Switched to a new architecture (Vineyard is a visitor for Filtration),
authorDmitriy Morozov <morozov@cs.duke.edu>
Thu, 21 Dec 2006 13:32:34 -0500
changeset 5 ee9052408c40
parent 4 c1be260ad990
child 6 40adcff7b468
Switched to a new architecture (Vineyard is a visitor for Filtration), added LowerStarFilation, examples/grid (pdbdistance-vineyard in particular)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/README	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+  CGAL-3.2 -    for alpha-shapes and kinetic data structures
+  DSR-PDB -     for reading in PDB files
+  scons -       for controlling the build process
+  boost -       great set of C++ libraries
+  Doxygen -     for building documentation
+  Local configuration is read from config/HOSTNAME.py 
+  The path to and architecture of CGAL are important variables (cgal_path and
+  cgal_architecture respectively).
+  To build examples run "scons" at the top level, or "scons -u" in the specific
+  examples/ subdirectory.
+  "scons debug=1" turns on debugging. "scons counters=1" turns on counters.
+  Dmitriy Morozov <morozov@cs.duke.edu>
--- a/SConstruct	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/SConstruct	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -19,21 +19,23 @@
 Help					(optns.GenerateHelpText(base_env))
-opt = 					base_env.Copy(CPPFLAGS = ['-O'])
 dbg =					base_env.Copy(CPPFLAGS = ['-g'])
-opt.Append				(CPPDEFINES = ['NDEBUG'])
+opt = 					base_env.Copy(CPPDEFINES = ['NDEBUG'])
 if ARGUMENTS.get('debug', 0):
-	env = dbg
-	env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['CWDEBUG'])
-	env.Append(LIBS = ['cwd'])
+	env = 				dbg
+	env.Append			(CPPDEFINES = ['CWDEBUG'])
+	env.Append			(LIBS = ['cwd'])
+elif ARGUMENTS.get('optimize', 0):
+	opt.Append 			(CPPFLAGS = ['-O' + str(ARGUMENTS['optimize'])])
+	env =				opt
-	env = opt
+	opt.Append 			(CPPFLAGS = ['-O'])
+	env =				opt
 if ARGUMENTS.get('counters', 0):
 	env.Append			(CPPDEFINES = ['COUNTERS'])
 # Don't create .sconsign files all over the place
--- a/examples/SConscript	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/examples/SConscript	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-SConscript				(['triangle/SConscript'],
+SConscript				(['triangle/SConscript',
 #						  'alphashapes/SConscript',
-#						  'grid/SConscript'],
+						  'grid/SConscript'],
 						 exports=['env', 'external_sources'])
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/grid/SConscript	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Libraries
+libraries =				['dsrpdb']
+# Sources
+sources = 				['test-grid2D.cpp', 'pdbdistance-vineyard.cpp']
+local_env = 			env.Copy()
+local_env.Append		(LIBS = libraries)
+for s in sources:
+	Default(local_env.Program([s] + external_sources))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/grid/grid2D.h	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * Author: Dmitriy Morozov
+ * Department of Computer Science, Duke University, 2005 -- 2006
+ */
+#ifndef __GRID2D_H__
+#define __GRID2D_H__
+#include <memory>
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <set>
+#include <limits>
+//#include <cmath>
+#include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
+#include <boost/serialization/base_object.hpp>
+#include <boost/serialization/split_member.hpp>
+#include <boost/serialization/nvp.hpp>
+#include "types.h"
+#include <boost/serialization/export.hpp>
+ * Grid2D stores a grid
+ */
+class Grid2D
+	public:
+		typedef					RealType								ValueType;
+		typedef					unsigned int							CoordinateIndex;
+		typedef					std::vector<ValueType>					ValueVector;
+	public:
+		Grid2D(CoordinateIndex xx = 1, CoordinateIndex yy = 1);
+		/// Sets the grid dimensions to (xx,yy)
+		void					change_dimensions(CoordinateIndex xx, CoordinateIndex yy);
+		ValueType&				operator()(CoordinateIndex i, CoordinateIndex j)			{ return data[i*x + j]; }
+		const ValueType&		operator()(CoordinateIndex i, CoordinateIndex j) const		{ return data[i*x + j]; }
+		ValueType&				operator()(CoordinateIndex i)								{ return data[i]; }
+		const ValueType&		operator()(CoordinateIndex i) const							{ return data[i]; }
+		CoordinateIndex			xsize() const												{ return x; }
+		CoordinateIndex			ysize() const												{ return y; }
+		CoordinateIndex			size() const												{ return x*y; }
+		/* Given a sequential index of an element return its coordinates */
+		CoordinateIndex			xpos(CoordinateIndex i) const								{ return i / x; }
+		CoordinateIndex			ypos(CoordinateIndex i) const								{ return i % x; }
+		CoordinateIndex			seq(CoordinateIndex i, CoordinateIndex j) const;
+		std::ostream&			operator<<(std::ostream& out) const;
+		static const CoordinateIndex INVALID_INDEX = -1;
+	private:
+		CoordinateIndex 		x,y;
+		ValueVector				data;
+#if 0
+	private:
+		// Serialization
+		friend class boost::serialization::access;
+		template<class Archive>	void save(Archive& ar, version_type ) const;
+		template<class Archive>	void load(Archive& ar, version_type );
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Grid2D& grid)								{ return grid.operator<<(out); }
+#include "grid2D.hpp"
+#endif // __GRID2D_H__
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/grid/grid2D.hpp	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+/* Implementations */
+Grid2D(CoordinateIndex xx, CoordinateIndex yy):
+	x(xx), y(yy), data(x*y)
+change_dimensions(CoordinateIndex xx, CoordinateIndex yy)
+	x = xx; y = yy;
+	data.resize(x*y);
+seq(CoordinateIndex i, CoordinateIndex j) const
+	// Do not forget to check if less than 0, if Index is made signed --- dangerous
+	if (i >= x || j >= y)
+		return INVALID_INDEX;
+	return i*x + j; 
+operator<<(std::ostream& out) const
+	for (Grid2D::CoordinateIndex i = 0; i < xsize(); ++i)
+	{
+		for (Grid2D::CoordinateIndex j = 0; j < ysize(); ++j)
+			std::cout << operator()(i, j) << ' ';
+		std::cout << std::endl;
+	}
+	return out;	
+#if 0
+using boost::serialization::make_nvp;
+template<class Archive>
+save(Archive& ar, version_type ) const
+	ar << make_nvp("data", data);
+template<class Archive>	
+load(Archive& ar, version_type )
+	ar >> make_nvp("x", x);
+	ar >> make_nvp("y", y);
+	ar >> make_nvp("data", data);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/grid/grid2Dvineyard.h	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+ * Author: Dmitriy Morozov
+ * Department of Computer Science, Duke University, 2005 -- 2006
+ */
+#ifndef __GRID2DVINEYARD_H__
+#define __GRID2DVINEYARD_H__
+#include "sys.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "grid2D.h"
+#include "lowerstarfiltration.h"
+#include <CGAL/Kinetic/Inexact_simulation_traits_1.h>
+#include <CGAL/Kinetic/Sort.h>
+#include <CGAL/Kinetic/Sort_visitor_base.h>
+#include <vector>
+class Grid2DVineyard
+	public:
+		typedef					Grid2DVineyard										Self;
+		class					VertexType;
+		typedef					std::vector<VertexType>								VertexVector;
+		typedef					VertexVector::iterator								VertexIndex;
+		typedef					LowerStarFiltration<VertexIndex>					LSFiltration; 
+		class					StaticEvaluator;
+		class					KineticEvaluator;
+		class 					VertexComparison;
+		typedef					Grid2D::CoordinateIndex								CoordinateIndex;
+		typedef					Grid2D::ValueType									ValueType;
+		typedef					LSFiltration::Index									Index;
+		typedef					LSFiltration::Simplex								Simplex;
+		typedef					LSFiltration::VertexOrderIndex						VertexOrderIndex;
+		typedef					LSFiltration::Vineyard								Vineyard;
+		typedef					Vineyard::Evaluator									Evaluator;
+		class					SortVisitor;
+		typedef 				CGAL::Kinetic::Inexact_simulation_traits_1 			Traits;
+		typedef					CGAL::Kinetic::Sort<Traits, SortVisitor>			Sort;
+		typedef 				Traits::Simulator 									Simulator;
+		typedef 				Traits::Active_points_1_table						ActivePointsTable;
+		typedef 				ActivePointsTable::Key								Key;
+		typedef					std::map<Key, VertexOrderIndex>						KeyOrderMap;
+		typedef					std::vector<Grid2D*>								GridStackContainer;
+	public:
+								Grid2DVineyard(Grid2D* g);
+								~Grid2DVineyard();
+		void					compute_pairing();
+		void					compute_vineyard(Grid2D* grid);
+		Grid2D*					grid() const										{ return grid_stack_.back(); }
+		Grid2D*					grid(int i) const									{ return grid_stack_[i]; }
+		int						num_grids() const									{ return grid_stack_.size(); }
+		const LSFiltration*		filtration() const									{ return filtration_; }
+		const Vineyard*			vineyard() const									{ return vineyard_; }
+	public:
+		// For Kinetic Sort
+		void 					swap(Key a, Key b);
+	protected:
+		// Do something cleverer
+		virtual bool			neighbors(VertexIndex v1, VertexIndex v2) const		{ return true; }
+	private:
+		void 					add_simplices();
+		void					change_evaluator(Evaluator* eval);
+	private:
+		GridStackContainer		grid_stack_;
+		VertexVector			vertices_;
+		LSFiltration*			filtration_;
+		Vineyard*				vineyard_;
+		Evaluator*				evaluator_;
+		KeyOrderMap				kinetic_map_;
+#if 0
+	private:
+		// Serialization
+		friend class boost::serialization::access;
+		Grid2DVineyard() 																	{}
+		template<class Archive> 
+		void serialize(Archive& ar, version_type )
+		{ 
+			ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(grid_stack_); 
+			ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(vertices_); 
+			ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(filtration_); 
+		};
+class Grid2DVineyard::VertexType
+	public:
+		VertexType(CoordinateIndex ii = 0): i_(ii)											{}
+		CoordinateIndex			index() const												{ return i_; }
+		void					set_index(CoordinateIndex i)								{ i_ = i; }
+		VertexOrderIndex		get_order() const											{ return order_; }
+		void					set_order(const VertexOrderIndex& o)						{ order_ = o; }
+		Key						kinetic_key() const											{ return key_; }
+		void					set_kinetic_key(Key k)										{ key_ = k; }
+	private:
+		CoordinateIndex			i_;
+		VertexOrderIndex		order_;
+		Key						key_;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Grid2DVineyard::VertexIndex& vi)			{ return out << vi->index(); }
+class Grid2DVineyard::VertexComparison
+	public:
+		VertexComparison(const Grid2D* g): grid(g)											{}
+		bool operator()(VertexIndex i, VertexIndex j) const									{ return (*grid)(i->index()) < 
+																									 (*grid)(j->index()); }
+	private:
+		const Grid2D*			grid;
+#if 0
+	private:
+		// Serialization
+		friend class boost::serialization::access;
+								VertexComparison()											{}
+		template<class Archive>
+		void 					serialize(Archive& ar, version_type )						{ ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(grid); }
+class Grid2DVineyard::StaticEvaluator: public Evaluator
+	public:
+								StaticEvaluator(Grid2D* grid, RealType time): 
+									time_(time), grid_(grid)								{}
+		virtual RealType		time()														{ return time_; }
+		virtual RealType		value(const Simplex& s)										{ return (*grid_)(s.get_attachment()->index()); }
+	private:
+		RealType				time_;
+		Grid2D*					grid_;
+class Grid2DVineyard::KineticEvaluator: public Evaluator
+	public:
+								KineticEvaluator(Simulator::Handle sp, ActivePointsTable::Handle apt, RealType time_offset): 
+									sp_(sp), apt_(apt), time_offset_(time_offset)			{}
+		virtual RealType		time()														{ return time_offset_ + CGAL::to_double(get_time()); }
+		virtual RealType		value(const Simplex& s)										{ return CGAL::to_double(apt_->at(s.get_attachment()->kinetic_key()).x()(get_time())); }
+	private:
+		Simulator::Time			get_time()													{ return sp_->current_time(); }
+		Simulator::Handle			sp_;
+		ActivePointsTable::Handle 	apt_;
+		RealType					time_offset_;
+class Grid2DVineyard::SortVisitor: public CGAL::Kinetic::Sort_visitor_base
+	public:
+								SortVisitor(Grid2DVineyard* gv): gv_(gv)					{}
+		template<class Vertex_handle>
+		void					before_swap(Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b) const			{ gv_->swap(*a,*b); }
+	private:
+		Grid2DVineyard*			gv_;
+#include "grid2Dvineyard.hpp"
+#endif // __GRID2DVINEYARD_H__
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/grid/grid2Dvineyard.hpp	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+/* Implementation */
+Grid2DVineyard(Grid2D* g): vertices_(g->size())
+	grid_stack_.push_back(g); 
+	for (CoordinateIndex i = 0; i < g->size(); ++i)
+		vertices_[i].set_index(i);
+	evaluator_ = new StaticEvaluator(grid(), 0);
+	vineyard_ = new Vineyard(evaluator_);
+	filtration_ = new LSFiltration(vertices_.begin(), vertices_.end(), VertexComparison(grid()), vineyard_);
+	add_simplices();
+	delete filtration_;
+	delete vineyard_;
+	delete evaluator_;
+	filtration_->fill_simplex_index_map();
+	filtration_->pair_simplices(filtration_->begin(), filtration_->end());
+	vineyard_->start_vines(filtration_->begin(), filtration_->end());
+compute_vineyard(Grid2D* g)
+	AssertMsg(filtration_->is_paired(), "Simplices must be paired for a vineyard to be computed");
+	typedef Traits::Kinetic_kernel::Point_1 								Point;
+	typedef Traits::NT 														NT;
+	typedef Traits::Kinetic_kernel::Function_kernel::Construct_function 	CF; 
+	typedef Traits::Kinetic_kernel::Motion_function 						F; 
+	Traits tr;
+	Simulator::Handle sp = tr.simulator_handle();
+	ActivePointsTable::Handle apt = tr.active_points_1_table_handle();
+	Sort sort(tr, SortVisitor(this));
+	// Setup the (linear) trajectories
+	CF cf; 
+	kinetic_map_.clear();
+	for (VertexIndex cur = vertices_.begin(); cur != vertices_.end(); ++cur)
+	{
+		ValueType val0 = (*grid())(cur->index());
+		ValueType val1 = (*g)(cur->index());
+		F x = cf(F::NT(val0), F::NT(val1 - val0));			// x = val0 + (val1 - val0)*t
+		Point p(x);
+		cur->set_kinetic_key(apt->insert(p));
+		kinetic_map_[cur->kinetic_key()] = cur->get_order();
+	}
+	// Process all the events (compute the vineyard in the process)
+	change_evaluator(new KineticEvaluator(sp, apt, num_grids() - 1));
+	/*
+	while (sp->next_event_time() < 1)
+	{
+		std::cout << "Next event time: " << sp->next_event_time() << std::endl;
+		sp->set_current_event_number(sp->current_event_number() + 1);
+		std::cout << "Processed event" << std::endl;
+	}
+	*/
+	sp->set_current_time(1.0);
+	std::cout << "Processed " << sp->current_event_number() << " events" << std::endl;
+	// Add the grid to the stack
+	grid_stack_.push_back(g); 
+	change_evaluator(new StaticEvaluator(grid(), num_grids() - 1));
+swap(Key a, Key b)
+	VertexOrderIndex ao = kinetic_map_[a], bo = kinetic_map_[b];
+	AssertMsg(filtration_->get_vertex_cmp()(ao, bo), "In swap(a,b), a must precede b");
+	filtration_->transpose_vertices(ao);
+	AssertMsg(filtration_->get_vertex_cmp()(bo, ao), "In swap(a,b), b must precede a after the transposition");
+	// Takes advantage of LowerStarFiltration's smart append (which allows faces
+	// to be inserted after cofaces, since everything is rearranged in the
+	// proper lower star order anyway). Also note that vertices were added by
+	// LowerStarFiltration's constructor
+	for (CoordinateIndex x = 0; x < grid()->xsize() - 1; ++x)
+		for (CoordinateIndex y = 0; y < grid()->ysize() - 1; ++y)
+		{
+			VertexIndex v(&vertices_[grid()->seq(x,y)]);
+			VertexIndex vh(&vertices_[grid()->seq(x+1,y)]);
+			VertexIndex vv(&vertices_[grid()->seq(x,y+1)]);
+			VertexIndex vd(&vertices_[grid()->seq(x+1,y+1)]);
+			Simplex sh(v);
+			sh.add(vh);	filtration_->append(sh);		// Horizontal edge
+			sh.add(vd);	filtration_->append(sh);		// "Horizontal" triangle
+			Simplex sv(v);
+			sv.add(vv);	filtration_->append(sv);		// Vertical edge
+			sv.add(vd);	filtration_->append(sv);		// "Vertical" triangle
+			Simplex sd(v);
+			sd.add(vd); filtration_->append(sd);		// Diagonal edge
+			if (y == grid()->ysize() - 2)
+			{
+				Simplex s(vv); 
+				s.add(vd); filtration_->append(s);		// Top edge
+			}
+			if (x == grid()->xsize() - 2)
+			{
+				Simplex s(vh); 
+				s.add(vd); filtration_->append(s);		// Right edge
+			}
+		}
+change_evaluator(Evaluator* eval)
+	AssertMsg(evaluator_ != 0, "change_evaluator() assumes that existing evaluator is not null");
+	delete evaluator_;
+	evaluator_ = eval;
+	vineyard_->set_evaluator(evaluator_);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/grid/pdbdistance-vineyard.cpp	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+//#include <boost/archive/binary_oarchive.hpp>
+#include "sys.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "pdbdistance.h"
+#include "grid2Dvineyard.h"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <sstream>
+std::string frame_filename(const std::string& prefix, int frame, int subframe)
+	std::ostringstream os;
+	os << prefix << frame << "_" << subframe << ".pdb";
+	return os.str();
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+#ifdef CWDEBUG
+	Debug(dc::filtration.off());
+	Debug(dc::cycle.off());
+	Debug(dc::vineyard.off());
+	Debug(dc::transpositions.off());
+	Debug(dc::lsfiltration.off());
+	dionysus::debug::init();
+	if (argc < 5)
+	{
+		std::cout << "Usage: pdbdistance FILENAME LASTFRAME LASTSUBFRAME OUTFILENAME" << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "  FILENAME     - prefix of the filenames of the PDB frames" << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "  LASTFRAME    - the last frame number" << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "  LASTSUBFRAME - the last subframe number" << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "  OUTFILENAME  - filename prefix for the resulting vineyards" << std::endl;
+		std::cout << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "Computes a vineyard of the pairwise distance function for a sequence of PDB frames." << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "Frames are in files FILENAME#1_#2.pdb, where #1 goes from 0 to LASTFRAME, " << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "and #2 goes from 0 to LASTSUBFRAME." << std::endl;
+		exit(0);
+	}
+	std::string infilename = argv[1];
+	int lastframe; std::istringstream(argv[2]) >> lastframe;
+	int lastsubframe; std::istringstream(argv[3]) >> lastsubframe;
+	std::string outfilename = argv[4];
+	// Compute initial filtration
+	int f = 0; int sf = 0;
+	std::ifstream in(frame_filename(infilename, f, sf++).c_str());
+	Grid2DVineyard v(new PDBDistanceGrid(in));
+	in.close();
+	std::cout << "Filtration generated, size: " << v.filtration()->size() << std::endl;
+	v.compute_pairing();
+	std::cout << "Pairing computed" << std::endl;
+	// Process frames computing the vineyard
+	while (f <= lastframe)
+	{
+		std::string fn = frame_filename(infilename, f, sf++);
+		std::cout << "Processing " << fn << std::endl;
+		in.open(fn.c_str());
+		v.compute_vineyard(new PDBDistanceGrid(in));
+		in.close();
+		if (sf == lastsubframe) { sf = 0; ++f; }
+	}
+	std::cout << "Vineyard computed" << std::endl;
+	v.vineyard()->save_edges(outfilename);
+#if 0
+	std::ofstream ofs(outfilename.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
+	boost::archive::binary_oarchive oa(ofs);
+	oa << make_nvp("Filtration", pgf);
+	ofs.close();
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/grid/pdbdistance.h	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ * Author: Dmitriy Morozov
+ * Department of Computer Science, Duke University, 2005 -- 2006
+ *
+ * Depends on Daniel Russel's "simple C++ PDB" (aka DSR-PDB).
+ */
+#ifndef __PDBDISTANCE_H__
+#define __PDBDISTANCE_H__
+#include <fstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <dsrpdb/Protein.h>
+#include <dsrpdb/iterator.h>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
+#include "types.h"
+#include "grid2D.h"
+#include <boost/serialization/export.hpp>
+class PDBDistanceGrid: public Grid2D
+	public:
+		PDBDistanceGrid()
+		{}
+		PDBDistanceGrid(std::istream& in)
+		{
+			load_stream(in);
+		}
+		void	load_stream(std::istream& in)
+		{
+			dsrpdb::Protein p(in);
+			std::vector<dsrpdb::Point> CAs(ca_coordinates_begin(p), ca_coordinates_end(p));
+			std::cout << "CAs created, size: " << CAs.size() << std::endl;
+			Grid2D::change_dimensions(CAs.size(), CAs.size());
+			for (Grid2D::CoordinateIndex i = 0; i < CAs.size(); ++i)
+				for (Grid2D::CoordinateIndex j = 0; j < CAs.size(); ++j)
+				{
+					if (i < j)
+						Grid2D::operator()(i,j) = distance(CAs[i], CAs[j]);
+					else
+						Grid2D::operator()(i,j) = 0;
+				}
+		}
+	private:
+		Grid2D::ValueType distance(dsrpdb::Point p1, dsrpdb::Point p2) const
+		{
+			dsrpdb::Vector v = p1 - p2;
+			return std::sqrt(v*v);
+		}
+#if 0
+	private:
+		// Serialization
+		friend class boost::serialization::access;
+		template<class Archive>
+		void serialize(Archive& ar, version_type version)
+		{
+		}
+#endif // __PDBDISTANCE_H__
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/grid/test-grid2D.cpp	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#include "grid2D.h"
+#include <iostream>
+int main()
+	Grid2D grid(40,60);
+	int i = 0;
+	for (int x = 0; x < 40; ++x)
+		for (int y = 0; y < 60; ++y)
+		{
+			grid(x,y) = i++;
+		}
+	std::cout << grid(20,30) << std::endl;
+	std::cout << grid << std::endl;
--- a/examples/triangle/SConscript	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/examples/triangle/SConscript	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -1,20 +1,3 @@
 Default(env.Program(['triangle.cpp'] + external_sources))
-## Common variables
-##libraries = 			['dsrpdb', 'boost_serialization']
-## Sources
-#sources = 				[['triangle.cpp', []]]
-##, 'grid2D.cpp', 'alphashapes.cpp', 'euclidean.cpp', 
-##						 'combustion_vineyard.cpp', 'folding.cpp', 'pdbdistance.cpp',
-##						 'geodesic_vineyard.cpp']
-#local_env = 			env.Copy()
-## Build instructions
-#for sl in sources:
-#	s,l = sl
-#	o = local_env.Object(s)
-#	t = Default(local_env.Program(o + external_sources))
--- a/examples/triangle/triangle.cpp	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/examples/triangle/triangle.cpp	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
-#include "vineyard.h"
+#include "filtration.h"
 #include "simplex.h"
 #include <vector>
 #include <iostream>
-typedef 		SimplexWithValue<int> 		Simplex;
-typedef			Vineyard<Simplex>			TriangleFiltration;
-//typedef			Filtration<Simplex>			TriangleFiltration;
+typedef 		SimplexWithValue<int> 			Simplex;
+typedef			Filtration<Simplex>				TriangleFiltration;
 void fillTriangleSimplices(TriangleFiltration& f)
@@ -23,8 +22,6 @@
 	f.append(Simplex(bg + 1, bg + 3, 2.9));				// BC
 	f.append(Simplex(bg + 2, end, 3.5));				// CA
 	f.append(Simplex(bg,     bg + 3, 5));				// ABC
-	f.fill_simplex_index_map();
 int main()
@@ -33,14 +30,19 @@
-	Debug(dc::cycle.on());
+	Debug(dc::cycle.off());
+	Debug(dc::transpositions.on());
-	TriangleFiltration tf;
+	Evaluator<Simplex> e;
+	TriangleFiltration::Vineyard v(&e);
+	TriangleFiltration tf(&v);
-	tf.pair_simplices(tf.begin());
+	tf.fill_simplex_index_map();
+	tf.pair_simplices(tf.begin(), tf.end());
+	v.start_vines(tf.begin(), tf.end());
 	std::cout << "Filtration size: " << tf.size() << std::endl;
 	std::cout << tf << std::endl;
@@ -52,6 +54,8 @@
 	std::cout << *tf.get_index(BC) << std::endl;
 	std::cout << tf;
+	std::cout << AB << std::endl;
+	std::cout << *tf.get_index(AB) << std::endl;
 	std::cout << tf;
--- a/include/circular_list.h	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/include/circular_list.h	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -202,8 +202,8 @@
 	inline T& front() { return *begin(); }
 	inline const T& front() const { return *begin(); }
-	inline T& back() { return m_node->data; }
-	inline const T& back() const { return m_node->data; }
+	inline T& back() { return m_node->m_data; }
+	inline const T& back() const { return m_node->m_data; }
 	inline iterator begin() { return iterator(m_node->m_next); }
 	inline iterator end() { return iterator(m_node); }
--- a/include/consistencylist.h	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/include/consistencylist.h	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -51,14 +51,16 @@
 		typedef			T											value_type;
 		typedef			T&											reference;
 		typedef			const T&									const_reference;
-		typedef			ConsistencyListIterator<T>						iterator;
-		typedef			const_ConsistencyListIterator<T>					const_iterator;
+		typedef			ConsistencyListIterator<T>					iterator;
+		typedef			const_ConsistencyListIterator<T>			const_iterator;
 						ConsistencyList(): sz(0)					{}
 						~ConsistencyList() 							{ clear(); }
 		/// \name Order operations
 		void			swap(iterator i, iterator j);				///< Exchanges the order of simplices pointed to by i and j
+		template<class BinaryPredicate>
+		void			sort(BinaryPredicate cmp);					///< Sorts the elements in accordance with cmp
 		/// \name Container operations
 		/// @{
--- a/include/consistencylist.hpp	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/include/consistencylist.hpp	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -9,6 +9,19 @@
 template<class T>
+template<class BinaryPredicate>
+sort(BinaryPredicate cmp)
+	Parent::sort(cmp);
+	OrderType cur_order = 0;
+	for (typename Parent::iterator cur = begin(); cur != end(); ++cur)
+		cur->consistency = cur_order++;
+template<class T>
 typename ConsistencyList<T>::iterator 
 push_back(const_reference x)
--- a/include/cycle.h	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/include/cycle.h	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 		/// \name Modifiers
 		/// @{
 		using 			CycleRepresentation::erase;
-		void			append(const_reference x);
+		void			append(const_reference x, const ConsistencyComparison& cmp);
 		/// @}
 		/// \name Accessors
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@
 		typedef			std::list<Item>									TemporaryCycleRepresenation;
 		using 			CycleRepresentation::push_back;
+		using 			CycleRepresentation::insert;
 		size_t sz;
--- a/include/cycle.hpp	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/include/cycle.hpp	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -22,8 +22,23 @@
 template<class I, class OrderCmp, class ConsistencyCmp>
-append(const_reference x)						
-{ push_back(x); }
+append(const_reference x, const ConsistencyCmp& cmp)						
+	// First try the special cases that x goes at the end
+	const_reference last = CycleRepresentation::back();
+	if (empty() || cmp(last, x))
+	{
+		push_back(x); 
+		return;
+	}
+	for (iterator cur = begin(); cur != end(); ++cur)
+		if (cmp(x, *cur))
+		{
+			insert(cur, x);
+			return;
+		}
 template<class I, class OrderCmp, class ConsistencyCmp>
 typename Cycle<I,OrderCmp,ConsistencyCmp>::const_reference				
@@ -140,7 +155,7 @@
 	for (const_iterator cur = begin(); cur != end(); ++cur)
-		out << **cur << " ";
+		out << **cur << ", ";
 	// out << "(last: " << *last << ")";  // For debugging only
 	return out;
@@ -158,7 +173,7 @@
 Cycle<I, OrderCmp, ConsistencyCmp>::
 add(const Self& c, const ConsistencyCmp& cmp)
-	Dout(dc::cycle, "Adding cycles");
+	Dout(dc::cycle, "Adding cycles: " << *this << " + " << c);
 	iterator 			cur1 = begin();
 	const_iterator 		cur2 = c.begin();
@@ -168,12 +183,14 @@
 		if (cur1 == end())
 			while (cur2 != c.end())
-				append(*cur2++);
+				push_back(*cur2++);
+			Dout(dc::cycle, "After addition: " << *this);
 			return *this;
 		// mod 2
 		int res = cmp.compare(*cur1, *cur2);
+		Dout(dc::cycle, "Comparison result: " << res);
 		if (res == 0)		// *cur1 == *cur2
 			Dout(dc::cycle, "Equality");
--- a/include/debug.h	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/include/debug.h	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -65,8 +65,6 @@
 				extern channel_ct vineyard;
 				extern channel_ct cycle;
 				extern channel_ct lsfiltration;
-				extern channel_ct lsvineyard;
-				extern channel_ct vertex_transpositions;
 				extern channel_ct orderlist;
 			} // namespace dc
 		} // namespace DEBUGCHANNELS
@@ -76,8 +74,8 @@
 #define AssertMsg(TEST,MSG)                                           \
 				 ( (TEST) ? (void)0                                   \
-						  : (std::cerr << __FILE__ " (" << __LINE__    \
-								  << "): Assertion failed " #TEST     \
+						  : (std::cerr << __FILE__ ":" << __LINE__    \
+								  << ": Assertion failed " #TEST      \
 								  << " - " << MSG << std::endl,abort()))
 #define AssertMsg(TEST,STRM,MSG)                                      \
--- a/include/eventqueue.h	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- * Author: Dmitriy Morozov
- * Department of Computer Science, Duke University, 2005 -- 2006
- */
-#ifndef __EVENTQUEUE_H__
-#define __EVENTQUEUE_H__
-#include <map>
-template<class _Key, class _Event>
-class EventQueue
-	public:
-		typedef					_Key											Key;
-		typedef					_Event											Event;
-		// multimap just in case
-		typedef					std::multimap<Key,Event>						QueueRepresentation;
-		typedef					typename QueueRepresentation::iterator			iterator;
-		typedef					typename QueueRepresentation::const_iterator	const_iterator;
-		typedef					std::pair<Key, Event>							KeyValuePair;
-		EventQueue()															{}
-		const_iterator 			top() 	const									{ assert(!empty()); return queue.begin(); }
-		iterator 				push(Key k, Event e)							{ return queue.insert(std::make_pair(k,e)); }
-		void 					pop()											{ assert(!empty()); queue.erase(queue.begin()); }
-		void					remove(iterator i)								{ queue.erase(i); }
-		iterator 				end()											{ return queue.end(); }
-		const_iterator 			end() const										{ return queue.end(); }
-		bool					empty() const									{ return queue.empty(); }
-		size_t					size() const									{ return queue.size(); }
-	private:
-		QueueRepresentation		queue;
-#endif // __EVENTQUEUE_H__
--- a/include/filtration.h	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/include/filtration.h	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include "filtrationcontainer.h"
 #include "filtrationsimplex.h"
+#include "vineyard.h"
 #include <map>
 #include <vector>
@@ -23,15 +24,14 @@
  * for the simplex order stored in the filtration. Iterators remain valid 
  * through all the operations.
-template<class Smplx, class FltrSmplx = FiltrationSimplex<Smplx> >
+template<class Smplx, class FltrSmplx = FiltrationSimplex<Smplx>, class Vnrd = Vineyard<FltrSmplx> >
 class Filtration: public FltrSmplx::Container
 		typedef 	Smplx															Simplex;
 		typedef		FltrSmplx														FiltrationSimplex;
-		typedef		Filtration<Simplex, FiltrationSimplex>							Self;
-	public:
+		typedef		Vnrd															Vineyard;
 		/// \name Container Types
 		/// @{
 		/** The actual container type (which is the parent of the Filtration) */
@@ -51,28 +51,35 @@
 		typedef		typename Trail::iterator										TrailIterator;
 		/// @}
+		typedef		Filtration<Simplex, FiltrationSimplex, Vineyard>				Self;
 		typedef		FiltrationContainer												Parent;
-										Filtration();
-		template<class OtherFltrSmplx>	Filtration(const Filtration<Simplex,OtherFltrSmplx>& filtration);
-		virtual 						~Filtration();
+										Filtration(Vineyard* vineyard);
 		/// \name Core Functionality
 		/// @{
-		/** Computes pairing of the simplices (RU decomposition) starting from bg, assuming that everything before bg has been paired */
-		void 							pair_simplices(Index bg);
+		/// Computes RU decomposition of the simplices in [bg, end) range, assuming that everything before bg has been paired 
+		void 							pair_simplices(Index bg, Index end);
+		bool							transpose(Index i);
 		bool							is_paired() const;
 		Index							append(const Simplex& s);					///< Appends s to the filtration
+		Index							insert(Index prior, const Simplex& s);		///< Inserts s after prior
 		const_Index						get_index(const Simplex& s) const;			/**< Returns the iterator pointing to s 
 																						 (end() if s not in filtration) */
 		Index							get_index(const Simplex& s);				///< \overload
 		void							fill_simplex_index_map();					///< Fills the mapping for get_index()
 		/// @}
+		/// \name Accessors
+		/// @{
+		Vineyard*						vineyard()									{ return vineyard_; }
+		const Vineyard*					vineyard() const							{ return vineyard_; }
+		/// @}
 		using 							Parent::swap;
+		bool 							transpose_simplices(Index i);				
 		/// \name Container Operations
@@ -84,10 +91,6 @@
 		std::ostream& 					operator<<(std::ostream& out) const;
-		/** The usual rebind trick in absence of template typedefs */
-		template<class OtherFltrSmplx>
-		struct rebind					{ typedef Filtration<Simplex, OtherFltrSmplx> other; };
 		/// \name Comparator accessors (protected)
 		/// @{
@@ -95,20 +98,19 @@
 		const CyclesComparator& 		get_cycles_cmp() const						{ return cycles_cmp; }
 		const TrailsComparator& 		get_trails_cmp() const						{ return trails_cmp; }
 		/// @}
-		/*
-		template<class Cmp> void		sort_simplices(const Cmp& cmp);
-		*/
 		typedef							std::map<Simplex, Index>					SimplexMap;
-		/** Initializes the cycle  with the indices of the simplices in the boundary, and the trail with the index of this simplex */
+		/// Initializes the cycle  with the indices of the simplices in the boundary, and the trail with the index of this simplex
 		void							init_cycle_trail(Index j);
+		void							pairing_switch(Index i, Index j);
 		bool 							paired;
 		SimplexMap						inverse_simplices;
+		Vineyard*						vineyard_;
 		CyclesComparator				cycles_cmp;
 		TrailsComparator				trails_cmp;
 		ConsistencyComparator			consistency_cmp;
@@ -116,7 +118,7 @@
 		/* Serialization */
 		friend class boost::serialization::access;
 		typedef		std::map<const_Index, SizeType, ConsistencyComparator>			IndexIntMap;
 		typedef		std::vector<Index>												IndexVector;
--- a/include/filtration.hpp	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/include/filtration.hpp	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -11,36 +11,18 @@
 /* Filtration Public */
-template<class S, class FS>
-Filtration<S, FS>::
-Filtration(): paired(false)					
+template<class S, class FS, class V>
+Filtration<S, FS, V>::
+Filtration(Vineyard* vnrd = 0): paired(false), vineyard_(vnrd)
-template<class S, class FS>
-template<class OtherFltrSmplx>
-Filtration<S, FS>::
-Filtration(const Filtration<Simplex,OtherFltrSmplx>& filtration)
-	for(typename Filtration<Simplex,OtherFltrSmplx>::const_Index cur = filtration.begin(); cur != filtration.end(); ++cur)
-		push_back(*cur);
-	fill_simplex_index_map();
-	// TODO: finish
-template<class S, class FS>
-Filtration<S, FS>::
-template<class S, class FS>
+template<class S, class FS, class V>
-Filtration<S, FS>::
-pair_simplices(Index bg)
+Filtration<S, FS, V>::
+pair_simplices(Index bg, Index end)
 	Dout(dc::filtration, "Entered: compute_pairing");
-	for (Index j = bg; j != end(); ++j)
+	for (Index j = bg; j != end; ++j)
 		Dout(dc::filtration|flush_cf|continued_cf, *j << ": ");
@@ -56,7 +38,6 @@
 			Dout(dc::filtration, *i << ": " << *(i->pair()));
 			AssertMsg(!cycles_cmp(i, j), "Simplices in the cycle must precede current simplex: " << 
 										 "(" << *i << " in cycle of " << *j << ")");
-			AssertMsg(i->value() <= j->value(), "Values in the cycle must be less than the value of the simplex");
 			// i is not paired, so we pair j with i
 			if (i->pair() == i)
@@ -71,34 +52,65 @@
 			// continue searching --- change the Dout to the continued mode with newlines FIXME
 			Dout(dc::filtration, "  Adding: [" << bdry << "] + ");
 			Dout(dc::filtration, "          [" << i->pair()->cycle() << "]");
-			bdry.add(i->pair()->cycle(), consistency_cmp);
-			i->pair()->trail().append(j);
+			bdry.add(i->pair()->cycle(), get_consistency_cmp());
+			i->pair()->trail().append(j, get_consistency_cmp());
 			Dout(dc::filtration, "After addition: " << bdry);
+		Dout(dc::filtration, "Finished with " << *j << ": " << *(j->pair()));
 	paired = true;
-template<class S, class FS>
+template<class S, class FS, class V>
-Filtration<S, FS>::
+Filtration<S, FS, V>::
 is_paired() const
 { return paired; }
-/* Filtration Protected */
-template<class S, class FS>
-typename Filtration<S, FS>::Index 
-Filtration<S, FS>::
+ * Transposes simplices at i and i+1, and records the knee in the vineyard if there is a change in pairing. 
+ * Returns true if the pairing changed.
+ */
+template<class S, class FS, class V>
+transpose(Index i)
+	AssertMsg(vineyard() != 0, "We must have a vineyard for transpositions");
+	Index i_orig = i++;
+	AssertMsg(i_orig->pair() != i, "Transposing simplices must not be paired");
+	bool result = transpose_simplices(i_orig);
+	AssertMsg(i_orig == boost::next(i), "Wrong indices after transposition");
+	if (result) vineyard()->switched(i, i_orig);
+	return result;
+template<class S, class FS, class V>
+typename Filtration<S, FS, V>::Index 
+Filtration<S, FS, V>::
 append(const Simplex& s)
 	Index i = push_back(FiltrationSimplex(s)); 
-	i->set_pair(i);
+	return i;
+template<class S, class FS, class V>
+typename Filtration<S, FS, V>::Index 
+Filtration<S, FS, V>::
+insert(Index prior, const Simplex& s)
+	Index i = Parent::insert(prior, FiltrationSimplex(s)); 
+	paired = false;
 	return i;
-template<class S, class FS>
-typename Filtration<S, FS>::const_Index 
-Filtration<S, FS>::
+template<class S, class FS, class V>
+typename Filtration<S, FS, V>::const_Index 
+Filtration<S, FS, V>::
 get_index(const Simplex& s) const
 	typename SimplexMap::const_iterator i = inverse_simplices.find(s); 
@@ -108,9 +120,9 @@
 		return i->second;
-template<class S, class FS>
-typename Filtration<S, FS>::Index 
-Filtration<S, FS>::
+template<class S, class FS, class V>
+typename Filtration<S, FS, V>::Index 
+Filtration<S, FS, V>::
 get_index(const Simplex& s)
 	typename SimplexMap::const_iterator i = inverse_simplices.find(s); 
@@ -120,41 +132,18 @@
 		return i->second;
-template<class S, class FS>
+template<class S, class FS, class V>
-Filtration<S, FS>::
+Filtration<S, FS, V>::
 	for (Index i = begin(); i != end(); ++i)
 		inverse_simplices[*i] = i;
-template<class S>
-template<class Cmp> 
-void Filtration<S>::sort_simplices(const Cmp& cmp)
-	// Far from efficient, but should work
-	typedef std::multiset<Simplex, Cmp> SimplexSet;
-	SimplexSet ordered_simplices(cmp);
-	for (Index i = begin(); i != end(); ++i)
-		ordered_simplices.insert(*i);
-	simplices.clear();
-	inverse_simplices.clear();
-	for (typename SimplexSet::const_iterator cur = ordered_simplices.begin();
-											 cur != ordered_simplices.end();
-											 ++cur)
-	{
-		append(*cur);
-	}
-template<class S, class FS>
+template<class S, class FS, class V>
-Filtration<S, FS>::
+Filtration<S, FS, V>::
 operator<<(std::ostream& out) const
 	out << "Pairing: " << std::endl;
@@ -168,31 +157,231 @@
 	return out;
+/* Filtration Protected */
+/// Transposes simplices at i and i+1. Returns true if the pairing switched.
+template<class S, class FS, class V>
+transpose_simplices(Index i)
+	AssertMsg(is_paired(), "Pairing must be computed before transpositions");
+	counters.inc("SimplexTransposition");
+	Index i_prev = i++;
+	if (i_prev->dimension() != i->dimension())
+	{
+		swap(i_prev, i);
+		Dout(dc::transpositions, "Different dimension");
+		counters.inc("Case DiffDim");
+		return false;
+	}
+	bool si = i_prev->sign(), sii = i->sign();
+	if (si && sii)
+	{
+		Dout(dc::transpositions, "Trail prev: " << i_prev->trail());
+		// Case 1
+		TrailIterator i_prev_second = i_prev->trail().get_second(Filtration::get_trails_cmp());
+		if (*i_prev_second == i)
+		{
+			Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 1, U[i,i+1] = 1");
+			i_prev->trail().erase(i_prev_second);
+		}
+		Index k = i_prev->pair();
+		Index l = i->pair();
+		// Explicit treatment of unpaired simplex
+		if (l == i)
+		{
+			swap(i_prev, i);
+			Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 1.2 --- unpaired");
+			Dout(dc::transpositions, *i_prev);
+			counters.inc("Case 1.2");
+			return false;
+		} else if (k == i_prev)
+		{
+			if (*(l->cycle().get_second(Filtration::get_cycles_cmp())) != i_prev)
+			{
+				// Case 1.2
+				swap(i_prev, i);
+				Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 1.2 --- unpaired");
+				Dout(dc::transpositions, *i_prev);
+				counters.inc("Case 1.2");
+				return false;
+			} else
+			{
+				// Case 1.1.2 --- special version (plain swap, but pairing switches)
+				swap(i_prev, i);
+				pairing_switch(i_prev, i);
+				Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 1.1.2 --- unpaired");
+				Dout(dc::transpositions, *i_prev);
+				counters.inc("Case 1.1.2");
+				return true;
+			}
+		}
+		Dout(dc::transpositions, "l cycle: " << l->cycle());
+		if (*(l->cycle().get_second(Filtration::get_cycles_cmp())) != i_prev)
+		{
+			// Case 1.2
+			swap(i_prev, i);
+			Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 1.2");
+			counters.inc("Case 1.2");
+			return false;
+		} else
+		{
+			// Case 1.1
+			if (trails_cmp(k,l))
+			{
+				// Case 1.1.1
+				swap(i_prev, i);
+				l->cycle().add(k->cycle(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());		// Add column k to l
+				k->trail().add(l->trail(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());		// Add row l to k
+				Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 1.1.1");
+				counters.inc("Case 1.1.1");
+				return false;
+			} else
+			{
+				// Case 1.1.2
+				swap(i_prev, i);
+				k->cycle().add(l->cycle(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());		// Add column l to k
+				l->trail().add(k->trail(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());		// Add row k to l
+				pairing_switch(i_prev, i);
+				Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 1.1.2");
+				counters.inc("Case 1.1.2");
+				return true;
+			}
+		}
+	} else if (!si && !sii)
+	{
+		// Case 2
+		if (*(i_prev->trail().get_second(Filtration::get_trails_cmp())) != i)
+		{
+			// Case 2.2
+			swap(i_prev, i);
+			Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 2.2");
+			counters.inc("Case 2.2");
+			return false;
+		} else
+		{
+			// Case 2.1
+			Index low_i = i_prev->pair();
+			Index low_ii = i->pair();
+			i_prev->trail().add(i->trail(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());			// Add row i to i_prev
+			i->cycle().add(i_prev->cycle(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());			// Add column i_prev to i
+			swap(i_prev, i);	
+			if (Filtration::get_trails_cmp()(low_ii, low_i))
+			{
+				// Case 2.1.2
+				i_prev->cycle().add(i->cycle(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());		// Add column i to i_prev (after transposition)
+				i->trail().add(i_prev->trail(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());			// Add row i to i_prev
+				pairing_switch(i_prev, i);
+				Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 2.1.2");
+				counters.inc("Case 2.1.2");
+				return true;
+			} 
+			// Case 2.1.1
+			Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 2.1.1");
+			counters.inc("Case 2.1.1");
+			return false;
+		}
+	} else if (!si && sii)
+	{
+		// Case 3
+		if (*(i_prev->trail().get_second(Filtration::get_trails_cmp())) != i)
+		{
+			//AssertMsg(pair(i)->cycle_get_second(cycles_cmp) != i, dc::transpositions, "Problem in Case 3");
+			// Case 3.2
+			swap(i_prev, i);
+			Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 3.2");
+			counters.inc("Case 3.2");
+			return false;
+		} else
+		{
+			// Case 3.1
+			i_prev->trail().add(i->trail(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());			// Add row i to i_prev
+			i->cycle().add(i_prev->cycle(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());			// Add column i_prev to i
+			swap(i_prev, i);
+			i_prev->cycle().add(i->cycle(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());			// Add column i_prev to i (after transposition)
+			i->trail().add(i_prev->trail(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());			// Add row i to i_prev
+			pairing_switch(i_prev, i);
+			Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 3.1");
+			counters.inc("Case 3.1");
+			return true;
+		}
+	} else if (si && !sii)
+	{
+		// Case 4
+		TrailIterator i_prev_second = i_prev->trail().get_second(Filtration::get_trails_cmp());
+		if (*i_prev_second == i)
+		{
+			Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 4, U[i,i+1] = 1");
+			i_prev->trail().erase(i_prev_second);
+		}
+		swap(i_prev, i);
+		Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 4");
+		counters.inc("Case 4");
+		return false;
+	}
+	return false; // to avoid compiler complaints, should never reach this point
 /* Filtration Private */
-template<class S, class FS>
+template<class S, class FS, class V>
-Filtration<S, FS>::
+Filtration<S, FS, V>::
 init_cycle_trail(Index j)
 	typename Simplex::Cycle bdry = j->boundary();
 	for (typename Simplex::Cycle::const_iterator cur = bdry.begin(); cur != bdry.end(); ++cur)
+		Dout(dc::filtration, "Appending in init_cycle_trail(): " << *cur);
 		AssertMsg(get_index(*cur) != end(), "Non-existent simplex in the cycle");
-		Dout(dc::filtration, "Appending in init_cycle_trail(): " << *cur);
-		j->cycle().append(get_index(*cur));
+		j->cycle().append(get_index(*cur), get_consistency_cmp());
-	j->cycle().sort(consistency_cmp);
-	j->trail().append(j);
+	j->trail().append(j, get_consistency_cmp());
+	j->set_pair(j);
+/// Update the pairing, so that whoever was paired with i is now paired with j and vice versa.
+template<class S, class FS, class V>
+pairing_switch(Index i, Index j)
+	Index i_pair = i->pair();
+	Index j_pair = j->pair();
+	if (i_pair == i)
+		j->set_pair(j);
+	else
+	{
+		j->set_pair(i_pair);
+		i_pair->set_pair(j);
+	}
+	if (j_pair == j)
+		i->set_pair(i);
+	else
+	{
+		i->set_pair(j_pair);
+		j_pair->set_pair(i);
+	}
 /* Serialization */
-template<class S, class FS>
+template<class S, class FS, class V>
 template<class Archive> 
-Filtration<S, FS>::
+Filtration<S, FS, V>::
 save(Archive& ar, version_type ) const
@@ -221,10 +410,10 @@
 	Dout(dc::filtration, count << " simplices serialized");
-template<class S, class FS>
+template<class S, class FS, class V>
 template<class Archive>	
-Filtration<S, FS>::
+Filtration<S, FS, V>::
 load(Archive& ar, version_type )
 	Dout(dc::filtration, "Starting to read filtration");
@@ -257,9 +446,9 @@
 	Dout(dc::filtration, "In Filtration: simplices read");
-template<class S, class FS>
+template<class S, class FS, class V>
-operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Filtration<S, FS>& f)					
+operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Filtration<S, FS, V>& f)					
 { return f.operator<<(out); }
--- a/include/filtrationsimplex.h	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/include/filtrationsimplex.h	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
 #include "debug.h"
 #include "filtrationcontainer.h"
+#include "vineyard.h"
+#include "types.h"
 #include <list>
@@ -20,32 +22,50 @@
+ * Evaluator is a base class for the structures that are able to return a value
+ * given a simplex.
+ */
+template<class Smplx>
+class Evaluator
+	public:
+		typedef					Smplx										Simplex;
+		virtual RealType		time()										{ return 0; }
+		virtual RealType		value(const Simplex& s)						{ return 0; }
  * FiltrationSimplex stores information needed for the RU-decomposition: 
  * cycle (column of R), trail (row of U), and pair.
-template<class Smplx, class ContainerSimplex = void>
+template<class Smplx>
 class FiltrationSimplex: public Smplx
 		typedef		Smplx													Simplex;
 		typedef		FiltrationSimplex<Simplex>								Self;
-		typedef		FiltrationContainer<ContainerSimplex>					Container;
+		typedef		FiltrationContainer<Self>								Container;
 		typedef		Simplex													Parent;
+		typedef		Vine<Simplex>											Vine;
 		typedef		typename Container::Cycle								Cycle;
 		typedef		typename Container::Trail								Trail;
 		typedef		typename Container::Index								Index;
+		typedef		Evaluator<Simplex>										Evaluator;
 		FiltrationSimplex(const Simplex& s): 
-			Simplex(s)														{}
+			Simplex(s), vine_(0)											{}
 		/// \name Core functionality
 		/// @{
 		void					set_pair(Index pair)						{ pair_ = pair; }
 		bool					sign() const								{ return cycles_column.empty(); }
-		using Parent::dimension;
+		bool					is_paired() const							{ return pair() != pair()->pair(); }
+		void					set_vine(Vine* v)							{ vine_ = v; }
+		using 					Parent::dimension;
 		/// @}
@@ -56,122 +76,14 @@
 		const Cycle&			cycle()	const								{ return cycles_column; }
 		const Trail&			trail()	const								{ return trails_row; }
 		Index					pair() const								{ return pair_; }
-		/// @}
-	private:
-		Cycle																cycles_column;
-		Trail																trails_row; 
-		Index																pair_;
-/** Specialization for ContainerSimplex = void */
-template<class Smplx>
-class FiltrationSimplex<Smplx, void> : public Smplx
-	public:
-		typedef		Smplx													Simplex;
-		typedef		FiltrationSimplex<Simplex>								Self;
-		typedef		FiltrationContainer<Self>								Container;
-		typedef		Simplex													Parent;
-		typedef		typename Container::Cycle								Cycle;
-		typedef		typename Container::Trail								Trail;
-		typedef		typename Container::Index								Index;
-		FiltrationSimplex(const Simplex& s): 
-			Simplex(s)														{}
-		/// \name Core functionality
-		/// @{
-		void					set_pair(Index pair)						{ pair_ = pair; }
-		bool					sign() const								{ return cycles_column.empty(); }
-		using Parent::dimension;
-		/// @}
-		/// \name Accessors
-		/// @{
-		Cycle&					cycle()										{ return cycles_column; }
-		Trail&					trail()										{ return trails_row; }
-		const Cycle&			cycle()	const								{ return cycles_column; }
-		const Trail&			trail()	const								{ return trails_row; }
-		Index					pair() const								{ return pair_; }
+		Vine*					vine() const								{ return vine_; }
 		/// @}
 		Cycle																cycles_column;
 		Trail																trails_row; 
 		Index																pair_;
+		Vine*																vine_;
-#if 0			// FIXME
-template<class S>
-class Filtration<S>::FiltrationSimplexSerialization: public Simplex
-	public:
-		typedef		std::list<IntegerIndex>									IntegerIndexList;
-		// Default constructor for serialization
-		FiltrationSimplexSerialization()										{}
-		FiltrationSimplexSerialization(const FiltrationSimplex& fs, const IndexIntMap& im):
-			Simplex(fs)
-		{
-			pairing = im.find(fs.pair())->second;
-			for (typename FiltrationCycle::const_iterator 	cur = fs.cycle().begin(); 
-															cur != fs.cycle().end();
-															++cur)
-			{ 	cycle.push_back(im.find(*cur)->second);	}
-			for (typename FiltrationTrail::const_iterator 	cur = fs.trail().begin(); 
-															cur != fs.trail().end();
-															++cur)
-			{	trail.push_back(im.find(*cur)->second);	}			
-			vine = fs.get_vine();
-		}
-		void set_filtration_simplex(FiltrationSimplex& s, const IndexVector& index_vector) const
-		{
-			s = *this;
-			s.pair_with(index_vector[pairing]);
-			// Just in case
-			s.cycles_column.clear();
-			s.trails_row.clear();
-			for (IntegerIndexList::const_iterator cur = cycle.begin(); cur != cycle.end(); ++cur)
-			{	s.cycles_column.append(index_vector[*cur]);	}
-			for (IntegerIndexList::const_iterator cur = trail.begin(); cur != trail.end(); ++cur)
-			{	s.trails_row.append(index_vector[*cur]);	}
-			s.set_vine(vine);
-		}
-	private:
-		IntegerIndexList													cycle;
-		IntegerIndexList													trail;
-		IntegerIndex														pairing;
-		Vine* 																vine;
-	private:
-		// Serialization
-		friend class boost::serialization::access;
-		template<class Archive>
-		void serialize(Archive& ar, version_type )
-		{
-			ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(pairing);
-		}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/include/lowerstarfiltration.h	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+ * Author: Dmitriy Morozov
+ * Department of Computer Science, Duke University, 2005 -- 2006
+ */
+#include "sys.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "filtration.h"
+#include "simplex.h"
+#include "consistencylist.h"
+#include <boost/utility.hpp>
+#include <list>
+#include "types.h"
+#include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
+#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
+#include <boost/serialization/map.hpp>
+#include <boost/serialization/base_object.hpp>
+#include <boost/serialization/nvp.hpp>
+template<class VI, 
+		 class Smplx = SimplexWithAttachment<VI>, 
+		 class FltrSmplx = FiltrationSimplex<Smplx>,
+		 class Vnrd = Vineyard<FltrSmplx> >
+class LowerStarFiltration: public Filtration<Smplx, FltrSmplx, Vnrd>
+	public:
+		// Treat VertexIndex as an iterator
+		typedef					VI													VertexIndex;		
+		typedef					Smplx												Simplex;
+		typedef					Filtration<Simplex>									Parent;
+		typedef					typename Parent::Vineyard							Vineyard;
+		typedef					typename Parent::Index								Index;
+		typedef					typename Parent::const_Index						const_Index;
+		typedef					typename Parent::Cycle								Cycle;
+		typedef					typename Parent::Trail								Trail;
+		typedef					typename Simplex::Cycle 							SimplexBoundaryCycle;
+		struct 					VertexDescriptor;
+		typedef					ConsistencyList<VertexDescriptor>					VertexOrder;
+		typedef					typename VertexOrder::iterator						VertexOrderIndex;
+		typedef					typename VertexOrder::const_iterator				const_VertexOrderIndex;
+		typedef 				typename VertexOrder::LessThanComparison			VertexOrderComparison;
+		struct					SimplexAttachmentComparison;
+	public:
+								template<class VertexCmp>							
+								LowerStarFiltration(VertexIndex begin, VertexIndex end, const VertexCmp& cmp, Vineyard* vineyard);
+		using 					Parent::size;
+		using 					Parent::begin;
+		using 					Parent::end;
+		VertexIndex				num_vertices() const								{ return vertex_order.size(); }
+		const VertexOrderComparison& 
+								get_vertex_cmp() const								{ return vertex_cmp; }
+		Index 					append(const Simplex& s);
+		bool					transpose_vertices(const VertexOrderIndex& voi);
+	protected:
+		/// Hint function: if unsure, should return true
+		virtual bool			neighbors(VertexIndex v1, VertexIndex v2) const		{ return true; }
+	private:
+		bool 					transpose(Index i);
+		void					assert_pairing(Index i);
+	private:
+		VertexOrder				vertex_order;	
+		VertexOrderComparison	vertex_cmp;
+	/* Serialization */
+	protected:
+		LowerStarFiltration()														{}
+	private:
+		friend class boost::serialization::access;
+		template<class Archive>
+		void save(Archive& ar, version_type ) const									{ ar << BOOST_SERIALIZATION_BASE_OBJECT_NVP(Parent); }
+		template<class Archive>
+		void load(Archive& ar, version_type );
+template<class VI, class Smplx, class FltrSmplx, class Vnrd>
+struct LowerStarFiltration<VI,Smplx,FltrSmplx,Vnrd>::VertexDescriptor
+	VertexDescriptor(VertexIndex vi, Index si): 
+		vertex_index(vi), simplex_index(si)		
+	{}
+	VertexIndex			vertex_index;
+	Index				simplex_index;
+template<class VI, class Smplx, class FltrSmplx, class Vnrd>
+struct LowerStarFiltration<VI,Smplx,FltrSmplx,Vnrd>::SimplexAttachmentComparison
+	bool operator()(const Simplex& first, const Simplex& second) const;
+	VertexOrderComparison	vertex_cmp;
+#include "lowerstarfiltration.hpp"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/include/lowerstarfiltration.hpp	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+/* Implementations */
+template<class VI, class Smplx, class FltrSmplx, class Vnrd>
+template<class VertexCmp>
+LowerStarFiltration(VertexIndex begin, VertexIndex end, const VertexCmp& cmp, Vineyard* vineyard):
+	Parent(vineyard)
+	// Record VertexIndexes in a temporary list
+	typedef std::list<VertexIndex> VertexIndexList;
+	VertexIndexList tmp_list;
+	while (begin != end)
+		tmp_list.push_back(begin++);
+	// Sort the temporary list
+	tmp_list.sort(cmp);
+	// Record vertex order
+	for(typename VertexIndexList::const_iterator cur = tmp_list.begin(); cur != tmp_list.end(); ++cur)
+		(*cur)->set_order(vertex_order.push_back(VertexDescriptor(*cur, Parent::append(Simplex(*cur)))));
+template<class VI, class Smplx, class FltrSmplx, class Vnrd>
+typename LowerStarFiltration<VI,Smplx,FltrSmplx,Vnrd>::Index 
+append(const Simplex& s)
+	AssertMsg(s.dimension() != 0, "All vertices must have been inserted in the constructor");
+	// Find the highest vertex
+	typename Simplex::VertexContainer::const_iterator cur = s.vertices().begin(), max = cur++;
+	for (; cur != s.vertices().end(); ++cur)
+		if (!vertex_cmp((*cur)->get_order(), (*max)->get_order()))
+			max = cur;
+	Index ms = (*max)->get_order()->simplex_index;	Index prior;
+	do { prior = ms++; } while (ms->dimension() <= s.dimension() && ms != Parent::end() && ms->get_attachment() == *max);
+	Index i = Parent::insert(prior, s);
+	i->set_attachment(*max);
+	return i;
+template<class VI, class Smplx, class FltrSmplx, class Vnrd>
+operator()(const Simplex& first, const Simplex& second) const
+	int cmp = vertex_cmp.compare(first.get_attachment()->get_order(), second.get_attachment()->get_order());
+	if (cmp == 0)
+		return first.dimension() < second.dimension();
+	else
+		return cmp == -1;
+template<class VI, class Smplx, class FltrSmplx, class Vnrd>
+transpose_vertices(const VertexOrderIndex& order)
+	counters.inc("VertexTransposition");
+	if ((counters.lookup("VertexTransposition") % 1000000) == 0)
+	{
+		Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "Vertex transpositions:  " << counters.lookup("VertexTransposition"));
+		Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "Simplex transpositions: " << counters.lookup("SimplexTransposition"));
+		Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "Attachment changed:     " << counters.lookup("ChangedAttachment"));
+		Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "Regular disconnected:   " << counters.lookup("RegularDisconnected"));
+		Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "Pairing Changed:        " << counters.lookup("ChangedPairing"));
+		Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "------------------------");
+	}
+	Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "Transposing vertices (" << order->vertex_index << ", " 
+													<< boost::next(order)->vertex_index << ")");
+	Index i = order->simplex_index;
+	Index i_prev = boost::prior(i);
+	Index i_next = boost::next(order)->simplex_index;
+	Index i_next_prev = boost::prior(i_next);			// transpositions are done in terms of the first index in the pair
+	Index j = boost::next(i_next);
+	const VertexIndex& v_i = order->vertex_index;
+	const VertexIndex& v_i_next = boost::next(order)->vertex_index;
+	bool nbghrs = neighbors(v_i, v_i_next);
+	bool result = false;
+	// First, move the vertex --- this can be sped up if we devise special "vertex transpose" operation
+	while (i_next_prev != i_prev)						
+	{ 
+		result |= transpose(i_next_prev);
+		i_next_prev = boost::prior(i_next);
+	}
+	Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "Done moving the vertex");
+	// Second, move the simplices attached to it
+	Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "Moving attached simplices");
+	while (j != Parent::end() && j->get_attachment() == v_i_next)
+	{
+		Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "  Considering " << *j);
+		if (nbghrs && j->contains(v_i))			// short circuit
+		{
+			counters.inc("ChangedAttachment");
+			Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "  Attachment changed for " << *j);
+			j->set_attachment(v_i);
+			++j;
+			continue;
+		}	
+		Index j_prev = j; ++j;
+		while ((--j_prev)->get_attachment() != v_i_next) 		// i.e., until we have reached v_i_next 
+															// (and the simplices that follow it) again
+		{
+			Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "    Moving: " << *j_prev << ", " << *boost::next(j_prev));
+			AssertMsg(j_prev->get_attachment() == v_i, "Simplex preceding the one being moved must be attached to v_i");
+			result |= transpose(j_prev);
+			--j_prev;
+		}
+	}
+	Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "Done moving attached simplices");
+	vertex_order.swap(order, boost::next(order));
+	return result;
+template<class VI, class Smplx, class FltrSmplx, class Vnrd>
+transpose(Index i)
+	Index j = boost::next(i);
+	Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "    Transposing (" << *i << ", " << *(i->pair()) << ") and (" 
+											   << *j << ", " << *(j->pair()) << ")");
+	assert_pairing(i);
+	assert_pairing(j);
+	bool res = Parent::transpose(i);
+	Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "    " << *j << ": " << *(j->pair()) << ", " << *i << ": " << *(i->pair()));
+	assert_pairing(j);
+	assert_pairing(i);
+	return res;
+template<class VI, class Smplx, class FltrSmplx, class Vnrd>
+assert_pairing(Index i)
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+	AssertMsg(i != Parent::end(), "Cannot assert pairing of end()");
+	if (!i->sign())
+	{
+		if (i->pair() != i->cycle().top(Parent::get_cycles_cmp()))
+		{
+			Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "i (negative): " << *i);
+			Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "pair(i): " << *(i->pair()));
+			Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "i->cycle().top(): " << *(i->cycle().top(Parent::get_cycles_cmp())));
+			DoutFatal(dc::fatal, "Pairing not matching the matrix at " << *i);
+		}
+	} else
+	{
+		if (i->pair() != i)
+		{
+			if (i->pair()->cycle().top(Parent::get_cycles_cmp()) != i)
+			{
+				Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "i (positive): " << *i);
+				Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "pair(i): " << *(i->pair()));
+				Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "pair(i)->cycle(): " << i->pair()->cycle());
+				Dout(dc::lsfiltration, "pair->cycle().top(): " << *(i->pair()->cycle().top(Parent::get_cycles_cmp())));
+				DoutFatal(dc::fatal, "Pairing not matching the matrix at " << *(i->pair()));
+			}
+		}
+	}
+template<class VI, class Smplx, class FltrSmplx, class Vnrd>
+template<class Archive>
+load(Archive& ar, version_type )
+	// Count the number of vertices
+	VertexIndex num_vertices = 0;
+	for (Index cur = begin(); cur != end(); ++cur)
+		if (dimension(cur) == 0)	
+			num_vertices++;
+	// Second pass to record vertex_order
+	vertex_order.resize(num_vertices);
+	inverse_vertex_order.resize(num_vertices);
+	num_vertices = 0;
+	for (Index cur = begin(); cur != end(); ++cur)
+	{
+		if (dimension(cur) == 0)
+		{
+			vertex_order[num_vertices].index = cur;
+			vertex_order[num_vertices].vertex_index = *(cur->get_vertices().begin());
+			inverse_vertex_order[vertex_order[num_vertices].vertex_index] = num_vertices;
+			++num_vertices;
+		}
+	}
--- a/include/orderlist.h	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/include/orderlist.h	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@
 		/// \name Order operations
 		void			swap(iterator i, iterator j);				///< Exchanges the order of simplices pointed to by i and j
+		template<class BinaryPredicate>
+		void			sort(BinaryPredicate cmp);					///< Sorts the elements in accordance with cmp
 		/// \name Container operations
 		/// @{
@@ -116,7 +118,19 @@
 	T 				data;
 	OrderType		tag;
-	std::ostream& 		operator<<(std::ostream& out) const					{ return out << data << ": " << tag; }
+	std::ostream& 	operator<<(std::ostream& out) const				{ return out << data << ": " << tag; }
+template<class T, class BinaryPredicate>
+class OrderListNodeComparison
+	public:
+		typedef 		OrderListNode<T>								Node;
+		OrderListNodeComparison(BinaryPredicate cmp): cmp_(cmp) 		{}
+		bool operator()(const Node& a, const Node& b) const				{ return cmp_(a.data, b.data); }
+	private:
+		BinaryPredicate cmp_;
 template<class T>
--- a/include/orderlist.hpp	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/include/orderlist.hpp	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -16,6 +16,18 @@
 template<class T>
+template<class BinaryPredicate>
+sort(BinaryPredicate cmp)
+	Parent::sort(OrderListNodeComparison<T, BinaryPredicate>(cmp));
+	OrderType cur_order = 0;
+	for (typename Parent::iterator cur = begin(); cur != end(); ++cur)
+		cur->tag = cur_order++;
+template<class T>
 typename OrderList<T>::iterator 
 push_back(const_reference x)
--- a/include/simplex.h	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/include/simplex.h	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@
 		/// \name Core 
 		/// @{
 		Cycle					boundary() const;
-		virtual RealType		value() const 										{ return 0; }
 		Dimension				dimension() const									{ return vertices_.size()-1; }
 		/// @}
@@ -113,11 +112,10 @@
 		/// \name Core
 		/// @{
 		void 					set_value(Value value)								{ val = value; }
-		virtual Value			value() const										{ return val; }
+		Value					get_value() const									{ return val; }
 		/// @}
 		const Self&				operator=(const Self& s);
 		std::ostream&			operator<<(std::ostream& out) const;
@@ -150,7 +148,7 @@
 		SimplexWithAttachment(const Parent& s):
 			Parent(s)																{}
 		SimplexWithAttachment(VertexIndex vi):
-			Parent(vi)																{}
+			Parent(vi), attachment(vi)												{}
 		/// @}
 		void 					set_attachment(VertexIndex v)						{ attachment = v; }
--- a/include/types.h	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/include/types.h	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #ifndef __TYPES_H__
 #define __TYPES_H__
-#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
 /* Types */
 typedef 	bool					Sign;
@@ -11,41 +11,8 @@
 typedef		double					RealType;
 typedef		unsigned int			SizeType;
+static RealType Infinity = std::numeric_limits<RealType>::infinity();
 typedef 	const unsigned int&		version_type;
- * Rational number type
- */
-template<typename T>
-class Rational
-	public:
-		typedef			Rational<T>			Self;
-		Rational(T v);
-		Rational(const Self& other);
-		Self& operator/=(const Self& rhs);
-		/// \name Comparisons
-		/// Assume denominator is positive.
-		/// @{
-		bool operator<(const Self& rhs) const;
-		bool operator<=(const Self& rhs) const;
-		bool operator>(const Self& rhs) const;
-		bool operator>=(const Self& rhs) const;
-		/// @}
-		Self& operator=(const Self& rhs);
-		RealType to_real() const;
-		std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out) const;
-	private:
-		T numerator, denominator;
-#include "types.hpp"
 #endif // __TYPES_H__
--- a/include/types.hpp	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-/* Implementations */
-template<typename T>
-Rational(T v): 
-	numerator(v), denominator(1)					
-template<typename T>
-Rational(const Self& other): 
-	numerator(other.numerator), denominator(other.denominator)
-template<typename T>
-typename Rational<T>::Self& 
-operator/=(const Self& rhs)
-	numerator *= rhs.denominator; 
-	denominator *= rhs.numerator; 
-	if (denominator < 0)
-	{
-		numerator = -numerator;
-		denominator = -denominator;
-	}
-	return *this; 
-template<typename T>
-operator<(const Self& rhs) const
-{ return (numerator * rhs.denominator < denominator * rhs.numerator); }
-template<typename T>
-operator<=(const Self& rhs) const
-{ return (numerator * rhs.denominator <= denominator * rhs.numerator); }
-template<typename T>
-operator>(const Self& rhs) const
-{ return rhs < (*this); }
-template<typename T>
-operator>=(const Self& rhs) const
-{ return rhs <= (*this); }
-template<typename T>
-typename Rational<T>::Self& 
-operator=(const Self& rhs)
-{ numerator = rhs.numerator; denominator = rhs.denominator; return *this; }
-template<typename T>
-operator<<(std::ostream& out) const
-{ out << numerator << " / " << denominator << " = " << (numerator/denominator); return out; }
-template<typename T>
-to_real() const
-{ return numerator/denominator; }
-template<typename T>
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Rational<T>& r)
-	return r.operator<<(out);
--- a/include/vineyard.h	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/include/vineyard.h	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -6,10 +6,9 @@
 #ifndef __VINEYARD_H__
 #define __VINEYARD_H__
-#include "filtration.h"
-#include "vineyardsimplex.h"
 #include "types.h"
 #include <list>
+#include <string>
 #include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
 #include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
@@ -18,70 +17,129 @@
 #include <boost/serialization/is_abstract.hpp>
-template<class S> class VineyardSimplex;
+template<class Smplx>	class Knee;
+template<class Smplx>	class Vine;
- * Vineyard class. Provides transpose() function, and keeps track of vines and knees in the process.
- * Derives from Filtration, which represents the current state of the filtration (after the performed 
- * transpositions).
+ * Vineyard class. Keeps track of vines and knees. switched() is the key function called
+ * by filtration when pairing switches after a Filtration::transpose().
-template<class Smplx,
-		 class Fltr = Filtration<Smplx>, 
-		 class VnrdSmplx = VineyardSimplex<Smplx> >
-class Vineyard: public Fltr::template rebind<VnrdSmplx>::other
+template<class FltrSmplx>
+class Vineyard
+	public:
+		typedef							FltrSmplx									FiltrationSimplex;
+		typedef							typename FiltrationSimplex::Simplex			Simplex;
+		typedef							Vine<Simplex>								Vine;
+		typedef							Knee<Simplex>								Knee;
+		typedef							std::list<Vine>								VineList;
+		typedef							std::vector<VineList>						VineListVector;
+		typedef							typename FiltrationSimplex::Cycle			Cycle;
+		typedef							typename FiltrationSimplex::Index			Index;
+		typedef							typename FiltrationSimplex::Evaluator		Evaluator;
+	public:
+										Vineyard(Evaluator* eval = 0): 
+											evaluator(eval)							{}
+		void							start_vines(Index bg, Index end);
+		void							switched(Index i, Index j);
+		void							record_diagram(Index bg, Index end);
+		void							set_evaluator(Evaluator* eval)				{ evaluator = eval; }
+		void							save_edges(const std::string& filename) const;
+	protected:
+		typename Knee::SimplexList  	resolve_cycle(Index i) const;
+	private:
+		void							record_knee(Index i);
+		void							start_vine(Index i);
+	private:
+		VineListVector					vines;
+		Evaluator*						evaluator;
+ * Knee class stores the knee in R^3 as well as the cycle that is associated with the Simplex starting from the Knee.
+ */
+template<class S>
+class Knee
-		typedef							Smplx											Simplex;
-		typedef							VnrdSmplx										VineyardSimplex;
-		typedef				   typename Fltr::template rebind<VineyardSimplex>::other	Filtration;
-		/// \name Vineyard types
-		/// @{
-		typedef				   typename VineyardSimplex::Knee							Knee;
-		typedef				   typename VineyardSimplex::Vine							Vine;
-		/// @}
+		typedef					S												Simplex;
+		typedef					std::list<Simplex>								SimplexList;
+		RealType				birth;
+		RealType				death;
+		RealType				time;
+		SimplexList				cycle;
+								// Default parameters for serialization
+								Knee(RealType b = 0, RealType d = 0, RealType t = 0):
+									birth(b), death(d), time(t)
+								{}
+								Knee(const Knee& other): 
+									birth(other.birth), death(other.death), time(other.time)
+								{}
+		bool 					is_diagonal() const								{ return birth == death; }
+		bool					is_infinite() const								{ return (death == Infinity) || (birth == Infinity); }
+		void 					set_cycle(const SimplexList& lst)				{ cycle = lst; }
-		/// \name Container  Types
-		/// @{
-		typedef				   typename Filtration::Index								Index;
-		typedef				   typename Filtration::const_Index							const_Index;
-		/// @}
-		/// \name Cycles and Trails 
-		/// @{
-		typedef				   typename Filtration::CyclesComparator					CyclesComparator;
-		typedef				   typename Filtration::Cycle								Cycle;
-		typedef				   typename Filtration::TrailIterator						TrailIterator;
-		/// @}
+		std::ostream&			operator<<(std::ostream& out) const				{ return out << "(" << birth << ", " 
+																									<< death << ", " 
+																									<< time  << ")"; }
+	private:
+		friend class boost::serialization::access;
+		template<class Archive>
+		void 					serialize(Archive& ar, version_type );
+template<class S>
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Knee<S>& k) 					{ return k.operator<<(out); }
+ * Vine is a list of Knees
+ */
+template<class S>
+class Vine: public std::list<Knee<S> >
-										Vineyard();
-										Vineyard(const Vineyard& vineyard); 				///< Copy-constructor
-		template<class OtherFltrSmplx>	Vineyard(const typename Filtration::template rebind<OtherFltrSmplx>::other& filtration);
-		///< Pseudo from-base constructor
+		typedef					S												Simplex;
+		typedef					Knee<Simplex>									Knee;
+		typedef					std::list<Knee>									VineRepresentation;
+		typedef					typename VineRepresentation::const_iterator		const_knee_iterator;
-		/// \name Core functionality
-		/// @{
-		void							pair_simplices(Index bg);
-		void							record_frame(Index bg);
-		bool							transpose(Index i);
-		/// @}
+								Vine()											{}
+								Vine(const Knee& k)								{ add(k); }
+		void 					add(RealType b, RealType d, RealType t)			{ push_back(Knee(b,d,t)); }
+		void 					add(const Knee& k)								{ push_back(k); }
-		using Filtration::is_paired;
-		using Filtration::begin;
-		using Filtration::end;
-		using Filtration::size;
+		using VineRepresentation::begin;
+		using VineRepresentation::end;
+		using VineRepresentation::front;
+		using VineRepresentation::back;
+		using VineRepresentation::size;
+		using VineRepresentation::empty;
-		bool 							transpose_simplices(Index i);				
-		typename Knee::SimplexList  	resolve_cycle(Index i) const;
+		using VineRepresentation::push_back;
-		void							start_vines(Index bg);
-		void							pairing_switch(Index i, Index j);
+		friend class boost::serialization::access;
+		template<class Archive>
+		void 					serialize(Archive& ar, version_type );
 #include "vineyard.hpp"
 #endif // __VINEYARD_H__
--- a/include/vineyard.hpp	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/include/vineyard.hpp	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -1,279 +1,152 @@
 /* Implementations */
-template<class S, class F, class VS>
-template<class S, class F, class VS>
-Vineyard(const Vineyard& vineyard): 
-	Filtration(vineyard)
-	// TODO: copy vines
-template<class S, class F, class VS>
-template<class OtherFltrSmplx>	
-Vineyard(const typename Filtration::template rebind<OtherFltrSmplx>::other& filtration):
-	Filtration(filtration)
-	// TODO (if anything?)
+#include <fstream>
+#include <sstream>
-template<class S, class F, class VS>
-pair_simplices(Index bg)
+template<class FS>
+start_vines(Index bg, Index end)
-	Filtration::pair_simplices(bg);
-	start_vines(bg);	
-	record_frame(bg);
+	AssertMsg(evaluator != 0, "Cannot start vines with a null evaluator");
+	for (Index cur = bg; cur != end; ++cur)
+	{
+		if (!cur->sign()) continue;
+		Dimension dim = cur->dimension();
+		if (dim >= vines.size())
+		{
+			AssertMsg(dim == vines.size(), "New dimension has to be contiguous");
+			vines.push_back(std::list<Vine>());
+		}
-/** Starts a new frame by recording the current diagram in the vineyard */
-template<class S, class F, class VS>
-record_frame(Index bg)
-	Dout(dc::vineyard, "Entered: record_frame()");
-	AssertMsg(is_paired(), "Pairing must be computed before a vine frame can be recorded");
-	for (Index i = begin(); i != end(); ++i)
-	{
-		if (i->sign())		continue;
-		Knee* k = i->new_frame(Knee(i->pair()->value(), i->value(), 0));
-		k->set_cycle(resolve_cycle(i));
+		start_vine(cur);
+		record_knee(cur);
- * Transposes simplices at i and i+1, and records the knee in the vineyard if there is a change in pairing. 
- * Returns true if the pairing changed.
- */
-template<class S, class F, class VS>
-transpose(Index i)
+template<class FS>
+switched(Index i, Index j)
+	Vine* i_vine = i->vine();
+	Vine* j_vine = j->vine();
+	i->set_vine(j_vine);
+	j->set_vine(i_vine);
+	// Since the pairing has already been updated, the following assertions should be true
+	AssertMsg(i->vine() == i->pair()->vine(), "i's vine must match the vine of its pair");
+	AssertMsg(j->vine() == j->pair()->vine(), "j's vine must match the vine of its pair");
+	if (!i->sign()) i = i->pair();
+	if (!j->sign()) j = j->pair();
+	record_knee(i);
+	record_knee(j);
+template<class FS>
+start_vine(Index i)
-	bool result = transpose_simplices(i);
-	if (result)
+	Dout(dc::vineyard, "Starting new vine");
+	AssertMsg(i->sign(), "Can only start vines for positive simplices");
+	Dimension dim = i->dimension();
+	vines[dim].push_back(Vine());
+	i->set_vine(&vines[dim].back());
+	i->pair()->set_vine(i->vine());
+/// Records the current diagram in the vineyard
+template<class FS>
+record_diagram(Index bg, Index end)
+	Dout(dc::vineyard, "Entered: record_diagram()");
+	AssertMsg(evaluator != 0, "Cannot record diagram with a null evaluator");
+	for (Index i = bg; i != end; ++i)
-		// Record pairing: TODO
+		AssertMsg(i->vine() != 0, "Cannot process a null vine in record_diagram");
+		if (!i->sign())		continue;
+		record_knee(i);
-	return result;
-/// Transposes simplices at i and i+1. Returns true if the pairing switched.
-template<class S, class F, class VS>
-transpose_simplices(Index i)
+template<class FS>
+save_edges(const std::string& filename) const
-	AssertMsg(is_paired(), "Pairing must be computed before transpositions");
-	counters.inc("SimplexTransposition");
+	for (int i = 0; i < vines.size(); ++i)
+	{
+		std::ostringstream os; os << i;
+		std::string fn = filename + os.str() + ".edg";
+		std::ofstream out(fn.c_str());
+		for (typename VineList::const_iterator vi = vines[i].begin(); vi != vines[i].end(); ++vi)
+			for (typename Vine::const_iterator ki = vi->begin(), kiprev = ki++; ki != vi->end(); kiprev = ki++)
+			{
+				out << kiprev->birth << ' ' << kiprev->death << ' ' << kiprev->time << std::endl;
+				out << ki->birth << ' ' << ki->death << ' ' << ki->time << std::endl;
+			}
+		out.close();
+	}
+/// Records a knee for the given simplex
+template<class FS>
+record_knee(Index i)
+	Dout(dc::vineyard, "Entered record_knee()");
+	AssertMsg(evaluator != 0, "Cannot record knee with a null evaluator");
+	AssertMsg(i->vine() != 0, "Cannot add a knee to a null vine");
+	AssertMsg(i->sign(), "record_knee() must be called on a positive simplex");
-	Index i_prev = i++;
-	if (i_prev->dimension() != i->dimension())
+	if (!i->is_paired())
+		i->vine()->add(evaluator->value(*i), Infinity, evaluator->time());
+	else
-		swap(i_prev, i);
-		Dout(dc::transpositions, "Different dimension");
-		counters.inc("Case DiffDim");
-		return false;
+		Dout(dc::vineyard, "Creating knee");
+		Knee k(evaluator->value(*i), evaluator->value(*(i->pair())), evaluator->time());
+		Dout(dc::vineyard, "Knee created: " << k);
+		if (!k.is_diagonal() || i->vine()->empty())			// non-diagonal k, or empty vine
+		{
+			Dout(dc::vineyard, "Extending a vine");
+			i->vine()->add(k);
+		}
+		else if (i->vine()->back().is_diagonal())			// last knee is diagonal
+		{
+			AssertMsg(i->vine()->size() == 1, "Only first knee may be diagonal for a live vine");
+			Dout(dc::vineyard, "Overwriting first diagonal knee");
+			i->vine()->back() = k;
+		} else												// finish this vine
+		{
+			Dout(dc::vineyard, "Finishing a vine");
+			i->vine()->add(k);
+			start_vine(i);
+			i->vine()->add(k);
+		}
-	bool si = i_prev->sign(), sii = i->sign();
-	if (si && sii)
-	{
-		Dout(dc::transpositions, "Trail prev: " << i_prev->trail());
-		// Case 1
-		TrailIterator i_prev_second = i_prev->trail().get_second(Filtration::get_trails_cmp());
-		if (*i_prev_second == i)
-		{
-			Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 1, U[i,i+1] = 1");
-			i_prev->trail().erase(i_prev_second);
-		}
-		Index k = i_prev->pair();
-		Index l = i->pair();
-		// Explicit treatment of unpaired simplex
-		if (l == i)
-		{
-			swap(i_prev, i);
-			Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 1.2 --- unpaired");
-			Dout(dc::transpositions, *i_prev);
-			counters.inc("Case 1.2");
-			return false;
-		} else if (k == i_prev)
-		{
-			if (*(l->cycle().get_second(Filtration::get_cycles_cmp())) != i_prev)
-			{
-				// Case 1.2
-				swap(i_prev, i);
-				Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 1.2 --- unpaired");
-				Dout(dc::transpositions, *i_prev);
-				counters.inc("Case 1.2");
-				return false;
-			} else
-			{
-				// Case 1.1.2 --- special version (plain swap, but pairing switches)
-				swap(i_prev, i);
-				pairing_switch(i_prev, i);
-				Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 1.1.2 --- unpaired");
-				Dout(dc::transpositions, *i_prev);
-				counters.inc("Case 1.1.2");
-				return true;
-			}
-		}
-		Dout(dc::transpositions, "l cycle: " << l->cycle());
-		if (*(l->cycle().get_second(Filtration::get_cycles_cmp())) != i_prev)
-		{
-			// Case 1.2
-			swap(i_prev, i);
-			Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 1.2");
-			counters.inc("Case 1.2");
-			return false;
-		} else
-		{
-			// Case 1.1
-			if (trails_cmp(k,l))
-			{
-				// Case 1.1.1
-				swap(i_prev, i);
-				l->cycle().add(k->cycle(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());		// Add column k to l
-				k->trail().add(l->trail(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());		// Add row l to k
-				Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 1.1.1");
-				counters.inc("Case 1.1.1");
-				return false;
-			} else
-			{
-				// Case 1.1.2
-				swap(i_prev, i);
-				k->cycle().add(l->cycle(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());		// Add column l to k
-				l->trail().add(k->trail(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());		// Add row k to l
-				pairing_switch(i_prev, i);
-				Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 1.1.2");
-				counters.inc("Case 1.1.2");
-				return true;
-			}
-		}
-	} else if (!si && !sii)
-	{
-		// Case 2
-		if (*(i_prev->trail().get_second(Filtration::get_trails_cmp())) != i)
-		{
-			// Case 2.2
-			swap(i_prev, i);
-			Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 2.2");
-			counters.inc("Case 2.2");
-			return false;
-		} else
-		{
-			// Case 2.1
-			Index low_i = i_prev->pair();
-			Index low_ii = i->pair();
-			i_prev->trail().add(i->trail(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());			// Add row i to i_prev
-			i->cycle().add(i_prev->cycle(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());			// Add column i_prev to i
-			swap(i_prev, i);	
-			if (Filtration::get_trails_cmp()(low_ii, low_i))
-			{
-				// Case 2.1.2
-				i_prev->cycle().add(i->cycle(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());		// Add column i to i_prev (after transposition)
-				i->trail().add(i_prev->trail(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());			// Add row i to i_prev
-				pairing_switch(i_prev, i);
-				Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 2.1.2");
-				counters.inc("Case 2.1.2");
-				return true;
-			} 
-			// Case 2.1.1
-			Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 2.1.1");
-			counters.inc("Case 2.1.1");
-			return false;
-		}
-	} else if (!si && sii)
-	{
-		// Case 3
-		if (*(i_prev->trail().get_second(Filtration::get_trails_cmp())) != i)
-		{
-			//AssertMsg(pair(i)->cycle_get_second(cycles_cmp) != i, dc::transpositions, "Problem in Case 3");
-			// Case 3.2
-			swap(i_prev, i);
-			Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 3.2");
-			counters.inc("Case 3.2");
-			return false;
-		} else
-		{
-			// Case 3.1
-			i_prev->trail().add(i->trail(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());			// Add row i to i_prev
-			i->cycle().add(i_prev->cycle(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());			// Add column i_prev to i
-			swap(i_prev, i);
-			i_prev->cycle().add(i->cycle(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());			// Add column i_prev to i (after transposition)
-			i->trail().add(i_prev->trail(), Filtration::get_consistency_cmp());			// Add row i to i_prev
-			pairing_switch(i_prev, i);
-			Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 3.1");
-			counters.inc("Case 3.1");
-			return true;
-		}
-	} else if (si && !sii)
-	{
-		// Case 4
-		TrailIterator i_prev_second = i_prev->trail().get_second(Filtration::get_trails_cmp());
-		if (*i_prev_second == i)
-		{
-			Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 4, U[i,i+1] = 1");
-			i_prev->trail().erase(i_prev_second);
-		}
-		swap(i_prev, i);
-		Dout(dc::transpositions, "Case 4");
-		counters.inc("Case 4");
-		return false;
-	}
-	return false; // to avoid compiler complaints, should never reach this point
+	i->vine()->back().set_cycle(resolve_cycle(i));
+	Dout(dc::vineyard, "Leaving record_knee()");
-template<class S, class F, class VS>
-typename Vineyard<S,F,VS>::Knee::SimplexList  
+template<class FS>
+typename Vineyard<FS>::Knee::SimplexList  
 resolve_cycle(Index i) const
-	Dout(dc::filtration, "Entered: resolve_cycle");
+	Dout(dc::vineyard, "Entered resolve_cycle");
 	const Cycle& cycle = i->cycle();
-	const CyclesComparator& cmp = Filtration::get_cycles_cmp();
-#if 0
-	// Make into canonical cycle
-	bool done = false;
-	while (!done)
-	{
-		done = true;
-		for (typename Cycle::const_iterator cur = cycle.begin(); cur != cycle.end(); ++cur)
-		{
-			if (!((*cur)->sign()))
-				continue;
-			if (cmp(i,(*cur)->pair()))
-			{
-				done = false;
-				cycle.add((*cur)->pair()->cycle(), get_consistency_cmp());
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	std::cout << "Canonical cycle computed" << std::endl;
 	// Resolve simplices
 	typename Knee::SimplexList lst;
 	for (typename Cycle::const_iterator cur = cycle.begin(); cur != cycle.end(); ++cur)
@@ -281,46 +154,3 @@
 	return lst;
-/* Vineyard Private */
-/** Initializes vines in VineyardSimplices; should be called after pair_simplices() */
-template<class S, class F, class VS>
-start_vines(Index bg)
-	for (Index i = bg; i != end(); ++i)
-	{
-		if (!i->sign())		continue;
-		Vine* v = new Vine;
-		i->set_vine(v);
-		i->pair()->set_vine(v);				// if i is unpaired i->pair() == i
-	}
-/// Update the pairing, so that whoever was paired with i is now paired with j and vice versa.
-template<class S, class F, class VS>
-pairing_switch(Index i, Index j)
-	Index i_pair = i->pair();
-	Index j_pair = j->pair();
-	if (i_pair == i)
-		j->set_pair(j);
-	else
-	{
-		j->set_pair(i_pair);
-		i_pair->set_pair(j);
-	}
-	if (j_pair == j)
-		i->set_pair(i);
-	else
-	{
-		i->set_pair(j_pair);
-		j_pair->set_pair(i);
-	}
--- a/include/vineyardsimplex.h	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
- * Author: Dmitriy Morozov
- * Department of Computer Science, Duke University, 2006
- */
-#include "types.h"
-#include <boost/serialization/access.hpp>
-template<class S> class Knee;
-template<class S> class Vine;
- * VineyardSimplex class stores a Vine as a list of VineFrames, each of which is a list of Knees.
- */
-template<class Smplx>
-class VineyardSimplex: public FiltrationSimplex<Smplx, VineyardSimplex<Smplx> >
-	public:
-		typedef					Smplx											Simplex;
-		typedef					VineyardSimplex									Self;
-		typedef 				FiltrationSimplex<Simplex, Self>				FiltrationSimplex;
-		typedef					typename FiltrationSimplex::Container			Container;
-		typedef					typename FiltrationSimplex::Index				Index;
-		typedef					Knee<Simplex>									Knee;
-		typedef					Vine<Simplex>									Vine;
-								VineyardSimplex(const FiltrationSimplex& fs): 
-									FiltrationSimplex(fs)						{}
-		Vine*					vine() const									{ return vine_; }
-		void					set_vine(Vine* v)								{ vine_ = v; }
-		Knee*					add_knee(const Knee& k)							{ assert(vine_); return vine_->add(k); } 
-		Knee*					new_frame(const Knee& k)						{ assert(vine_); return vine_->new_frame(k); }
-		void					swap_vine(Index i)								{ std::swap(vine_, i->vine_); }
-		using FiltrationSimplex::set_pair;
-	private:
-		Vine*																	vine_;
- * Knee class stores the knee in R^3 as well as the cycle that is associated with the Simplex starting from the Knee.
- */
-template<class S>
-class Knee
-	public:
-		typedef					S												Simplex;
-		typedef					std::list<Simplex>								SimplexList;
-		RealType				birth;
-		RealType				death;
-		RealType				time;
-		SimplexList				cycle;
-								// Default parameters for serialization
-								Knee(RealType b = 0, RealType d = 0, RealType t = 0):
-									birth(b), death(d), time(t)
-								{}
-		bool 					is_diagonal() const								{ return birth == death; }
-		void 					set_cycle(const SimplexList& lst)				{ cycle = lst; }
-	private:
-		friend class boost::serialization::access;
-		template<class Archive>
-		void 					serialize(Archive& ar, version_type );
- * VineFrame is a list of Knees.
- */
-template<class S>
-class VineFrame: public std::list<Knee<S> >
- * Vine is a list of VineFrames.
- */
-template<class S>
-class Vine: public std::list<VineFrame<S> >
-	public:
-		typedef					S												Simplex;
-		typedef					Knee<Simplex>									Knee;
-		typedef					VineFrame<Simplex>								VineFrame;
-		typedef					std::list<VineFrame>							VineRepresentation;
-		typedef					typename VineRepresentation::const_iterator		const_frame_iterator;
-								Vine()											{}
-		Knee* 					add(RealType b, RealType d, RealType t)			{ back().push_back(Knee(b,d,t)); return &(back().back()); }
-		Knee* 					add(const Knee& k)								{ back().push_back(k); return &(back().back()); }
-		Knee*					new_frame(const Knee& k)						{ push_back(VineFrame()); return add(k); }
-		unsigned int			num_frames()	const							{ return size(); }
-		// TODO: Do a proper frame_iterator here, and knee_iterator
-		using VineRepresentation::begin;
-		using VineRepresentation::end;
-		using VineRepresentation::front;
-		using VineRepresentation::back;
-		using VineRepresentation::size;
-	protected:
-		using VineRepresentation::push_back;
-	private:
-		friend class boost::serialization::access;
-		template<class Archive>
-		void 					serialize(Archive& ar, version_type );
-#include "vineyardsimplex.hpp"
-#endif // __VINEYARDSIMPLEX_H__
--- a/include/vineyardsimplex.hpp	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#include <boost/serialization/vector.hpp>
-#include <boost/serialization/nvp.hpp>
-#include <boost/serialization/list.hpp>
-using boost::serialization::make_nvp;
-/* Implementations */
-template<class S>
-template<class Archive>
-serialize(Archive& ar, version_type )
-template<class S>
-template<class Archive>
-serialize(Archive& ar, version_type )
-{ ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_BASE_OBJECT_NVP(VineRepresentation); }
--- a/src/debug.cpp	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/src/debug.cpp	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -13,12 +13,10 @@
 		        // Add new debug channels here.
 				channel_ct filtration("FILTRATION");
-				channel_ct transpositions("TRANSPOSITIONS");
+				channel_ct transpositions("TRANSPOS");
 				channel_ct vineyard("VINEYARD");
 				channel_ct cycle("CYCLE");
 				channel_ct lsfiltration("LSFILTRATION");
-				channel_ct lsvineyard("LSVINEYARD");
-				channel_ct vertex_transpositions("VERTEX_TRANSPOS");
 				channel_ct orderlist("ORDERLIST");
     	} // namespace DEBUGCHANNELS
--- a/tests/SConscript	Sat Dec 16 15:34:46 2006 -0500
+++ b/tests/SConscript	Thu Dec 21 13:32:34 2006 -0500
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-sources = 			['test-orderlist.cpp', 'test-consistencylist.cpp']
+sources = 			['test-orderlist.cpp', 'test-consistencylist.cpp', 'test-realtype.cpp']
 for s in sources:
 	Default(env.Program([s] + external_sources))