Initial commit
authorDmitriy Morozov <>
Thu, 03 Mar 2011 12:58:47 -0800
changeset 0 f591c821bbc4
child 1 da08d9c69f4b
Initial commit
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.hgignore	Thu Mar 03 12:58:47 2011 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+syntax: glob
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Mar 03 12:58:47 2011 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+from    PyQt4.QtGui     import *
+from    PyQGLViewer     import *
+import  OpenGL.GL as ogl
+from    points          import Points, centerMinMax, reduceCMM
+from    opster          import command, dispatch
+class VEFViewer(QGLViewer):
+    def __init__(self):
+        QGLViewer.__init__(self)
+        self.setStateFileName('.PyVEFViewer.xml')
+        self.models = []
+    def draw(self):
+        self.lights()
+        for mod in self.models:
+            mod.draw()
+    def drawWithNames(self):
+        for i,mod in enumerate(self.models):
+            mod.drawWithNames(i)
+    def lights(self):
+        # GL_LIGHT0
+        ogl.glLightfv(ogl.GL_LIGHT0, ogl.GL_POSITION, (,,, 1.0));
+        # GL_LIGHT1
+        camera_pos =;
+        camera_dir =;
+        light_pos1 = (camera_pos.x, camera_pos.y, camera_pos.z, 1.0);
+        light_spot_dir1 = (camera_dir.x, camera_dir.y, camera_dir.z);
+        ogl.glLightfv(ogl.GL_LIGHT1, ogl.GL_POSITION, light_pos1);
+    def init(self):
+        # ogl.glMaterialf(ogl.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, ogl.GL_SHININESS, 50.0)
+        # specular_color = [ 0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0 ]
+        # ogl.glMaterialfv(ogl.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, ogl.GL_SPECULAR,  specular_color)
+        self.restoreStateFromFile()
+        #
+        ogl.glShadeModel(ogl.GL_SMOOTH);
+        ogl.glEnable(ogl.GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);
+        ogl.glEnable(ogl.GL_NORMALIZE);
+        ogl.glEnable(ogl.GL_LINE_SMOOTH);
+        ogl.glEnable(ogl.GL_POINT_SMOOTH);
+        ogl.glLightModeli(ogl.GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE, ogl.GL_TRUE);
+        ogl.glPointSize(2.0);
+        ogl.glEnable(ogl.GL_CULL_FACE);
+    #def helpString(self):
+    #    return helpstr
+    def read_points(self, points):
+        for pts in points:
+            self.models.append(Points(pts))
+    def normalize_view(self):
+        self.centerScene()
+        self.setSceneBoundingBox(Vec(self.min.x, self.min.y, self.min.z), \
+                                 Vec(self.max.x, self.max.y, self.max.z))
+    def centerScene(self):
+, self.min, self.max = reduceCMM((, mod.min, mod.max) for mod in self.models)
+@command(usage = '%name [options]')
+def main(points     = ('p', [], 'files with points'),       # TODO: add completer for filenames
+         edges      = ('e', [], 'files with edges'),
+         triangles  = ('t', [], 'files with triangles')):
+    qapp = QApplication([])
+    viewer = VEFViewer()
+    viewer.setWindowTitle("PyVEFViewer")
+    viewer.read_points(points)
+    #viewer.read_edges(edges)
+    #viewer.read_triangles(triangles)
+    viewer.normalize_view()
+    qapp.exec_()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Mar 03 12:58:47 2011 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
+# (c) Alexander Solovyov, 2009, under terms of the new BSD License
+'''Command line arguments parser
+import sys, traceback, getopt, types, textwrap, inspect, os
+from itertools import imap
+__all__ = ['command', 'dispatch']
+__version__ = '0.9.13'
+__author__ = 'Alexander Solovyov'
+__email__ = ''
+    import locale
+    ENCODING = locale.getpreferredencoding()
+    if not ENCODING or ENCODING == 'mac-roman' or 'ascii' in ENCODING.lower():
+        ENCODING = 'UTF-8'
+except locale.Error:
+    ENCODING = 'UTF-8'
+def write(text, out=sys.stdout):
+    if isinstance(text, unicode):
+        return out.write(text.encode(ENCODING))
+    out.write(text)
+def err(text):
+    write(text, out=sys.stderr)
+# --------
+# Public interface
+# --------
+def command(options=None, usage=None, name=None, shortlist=False, hide=False):
+    '''Decorator to mark function to be used for command line processing.
+    All arguments are optional:
+     - ``options``: options in format described in docs. If not supplied,
+       will be determined from function.
+     - ``usage``: usage string for function, replaces ``%name`` with name
+       of program or subcommand. In case if it's subcommand and ``%name``
+       is not present, usage is prepended by ``name``
+     - ``name``: used for multiple subcommands. Defaults to wrapped
+       function name
+     - ``shortlist``: if command should be included in shortlist. Used
+       only with multiple subcommands
+     - ``hide``: if command should be hidden from help listing. Used only
+       with multiple subcommands, overrides ``shortlist``
+    '''
+    def wrapper(func):
+        try:
+            options_ = list(guess_options(func))
+        except TypeError:
+            options_ = []
+        try:
+            options_ = options_ + list(options)
+        except TypeError:
+            pass
+        name_ = name or func.__name__.replace('_', '-')
+        if usage is None:
+            usage_ = guess_usage(func, options_)
+        else:
+            usage_ = usage
+        prefix = hide and '~' or (shortlist and '^' or '')
+        CMDTABLE[prefix + name_] = (func, options_, usage_)
+        def help_func(name=None):
+            return help_cmd(func, replace_name(usage_, sysname()), options_)
+        @wraps(func)
+        def inner(*args, **opts):
+            # look if we need to add 'help' option
+            try:
+                (True for option in reversed(options_)
+                 if option[1] == 'help').next()
+            except StopIteration:
+                options_.append(('h', 'help', False, 'show help'))
+            argv = opts.pop('argv', sys.argv[1:])
+            if opts.pop('help', False):
+                return help_func()
+            if args or opts:
+                # no catcher here because this is call from Python
+                return call_cmd_regular(func, options_)(*args, **opts)
+            try:
+                opts, args = catcher(lambda: parse(argv, options_), help_func)
+            except Abort:
+                return -1
+            if opts.pop('help', False):
+                return help_func()
+            try:
+                return catcher(lambda: call_cmd(name_, func)(*args, **opts),
+                               help_func)
+            except Abort:
+                return -1
+        return inner
+    return wrapper
+def dispatch(args=None, cmdtable=None, globaloptions=None,
+             middleware=lambda x: x):
+    '''Dispatch command arguments based on subcommands.
+    - ``args``: list of arguments, default: ``sys.argv[1:]``
+    - ``cmdtable``: dict of commands in format described below.
+      If not supplied, will use functions decorated with ``@command``.
+    - ``globaloptions``: list of options which are applied to all
+      commands, will contain ``--help`` option at least.
+    - ``middleware``: global decorator for all commands.
+    cmdtable format description::
+      {'name': (function, options, usage)}
+    - ``name`` is the name used on command-line. Can contain aliases
+      (separate them with ``|``), pointer to a fact that this command
+      should be displayed in short help (start name with ``^``), or to
+      a fact that this command should be hidden (start name with ``~``)
+    - ``function`` is the actual callable
+    - ``options`` is options list in format described in docs
+    - ``usage`` is the short string of usage
+    '''
+    args = args or sys.argv[1:]
+    cmdtable = cmdtable or CMDTABLE
+    globaloptions = globaloptions or []
+    globaloptions.append(('h', 'help', False, 'display help'))
+    cmdtable['help'] = (help_(cmdtable, globaloptions), [], '[TOPIC]')
+    help_func = cmdtable['help'][0]
+    autocomplete(cmdtable, args, middleware)
+    try:
+        name, func, args, kwargs = catcher(
+            lambda: _dispatch(args, cmdtable, globaloptions),
+            help_func)
+    except Abort:
+        return -1
+    if name == '_completion':       # skip middleware
+        worker = lambda: call_cmd(name, func)(*args, **kwargs)
+    else:
+        worker = lambda: call_cmd(name, middleware(func))(*args, **kwargs)
+    try:
+        return catcher(worker, help_func)
+    except Abort:
+        return -1
+# --------
+# Help
+# --------
+def help_(cmdtable, globalopts):
+    def help_inner(name=None):
+        '''Show help for a given help topic or a help overview
+        With no arguments, print a list of commands with short help messages.
+        Given a command name, print help for that command.
+        '''
+        def helplist():
+            hlp = {}
+            # determine if any command is marked for shortlist
+            shortlist = (name == 'shortlist' and
+                         any(imap(lambda x: x.startswith('^'), cmdtable)))
+            for cmd, info in cmdtable.items():
+                if cmd.startswith('~'):
+                    continue  # do not display hidden commands
+                if shortlist and not cmd.startswith('^'):
+                    continue  # short help contains only marked commands
+                cmd = cmd.lstrip('^~')
+                doc = info[0].__doc__ or '(no help text available)'
+                hlp[cmd] = doc.splitlines()[0].rstrip()
+            hlplist = sorted(hlp)
+            maxlen = max(map(len, hlplist))
+            write('usage: %s <command> [options]\n' % sysname())
+            write('\ncommands:\n\n')
+            for cmd in hlplist:
+                doc = hlp[cmd]
+                if False:  # verbose?
+                    write(' %s:\n     %s\n' % (cmd.replace('|', ', '), doc))
+                else:
+                    write(' %-*s  %s\n' % (maxlen, cmd.split('|', 1)[0],
+                                              doc))
+        if not cmdtable:
+            return err('No commands specified!\n')
+        if not name or name == 'shortlist':
+            return helplist()
+        aliases, (cmd, options, usage) = findcmd(name, cmdtable)
+        return help_cmd(cmd,
+                        replace_name(usage, sysname() + ' ' + aliases[0]),
+                        options + globalopts)
+    return help_inner
+def help_cmd(func, usage, options):
+    '''show help for given command
+    - ``func``: function to generate help for (``func.__doc__`` is taken)
+    - ``usage``: usage string
+    - ``options``: options in usual format
+    >>> def test(*args, **opts):
+    ...     """that's a test command
+    ...
+    ...        you can do nothing with this command"""
+    ...     pass
+    >>> opts = [('l', 'listen', 'localhost',
+    ...          'ip to listen on'),
+    ...         ('p', 'port', 8000,
+    ...          'port to listen on'),
+    ...         ('d', 'daemonize', False,
+    ...          'daemonize process'),
+    ...         ('', 'pid-file', '',
+    ...          'name of file to write process ID to')]
+    >>> help_cmd(test, 'test [-l HOST] [NAME]', opts)
+    test [-l HOST] [NAME]
+    that's a test command
+           you can do nothing with this command
+    options:
+     -l --listen     ip to listen on (default: localhost)
+     -p --port       port to listen on (default: 8000)
+     -d --daemonize  daemonize process
+        --pid-file   name of file to write process ID to
+    '''
+    write(usage + '\n')
+    doc = func.__doc__ or '(no help text available)'
+    write('\n' + doc.strip() + '\n\n')
+    if options:
+        write(''.join(help_options(options)))
+def help_options(options):
+    yield 'options:\n\n'
+    output = []
+    for o in options:
+        short, name, default, desc = o[:4]
+        if hasattr(default, '__call__'):
+            default = default(None)
+        default = default and ' (default: %s)' % default or ''
+        output.append(('%2s%s' % (short and '-%s' % short,
+                                  name and ' --%s' % name),
+                       '%s%s' % (desc, default)))
+    opts_len = max([len(first) for first, second in output if second] or [0])
+    for first, second in output:
+        if second:
+            # wrap description at 78 chars
+            second = textwrap.wrap(second, width=(78 - opts_len - 3))
+            pad = '\n' + ' ' * (opts_len + 3)
+            yield ' %-*s  %s\n' % (opts_len, first, pad.join(second))
+        else:
+            yield '%s\n' % first
+# --------
+# Options parsing
+# --------
+def parse(args, options):
+    '''
+    >>> opts = [('l', 'listen', 'localhost',
+    ...          'ip to listen on'),
+    ...         ('p', 'port', 8000,
+    ...          'port to listen on'),
+    ...         ('d', 'daemonize', False,
+    ...          'daemonize process'),
+    ...         ('', 'pid-file', '',
+    ...          'name of file to write process ID to')]
+    >>> print parse(['-l', '', '--pi', 'test', 'all'], opts)
+    ({'pid_file': 'test', 'daemonize': False, 'port': 8000, 'listen': ''}, ['all'])
+    '''
+    argmap, defmap, state = {}, {}, {}
+    shortlist, namelist, funlist = '', [], []
+    for o in options:
+        # might have the fifth completer element
+        short, name, default, comment = o[:4]
+        if short and len(short) != 1:
+            raise OpsterError(
+                'Short option should be only a single character: %s' % short)
+        if not name:
+            raise OpsterError(
+                'Long name should be defined for every option')
+        # change name to match Python styling
+        pyname = name.replace('-', '_')
+        argmap['-' + short] = argmap['--' + name] = pyname
+        defmap[pyname] = default
+        # copy defaults to state
+        if isinstance(default, list):
+            state[pyname] = default[:]
+        elif hasattr(default, '__call__'):
+            funlist.append(pyname)
+            state[pyname] = None
+        else:
+            state[pyname] = default
+        # getopt wants indication that it takes a parameter
+        if not (default is None or default is True or default is False):
+            if short: short += ':'
+            if name: name += '='
+        if short:
+            shortlist += short
+        if name:
+            namelist.append(name)
+    opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(args, shortlist, namelist)
+    # transfer result to state
+    for opt, val in opts:
+        name = argmap[opt]
+        t = type(defmap[name])
+        if t is types.FunctionType:
+            del funlist[funlist.index(name)]
+            state[name] = defmap[name](val)
+        elif t is types.ListType:
+            state[name].append(val)
+        elif t in (types.NoneType, types.BooleanType):
+            state[name] = not defmap[name]
+        else:
+            state[name] = t(val)
+    for name in funlist:
+        state[name] = defmap[name](None)
+    return state, args
+# --------
+# Subcommand system
+# --------
+def _dispatch(args, cmdtable, globalopts):
+    cmd, func, args, options = cmdparse(args, cmdtable, globalopts)
+    if options.pop('help', False):
+        return 'help', cmdtable['help'][0], [cmd], {}
+    elif not cmd:
+        return 'help', cmdtable['help'][0], ['shortlist'], {}
+    return cmd, func, args, options
+def cmdparse(args, cmdtable, globalopts):
+    # command is the first non-option
+    cmd = None
+    for arg in args:
+        if not arg.startswith('-'):
+            cmd = arg
+            break
+    if cmd:
+        args.pop(args.index(cmd))
+        aliases, info = findcmd(cmd, cmdtable)
+        cmd = aliases[0]
+        possibleopts = list(info[1])
+    else:
+        possibleopts = []
+    possibleopts.extend(globalopts)
+    try:
+        options, args = parse(args, possibleopts)
+    except getopt.GetoptError, e:
+        raise ParseError(cmd, e)
+    return (cmd, cmd and info[0] or None, args, options)
+def aliases_(cmdtable_key):
+    return cmdtable_key.lstrip("^~").split("|")
+def findpossible(cmd, table):
+    """
+    Return cmd -> (aliases, command table entry)
+    for each matching command.
+    """
+    choice = {}
+    for e in table.keys():
+        aliases = aliases_(e)
+        found = None
+        if cmd in aliases:
+            found = cmd
+        else:
+            for a in aliases:
+                if a.startswith(cmd):
+                    found = a
+                    break
+        if found is not None:
+            choice[found] = (aliases, table[e])
+    return choice
+def findcmd(cmd, table):
+    """Return (aliases, command table entry) for command string."""
+    choice = findpossible(cmd, table)
+    if cmd in choice:
+        return choice[cmd]
+    if len(choice) > 1:
+        clist = choice.keys()
+        clist.sort()
+        raise AmbiguousCommand(cmd, clist)
+    if choice:
+        return choice.values()[0]
+    raise UnknownCommand(cmd)
+# --------
+# Helpers
+# --------
+def guess_options(func):
+    args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func)
+    for name, option in zip(args[-len(defaults):], defaults):
+        try:
+            sname, default, hlp = option[:3]
+            completer = option[3] if len(option) > 3 else None
+            yield (sname, name.replace('_', '-'), default, hlp, completer)
+        except TypeError:
+            pass
+def guess_usage(func, options):
+    usage = '%name '
+    if options:
+        usage += '[OPTIONS] '
+    args, varargs = inspect.getargspec(func)[:2]
+    argnum = len(args) - len(options)
+    if argnum > 0:
+        usage += args[0].upper()
+        if argnum > 1:
+            usage += 'S'
+    elif varargs:
+        usage += '[%s]' % varargs.upper()
+    return usage
+def catcher(target, help_func):
+    '''Catches all exceptions and prints human-readable information on them
+    '''
+    try:
+        return target()
+    except UnknownCommand, e:
+        err("unknown command: '%s'\n" % e)
+        raise Abort()
+    except AmbiguousCommand, e:
+        err("command '%s' is ambiguous:\n    %s\n" %
+            (e.args[0], ' '.join(e.args[1])))
+        raise Abort()
+    except ParseError, e:
+        err('%s: %s\n' % (e.args[0], e.args[1]))
+        help_func(e.args[0])
+        raise Abort()
+    except getopt.GetoptError, e:
+        err('error: %s\n\n' % e)
+        help_func()
+        raise Abort()
+    except OpsterError, e:
+        err('%s\n' % e)
+        raise Abort()
+def call_cmd(name, func):
+    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
+        try:
+            return func(*args, **kwargs)
+        except TypeError:
+            if len(traceback.extract_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])) == 1:
+                raise ParseError(name, "invalid arguments")
+            raise
+    return inner
+def call_cmd_regular(func, opts):
+    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
+        funcargs, _, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func)
+        if len(args) > len(funcargs):
+            raise TypeError('You have supplied more positional arguments'
+                            ' than applicable')
+        funckwargs = dict((lname.replace('-', '_'), default)
+                          for _, lname, default, _ in opts)
+        if 'help' not in (defaults or ()) and not varkw:
+            funckwargs.pop('help', None)
+        funckwargs.update(kwargs)
+        return func(*args, **funckwargs)
+    return inner
+def replace_name(usage, name):
+    if '%name' in usage:
+        return usage.replace('%name', name, 1)
+    return name + ' ' + usage
+def sysname():
+    name = sys.argv[0]
+    if name.startswith('/'):
+        return name.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
+    elif name.startswith('./'):
+        return name[2:]
+    return name
+    from functools import wraps
+except ImportError:
+    def wraps(wrapped, assigned=('__module__', '__name__', '__doc__'),
+              updated=('__dict__',)):
+        def inner(wrapper):
+            for attr in assigned:
+                setattr(wrapper, attr, getattr(wrapped, attr))
+            for attr in updated:
+                getattr(wrapper, attr).update(getattr(wrapped, attr, {}))
+            return wrapper
+        return inner
+# --------
+# Autocomplete system
+# --------
+# Borrowed from PIP
+def autocomplete(cmdtable, args, middleware):
+    """Command and option completion.
+    Enable by sourcing one of the completion shell scripts (bash or zsh).
+    """
+    # Don't complete if user hasn't sourced bash_completion file.
+    if 'OPSTER_AUTO_COMPLETE' not in os.environ:
+        return
+    cwords = os.environ['COMP_WORDS'].split()[1:]
+    cword = int(os.environ['COMP_CWORD'])
+    try:
+        current = cwords[cword - 1]
+    except IndexError:
+        current = ''
+    commands = []
+    for k in cmdtable.keys():
+        commands += aliases_(k)
+    # command
+    if cword == 1:
+        print ' '.join(filter(lambda x: x.startswith(current), commands))
+    # command options
+    else:
+        try:
+            aliases, (cmd, opts, usage) = findcmd(cwords[0], cmdtable)
+        except AmbiguousCommand:
+            sys.exit(1) 
+        idx = -2 if current else -1
+        options = []
+        for o in opts:
+            short, long, default, help = o[:4]
+            completer = o[4] if len(o) > 4 else None
+            short, long = '-%s' % short, '--%s' % long
+            options += [short, long]
+            if cwords[idx] in (short, long) and completer:
+                args = middleware(completer)(current)
+                print ' '.join(args),
+        print ' '.join((o for o in options if o.startswith(current)))
+    sys.exit(1)
+    'bash':
+        """
+# opster bash completion start
+                   COMP_CWORD=$COMP_CWORD \\
+                   OPSTER_AUTO_COMPLETE=1 $1 ) )
+complete -o default -F _opster_completion %s
+# opster bash completion end
+    'zsh':
+            """
+# opster zsh completion start
+function _opster_completion {
+  local words cword
+  read -Ac words
+  read -cn cword
+  reply=( $( COMP_WORDS="$words[*]" \\
+             COMP_CWORD=$(( cword-1 )) \\
+             OPSTER_AUTO_COMPLETE=1 $words[1] ) )
+compctl -K _opster_completion %s
+# opster zsh completion end
+    }
+@command(name='_completion', hide=True)
+def completion(type=('t', 'bash', 'Completion type (bash or zsh)')):
+    """Outputs completion script for bash or zsh."""
+    prog_name = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[1]
+    print COMPLETIONS[type] % prog_name
+# --------
+# Exceptions
+# --------
+# Command exceptions
+class OpsterError(Exception):
+    'Base opster exception'
+class AmbiguousCommand(OpsterError):
+    'Raised if command is ambiguous'
+class UnknownCommand(OpsterError):
+    'Raised if command is unknown'
+class ParseError(OpsterError):
+    'Raised on error in command line parsing'
+class Abort(OpsterError):
+    'Processing error, abort execution'
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Mar 03 12:58:47 2011 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+from    OpenGL.GL   import glGenLists, glNewList, GL_COMPILE, glEndList, glCallList, \
+                           glBegin, glEnd, GL_POINTS, glVertex3f, glColor3f, \
+                           glEnable, glDisable, GL_LIGHTING
+class Point(object):
+    __slots__ = ('x','y','z')
+    def __init__(self, lst = [0,0,0]):
+        self.x = lst[0]
+        self.y = lst[1]
+        self.z = lst[2]
+    def __iadd__(self, p):
+        self.x += p.x
+        self.y += p.y
+        self.z += p.z
+        return self
+    def __idiv__(self, s):
+        self.x /= s
+        self.y /= s
+        self.z /= s
+        return self
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "%f %f %f" % (self.x, self.y, self.z)
+    def min(self, p):
+        return Point((min(self.x, p.x), min(self.y, p.y), min(self.z, p.z)))
+    def max(self, p):
+        return Point((max(self.x, p.x), max(self.y, p.y), max(self.z, p.z)))
+class Points(object):
+    def __init__(self, filename):
+        self.points = []
+        with open(filename) as f:
+            for line in f:
+                if line.startswith('#'): continue
+                self.points.append(Point(map(float, line.split())))
+        self.create_display_list()
+        self.color = (255, 0, 255)
+, self.min, self.max = centerMinMax(self.points)
+    def create_display_list(self):
+        self.display_list = glGenLists(1)
+        glNewList(self.display_list, GL_COMPILE)
+        glBegin(GL_POINTS)
+        for p in self.points:
+            glVertex3f(p.x, p.y, p.z)
+        glEnd()
+        glEndList()
+    def draw(self):
+        r,g,b = self.color
+        glColor3f(r,g,b)
+        glDisable(GL_LIGHTING)
+        glCallList(self.display_list)
+        glEnable(GL_LIGHTING)
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return self.points
+def centerMinMax(it):
+    count = 0
+    center, min, max = Point(), Point(), Point()
+    for p in it:
+        count += 1
+        center += p
+        min = p.min(min)
+        max = p.max(max)
+    center /= count        
+    return center, min, max
+def reduceCMM(it):
+    center, min_, max_ = Point(), Point(), Point()
+    count = 0
+    for c,min,max in it:
+        count += 1
+        center += c
+        min_ = min.min(min_)
+        max_ = max.max(max_)
+    center /= count
+    return center, min, max