)
         rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "  %d", cur->vertex());
-    // Initialize simplex_index() and attachment
-    VertexIndex vi = boost::prior(vertices_.begin());
-    for (iterator i = persistence_.begin(); i != persistence_.end(); ++i)
+    // Record Vertex -> LSFIndex map
+    VertexLSFIndexMap vimap;
+    for (LSFIndex i = filtration().begin(); i != filtration().end(); ++i)
-        const Simplex& s = pfmap_[i];
+        const Simplex& s = *i;
+        rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Simplex: %s", tostring(*i).c_str());
         if (s.dimension() == 0)
-        {
-            ++vi;
-            AssertMsg(s.vertices().front() == vi->vertex(), "In constructor, simplices and vertices must match.");
-            vi->set_simplex_index(i);
-        }
-        set_attachment(i, vi);
-        rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "%s attached to %d", tostring(pfmap(i)).c_str(), vi->vertex());
+            vimap[s.vertices().front()] = i;
+    }
+    // Assign vertex attachments and simplex_index
+    OffsetMap<LSFIndex, iterator>   fpmap(filtration().begin(), persistence().begin());
+    for (typename VertexContainer::iterator vi = vertices_.begin(); vi != vertices_.end(); ++vi)
+    {
+        LSFIndex i = vimap[vi->vertex()];
+        const Simplex& s = *i;
+        AssertMsg(s.vertices().front() == vi->vertex(), "In constructor, simplices and vertices must match.");
+        vertices_.modify(vi,    b::bind(&KineticVertexType::set_simplex_index, bl::_1, i));    // vi->set_simplex_index(i)
+        set_attachment(fpmap[i], vi);
+        rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "%s attached to %d", tostring(*i).c_str(), vi->vertex());
+    // Assign attachments for all the simplices
+    VertexAttachmentComparison  vacmp(vimap, *this);
+    for (LSFIndex i = filtration().begin(); i != filtration().end(); ++i)
+        set_attachment(fpmap[i], fpmap[vimap[*std::max_element(i->vertices().begin(), i->vertices().end(), vacmp)]]->attachment);
+    // Order filtration_ and persistence_ based on attachment
+    rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Ordering the simplices");
+    std::vector<SimplexPersistenceElementTuple> fporder
+                (b::make_zip_iterator(b::make_tuple(filtration().begin(),    persistence().begin())),
+                 b::make_zip_iterator(b::make_tuple(filtration().end(),      persistence().end())));
+    std::sort(fporder.begin(), fporder.end(), AttachmentCmp());
+    // Rearrage filtration
+    std::vector< b::reference_wrapper<const Simplex> >                sv; 
+    BOOST_FOREACH(const SimplexPersistenceElementTuple& t, fporder)   sv.push_back(b::get<0>(t));
+    filtration_.rearrange (sv.begin());
+    // Rearrange persistence
+    std::vector< b::reference_wrapper<const typename Persistence::Element> >    pev; 
+    BOOST_FOREACH(const SimplexPersistenceElementTuple& t, fporder)   pev.push_back(b::get<1>(t));
+    persistence_.rearrange(pev.begin());
+    rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Simplices:");
+    for(iterator i = persistence().begin(); i != persistence().end(); ++i)
+        rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "  %s attached to %d", tostring(pfmap(i)).c_str(), i->attachment->vertex());
+    // Pair simplices
+    rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Initializing LSVineyard");
+    persistence_.pair_simplices();
+    rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Simplices paired");
     evaluator_ = new StaticEvaluator(*this, time_count_);
     vineyard_.start_vines(persistence_.begin(), persistence_.end());
@@ -90,7 +133,7 @@
         rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Vertex %d: %f -> %f", cur->vertex(), val0, val1);
         F x = cf(F::NT(val0), F::NT(val1 - val0));          // x = val0 + (val1 - val0)*t = (1-t)*val0 + t*val1
         Point p(x);
-        cur->set_kinetic_key(apt->insert(p));
+        vertices_.modify(cur,   b::bind(&KineticVertexType::set_kinetic_key, bl::_1, apt->insert(p)));    // cur->set_kinetic_key(apt->insert(p))
         kinetic_map_[cur->kinetic_key()] = cur;
         rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Scheduling: %d %s", cur->vertex(), tostring(x).c_str());
@@ -111,7 +154,7 @@
     veval_ = veval;
     change_evaluator(new StaticEvaluator(*this, ++time_count_));
-    vineyard_.record_diagram(persistence_.begin(), persistence_.end());
+    vineyard_.record_diagram(persistence().begin(), persistence().end());
 template<class V, class VE, class S, class F>
@@ -138,54 +181,56 @@
-#include <boost/function.hpp>
-#include <boost/bind.hpp>
-#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
-namespace bl = boost::lambda;
 template<class V, class VE, class S, class F>
 transpose_vertices(VertexIndex vi)
-    rLog(rlLSVineyard, "Transposing vertices (%d, %d)", vi->vertex(), boost::next(vi)->vertex());
+    rLog(rlLSVineyard, "Transposing vertices (%d:%d, %d:%d)", vi->vertex(),             (vi -  vertices_.begin()),
+                                                              b::next(vi)->vertex(),    (b::next(vi) - vertices_.begin()));
     DimensionFromIterator                       dim(pfmap_);
     TranspositionVisitor                        visitor(*this);
-    iterator i = vi->simplex_index();
-    iterator i_prev = boost::prior(i);
-    iterator i_next = boost::next(vi)->simplex_index();
-    iterator i_next_prev = boost::prior(i_next);           // transpositions are done in terms of the first index in the pair
-    iterator j = boost::next(i_next);
+    OffsetMap<LSFIndex, iterator>   fpmap(filtration().begin(), persistence().begin());
+    iterator i = fpmap[vi->simplex_index()];
+    iterator i_prev = b::prior(i);
+    iterator i_next = fpmap[b::next(vi)->simplex_index()];
+    iterator i_next_prev = b::prior(i_next);           // transpositions are done in terms of the first index in the pair
+    iterator j = b::next(i_next);
-    VertexIndex     vi_next = boost::next(vi);
+    VertexIndex     vi_next = b::next(vi);
     const Vertex&   v = vi->vertex();
     bool result = false;        // has a switch in pairing occurred
-    // First, move the vertex --- this can be sped up if we devise special "vertex transpose" operation
+    // First move the vertex --- this can be sped up if we devise special "vertex transpose" operation
     rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Starting to move the vertex");
     while (i_next_prev != i_prev)                       
         rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "  Transposing %s %s", tostring(pfmap(i_next_prev)).c_str(),
-                                                       tostring(pfmap(boost::next(i_next_prev))).c_str());
+                                                       tostring(pfmap(b::next(i_next_prev))).c_str());
         result |= persistence_.transpose(i_next_prev, dim, visitor);
-        i_next_prev = boost::prior(i_next);
+        AssertMsg((i_next_prev  <= persistence().iterator_to(i_next_prev->pair)) == i_next_prev->sign(), "Pairing must respect order");
+        AssertMsg((i_next       <= persistence().iterator_to(i_next->pair))      == i_next->sign(),      "Pairing must respect order");
+        i_next_prev = b::prior(i_next);
     rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Done moving the vertex");
     // Second, move the simplices attached to it
     rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Moving attached simplices");
+    // rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "  Considering %s", tostring(pfmap(j)).c_str());
+    // rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "    attachment %d", j->attachment->vertex());
     while (j != persistence_.end() && j->attachment == vi_next)
         rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "  Considering %s", tostring(pfmap(j)).c_str());
         if (pfmap(j).contains(v))       // j becomes attached to v and does not move
-            rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "  Attachment changed for ", tostring(pfmap(j)).c_str());
+            rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "  Attachment changed for %s to %d", tostring(pfmap(j)).c_str(), vi->vertex());
             set_attachment(j, vi);
+            AssertMsg(fpmap[vi->simplex_index()] < j, "The simplex must be attached to a preceding vertex");
@@ -195,18 +240,58 @@
             rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "    Moving: %s, %s", 
-                                      tostring(pfmap(boost::next(j_prev))).c_str());
+                                      tostring(pfmap(b::next(j_prev))).c_str());
             AssertMsg(j_prev->attachment == vi, "Simplex preceding the one being moved must be attached to v");
             result |= persistence_.transpose(j_prev, dim, visitor);
+            AssertMsg((j_prev  <= persistence().iterator_to(j_prev->pair)) == j_prev->sign(), "Pairing must respect order");
+            AssertMsg((j       <= persistence().iterator_to(j->pair))      == j->sign(),      "Pairing must respect order");
     rLog(rlLSVineyard, "Done moving attached simplices");
-    vertices_.splice(vi, vertices_, vi_next);       // swap vi and vi_next
+    vertices_.relocate(vi, vi_next);                    // swap vi and vi_next
+    AssertMsg(verify_pairing(), "Pairing must be correct after vertex transposition");
     return result;
+template<class V, class VE, class S, class F>
+verify_pairing() const
+    rLog(rlLSVineyardDebug, "Verifying pairing");
+    StaticPersistence<> p(filtration());
+    p.pair_simplices();
+    iterator                        i     = persistence().begin();
+    StaticPersistence<>::iterator   ip    = p.begin();
+    StaticPersistence<>::SimplexMap<LSFiltration>       m = p.make_simplex_map(filtration());
+    while (ip != p.end())
+    {
+        if (&pfmap(i) != &m[ip])
+        {
+            rError("DP: %s %s", tostring(pfmap(i)).c_str(), tostring(pfmap(i->pair)).c_str());
+            rError("SP: %s %s", tostring(m[ip]).c_str(), tostring(m[ip->pair]).c_str());
+            rError("The order must match");
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (&pfmap(i->pair) != &m[ip->pair])
+        {
+            rError("DP: %s %s", tostring(pfmap(i)).c_str(), tostring(pfmap(i->pair)).c_str());
+            rError("SP: %s %s", tostring(m[ip]).c_str(), tostring(m[ip->pair]).c_str());
+            rError("The pairing must match");
+            return false;
+        }
+        ++i; ++ip;
+    }
+    return true;
 /* Evaluators */
 template<class V, class VE, class S, class C>
@@ -252,3 +337,35 @@
         ActivePointsTable::Handle   apt_;
         RealType                    time_offset_;
+template<class V, class VE, class S, class C>
+class LSVineyard<V,VE,S,C>::VertexAttachmentComparison: 
+    public std::binary_function<Vertex, Vertex, bool>
+    public:
+                                VertexAttachmentComparison(const VertexLSFIndexMap& vimap, 
+                                                           const LSVineyard& vnrd):
+                                    vimap_(vimap), vnrd_(vnrd)                              {}
+        bool                    operator()(Vertex v1, Vertex v2) const                      
+        { return vnrd_.filtration_attachment(vimap_.find(v1)->second) < vnrd_.filtration_attachment(vimap_.find(v2)->second); }
+    private:
+        const VertexLSFIndexMap&    vimap_;
+        const LSVineyard&           vnrd_;
+template<class V, class VE, class S, class C>
+struct LSVineyard<V,VE,S,C>::AttachmentCmp: 
+    public std::binary_function<const SimplexPersistenceElementTuple&, const SimplexPersistenceElementTuple&, bool>
+    bool        operator()(const SimplexPersistenceElementTuple& t1, const SimplexPersistenceElementTuple& t2) const
+    {
+        if (b::get<1>(t1).get().attachment == b::get<1>(t2).get().attachment)
+            return b::get<0>(t1).get().dimension() < b::get<0>(t2).get().dimension();
+        else
+            return b::get<1>(t1).get().attachment  < b::get<1>(t2).get().attachment;
+    }